Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Getting A Gastric Bypass: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Getting A Gastric Bypass: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Why get a gastric bypass? It sometimes goes like this: you’ve been looking at yourself in the mirror and are looking at all the flab on you? Have you been laying awake all night as you remember your physical difficulties during the day? Life isn’t exactly when you’re overweight and a lot of people try to rid themselves of the fat on their body. The problem is sometimes alll those exercise programs and diets don’t exactly work out for those doing them. What do you do when your weight yo-yos up and down or, worse, it just won’t go down?

Well, that’s the time when you think about getting a surgical option. Liposuctions are a good stopgap option and they can often do the trick all it takes is a good push and maintaining weight is a lot easier. However, sometimes even that is not enough. The fat keeps on coming back, whether it’s just a genetic predesposition to it or something similar. Some people really need help to get them out of obesity’s tight embrace. That’s where a gastric bypass comes in.

A gastric bypass, or as medical professionals call it a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is a surgical weight-loss procedure that enables the patient to lose weight on a constant and regular basis. It is one of the more safe options and is because of this the preferred option when any weight-loss surgery is being considered. What it does is essentially make a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach, and connect it directly to the middle of your small intestine. This severely cuts down on your caloric intake by skipping most of the intestinal tract and also reduces your appetite by making your stomach handle less food.

The procedure may sound like an easy thing but a gastric bypass is still a major surgical operation and has its own risks. You’ll be under general anesthesia for this operation and tubes will be inserted via your nose and your abdomen to make sure you recover completely after the operation. The operation itself will only take a few hours.

It may even be shorter if you under go a laparoscopic bypass, a procedure which uses a laparoscope instead of opening your abdomen completely for the operation. This results in less infection and accelerates healing time. After the operation, your doctor will probably keep you in the hospital for three to five days for observation.

Of course, immediately after the operation you will be experiencing a few changes. First of all, in the first three days after the bypass, you’ll be on an IV drip no eating until your stomach heals. Then it’s twelve weeks of reginemnted diet as you progress to solid foods again. You’ll also be feeling the effects of the gastric bypass. When you eat a lot of food or eat quickly, it may cause you to vomit or pain. You will feel yourself losing weight in the next few months but will also have to suffer the side-effects like weakness, hair loss and body aches.

This is why you should never undertake a gastric bypass unless it’s truly necessary.

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The Truth About BMI Body Fat And Health

Though one of the most popular tools used today to determine whether someone is at a healthy weight or not is the BMI, body fat and lean muscle tissue don’t figure into the equation. This has led many experts to discount BMI as an archaic measurement that isn’t accurate for many people. What is BMI, and why is it a good measure for some, maybe, and completely wrong for others?

BMI, or body mass index, was created in the early 1800s by Adolphe Quetelet. Because of that, it’s sometimes called the Quetelet index. It’s nothing more than a way of comparing a person’s weight to his or her height, and determining if his or her weight falls into a healthy and normal range. The BMI is still used today pretty much as it was when Quetelet invented it.

The formula for figuring BMI (body fat, bone and frame size, muscle and body type aren’t included in that) is this: Take your height in meters squared (your height times itself) and divide your weight in kilograms by that number. For example, if I’m 5 feet tall, that’s about 1.5 meters. To square that number, take 1.5 times 1.5. The result of that is 2.5. So if I weigh 120 pounds, that’s about 54.5 kilograms. Divide 54.5 by 2.5 and I get 21.8 as my BMI. The normal weight range is from 18.5 to 24.9, so 21.8 is classified as a normal weight. Underweight is considered 18.5 and below, while overweight people will calculate a BMI of 25 to 29.9. A BMI of 30 or greater indicates obesity.

BMI, body fat and general health can all be used as signs of how fit a person is. But where general health is pretty self-explanatory and the percentage of body fat clearly shows whether a person gets enough exercise or not, BMI is a bit trickier.

People with a lot of muscle don’t show accurate BMI readings. Because muscle weighs so much heaver than fat but takes up less space, a relatively small statured person can carry a lot of muscle weight without looking huge. BMI doesn’t take that into account. Football players, professional wrestlers, bodybuilders, and virtually any athlete who has a lot of muscle is going to measure as overweight and even obese according to the BMI. So it’s not accurate for them. Is it accurate for everyone else?

The answer to that is yes, and no. It depends on you. The BMI typically doesn’t show an accurate result for children. And extremely tall or large-framed people will show overweight or obese classifications more easily because of the extra weight from their bones and muscles. So for very short, tall or muscular people, the BMI appears to not be a good tool.

There’s also no distinguishing between men and women in the BMI. Body fat is more natural for women who are supposed to have more than men, so some sort of distinction in the measurement of the sexes would help the BMI’s accuracy

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Gastric Bypass: What You Need to Know Before You Go

Gastric Bypass: What You Need to Know Before You Go Under the Knife

Tired of all your weight loss methods that dont work? Surgery may be your only lifesaver. In fact, some overweight people go to greater lengths by going under the knife to be able to lose weight fast. You might want to consider gastric bypass surgery to eliminate those unwanted bulges and flabs. In essence, it lowers the volume of the stomach by as much as 30 ml. This procedure, which is sometimes referred to as bariatric surgery, is the most preferred weight loss surgery by surgeons in the United States.

