Discover The Right Weight Loss Support
Something that can make the difference for you when youre trying to shed pounds is finding good weight loss support. This isnt always easy. Often the people closest to us are the least supportive; sometimes they can be downright discouraging. If losing weight is something youve tried to do many times in the past but never managed to succeed, or if you lost weight only to gain it back as so many of us have, then maybe theyve heard you say you were going to do it before. While its not fair that they wouldnt be supportive now, often thats the reason the people closest to us dont get excited about our new efforts.
If you feel the people closest to you might have that discouraging attitude, then consider not even mentioning your efforts to them. You wont get any weight loss support from them if they dont know, but if theyre not likely to be supportive anyway its better to keep it a secret than have to deal with someone discouraging.
Sometimes the people we love sabotage our efforts without meaning to. The husband will start bringing home candy bars when the wife announces her new diet, for instance. When people fear change or worry that a new, slimmer you might make you want them to lose weight or change something about themselves, this saboteur-like behavior can start just when you need weight loss support from them the most. Dont take this personallymost people dont even realize theyre doing it.
If you have friends or family who also need to lose weight but arent currently concerned about it (at least, they dont mention it to you) be careful how much you talk about your own efforts. At best, theyll be happy for you at first but then wonder why you keep bringing it up, at worst theyll feel like your success just points out their own failure in that area. Its one thing to need weight loss support from those we love, but we also have to take into account that everyones human and people will react differently to your efforts and your success.
If all this seems discouraging, take heart! There are two great ways to find weight loss support that pretty much guarantee you wont be unintentionally alienating any family or friends, and you also wont be giving them the opportunity to take the wind out of your sails by unintentionally (or intentionally) being hurtful and discouraging. Look in your local paper for weight loss groups that meet once a week for the purpose of supporting each other. Several that cost a certain amount per week like Weight Watchers exist, as well as meetings that only require a donation like OA or TOPS.
Another great way to meet people on the same journey is through online support groups. This also has the benefit of anonymity, and convenience. An Internet search will lead you to dozens of places where you can find great weight loss support online.
Tags: Attitude, Bringing Home, Candy Bars, Diet, Discover, Failure, Healthy Diet, internet search;, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Love, online support groups, People, Reason, Saboteur, Weight Gain, Weight Loss Support —
Discover A Great Way To Loose Weight Fast
If you want to loose weight fast, the first thing you need to realize is that you probably arent going to lose weight quite as fast as you want to. For some people, 2 pounds a week is fast. Anymore than 2 pounds a week generally isnt considered healthy, unless youre very overweight. If you have 15 pounds to lose and want to lose it all in two weeks, youre going to have to adjust your thinking or youre either going to be very disappointed, or youll resort to a really unhealthy method of weight loss and risk making yourself sick.
Yet, if you need to loose weight fast over a period of a few days or a week just to fit into a dress for the weekend, for instance, and you realize that if you drop pounds quickly youll likely put them back on after the weekend is over, there are some things you can do to drop a few pounds right away.
When you loose weight fast, youre losing water weight, not actual fat. So as long as you understand that your quick weight drop is really a very temporary thing thats easily undone and you dont risk your health to do it, you could be very pleased with the results.
First, stop drinking anything with calories in it. Just that alone can help you loose weight fast. No alcoholic beverages, no sugar in your coffee, no soda other than diet soda, and no fruit juice or flavored waters that have calories in them. Just this step alone can cut hundred of calories from your day. Replace those sugared beverages with water. Dont drink 64 oz of water in one sittingthat can even be dangerousbut try to get that much in slowly throughout the day.
If you really want to loose weight fast, you can drastically cut back on your calories. While 1200 calories is really just above a starvation diet, if you limit yourself to that or fewer for only a very short time like a few days, it wont harm you. Weve all had those days where were sick with the flu or we dont feel well and we eat very little. It happens from time to time naturally, so doing it on purpose for a short burst wont hurt you either, just dont decide to starve yourself as a method for long-term weight loss.
Stick to easily digested foods like vegetable soup with little fat in it. Soup can help you feel more full while youre eating so little food and take away the growling stomach that will no doubt happen at least a few times if you cut your calories back drastically. Drink seasoned broth, or clear or tomato-based vegetable soups for best results.
Avoid potatoes and starches like corn and peas. Go for broccoli, lettuce, spinach, celery, and other greens. Oranges and strawberries can help your sweet tooth. And take a multivitamin, so youll still get important nutrients while you loose weight fast.
Each of these tips will help you loose weight fast. However, you should check with your personal physician to make sure you are physically fit enough to loose weight fast.
Tags: Alcoholic Beverages, Calories, Coffee, Diet Soda, Discover, Eating Habits, Few Days, Flu, Fruit Juice, Health, Healthy Diet, little food, Loose Weight, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Oz, People, Personal Physician, Risk, Short Time, Starvation Diet, starvation;, Temporary Thing, Water Weight, Weight Loss —
Commit Before Taking Weight Loss Medicine
There are many different types of weight loss medicine available today. Some pills are hyped as medicine thats prescription strength and as effective as a prescription but you can order them off the television, online or through the mail. Dont. Unlike prescription medication, these pills arent regulated by the FDA.
