Dieting Health Foods
The truth of the spring is that all foods are health foods. The variety of foods that are available has their purpose and uses. The food that grows in one cestuses is a balanced food for that region and is not superior to those that grow in another which is also the food that is express appropriate for that region. Concept is where it should be. No profit of hype and sales pitch could change that, again no matter the try, people will make headway healthy if people eat grease variety and in correct proportions without gorging.
Health foods however is a term used by health proponents in the 1920’s to foods that have special benefits to specific health issues. Health foods for example are those foods that are low in sugar and fat since these are the primary causes of obesity when left unchecked.
What are these?
Unreduced Foods
These are foods farmed as organic in nature. Organic foods for most of human history had been the staple in farming. These are foods farmed without the use of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. For livestock, organic orderliness mean that the animals were not injected with antibiotics, are not genetically modified nor growth hormones used in raising them. Directly, there are two basic kinds of farming of organic food. One is the private garden which leave also sell their perfect labeled as organic, the divergent are organic food industries regulated heavily by most governments.
Natural Foods
Natural foods are health foods that are identical in ideal to organic foods although these foods are processed without the use of refined sugar, food coloring, refined flour, and flavorings.
High Fiber Foods
High fiber foods are health foods that have high fiber density. Examples of high fiber foods are berries, cabbages, and fruits and vegetables that have high fiber concentration. The thing that is so important with foods that are high in fiber is that it improves the absorption of nutrients in the body considering it cleanses the digestive system. A clean colon and healthy colon for example prohibits 64 different kinds of diseases that would otherwise afflict the body when the gunk and the refuse connections the system are not flushed out.
Omega 3 rich foods
Unlike foods that are low fat and low sugar, foods rich in Omega 3 are agreeable sources of essential fatty acids whose benefits are too numerous to name. Some of the benefits of foods rich in omega 3 are that it has excellent anti aging qualities, is a select cancer retardant, good for heart problems, skin, hair, metabolism, rheumatism, sound for the memory and acumen health, etc. What is good about these foods is that it is everywhere again is not expensive. Examples of foods are, Avocado, berries, soya beans and soybean oil, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, olive oil, Brazil nuts, tofu etc.
Vegetables like, broccoli, stamp out, kidney beans, green beans, lettuce, cauliflowers are very rich in Omega 3. Likewise fish especially the cold spray / fatty variety are excellent sources of Omega 3. Some of the fish are the trout, swordfish, milkfish, salmon, mackerel, herring, and Albacore tuna.
Health foods are everywhere. Those mention here are just a few of the examples but mostly the healthiest and among the best. Dieting through health foods is as easy as picking the next choice.
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Tags: Absorption Of Nutrients, Antibiotics, Balanced Food, Brazil, Causes Of Obesity, Correct Proportions, Dieting Health, Diseases, Fiber Density, Food Coloring, Food Industries, food;, Foods That Are High In Fiber, Fruits And Vegetables, Growth Hormones, Health Foods, High Fiber Foods, obesity;, oil;, olive oil;, Orderliness, Organic Food, organic food industries, Pesticides Herbicides, Refined Flour, Refined Sugar, rheumatism, Sales Pitch, select cancer, soybean oil, Specific Health, Use Of Pesticides —

What You Gain and Lose from Gastric Bypass Surgery
Obesity is a serious health problem across the globe. That is why a number of methods, techniques, and technologies have been developed to help curb weight problems that usually lead to life-threatening diseases such as heart ailments and diabetes. One of the most popular weight loss strategies is gastric bypass surgery, a procedure that alters the digestive system (particularly the stomach) to restrain a persons food intake.
The results of the surgery are immediatea patient may lose 50 to 60 percent of his weight within two years following the surgery. With healthy lifestyle (including proper diet and regular exercise), one can expect weight loss in the long run after the surgery. Those who are overweight will experience easier mobility and better quality of life after undergoing weight loss surgery.
But theres more to this surgery than just weight loss. Aside from slashing off some figures from the weighing scale, the surgery also helps improve certain conditions that are often linked to obesity. These health problems include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood cholesterol, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Thus, people who have gone through weight loss surgery are less likely to develop cardiovascular problems than those who have not tried the procedure. Also, the surgery can lessen a patients possibility of death due to heart ailment, diabetes, or cancer.
