Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Healthy Eating The Perks Of A High – Fiber

Healthy Eating The Perks Of A High – Fiber Diet

Fiber is one of the main ingredients of healthy eating. If the body isnt getting the required amounts of natural fiber, the person may be prone to disorders such as constipation, for grins pain, and worse colon cancer. For those who are looking to have a healthy eating plan, fiber is one of the key elements to that plan. The sad thing is that many individuals still dont take fiber too seriously. Heres a look at the many benefits of consuming high – fiber foods.

Fiber Fights Diseases, And Can Help Stop Overeating

A diet thats easy in fiber can help prevent a number of diseases, from constipation to colon cancer. Eating a high – fiber diet actually helps the body reduce or eradicate bad cholesterol, by binding fat and cholesterol in the digestive tract. Natural fiber can also help stop overeating. High – fiber foods take longer to chew and digest, making the person feel satisfied and extensive longer.

Rarefied Foods Dont Have Adequate Fiber Content

These days, grocery shelves are often filled with lots of processed meats, snacks and other food items. They also contain large amounts of artificial sweeteners, flavorings and preservatives. If you love eating processed foods, you may need to increase your fiber intake, because most processed foods lack adequate fiber content.

Fruits, Vegetables And Whole Grains Are Great Sources of Fiber

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of dietary fiber, which is actually plant principle. Fiber is largely composed of cellulose, which aids the body in digestion. Integral grains are also excellent dietary fiber sources. When cooking fruits and vegetables, you need not worry about cooking the fiber, because it stays there. The fiber found in most fruits and veggies are not just located on the legal tender or peel, but deep within.

Whats The Recommended Fiber Intake?

According to nutritionists, getting the right amount of fiber is quite wieldy. All you need to do is eat the right foods, and youll be on your way to getting adequate amounts of dietary fiber. However, if you consume more than 50 grams of fiber each day, you may stir up diarrhea or abdominal bloating, and it may also hinder the bodys absorption of other essential minerals. Children who are two years and major also need to have their daily fiber intake, from fruits, vegetables and plane fortified breakfast cereals.

Among the best sources of dietary fiber include dried beans and legumes, bran cereals, dried fruit, sweet corn, raspberries and strawberries, whole wheat, broccoli, plums, pears, apples, potatoes, raisins and prunes, dark green lettuce, spinach, kale, nuts, cherries, carrots, bananas, coconut and Brussels sprouts and more. Its not hard to see the benefits of incorporating fiber into your daily eating plan. Undocked you need to ensure is that you add these delightful foods into your regular diet.

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Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a

Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a healthier Body

Doctors always recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. It is believed that water can actually heal a lot of diseases. In fact, water therapy has been known to help in the cure and prevention of common colds, dry cough, problems with cholesterol, high blood pressure, and many other ailments. Water also helps the body get rid of toxins which will result in more energy and lighter skin. Dieticians also say that water help to loss weight.

Dieticians recommend regular intake of water to clients who are on weight loss diets. Water help to loss weight by regulating appetite and increasing body metabolism. Studies show that feeling hunger and feeling thirst go together. Therefore, drinking water can help people lose weight by substituting food with water. This can suppress hunger and prevent overeating.

Many people find it hard to stick to a water therapy during diet because they do not realize how water help to loss weight. Studies show people who started drinking more water than they used to have lost about 4 pounds in a week. This is because the body is hydrated more and does not need to store water in the system.

Most of the extra weight and inches in the body are due to water stored. When a person does not drink enough water, the brain commands the body to absorb the available water and stock up. That is why people who are not fond of drinking water look bloated. The water is stored around their belly, thighs, arm, everywhere! These water fats look hideous but can be rid of by increasing water intake regularly. As you drink more water regularly, the stored water in your body is released. Since your body is hydrated more, your brain tells your body that there is no use for stocking water up. Eventually, all those weight from your water storage goes away and you will feel lighter and healthier.

Several studies also show that water can actually increase metabolism by 30% which means that when a person drinks more water, more calories are burn. One explanation noted in some of the studies on water help to loss weight says that every time you drink water, your body will try to heat thus using energy and burning more calories. Some water weight loss programs even recommend drinking cold water as the body uses more energy to heat this.

The recommended amount of water intake a day is an average of six to eight of 8 ounces of water. If you are on a water help to loss weight program, it is advisable to drink 2 glasses more for every 50 pounds extra from your recommended weight for your height.

Many people doubt the effectiveness of water in the help of weight loss. Very few believe that losing weight can be that easy. However, a lot of medical research has been done and published to prove that water help to loss weight. The will to stick to drinking more water consistently is the key to a healthier and sexier body.

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Green Tea Health Benefits Green Tea The Wonder Beverage

Herbal tea has become very popular these days. Green Tea in particular has been known to fight cancer and help in the prevention and cure of many other diseases. There have been hundreds of reviews written about green tea health benefits. Numerous testimonials about its effectiveness have been made public which have contributed to the popularity of this herbal drink.