It is because this type of bariatric surgery is much safer and less risky than other weight-loss procedures. Compared with the other type of bariatric surgery (gastric banding surgery), this procedure does not easily lead to weight gain. And with consistent changes in a patients lifestyle and behavior, the surgery can result in a long-term and immediate weight loss, as well as other health benefits such as treatment of sleep apnea and type II diabetes.

How safe it is?

The technology used in the weight loss surgery makes the operation much safer than before. Majority of bariatric procedures take advantage of the new laparoscopic technology, which uses a tiny video camera and other instruments to make very small incisions on the abdomen. Whereas before, surgeries of the stomach involved creating large incisions that usually caused intense pain and inflammation to patients. Smaller incisions using the laparoscopic technique leads to less pain, less swelling, fewer scars, and faster recovery rate.

How does it work?

Usually performed within two hours, the surgery involves making the stomach smaller by creating a line of staples that is joined to an end of the small bowel.

Is this surgery right for you?

It depends on your body mass index (BMI). You are a candidate for the surgery if your BMI is not less than 40. But if you have any serious disease such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or diabetes, your BMI must be at least 35 in order to undergo a weight-loss surgery. Otherwise, the surgeon may not allow you to go through the procedure because of the complications. Aside from the right physical condition, you must be emotionally and mentally prepared for the surgery. For the operation to be successful, you should be properly motivated and aware of the risks or complications that may arise. Also, surgery should always be the last resortmeaning you use it only after you have tried dieting and exercise but to no avail.

What are the risks?

Of course, any kind of surgery entails some risks due to the incisions involved in the operation. Deaths resulting from the surgery are very rare (about 0.1 to 2 percent). The complications of the surgery are bleeding, respiratory dysfunction, stenosis or the obstruction of stomach, and leaking due to the staples.

How to find the right surgeon?

Choosing the best surgeon is one of the most important decisions to make when it comes to weight-loss surgery. The surgeon is the only person to entrust your life and limb with, so to speak. So he or she must not only be competent, but also a person whom youre comfortable dealing with. Also, look for a surgeon with a vast experience in gastric bypass surgery, preferably someone who has performed hundreds of operations. That way, you can be sure that your surgery is safe and effective.

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The Truth About Arthritis Diets And Weight Loss

Are you one of the thousands upon thousands of folks, which wake up each and every morning, with every joint in your body radiating pain? Is arthritis kicking your butt, with pain, through out your day? Do you miss being able to pick up your grandkids because of the arthritis pain?

If you answered yes, to any of the above questions, you should read on to learn how arthritis diets and weight loss; can help bring relief to your aching body.

This article is not intended as medical advice, nor should it be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. As always with a physical illness you should consult with your personal physician right away. Now back to your information.

Arthritis diets have an ultimate aim of assisting your body in the management of this degenerative disease. Your doctor will advise you, early in the diagnosis period of arthritis, about which foods should be avoided and which should be increased in the diet.

You, as an arthritis sufferer, should be prepared to plan your meals regularly, but allow some sort of flexibility when dining out. Keeping in mind that swaying from the diet at times is ok, as long as it doesnt happen too often. This way you will be able to enjoy a normal life without too many restrictions as far as your food intake is concerned.

Some foods that are known to assist with arthritis symptoms include:

Dairy foods for calcium – This includes yogurt and milk and not so much chocolate and ice cream. Yogurt is also good for general digestive health.

Fruits and vegetables – These are recommended for everyone regardless of whether you have arthritis, are overweight or not. But they can also assist you as they provide healthy energy, weight loss and strong bones and muscles.

Starchy foods – It has been noted that some starchy foods like potatoes may assist with arthritis symptoms

In addition to the above diet tips, consider other changes to your lifestyle to assist in coping with arthritis.

This includes losing weight (if you are overweight). Even the loss of a few pounds can help relieve pressure on your joints and other bones. Prior to undertaking a major weight loss, be sure and consult with your doctor.

While youre checking with your health professional, you should ask them about increasing your calcium intake with supplements. Your obvious benefit will be stronger bones and joints. Furthermore, because you will be feeling better, have more energy and strength; you will become more active.

As an arthritis sufferer and possibly overweight you can also get some relief and lose weight while doing light resistance weight training. Tests have shown that resistance weight training is good for the overall health of the body. Dont worry! This doesnt mean it has to be expensive or difficult.

You as an arthritis sufferer, must educate yourself as to whats right for you. You know your body and your own mind. You know what you can do and not do. Therefore, youre the one, which can make the life changing decisions, such as weight loss and a healthy diet, necessary to ease the daily pain in your joints and bones.

Some of the things you have learned in this article will help make your life a little more comfortable. By eating the right foods, not only will you reduce your pain and suffering, you stand a good chance of losing those extra pounds, if you need to. Arthritis diets need not be restrictive. They are simply designed to help people cope with a disease that can so often become much worse if an ideal diet is not undertaken

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