Now for the not-so good news. Weight loss surgery is not for the faint of hearts. As with other kinds of surgeries, weight loss surgery leads to several complications. If you will go through this procedure, you need to know the risks before you head over the clinic or hospital. Being aware of what to expect after the surgery helps a lot in your recovery process. The most common complications of the surgery include infection, bleeding, and swelling. Other complications are ulcer, low blood sugar, kidney stones, gallstones, iron deficiency anemia, and vitamin D and B-12 deficiency. After the operation, a patient may also experience vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and dizziness especially when eating foods rich in sugar and fat. These are caused by a condition called dumping syndrome in which the contents of the stomach pass through the small intestine very fast.
There are certain postoperative risks that occur in rare cases but are severe and need immediate medical attention. The following are some of the complications and tips on how to deal with them.
1. Leak in the stomach
This is found at one of the staple lines in the stomach. The leak heals over time in most cases, though it can be treated using antibiotics. But severe cases require immediate surgery.
2. Thinning of the opening between the small intestine and stomach
This condition needs either a corrective surgery or a simple outpatient procedure wherein a tube is inserted through the mouth to make the opening wider.
3. Incision hernia or weakness in the incision
This complication happens if the surgery is an open procedure that involves a large incision on the abdomen. Incision hernia needs to be repaired through surgery depending on the severity of the condition.
4. Death
For every 200 to 300 weight loss surgeries, one case results in death. Although the risk of death has been linked to gastric bypass surgery, it still depends on many factors such as age and health and medical conditions.
Tags: Antibiotics, Bypass Surgery, cancer;, Cardiovascular Problems, Curb Weight, deficiency, diabetes;, diarrhea;, Diseases, Dizziness, Dumping Syndrome, food intake;, gallstones, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery Obesity, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Healthy Lifestyle, Heart Ailment, Heart Ailments, High Blood Cholesterol, high blood pressure;, Incision, Incision Hernia, infection, Iron Deficiency, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Kidney Stones, Low Blood Sugar, Nausea, obesity;, persons food intake, Proper Diet, Sleep Apnea, Surgeries, surgery, Type 2 Diabetes, Vitamin D, vomiting, Weighing Scale, Weight Loss Strategies, Weight Loss Surgeries, Weight Loss Surgery —

The pH miracle diet as a cleansing diet
One of the most important principles in the pH miracle diet is the concept of cleansing your body of the acidic materials that are built up within. The ph miracle diet is a cleansing diet. It performs a cleansing of the body and its tissues and organs. This cleansing is almost like setting the restart button on your body. Any conditions you have developed from improper diet and lifestyle will start to dissipate. Cleansing diets like the pH miracle diet will help give your body the nutritional support it needs to function at an optimum level.
To understand what a cleansing diet is you need to understand how the body cleanses itself. The body rids itself of harmful elements through the colon, skin, lungs and bladder. The liver, kidneys and lymphatic system all assist with this cleansing. The liver is the organ in the body that is primarily responsible for body detoxification. When the liver is not functioning properly it cannot change toxins like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, pesticides, drugs, antibiotics and additives into waste matter. If your liver doesnt work, you are poisoning yourself. The liver can become stressed through improper digestion (eating processed foods), yeast overgrowth, parasites, dehydration and inadequate water intake.
Cleansing your liver is the best thing you can do for your health and for the restoration of proper pH to your body. When you undergo a program, like the pH miracle diet that cleanses the liver it normally requires the liver to work harder than it has before. You must add live enzymes to the diet rather than drawing them from the liver. The live enzymes will alkalize the body and restore your proper pH. You can accomplish this by incorporating organic vegetables into your diet. The proper alkalizing vegetables in the pH miracle diet will support the liver and help restore it to its natural functioning.
If the liver is helped by a cleansing diet, then the whole body will be helped. Once the liver is functioning at proper performance it can begin to do its job of eliminating waste. It will support the other detoxifying organs and perform more effectively in doing its own job.
The pH miracle diet qualifies as a cleansing diet because it performs a cleansing function of the liver and the rest of your body. The diet is made of mostly raw foods, simple proteins (beans and legumes), alternative whole grains and plenty of fresh and pure water. Cleansing diets include, at minimum, five servings of vegetables per day. In most cases, people eat twice that when they are on the pH miracle diet. This is accomplished with the use of fresh vegetable juices. There are four to five servings of vegetables in just two cups of juiced vegetables.
