Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight – Is It

Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight – Is It Really Enough

Gaining a little extra weight is fairly normal, and you may be able to carry a few pounds without too much trouble. But if you start getting too overweight, then it’s time to start thinking about exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. The key word here is ‘and’, as you will soon see.

Fad diets seem to come out every day. They all make bold claims, and one of the most common claims is that the particular weight loss plan is the easiest ever. All you need to do is follow some contrived plan of eating the right food at the right time; and the wackier, the better! You may actually be able to lose weight by following these diets, but it’s not because of the gimmick the plan uses. Allow me to explain.

There is only one way to lose weight: you have to burn more calories than you take in. Every fad diet is nothing more than a clever variation on this very basic fact. They will often go out of their way to disguise it. That way they can suck more people in by tricking them into thinking the fad diet offers something new. Now, that’s not to say all diets are bad; their not. A lot of them really work, and some are even designed for the long term. However, it’s still a case of of taking in fewer calories than you burn.

So, what this all comes down to is that exercise and healthy eating to lose weight is the real key. You may be able to lose some weight by only watching what you eat, and you may be able to lose some through exercise alone. But you will have to work much harder, and it will take a lot longer to see results. This can be discouraging, and you may stop trying to lose weight if you don’t drop enough weight in a decent amount of time.

A simple rule to keep in mind is that 3,500 calories equals 1 pound. Therefore, if you can get rid of an extra 500 calories per day, you will lose 1 pound per week. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up to 52 pounds in year’s time. However, losing that amount per week isn’t very motivating. But if you take in 500 fewer calories per day through proper diet, and burn 500 more calories each day through exercise, then you can lose 2 pounds per week, or just over 100 pounds within a year. Sounding better?

Which particular diets or exercise programs you follow isn’t all that important (as long as they aren’t too crazy). Also, remember to check with your doctor before starting any program of exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. Once you get going, you will be amazed at just how quickly the pounds start to melt off. It’s up to you whether you want to tell your jealous friends about your weight loss secret.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Eating,Weight Loss | Comments (0)

Daniel Diet – More Than Just A Diet

The Daniel Diet is about as far from a fad diet as you can get. While fad diets are, by definition, very new, the Daniel Diet has roots that go back approximately 2,600 years! Most people may try this eating plan as a way to lose weight, but it is specifically designed to help you have a better relationship with God at the same time.

The diet has its origin in the following Bible verse: “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.” – Daniel 1:8 (NIV). During this time, Daniel was a Hebrew living in Babylonia, and was saying that he would stick to the dietary guidelines his people received from God. Babylonians were not under the same rules for eating, and they would eat foods that were off limits to the Jews.

Skipping ahead about 2,600 years…

The Daniel Diet was developed by Rev. Elmer Townes. It does not have the exact restrictions as the Jewish dietary laws mentioned in the Bible. However, it serves the same purpose by putting God first, and the weight loss is secondary.

Partial fasting is a big part of the program. Some of the foods you can eat include fruit and vegetable juices, whole grains, water, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. These are all healthy foods. You may have also noticed that they are all foods that are derived directly from nature and not a scientific laboratory.

Foods that are not a part of the Daniel Diet include refined sugar, chemical sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, meat, white bread or rice, caffeine, fried foods, shortening, margarine, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and additives or preservatives. This can be a big change for a lot of people.

As mentioned, this is more than just a diet. In fact, the first step is prayer so you can be spiritually prepared. You will then commit to staying on the diet for a set amount of time, and then letting others know about your promise to follow through.

Spiritual preparation is only the beginning. You will also have to get ready physically. This can take some doing–weaning yourself off the foods that aren’t allowed–but you have to be ready once you make the commitment.

How long you’re on the Daniel Diet is mostly up to you. Because of the strong spiritual component, a lot of people will tie it in with religious observances; Lent, for example. Others will do it as an entire church, or as part of a church group. That being said, a minimum of seven days is recommended if you want to see any weight loss results. Yet, there are even those who choose to dedicate one day per week to doing the Daniel Diet. As you can see, it’s a flexible plan that is more than just a diet and can be done by anybody.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods,Weight Loss | Comments (0)

Carb Pills – Can You Now Have Carbohydrates On The

Carb Pills – Can You Now Have Carbohydrates On The Adkins Or South Beach Diet

Low carbohydrate diets, like the South Beach Diet or the Atkins Weight Loss Plan, are not always that easy to stick to. The problem a lot of people have is how few carbohydrates they can have. They may be able to follow a low-carb diet for a few days, but then the cravings become more than they can handle. One possible solution people have been turning to is anti carb pills. Just so you know, these are not prescribed by a doctor, but are supplements that contain all-natural ingredients.

