The Healthy Eating Food Pyramid
In the United States, The US Department Of Agriculture has devised a Food Guide Pyramid, which serves as a guide for nation to understand how to eat healthy. The Food pyramid guide features a outline filled with vertical stripes that represent the five major food groups, plus oils and fats. The color mental state for: Green vegetables, red fruits; yellow oils and fats; Blue milk and dairy lines; Orange grains; Purple meat, fish, beans and nuts. Here are other pertinent facts about the food guide.
What The Food Pyramid Speaks Of
In 2005, the US Department of Agriculture revised the food pyramid, as they wanted to show Americans a better way of how to eat healthy. The food pyramid has other messages for complete of us. It tells us to eat a wide variety of foods, as well as eat less of some foods and more of others. In the illustrated food pyramid guide, eating a wide variety of food indicates that a balanced diet is achieved when you include all the food groups. This means that you need to have foods of every color, each day. In the illustrated food guide, youll view that as the colored bow to get thinner as they reach the best, this indicates that well-qualified is a difference between food groups, even if they all belong to a certain food group.
Food Serving Samples
The food pyramid guide offers a number of suggestions for achieving a balanced and nutritious diet. Her are some food serving suggestions.
Grains: Grains are generally measured in ounces. An ounce of whole grains could equate equivalent to 1 a slice of bread, half a cup of cooked cereal, half a cup of pasta and 1 cup of cold cereal. 4 to 8 year – old children require at least 4 to 5ounces of whole grains each day, while 9 – 13 year – olds need at least 5 ounces.
Vegetables: Darkened green and orange veggies are tops for consumption. Vegetable servings are generally measured in cups, Children from 4 – 8 years old occasion at basic solitary and a half cups of vegetables each day, while 9 to 13 interval olds need 2 cups of veggies each day.
Fruits: Sweet, juicy fruits should be part of the daily diet. Children from 4 – 8 year – old need at least 1 cup of fruit each day, while 9 – 13 year old adolescents weakness to consume at leading half a cup of fruit each day.
Milk And Calcium – Rich Food: Calcium is a mineral that helps goad bones, and prevent osteoporosis and other bone deficiencies. 4 – 8 year – old kids extremity at least 2 cups of milk each day, while 9 – 13 year olds need to have at least 3 cups of milk daily. Apart from milk, you can also substitute cheese, yogurt, calcium – fortified orange juice and others.
Milk, Beans, Fish And Nuts: An ounce carbon copy of this group would substitute equal to 1 ounce of fish, poultry and fish, cup cooked dry beans, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon peanut butter and half an ounce of nuts and seeds.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: 13 Year Olds, Balanced Diet, Blue Milk, Carbon Copy, certain food, Cold Cereal, Cooked Cereal, Department Of Agriculture, Food Group, Food Groups, food guide, Food Guide Pyramid, Food Pyramid Guide, food pyramid;, food serving suggestions, food;, Green Vegetables, Healthy Eating, illustrated food guide, illustrated food pyramid guide, Nutritious Diet, Oils And Fats, Orange Veggies, Pertinent Facts, United States;, Us Department Of Agriculture, Vertical Stripes, Whole Grains, Wide Variety Of Food —
Discover A Proven Truth Low Cholesterol Foods Can Save Your
Discover A Proven Truth Low Cholesterol Foods Can Save Your Life
Did you know you could be committing suicide and didn’t even know it? “You’re crazy! I’m not committing suicide.” You say. You are if you’re eating foods loaded with cholesterol. It’s a proven fact that high cholesterol foods can shorten your life span by years. When you continue to eat these high cholesterol foods, you kill yourself a little more each day. For you and your family, its important to get your bad cholesterol levels to a safe and life sustaining level.
Eating foods low in cholesterol, with a well balanced meal plan, is essential to lowering your cholesterol levels. The problem that most people face is that they lead busy lives. This leads to many of us grabbing junk food when hunger strikes. Its important to choose healthy low cholesterol foods over fast food. It will help if you make sure to pack healthy snacks when on the go. Perhaps most of all it is imperative for you to prepare low cholesterol foods at home.
When you eat low cholesterol foods, such as lean red meat, chicken and fish; you will start to see your bad cholesterol levels drop. You can balance your meals out with fresh vegetables and fruits. Often times when you follow a diet, which is low in cholesterol, you may begin to lose weight. Along with the weight loss you may also experience a higher energy level, mental alertness and less stress with the balanced diet.