Over-the-counter or mail order diet pills dont have claims that can be proven or backed up, because theres no evidence that has to be presented anywhere for them to make that claim. They can claim to make your hair grow, make you lose weight, make you taller or anything else, and get away with it.
At worse, this kind of weight loss medicine is dangerous and even deadly. Pills that expand and fill you up so youll eat less as well as pills designed to rev up your metabolism or keep you from being hungry have all made people ill. Deaths have been reported that were linked to each of those kinds of easily purchased pills. Dont risk your health on a bottle of snake oil that can potentially make you sick.
Any weight loss medicine you do decide to take should come directly from your doctor. And even then, you should ask lots of questions about the medication. Ask how youll feel on it, because sometimes there are side effects, especially in the beginning. Some medicines can make you feel slightly nauseous. You wont want to eat because of that, but thats no way to have to lose weight! Usually such side effects go away fairly quickly, but you should ask to make sure. You dont want any surprises after youre on the weight loss medicine.
An important factor in deciding to take medicine is to decide how committed you really are to losing weight. Since youre even thinking about pills, youve probably already tried many times with little progress. But you should think back and try to figure out why you didnt lose weight, or why you lost weight only to gain it back later. Be honest with yourself before you start taking the pills. Its best to be completely honest with yourself even before your doctor writes the prescription.
If you still feel weight loss medicine is the best thing for you, then you need to make a commitment right now to the other aspects of your weight loss plan. Youll want to commit to making cheating on your diet a very rare thing. Commit to not skipping that workout because youve had a long day.
Dont make the mistake so many other people make in thinking that prescription diet pills will work some kind of magic on them. The pills wont do all the work of losing weight for you. And they certainly cant undo anything you d wrong. Some diabetics eat all the sweets they want, figuring that since theyre on insulin, itll be ok. Dieters do the same thing. Dont make the mistake of thinking you can eat what you want while on weight loss medicine.
Tags: Deaths, Diet Pills, FDA;, Health, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Mail Order, Many Different Types, Medication, Medicine, Medicines, Metabolism, Prescription Medication, Prescription Strength, Snake Oil, Surprises, Taking The Pills, Television, Weight Gain, Weight Loss Medicine —
Part 1 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven Way
Part 1 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven Way To Shed The Fat
Are you tired of waking up and seeing your overweight body in the mirror? But in your mind you see the trim, beautiful, sexy body you had when you were younger. However, you know the reality is the body you see in the mirror. Don’t lose hope! You are already on the road to losing the pounds. How? You ask. Read on.
You still have that mental picture in your mind of how you used to look. Now you need to make your mind see that same picture in the future instead of in the past. You have been practicing visualization and weight loss and didn’t even know it. Now it’s time for you to shed those unsightly pounds by really putting your mind in control of your weight loss.
Before you can use visualizations to it’s fullest you need to get a good idea of how it works. What you to do is to paint a picture of the way you want your body to look when you get rid of all those ugly pounds. You hold this image in your mind and as you do; it will penetrate into the subconscious level of your brain.
When it has moved into your subconscisness it will program your body to start moving in that direction of “body beautiful”. This synergy from your mind will cause you to be motivated more easily towards your weight loss. Ultimately the end result is you will find it easier to stick to your diet plan and exercise program.
Presently it’s not fully understood how visualizing a goal, such as weight loss works, but more and more professionals agree that it does. What has been determined is that as long as you truly believe it’s what you want, then you can achieve it. However, in turn if you aren’t convinced you can lose weight, you won’t do it or you will have a much harder time of it.
It has been discovered that when loved ones and people that matter to you are negative about your goals they can impact your weight loss. The positive power of your visualizing your healthy body from your subconscious, can negate the negativity, created in your conscience mind by yourself and others.
Ok, now you have a basic understanding about using visualization and weight loss together. Let’s get into the actual ways you need to practice to work it effectively.
You must be sure the body you want is attainable. In other words don’t visualize a 5’4 petite body weighing 102 lbs, when you are 5’9″ and big boned. It ain’t going to happen. But if you take that same 5’9″ big boned body and put it in a bikini weighing in at between 140 to 160 lbs that can happen. Why; because it’s doable!
Part 2 of Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss – Proven Way To Shed The Fat! will go into more detail on how you can effectively utilize visualization to lose weight. Be sure and bookmark this page so you can benefit from the other tips.
Tags: Brain, Control, Diet Exercise, Diet Plan, Diet Program, End Result, Exercise Program, Harder Time, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Mental Picture, Mirror, Overweight Body, People, Sexy Body, Shed, Subconscious Level, Synergy, Visualization, Weight Loss —