Healthy Eating Guide For Summer Weight Loss
If you live in a part of the world where the winters are cold, then chances are good that you look forward to summer every year. The warm weather, being outside, picnics…and going swimming. Wait! That all sounds good except for the swimming. Sure, you enjoy summer, but let’s just say you’re not quite ready to reveal to much at the beach. To put it another way, you are concerned about summer weight loss. If so, you should know that you are not alone. Perhaps millions of people go through this exact same struggle, year after year.
Of course winter has its strong points, too. You can stay indoors all you like and nobody questions it, you can sit by the fireplace and read good books, or just watch television. Throw in a few big holidays…and big eating, and it’s easy to see how your waistline could increase during the colder months. But no matter, summer is coming sooner than you would like and now you have to lose some weight.
If you have found yourself facing this dilemma in years past, then you know how difficult it can be to lose enough weight in time for summer. Perhaps you have tried DVDs, gym memberships, fad diets, diet pills or starving yourself to get rid of a few pounds. But summer weight loss doesn’t mean you have to do drastic things to look good in swimwear. The real secret is to make better food choices and to get yourself moving.
One of the great things about spring and summer is that the grocery stores start getting in fresher produce. That means you can stock up on some of the tastiest foods from nature. And eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the keys to losing weight without taking too much effort. These foods are low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and nutrients that help you to stay healthy.
Another benefit of fruits and vegetables is that they tend to be high in fiber. Fiber helps keep things moving along in your digestive system, but it also makes you feel more full. Speaking of which, most people will heavier, more rich foods when it’s colder outside. So, the foods you eat in summer may already be lighter to begin with. There are exceptions, of course, such as thick burgers made on the grill. But you don’t have to give those up. Just aim for a smaller portion and load up on the foods that are lower in calories.
Summer weight loss may seem like an impossible task, but there are a lot of advantages working in your favor. You have more access to fresher, healthier foods. You will most likely eat foods that are lighter. Plus, because it’s summer you will probably be a lot more active than you were during the winter. Either way, the choice is yours. You can either keep doing what you’re doing now and be embarrassed all summer long, or you can take action and actually do something about it.
Tags: Calories, Course Winter, Diet Pills, Digestive System, Dilemma, Eating Habits, Fad Diets, food choices;, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Going Swimming, Good Books, Grocery Stores, Gym Memberships, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating, Losing Weight, Nutrients, Picnics, Spring And Summer, Strong Points, Vitamins And Minerals, Waistline, Warm Weather —
Green Tea Weight Loss – Does It Work
While some of the details remain sketchy, it is believed that the Chinese first cultivated green tea some 4,000 years ago. To this day, the Chinese are noted for their ability to use herbal and other natural remedies to treat all kinds of medical conditions. Now, that’s not to say they, or other Eastern cultures are addicted to green tea, but they certainly know a good thing when they see it. Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, but is has only recently started to gain any real popularity in the United States.
This is likely due to all of the various medical and scientific studies that have, time and again, pointed to some amazing benefit of green tea. It seems as though there isn’t anything this wonder plant can’t do. Now, it probably comes as no surprise that obesity is a growing problem–literally–in the U.S. So, what does that have to do with green tea? Well, the effects of green tea weight loss are simply astounding, as you will see.
William Rumpler is a noted physiologist who is looking into some of the potential benefits of green tea. To be specific, he is investigating the oxidation of fat and energy expenditure in the body when green tea is present. To put it in more simple terms, he’s looking to see how it burns fat and increases metabolism. As of now, the only component that they are 100% sure of (as far as green tea weight loss goes) is caffeine. Subjects drinking green tea had positive effects on their fat oxidation levels and metabolism. However, those who drank plain, caffeinated water did not experience the same results.
So, what is really going on is anyone’s guess. But one thing is for sure, green tea can help people to lose weight. The good news is that Rumpler’s study is only the beginning. His study has spurred many other researchers to look into how tea helps people get rid of their extra pounds. As of now, it’s safe to say that drinking green tea should be able to help most people lose some weight.
Green tea may also assist in weight loss by inhibiting the absorption of fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates. Therefore, if the body takes in calories, but not all of them are absorbed, then the net effect is to take in fewer calories. Also, green tea helps people to feel more full so they put less food into their mouths in the first place.
As if the weight loss aspect weren’t enough, green tea also has plenty of other health benefits, too. It helps to cleanse the liver, prevents cavities, lowers bad cholesterol, controls high blood pressure, and decreases the risks of several forms of cancer. All it takes to get all of these potential benefits, and the green tea weight loss benefits to is to drink one or two cups of tea each day.
Tags: Benefit Of Green Tea, Benefits Of Green Tea, Beverages, Caffeinated Water, Calories, Chinese Tea, Eastern Cultures, Effects Of Green Tea, Energy Expenditure, Green Tea, Green Tea Weight Loss, Guess, Losing Weight, Medical Conditions, Metabolism, Natural Remedies, obesity;, Oxidation, Physiologist, Popularity, Rumpler, Surprise —
Green Tea And Weight Loss Go Together
Have you ever noticed that you can often find green tea or its extracts being sold near other weight loss products? Perhaps you never thought twice about it, but they don’t sell coffee, milk or other such beverages there, so why green tea? Let’s take a look at green tea and weight loss.