Not all low cholesterol foods require preparation. If you are not sure how to cook low cholesterol meals, you can easily look up various menus online. Fruits, vegetables and nuts are both good examples of foods that can help lower cholesterol and require little or no preparation. Since many of these types of food require no cooking, it’s quite easy to pack them for snacks throughout your day. In addition instead of grabbing, fries and burger for lunch, you can carry a fresh chicken salad, balanced out with yogurt and fruit.
Another way to help lower your cholesterol is to make sure you drink plenty of water. Not only will the water help keep you hydrated, it will help to flush the excess cholesterol from your body along with other impurities. In addition the water helps to keep all of your bodily functions working at peak efficiency. Which means your body will tend to produce more of the good cholesterol (LDL) instead of the bad (HDL).
When you eat a diet with plenty of low cholesterol foods you also build up your immune system. This makes it easier to fight off disease. In fact eating a diet rich in low cholesterol foods is good for you all around. Plus when you lower your overall cholesterol levels you are less likely to develop heart disease, atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in artery walls) or to have a stroke.
Eating foods like oats and fiber are excellent for a good balanced diet. These foods are great to keep you looking young and feeling great. While you are learning to eat properly make sure that you include your family. Children learn their eating habits from their parents. Lead by example and show your kids how great it is to enjoy healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, rather then cookies and ice cream.
Eating low cholesterol foods as an overall diet is a great way to lower your cholesterol. Thats not the only benefit however. You will also feel more energized and healthy. Due to low cholesterol food being healthy you will look better and feel younger.
Tags: atherosclerosis, Bad Cholesterol, Balanced Diet, Balanced Meal Plan, Chicken Salad, Cholesterol Levels, Committing Suicide, disease, energy level;, food;, Fruits Vegetables, Healthy Snacks, heart disease;, High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol Foods, Higher Energy, higher energy level;, Junk food;, Life Span, low cholesterol food, Low Cholesterol Foods, Lower Cholesterol, Lowering Your Cholesterol, Meat Chicken, Mental Alertness, Red Meat, Stroke, Types Of Food, Vegetables And Fruits —
Weight Gain Can Ensure Health And Fitness
Peopleespecially those who are very thin for their frame, age, and heightwould be very happy upon discovering that they have gained some weight. For them, this weight gain would indicate not only the condition of their health and fitness but also the improvements on their physical built as well.
Aside from being an indicator of good health, fitness, and eating a well balanced diet, weight gain would also serves an indicator for a persons overall improvement in his or her outlook in life. Although in most cases, weight gain is an indicator of good health, it can also serve as an indicator if negligence especially if there are signs of obesity.
To know if weight gain is bad or good for you, it is always best to conduct a research about its indicators as well as of its advantages and disadvantages so you will have an idea if youre into the right thing.
What you need to know
Weight gain refers to the increase in a persons body weight brought by intake of too many calories, lack of physical activity such as regular exercise, or a side effect of certain types of medication. However, it can also be a result of a certain set of workout routinesuch as those in bodybuildingwherein muscles tend to increase in terms of weight.
Experts say that weight gain is usually done by people because of two reasons. One, they want to build muscles for a fit body. This is very common to people who need big muscles for their jobs such gym instructors, fitness gurus, bodybuilding coaches, bouncers, bodyguards, weightlifters, and the like.
The second reason why people gain weight is because of their health. Weight gain is highly recommended to those people who have lost so much body fat due to dieting and especially to those who have developed various eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Peopleespecially women who are believed to suffer more from this conditionare advised to gain weight to recover from all the body fats and nutrients they have lost.
To know if you are gaining some weight, check for its symptoms such as a rounder belly, certain increase in the fat percentage of the body, increased mass of muscles and increase in the level of bodys hydration. Experts say that it can be hard to determine if a persons weight gain is good or not. This is because people have different individual needs that need to be paid attention to. Although knowing the ideal weight for a persons height can be a god indicator, it is always best to consult with a physician to avoid further complications. For those who are planning to gain weight to ensure they health and fitness, here are some helpful tips to get by:
1. Set your focus on set of workouts routines that target how one can increase body fat and muscles. This is one of the most effective ways of gaining weight without having to worry about obesity. Since a person burns only the unnecessary fats, he or she is paving the way for the muscles to gain weight.