To learn more about green tea health benefits, we have to know its roots and its content. Green tea has been used by Chinese as a staple drink for hundreds of years. It was also used by people in ancient China and India for medicinal purposes. Green Tea was used to cure simple headaches, help in digestion, aid in curing food poisoning, and many others. Chinese have been aware of the green tea health benefits for hundreds of years. Recent studies show that Chinese men who drank green tea over the years have lower rate of cancer than those who did not.


Green tea extracted from the leaves of a plant known as Camellia Sinesis is an herb that was first cultivated in China. Studies show that this plant contains a high level of catechin polyphenols called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. EGCG is a very effective anti-oxidant which inhibits cancer cell growth and disintegrates cancer cells. This chemical contributes to green tea health benefits because it lowers cholesterol level and prevents blood clots.


Other teas are known to have medical benefits too but green tea health benefits far exceed the rest. The basic difference of green tea from other teas is the preparation. Green tea is made from boiling fresh leaves of the plant while the also famous black tea is made from fermented leaves. The fermented leaves used in making black tea do not contain as much EGCG found in fresh leaves. The anti-oxidants found in black teas are far lesser than those found in Green teas. So far, green tea health benefits have been proven by several studies showing hard evidences.


Recent studies also show that green tea health benefits include weight loss. The anti-oxidants in green teas help speed up burning of calories. Because it is a very good anti-oxidant, it also affects weight loss as it detoxifies human system to allow proper absorption of nutrients and flushing out fats.


Another known green tea health benefit is that it prevents cavities and promotes health in the mouth. Green tea has been found to contain minerals like fluoride that fight bacteria causing cavities. The polyphenols found in the tea strengthens teeth and prevents bad breath. Some people even gargle with green tea for healthier mouth.


Green tea has been found to contain Vitamin C that protects the bodys immune system, Vitamin B components that help burn Carbohydrates, and Vitamin E for healthier and younger looking skin.

Green tea health benefits patients suffering from rheumatism. The green tea has chemicals that decrease blood inflammation which results in the prevention of arthritis. This wonder beverage has also been reported to lower blood sugar, reduce stress and prevent high blood pressure.

The green tea health benefits are indeed outstanding. To date, there have been no reports of fatal side effects and so green tea continues to be popular and in demand.

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The Types of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Lymphomas are cancers of the lymph system which ironically is part of the bodys defense mechanism to fight off infections and diseases. But sometimes the abnormal growth of the healthy lymphatic cells causes the tissues to mass up creating tumors and eventually becoming cancer cells. If left untreated, the cancer cells can easily break away from the tissues and begin infecting other parts of the lymphatic system and eventually moving to other organs of the body. There are essentially two kinds of lymphomas, the Hodgkins lymphoma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

Hodgkins lymphoma is characterized by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. Other lymphomas do not contain these cells so the rest of the lymphomas were classified as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or NHL. There are a number of sub-types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Each are quite distinct targeting specific age groups aside from having unique forms.

One kind of NHL is the lymphoblastic lymphoma or LBL which commonly occurs in children. In fact about 30% of documented cases of lymphomas in children have been classified as lymphoblastic lymphomas. LBL is very aggressive kind of NHL and has caused quite a number of deaths in the past. But because of modern medicine and treatment techniques, LBL patients have better odds of surviving the ordeal.

Unlike LBL, the diffuse histiocytic lymphoma type or DHL is a slow growing cancer. And because it is slow-growing the cancer is quite hard to detect. Also, there are times where the cancer reappears after treatment.

Another kind of NHL appears closer to the bodys surface. The cutaneous T-cell lymphoma or CTLC is a kind of lymphoma that affects the skin. What happens is that the white blood cells of the skin become cancerous. At first, the signs are dry, scaly skin with red or dark patches. These areas of the skin also itch a lot. But as the cancer cells continue to grow, the skin will develop highly noticeable tumors. Eventually the cancer cells enter the blood stream and spreads all over the body which soon infects other tissues and organs.

Although not common, the mantle cell lymphoma is another kind of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This cancer borders on being rare since only an estimated 5% of people diagnosed with NHL have it. It seems that the cancer is more likely to occur in men 50 years old and older. The cancer starts off as a slow growing lymphoma but can suddenly become aggressive in later stages.

Doctors have made 4 classifications or stages of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma which basically indicates how fast and how far the cancer cells have spread. Stage 1 is when the cancer cells are grouped in lymph node or organ of the body. In stage 2 the cancer has spread to two or more groups of lymph nodes or organs on the same side of your diaphragm. Stage 3 is where the cancer cells have infected organs on both sides of the diaphragm and finally stage 4 is when the different types of non-Hodgkins lymphoma have gone beyond the lymphatic system and infecting other organs like the liver, bones, and lungs.

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