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How to Talk to a Loved One about LapBand Surgery

How to Talk to a Loved One about LapBand Surgery

In many aspects, obesity is referred to as a disease. This is because some suffering from obesity cannot change their lifestyle. Some do not have the needed determination, others have tried healthy eating and exercise without the right results. This is when many opt to give up. If you are related to one of those individuals, you may want to help. One approach you should examine is that of LapBand surgery.

LapBand surgery is the fastest growing weight loss surgery in the United States. It was introduced in 2001 and its popularity continues to grow. What makes the LapBand system the most preferred weight loss surgery in the United States? Its advantages. These advantages include a short recovery period and low risk of complications. These advantages are due to the LapBand system. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, an adjustable gastric band is used to reduce the stomach size.

Since the LapBand surgery comes highly rated and recommended, you may want to suggest it to an obese loved one, but how?

First, it is important to learn about the surgery. Not everyone is an ideal candidate. Do not suggest it as an option without first knowing if your loved one will qualify. So will they? Your best option is to start researching. You can do so online. The LapBand surgery is discussed in detail on many medical websites.

Another ideal approach is to speak with your own doctor. Approach your primary care physician and express your concern for your loved one. Your doctor should take the time to discuss the LapBand procedure with you. They will also outline the common criteria that most surgeons use to determine legibility.

Speaking of those requirements, on average, most doctors will only operate on patients between the ages of 18 and 60. Being overweight isnt enough. Many surgeons use LapBand surgery as a last resort; therefore, those with severe to morbid obesity are better candidates. On average, patients have Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or more. Most importantly, is drive and determination. The LapBand itself will not result in weight loss, it is the band combined with diet restrictions.

Once you are sure that your family member will likely qualify as a LapBand patient, it is time to start the conversation. You may opt for a group discussion. This is ideal in cases where the parent is obese. Discussing the LapBand surgery with an obese relative in a group does have risks. Your loved one may feel that everyone is gaining up on them. For that reason, your concerned group should only contain immediate family members.

You also have the option of discussing LapBand surgery as a private matter. For example, if your sister is suffering from severe obesity, approach her one-on-one. Explain your concerns and suggest the LapBand surgery. When doing so, have more than just your word. Documents printed from the internet or LapBand brochures from a medical office are recommended.

As previously stated, LapBand is often used as a last resort. If your loved one is suffering from morbid obesity, they may have come to terms with their health. Certain guidelines may be in place. For example, they may have a will or already assigned a power of attorney. If that person is you, speak to your loved ones physician. In most cases, doctor patient confidently prevents too much information from being disclosed, but no harm can come from making an inquiry.

Regardless of which approach you take, use extreme caution. Be kind and gentle. The wrong approach can lead to serious consequences, including a hurtful family dispute.


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How to Properly Choose a LapBand Surgeon

If your primary care physician believes you are eligible for LapBand surgery, you may be provided with a referral. Even still, you have the option of selecting your own surgeon. If that is the case or if you are bypassing your primary care doctor and looking for a surgeon, you will want to turn to your local phone book and the internet. These resources can help you find a LapBand surgeon. But, you need to do more than just find a surgeon, you need to choose one.

So, how do you properly choose a LapBand surgeon?

Examine costs. In the Untied States, the LapBand system can costs between $15,000 and $20,000. Since there is an average $5,000 gap, you will want to find a surgeon that has affordable rates. This is particularly true if you are considered a cash patient, as opposed to a patient with insurance coverage. If you need financial assistance, examine doctors that offer flexible payment plans.

Go beyond costs. As previously stated, cost is important. Of course, you want to select a LapBand surgeon that you can afford, but it is important to keep quality in mind. The LapBand surgery is considered a relatively safe procedure, but there are still risks. Those risks are minimized when opting for a trained and qualified surgeon.

Location. In the United States, thousands of bariatric surgeons are qualified to perform the LapBand surgery. This means that you should have a qualified surgeon within a reasonable distance to your home. On average, most patients need to travel less than 2 hours. Do not automatically believe the misconception that you can save money by opting for surgeon in a foreign country, such as Mexico. When including travel expenses, the costs are similar.

Board Certified Surgeon. In the United States, you should opt for a Board Certified Surgeon. These surgeons undergo rigorous testing and must follow strict standards. Not only does this reduce your risk of complications, but it should provide you with comfort and peace of mind.

Long-term care. The LapBand system is not a surgery that is considered a go and run surgery. Band adjustments are common. For that reason, opt for a surgeon that is invested in your long-term care. A great way to determine this aspect is to ask to see before and after pictures of previous patients. If none are available, the doctor may not care what happens to their patients after surgery. This is not a surgeon you want to choose.

Answering questions. Losing weight with the LapBand system involves more than just band insertion. For that reason, you are likely to have many questions. Whether you are curious about the diet restrictions before and after surgery or the surgery itself, get answers to your questions. Your LapBand surgeon should always answer your questions and be confident in their response.

Meets with you. Before undergoing LapBand surgery, you will have an initial consultation appointment. This appointment will determine your eligibility. Next, you will have other consultation appointments and follow-ups. This is to ensure you are adhering to the strict pre-surgery diet. At least one of these appointments should be with your surgeon. Dont let the first time you meet he or she be five minutes before your surgery.

When researching LapBand surgeons in your area to compare, remember that LapBand is considered a specialty. It is common for doctors to perform other bariatric procedures. By searching for a bariatric surgeon, as opposed to a LapBand surgeon, you may find better results.