2. Spend some time for to know what the target weight gain is. Just like in losing weight, weight gain also requires utmost time and dedication. If one is into weight gain, he or she must make sure that they are serious about it so they will get their desired health and level of fitness.
3. Always have a healthy and well balanced diet. For people who are gaining weight for health and fitness, this is very important if because it serves as their guide on what kind of food they should eat and the proper amount of each to get the weight that they desire.
Tags: Anorexia, Balanced Diet, Body Fats, Bodybuilding, Bulimia, Burns, Eating Disorders, Fit Body, Fitness Gurus, food;, Gain Weight, Good Health, Gym Instructors, Health And Fitness, Health Fitness, Health Weight, Losing Weight, Muscles, Negligence, obesity;, Physical Activity, physician, Signs Of Obesity, Weight Gain, Weightlifters —
The Simplest Diet Plan Ever – 3 Easy Steps
The Simplest Diet Plan Ever – 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Living
Emily Clark
You’ve heard the popular advice on weight loss diets. Cut the
fat! Cut the carbs! Cut the calories! Eat a balanced diet! But
how can you cut though all of the confusion, and eat a diet
that’s balanced and healthy?
Here’s the advice from nutritional science:
Cut the JUNK fats: Most people do not need an ultra low fat
diet. But most of us could improve our diet by cutting out the
junk fats. Basically, these are the processed fats:
hydrogenated fats, polyunsaturated oils that have been heated,
and fats that are combined with junk carbs. Processed fats are
the fats most likely to put on flab and clog your arteries.
Cut the JUNK carbs. Most people do not need an ultra low carb
diet. But unfortunately, so many people who go on a low fat diet
continue to eat highly processed foods – they switch from
processed high-fat to processed low-fat. And when food
manufacturers create low fat foods, they tend to replace the fat
with junk carbs, that tend to pile on the pounds. Basically,
junk carbs are low-fiber carbs. Like sugar, fructose (and all
the other *oses), flour, cornstarch, fruit juice. Yes, fruit
juice is a junk carb too! – After all, how much fiber is there in
fruit juice? – Virtually none – its yet another junk carb. You
should eat the whole fruit instead, with its fiber intact.
Cut the JUNK calories. Most people do not need an ultra low
calorie diet. But just think what your diet would be like if you
dropped the processed fats and the low-fiber carbs. You’d be
eating mainly natural proteins, with lots of vegetables plus
whole fruits – and the odds are that you would be eating far
fewer calories as well. That’s the kind of calorie cutting most
of us should be doing.
Eat a balanced NATURAL-FOODS diet. By natural foods, we mean the
foods that would have been eaten by your hunter-gatherer
ancestors: – lots of whole vegetable foods for vitamins and
fiber; moderate to small portions of meats, fish, seafood, and
other animal and protein foods, grilled, stewed or baked; and
small portions of fresh whole fruit in season. This is the diet
on which the human race evolved, and the diet which, for the vast
majority of people, makes for optimum health
So the next time you’re about to order a meal with fries and
sugary soda, think about how it could be improved. Replace the
fries with a salad, and the soda with mineral water, and you’ve
already made significant progress towards a more healthy,
balanced meal.
And at home, look for recipes that use whole, fresh foods, with a
minimum of processing. Make sure your meals include natural
unprocessed foods, with lots of healthy vegetables, both cooked,
and raw in salads. Avoid processed fats and processed low-fiber
A sample menu:
– grilled fish with steamed green beans, and peppers
– large mixed salad, dressed with small amounts of olive oil and
vinegar or lemon juice
– fresh fruit platter
Yes – A healthy, balanced diet can be that simple!
The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.
About the Author
Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on topical health matters.
Tags: Author, Balanced Diet, Cornstarch, Diet Plan, disease, editor, Emily Clark, Flab, Food Manufacturers, food;, Foods Diet, Fructose, Fruit Juice, Hunter Gatherer, Lifestyle Health News, Low Calorie Diet, Low Carb Diet, Low Carbs, Low Fat Diet, Low Fat Foods, Natural Proteins, Nutritional Science, olive oil;, Oses, Polyunsaturated Oils, Vegetable Foods, Weight Loss Diets —