Eating small and frequent meals is also an important part of the cleansing function of the pH miracle diet. The small meals will keep calorie intake up and give you the opportunity to add more vegetables to your day. Although raw vegetables should be favored, lightly steamed veggies are also beneficial. Plant based proteins like beans, soy and nuts should also be included at each small meal for energy and balance.
The effects of the pH miracle cleansing diet depend entirely on your previous level of health. If youve had a diet that consisted of meats, processed foods and other acid forming choices then the cleansing effects may be very difficult at first. Your body will have to adjust to living off of natural elements instead of chemical ones. However your efforts are well worth it. You will be learning the most natural way to eat and teaching your body to live to eat instead of eat to live. Remember that learning to eat in this manner and adopting a cleansing diet will be a process of healing, and not an overnight occurrence. As you take on the principles of the pH miracle diet, you will begin to change your health for the better.
Tags: Acidic Materials, Antibiotics, Body Cleanses, Body Detoxification, chemical ones, Cleansing Diet, Cleansing Diets, Cleansing The Liver, dehydration;, energy;, Harmful Elements, Improper Diet, Improper Digestion, Inadequate Water, Live Enzymes, Liver Enzymes, nicotine, nutritional support, Optimum Level, Organic Vegetables, Ph Miracle Diet, Proper Ph, Vegetables Diet, Waste Matter, Water Intake, Yeast Overgrowth —

Parasites and the pH miracle diet
The pH miracle diet restores balance to body. By eating mostly alkaline foods, you give your body nutrition that is more in line with the alkaline state of your cells. Excess acidic foods can lead to a host of problems. Among other benefits, following the pH miracle diet can also reduce your tendency to harbor dangerous parasites in your system that can wreak havoc on your health.
What do pH and parasites have to do with one another? The human body has a normal pH at the intracellular level of around 7.4. This is slightly alkaline. Parasites, which are unfriendly bacteria, viruses, protozoa, amoebas and microscopic worms, cannot live between a pH of 7.2 to 7.4.
In the United States, we have a diet that produces high levels of acid at the intracellular level. This is called acidosis, and it is a major underlying cause to many diseases. It also allows parasites to run rampant through your body. If you want to maintain health, youll need to restore balance to your body with an alkalizing diet.
Over time, everything we consume either keeps our bodies in an acidic state or a base state (alkaline). Processed sugars and starches, which are both a major mainstay of the Western diet, are some of the prime offenders in the acidification process. Natural sugar sources have minerals and vitamins within them. Fruits start out as acids, but have the necessary minerals within them to help the cells turn those acids into alkaline by products. Processed sugars do not, and when they are consumed, they release acid into the body. With heavy use of starches and sugars, the body becomes acidic.
Acidic pH at the intracellular level becomes a breeding ground for parasites and actually causes a mutation of friendly intestinal flora into a condition called candidiasis. Candida is natural yeast that is found in the intestine. It is kept in balance by other friendly bacteria that live with it.
However, with the overuse of sugar and the introduction of antibiotics, these friendly bacteria will becomes less prevalent. Candida will mutate and grow out of control. Candida symptoms include uncontrollable sugar cravings, chronic yeast infections, acne, dry skin, fatigue and frequent sinus infections. Parasites can also thrive when candida does, because the friendly bacteria are not there to keep them in check. Worms that would normally pass through the body find a hospitable environment and take hold in the intestine.
Parasites can destroy cells faster than they can be regenerated. They also produce toxic substances as a byproduct of their digestions. These toxic substances can lead to allergic reactions and can cause you to develop new food allergies. Parasites also irritate and invade body tissues, including the intestinal lining and even the skin. The parasites make it difficult for the tissues to operate correctly.
Over time, organ obstructions can develop and this can put pressure of your body organs and overall body functions. The immune system becomes depressed and the presence of parasites can prevent your body from using its natural healing reactions. Finally, the over presence of parasites in the body can prevent your body from absorbing nutrients properly.
The good news is that by following the pH diet you can restore the balance to your body. Since parasites cant live in an environment that is between 7.2 and 7.4 pH, alkalizing your diet will help remove them from your system. When you follow this diet you will be able to reverse the acidification process and make your body an inhospitable place for parasites.
Tags: acidosis;, acne;, allergic reactions;, Antibiotics, candidiasis;, chronic yeast infections, Diseases, Eating Habits, fatigue;, food allergies;, frequent sinus infections, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, United States;, Vitamins And Minerals —