While the South Beach and Atkins diets don’t get as much media attention as they once did, they are still popular diets. But why would people go on such diets if they’re only going to end up having major food cravings? The reason is that the diets work quite well, but only when you stick to them. However, carb pills claim to solve that problem in a unique way.

It should be noted that newer low-carb diets allow people to have more complex carbs–whole grains for example. Still, it can be quote tempting to have a piece of cake every now and then. The idea behind the carb pill is that you can eat some of the carbohydrates you crave, and then the ingredients in the pill will prevent your body from absorbing the carbs in those foods. One such ingredient is white bean extract, which is 100% natural, and appears to be safe.

You should, ideally, take carb pills just prior to eating anything that has more carbohydrates than your diet plan allows. If you forget to take it before eating, you can still wait until after your meal, but it won’t be quite as effective.

Here is a basic overview of how carb blocking pills work. Fat builds up in your body after carbohydrates are broken up by the pancreatic enzyme known as alpha amylase. These carbs can be burned through expending energy, but if you take in more than you can get rid of, then the extra gets stored as fat. Carb pills keep this from happening by preventing the digestive enzymes from going to work on the carbs. This allows them to pass through the body without getting absorbed; in theory, anyway.

So, the question is whether or not carb pills really work. The practical answer is “it depends”. The medical and scientific communities have not done a lot of research on these pills, and therefore have not embraced them as a weight loss option. However, the companies that make these pills have conducted studies of their own. Their research has shown that as much as 45 grams of carbohydrates may not be absorbed by the body when carb pills are taken.

However, what these studies fail to test is how this carb blocking affects low carbohydrate diets like South Beach and Atkins. So, while they may help keep your body from storing extra carbohydrates as fat, there aren’t any conclusive results in relation to specific diet plans. That being said, carb pills could still be worth trying.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Weight Loss | Comments (0)

Can The South Beach Diet Work For You

It wasn’t all that long ago that the South Beach Diet was the hottest diet plan around. But then, as often happens, other diets started getting more attention. However, you may be surprised to know that the South Beach Diet is still being used by a lot of people to lose weight. It may not be the one getting the most notice, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is whether or not it’s an effective diet for losing weight, and on that count it works very well.

A good place to start is learning a bit about how the South Beach Diet works. It’s a fairly basic concept, but one that other diets have overlooked. What it does is change your cravings. You will retrain your body to stop craving bad food, and start craving good food instead. The other thing the diet does is it slowly lowers the amount of bad fats and carbohydrates that you are currently taking in.

Doing it this way allows you to make the needed changes to your diet without feeling like you are being deprived. That means you are much more likely to stick with it for the long term, and not only can you lose weight, but you will also keep it off. That’s certainly a good thing as far as diets are concerned.

The South Beach Diet has often been compared to the Atkins Diet, but they are not the same. Yes, they are both high protein diets, but that’s where any similarity ends. The Atkins Diet is noted for allowing people to eat as much fat and protein as they want, with the idea that calories aren’t the main problem. But this overlooks the fact that the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. The South Beach Diet let’s you eat plenty of eggs, cheese, vegetables, beef, fish and poultry, but there are also portion sizes (though these are generous).

The diet is divided into phases which are designed to help you make the transition from unhealthy eating habits to healthy ones. For example, the first phase will help you to get rid of things like white rice and bread, ice cream, alcohol (including beer), and baked goods. Now, that may sound like a tall order, but it can be done if you follow the diet. Remember, one of the aims of the South Beach Diet is to actually reset your cravings. If it helps any, Phase 1 of the diet is made to last for only two weeks.

Once you are done with Phase 1, you move on to Phase 2. You will be able to eat a wider range of foods, but there is no time limit on this second phase. That’s because Phase 2 of the South Beach Diet is meant to be followed until you reach your target weight. But the whole beauty of the diet is that Phase 1 actually sets you up to succeed at Phase 2.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods,Weight Loss | Comments (0)
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