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How to Find a LapBand Surgeon

The LapBand surgery is a successful and minimally invasive procedure that is rapidly increasing in popularity in the United States. With the LapBand procedure, hospitalization is often less than 24 hours, the band is adjustable, and the procedure is 100% reversible.

If you are severely or morbidly obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher, if you are between the ages of 18 and 60, and if you have the desire to improve your health, you are the perfect candidate for the LapBand. So, what is next? Find the perfect surgeon.

So, how can find qualified LapBand surgeons?

Medical referrals. If you suffer from obesity, you may have regular checkups with your primary care physician. Mention the LapBand system. Chances are your doctor will agree with your decision to learn more. The next step is to refer you to a qualified LapBand surgeon. Medical referrals are ideal. Your primary care physician has your best interest in mind, meaning they will not refer you to just anyone.

Recommendations from friends and family. As previously stated, the LapBand system is increasing in popularity in the United States. This means that you may know someone who has undergone the procedure. If so, ask for advice. Not only can you learn a lot about the procedure, such as preparation and recovery, but you can also get a personal referral. What surgeon performed their surgery? Were they pleased with the results?

Phone book. Your local phone book is an easy way to find a local LapBand surgeon. By opting for a local surgeon, you can save money on travel time expenses. Turn to the yellow pages of your phone book. Under the heading of surgeons, or physicians, you should find the contact information needed. Unless you find listings specifically outlining the LapBand, contact all surgeons in the area.

Online business directories. If you reside in a small city or town, your local phone book may not produce results. In that instance, turn to the internet, namely online business directories. Online business directories allow you to search for a business based on location, such as a LapBand surgeon in Los Angeles, California. To maximize your search results, eliminate the phrase LapBand and search for a surgeon.

Recommendations online. What is nice about using an online business directory is that most enable ratings and reviews. Use this to your advantage. After all, you are paying up to $20,000 for the LapBand system, so get quality results. Look for surgeons with high ratings. Online messages boards discussing the subject may also contain referrals and personal recommendations.

Standard internet search. In keeping with using the internet, perform a standard internet search. You can do so on Google or Yahoo. Your internet search phrase should include your location and the phrase LapBand. Your results should lead to the online websites of weight loss surgeons in or around the surrounding area. You may also be directed to bariatric surgeon directories, but you will still be provided with the appropriate contact information.

By taking the above mentioned steps, you should be able to find a surgeon who can perform the LapBand procedure. With that said, you need to do more than just find a surgeon. Schedule a consultation appointment. Use this as the opportunity to find a quality surgeon that meets and exceeds your expectations.


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How to Cover the Cost of LapBand Surgery

Has your doctor suggested you undergo LapBand surgery? If so, this is a suggestion you should give serious consideration to. When a doctor suggests LapBand surgery, he or she is usually doing so to protect your health and wellbeing. For those severely or morbidly obese, the LapBand system is not only a weight loss surgery, but a lifesaving procedure.

As previously stated, take your doctors suggestion to undergo LapBand surgery. However, after a close examination, you may feel as if LapBand is a procedure only for your dreams. This is mostly due to the costs. In the United States, the LapBand procedure costs between $15,000 and $20,000. Since you do not have this cash just lying around, you may wonder what your options are.

So, how can you cover the cost of LapBand surgery?

Insurance. Some health insurance companies will cover the cost of the LapBand procedure. You will, however, find many rules and restrictions. For example, if your doctor is only suggesting surgery, you may be denied coverage. On the other hand, if your doctor is stating that it is a lifesaving procedure due to morbid obesity, your insurance is more likely to cover the costs..

If your insurance provider will cover the cost of LapBand with specific criteria met, speak to your doctor. Information can be provided that will show that this weight loss surgery is the most cost effective approach for your care. For example, if you are 25 years old, the cost of diabetes supplies and checkups can easily exceed the onetime cost of LapBand, making it a wise choice for your insurance provider.

If you opt to pay for the LapBand procedure with cash, check, or debit card, you are considered a cash patient. This is opposed to a patient with medical insurance. Inquire about cash discounts. Many healthcare professionals have small, but helpful discounts available.

As previously stated, most Americans do not have $15,000 to $20,000 at their disposal. This means that you will need a way to come up with the cash if you do not have medical insurance or if coverage is denied. Do not stress, as it is easier than it sounds.

Save money. Saving money should be your first step in covering the cost of LapBand surgery. Even if you are on a budget, it is still possible to save money for surgery. Start by eliminating unnecessary purchases, such as your morning coffee at the local gas station or dining out. In fact, a great way to get started is to eliminate sweets from your diet or at least reduce them. Not only will you save money, but you will notice a natural weight loss.

It may take a year to two years for you to save enough money for the LapBand surgery, but saving money, as opposed to borrowing it, is the safest approach to take.

Borrow money from friends and family. If you have close friends or family members who are in the position to let you borrow money, ask. If they know your intention is to lose weight and lead a healthier life, most will be willing to help. Of course, be sure to discuss repayment. You will have more flexibility, but be sure to treat a loan from family and friends just like a bank loan.

Bank loan. Speaking of bank loans, you can request a personal loan. This is recommended as a last resort, but it is wiser than using a credit card. Remember, credit cards are ridden with fees, including late fees. You are likely to find a lower interest rate when acquiring a personal loan.

To acquire a personal loan, have good credit. Personal loans are unsecured, so your good credit will give your bank comfort. It is important to sell yourself. Make it known that your obesity is hindering your ability to stay healthy and work. By undergoing the LapBand surgery, not only will you lead and happier and healthier life, but you will be able to work without as many health disruptions. The ability to work signals a borrower who will make timely loan payments.


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