Abdominal Liposuction Getting Rid Of The Stubborn Fat
You are working out and doing everything right. The goal weight is in sight and your motivation is in high gear. You can see it and you want it bad. Just one thing though, your belly. Your belly is the only thing that isn’t cooperating and you are thinking that when you are at your goal weight you might consider abdominal liposuction.
Abdominal liposuction will give you the flat belly you have always wanted by taking out the rest of the fat that is left behind that just won’t go away no matter what you do and stretching the skin. Seriously, if you have worked so hard to get where you are now then why not take this last step to give you the look you really want. Think about it, you could get rid of the most stubborn fat and have the doctor help you show off the hard body you have worked so hard to get back.
So now that you have made the decision to get this procedure done the only thing left to do is find the right doctor to do the job. Where do you find the best doctor? Ask around. You no doubt know someone who has had some work done and they can get you started in the right direction. Once you have a short list of two or three then you need to do some homework and check their references, ask to see before and after pictures of procedures they have done and most of all meet them and talk with them to see if you like and can trust them with your body.
If you find one that you can like and trust at the same time then you are off to a good start. Make sure you have them take you through the procedure so you understand what you are in for. Make sure you understand everything they are saying and if you do not then ask questions. Do not leave anything to chance.
Your skin can stay elastic for only so long and then it remains a little stretched out of shape. There is obviously more skin than you need so the excess is cut off and your belly button will have to be moved then the surgeon sutures the incision closed. You will not be able to even stand up straight when you get home so be prepared. You should be given a prescription for pain control so be sure to take it when you need it. He or she may even prescribe an antibiotic to help prevent infection.
If your skin is not so saggy then you may only need the liposuction. Done with a laser, the laser also tightens the skin as they go so you will not need a tummy tuck at all. The option is there, though, if you need it. If you do not need a tummy tuck with your abdominal liposuction then you may not need a stronger pain reliever than acetaminophen but it is best to ask for something a little stronger just in case.
Tags: Abdominal Liposuction, Belly Button, Best Doctor, Doctor Job, Find Doctor, Flat Belly, Goal Weight, Homework, Incision, Left Behind, Liposuction, Losing Weight, Motivation, No Doubt, Right Direction, Shape, Stretching The Skin, Sutures —
Weight Loss And Sexuality
Most of us know that sex can be a lot of work, that doesn’t deter anyone of course, but it can be work! Any type of physical activity is harder when you are out of shape, that’s just a fact. Sex is one of those physical activities. Weight loss and sexuality do play off each other, the more in shape you are, the more physically able you will be to have sex.
Another aspect of being overweight and sexuality is that you may not be as desirable to your partner if you are overweight. Not only does being overweight affect how your partner views you, it also affects how you fee about yourself.
If you don’t like the way your body looks, you will be less likely to want to engage in sexual activity. That can put a huge strain on a relationship. The good news is that when you lose some weight, even a little bit, you can feel better about yourself. You will have more physical stamina as well as a better psychological attitude. All of that will make it easier and more likely for you to want to have sex.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but sex often starts outside of the bedroom. What I mean by that is that your partner will look at you and find you attractive throughout the day. When you are able to wear sexier more stylish clothes all day everyday, your partner will find you attractive and that will lead to a more active sex life too.
It’s not just all about your partner either. When you can wear sexier more stylish clothes you feel better about yourself and you feel sexier and more desirable. That will make you want to have sex with your partner more often.
Sex isn’t just a physical activity, it’s very emotional too. Anything that effects your self esteem in a good way, or in a bad way, will help determine whether or not you feel like engaging in intimate relations.
If you want to lose weight, for whatever reason, than there are some easy and simple steps you can take starting right now. Simple things like trying to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
Walk a little more everyday. Even if it’s just parking further away from your office building or taking your dog for a walk, or a longer walk. Just stat somewhere and give it time.
If you do, you will start to lose weight and once you get started it will be easier to continue. The biggest challenge is often just sticking with it for the first few weeks, until you start to see some small changes,once that happens it’s usually easier to stay with it.
Weight loss and sexuality are very closely related. Having a healthy body can make sexual activity easier and more comfortable but being in good shape can also make you more interested from a psychological point of view. The more attractive and sexier you feel, the more you will want to be intimate with your partner.
Tags: Attitude, Being Overweight, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Fresh Vegetables, Fruit And Vegetables, Fruit Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Intimate Relations, Little Bit, Losing Weight, Physical Activity, Physical Stamina, Self Esteem, Sex Don, Sex Life, Sexual Activity, Sexuality, Shape, Simple Steps, Stylish Clothes, Weight Loss, Wrong Way —
Weight Loss And Sex Drive – Become A Emotional High
Weight Loss And Sex Drive – Become A Emotional High
What is the correlation between weight loss and sex drive, or is there even a correlation? We all know that sex is a very physical activity and it’s simply easier to do when you are at the proper body weight and in good condition.
