Lose Weight On Hips
Looking for a sure fire way to lose weight on hips? Well, if so you’ve come to the right place. There are many components to weight loss; what you eat, what you do and the specific exercises you use to target certain areas of your body. I will go over all of them in this article to help you sort it all out.
Before I get started though I do want to point out that you should make an appointment and see your doctor. She (or he) can give you the best advice specifically for you and any conditions you may have. Make sure you get your doctors approval before you start working out.
OK, now on to the information on how to lose weight on hips:
1. The first component to weight loss is your diet. I know that many people don’t want to have to think of it, but it is the truth. And when I say “diet” I don’t mean “a” diet where you eat only celery and drink water.
I’m referring to your diet, the types of foods you eat. This is very important and if you aren’t eating right you should plan on a permanent change in your dietary habits.
Now, no one is telling you that you have to be perfect. No one eats right all the time and you don’t have to either. But, if you want your weight loss to last forever you do need to make some lifestyle changes.
Start by eating at least 5 small meals every day. These meals should consist of healthy lean protein, some fresh vegetables and maybe some fruit. The point is you need to provide your body with what it needs to function at it’s best and keep your metabolism burning hot all day long.
2. It’s also important to keep your body moving. If you like going to the gym and lifting weights or spending time on the treadmill than go for it. But if you don’t like that open your mind, there are millions of things you can do to get more cardiovascular and resistance exercises into your daily life.
Cardiovascular exercises are those that get your heart rate up. Anything from jogging to dancing to kickboxing to swimming will work fine.
Resistance training is when you life weights. This activity can help you build lean muscle mass which will boost your metabolism 24/7 and will “cinch” you in which makes you look slimmer no matter what your weight.
3. Targeting specific exercises for the areas you aren’t happy with is the last component. You should exercise every part of your body but giving a little extra attention to those trouble spots is ok and a good idea.
For your hips you should so leg lifts. Just lay on your side and lift the other leg up, hold briefly then bring back down. You should feel this right in your upper thigh and hip area. Repeat for both sides.
If you want to lose weight on hips just include each one of the components I mentioned. Also, make sure your doctor says it is ok for you to workout. They may even have some good suggestions to help you along.
Tags: Appointment, Atkins, Cardiovascular Exercises, Celery, Dietary Habits, Doctors, Drink Water, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Heart Rate, Hips, Lean Protein, Lifestyle Changes, Lifting Weights, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Open Your Mind, Permanent Change, Resistance Exercises, Resistance Training, Spending Time, Treadmill, Vegetables, Weight Loss —