While it may not be 100% perfect (nothing is), you will see that green tea does have some pretty impressive benefits; not only on how much you weigh, but on your overall health as well. Ancient cultures have been aware of these properties for ages, but it is only recently that Western medicine and science have started to see how much this unassuming plant can do.
Before we get to the good stuff, it’s only fair to offer a few warnings. First, green tea contains caffeine, so those who can’t tolerate it, or have to avoid it for spiritual or health reasons shouldn’t drink it. Second, you should talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet. Finally, none of the information in this article is meant to be medical advice of any kind. Always consult with your doctor and follow their advice. Okay, now on to the good stuff…
Green tea contains catechin polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. These appear to be the source of a lot of the health benefits associated with drinking green tea. Furthermore, the catechin increases your metabolism. Some studies have shown that green tea can boost your metabolism by as much as 4% for a full 24 hours after drinking it. Imagine drinking a cup or two of tea and then burning extra calories for a day afterwards.
The better metabolic rate is only the start of the good news about green tea and weight loss. One of the biggest problems with going on a diet is that you always seem to feel hungry. But green tea comes to the rescue yet again! How? First it helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which play an important part in how full we feel. Next, the polyphenols in green tea may suppress the body’s production of the enzyme leptin which makes us feel hungry. So, it not only makes you feel fuller, it also makes you less hungry at the same time.
So far it’s easy to see how green tea is a natural ally in the fight for losing weight, but we’re not quite done yet. As if increased metabolism and feeling full weren’t enough, there is also some evidence that compounds found in green tea reduce how much fat the body absorbs. The catechins, caffeine and theanine work to inhibit the lipase enzymes that signal the body to store fat.
Add to all of this the fact that tea has zero calories, and there should be no doubt that green tea and weight loss go together. Just drink a cup or two every day, and you should start noticing the positive effects before you know it.
Tags: Ancient Cultures, Beverages, Blood Sugar Levels, Calories, Catechin Polyphenols, Coffee Milk, Extracts, Going On A Diet, Good Stuff, Green Tea, Health Benefits, Health Reasons, Healthy Diet, Impressive Benefits, Losing Weight, Medical Advice, Medicine, Metabolic Rate, Metabolism, Unassuming Plant, weight loss products;, Western Medicine —
Fastest Way To Lose Weight – Take Action Right Now
Fastest Way To Lose Weight – Take Action Right Now
We all want something good to happen quickly, but the truth is that the fastest way to lose weight is to make simple daily changes to your lifestyle. Do not think of your weight loss as a diet and do not put it in terms of having to lose weight in a few weeks so you can be ready for your class reunion. Doing that will only set you up for failure.
The first thing you need to do is plan on spending all the time it will take. It’s just not healthy to plan on using fad diets or potentially dangerous supplements to lose weight. What you really want is a long term weight loss routine where you balance a healthy eating plan with a sensible workout plan.
Of course you should talk to your doctor before you start any weight loss plan. This is even more important if you have any health issues. Make sure you have your doctors ok before you start on any diet or exercise plan.
If you can find someone, like a dietician, to help you work out a sensible eating plan, than by all means, make your life easier and get some help.
If that just isn’t in your budget, don’t worry, you can figure it out on your own. You can get many quality cookbooks online or at your local library. Just pick ones that have recipes that you think you will enjoy making… and eating. Also make sure that you have a sensible eating plan. Don’t use recipes that don’t have a healthy balance of proteins, carbs and fats.
Then you go out and start to exercise. If you want to join a gym and / or get a personal trainer, than again, do it. If that isn’t in your budget, or your comfort zone, than you can do it on your own. All you really need to do is get moving. How much you move will depend on how much you have been doing up until now.
If you’ve been pretty active, you can just add some workouts but if you haven’t spent much time doing physical activities you will need to start more slowly.
I think the very best way to get in shape is to find one, or more, physical activities that you actually enjoy doing. Too many people get caught up in the rut of thinking they have to go to the gym and spend hours on the treadmill or some other boring exercise.
Instead of doing that, why not find a class that incorporates dance with a fitness workout, if you like to dance that is. How about martial arts, swimming, biking, hiking, ice skating, skiing, etc. Just find something that is fun for you and you will stay with it.
Hey, it’s not magic, there is no one size fits all approach, the truth is that the fastest way to lose weight is the path that you will be most likely to stay with for the rest of your life. Weight loss should be viewed as a lifestyle change not a quick fix. Quick fixes are only very temporary and you want your weight loss to be permanent.
Tags: Best Way To Get In Shape, Carbs, Class Reunion, Comfort Zone, Dietician, Eating Habits, Exercise Plan, Fad Diets, Fastest Way To Lose Weight, Fats, Health Issues, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating Plan, Local Library, Long Term Weight Loss, Losing Weight, Personal Trainer, Proteins, Quality Cookbooks, Weight Loss Plan, Weight Loss Routine, Workout Plan, Workouts —