It’s also common to think that losing weight will make you more attractive to your partner, which may or may not be the case.
What many people don’t realize is that weight loss can make them more interested in sex too. Beyond the physical aspect of sex there is a very strong and deep emotional and psychological component as well.
If losing weight and getting in better shape makes you feel better about yourself, it’s very likely that that will take away many of the inhibitions that you may have had and make you want to have sex more often.
It’s simple, when you feel sexy, attractive and desirable, you act more sexy attractive and desirable. You may find that you simply want to be intimate with your partner more often. This is an element that many people fail to realize when it comes to weight loss.
They often think that the only benefit is either to their partner or to themselves but only on a physical level. In reality it can simply make you desire sex more often.
Talk about a strong motivation to get in better shape: being more desirable to your partner and having a higher sex drive yourself (not to mention lessening your risk for heart attack, stroke and diabetes).
If you want to go for it and find out just how you can bring sexy back, but aren’t sure where to start, the first place you should start is at your doctors office. Make an appointment and find out what, if any, restrictions you may have for exercising.
Even if you have health issues, there is almost always a way to work around it and still get some physical (non sexual) activity into your daily life.
One of the most common, and easily avoidable,mistakes that many people make is to set unrealistic goals for themselves. They want it to happen quickly and they think that they will work really hard. The fact is that many people simply will find it hard to make major and drastic lifestyle changes right off the bat. For many, it’s better to set smaller, more achievable goals and when those have been conquered, add more.
So instead of vowing to run a marathon in a few weeks why not just park your car a little further from the entrance to the grocery store? Or, how about taking the steps more often? These are simple, small changes that anyone can make and it’s much more likely that you can stick with it. The more small goals you stick with, the more you can move on to set larger goals.
Now that you know about the relationship between weight loss and sex drive, it’s time to get started. You can make a huge difference on all aspects of your life one small step at a time.
Tags: Appointment, Avoidable Mistakes, Correlation, diabetes;, Doctors Office, Element, Health Issues, heart attack;, Heart Stroke, Inhibitions, Losing Weight, Motivation, Physical Activity, Physical Aspect, Psychological Component, Sex Drive, Sex Talk, Sexual Activity, Shape, Weight Loss —
Tummy Tuck Scars – Yes – But Great Abs
Hey, I know you’re worried about tummy tuck scars, I mean what’s the point of undergoing such a major surgery if you won’t be able to show off your abs because you have some ugly scar, right? Well, relax , the scar is usually big, but there are a few things that you should know.
First things first, make sure that before you have your tummy tuck that you have realistic expectations. It’s always best to invest the time to get in shape before the tummy tuck, don’t think of this surgery as a ‘diet’ plan. It really should only be used as a ‘finishing touch’ to tighten skin and repair torn muscles that no amount of diet and exercise can repair.
It’s also important to realize that a lot of people subconsciously think that once they look good everything will go great for them in life. Not so. Sure, you’ll look great and that will make you feel great, but life can still have it’s ups and downs so be prepared. The weird thing is that many people feel this way but few are aware they feel that way so it can blindside you after the surgery. Just be on the lookout for it.
Now, on to the tummy tuck scars, yes the scar will usually go from hip to hip, but if you have a qualified surgeon the scar will be so low that you can still wear that skimpy two piece you’ve had your eye on. Another thing to remember is that the scar will fade over time.
How long it takes for the scar to fade to the point where you can’t hardly see it will depend on your skin type. There are some people who claim that certain creams can help lessen the redness of the scar more quickly but you should talk to your doctor first to get his opinion.
You will also be bruised and swollen for weeks after the procedure. This is another common misconception. The swelling will go down after several weeks but until it does you’ll probably look bigger than you did before the surgery. Don’t let this bum you out, it’s only temporary. When everything fades and the swelling goes down you’ll love the way you look.
Some people also believe that tummy tucks are temporary. You’ll have to ask your doctor about that, but in my experience (yes, I’ve had one) the only way to go back to the way you were before is if you gain back all the weight you lost. So, don’t!
Do yourself a favor, take time to get in shape by eating right and getting plenty of exercise. Once you’ve done that honestly access the way you look. Once you’ve done all that you can do it might be time to see a plastic surgeon if you’re still not quite ‘there’. Don’t worry about tummy tuck scars they are very low and will fade over time so you’ll be able to show off your hot abs!
Tags: Bum, Common Misconception, Diet Plan, Eating Habits, Exercise, Fades, Finishing Touch, Great Abs, Healthy Diet, Hey, Lookout, Losing Weight, Major Surgery, Plastic Surgeon, qualified surgeon, Realistic Expectations, Scars, Shape, Skin Type, Torn Muscles, Tummy Tuck, Ugly Scar, Ups, Ups And Downs, Weird Thing —