Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Post LapBand Surgery and Diet Restrictions

Are you severely obese? If so, you may opt for the LapBand surgery. The LapBand surgery is one of the most common and popular weight loss surgeries in the United States. This popularity is due to the adjustable band that is inserted, as opposed to stomach cutting and stapling. If that wasnt ideal enough, the LapBand procedure is fully reversible and adjustable without surgery!

If you are obese, the first step in seeking help with the LapBand system is to schedule a consultation appointment. Depending on your payment options, a referral may be required from your primary care physician. Once you are able to meet with a surgeon, it will be decided if the LapBand surgery is right for you.

On average, ideal candidates for this weight loss procedure are between the ages of 18 and 60 and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. These are the most common eligibility requirements used by surgeons. With that said, there is another important eligibility requirement. That requirement involves dietary change. To see success with the LapBand surgery, you need to restrict your diet.

There are many reasons for obesity. One of the most common causes is poor eating habits. If you are known for overeating or eating foods that are high in fats and calories, you may be concerned with diet restrictions. This is a legitimate concern. Not only will diet restrictions improve your chances of weight loss, restrictions lessen the risk of complications.

So, what type of diet restrictions are expected following a LapBand surgical procedure?

In the days following the LapBand procedure, an all-liquid diet is recommended. For the first few days, a clear liquid diet is needed. The clear liquid diet will be the hardest stage to overcome. Your diet options include diluted apple juice, chicken broth, sugar free gelatin, and non-carbonated drinks. When possible, opt for flavored liquids, as flavor may help to clam cravings.

Depending on your progress, a full liquid diet is the next step. Typically, full liquids are introduced after 7 days. At this time, pudding, yogurt, milk, and soup can be incorporated into your diet.

At around two to three weeks post-surgery, pureed foods will be incorporated into your diet. There are affordable puree systems available for sale online and in most department stores. These can enable you to enjoy many of your favorite healthy foods. Although they will look different, the tastes should be the same.

At around one or two months following the LapBand system, solid foods can be introduced. You have been waiting patiently for this time. Remember, it is important to eat healthy. Sweets are allowed, but only in moderation and they are not advised right away. Instead, consume fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.

Once solid foods are incorporated into the diet, many patients experience difficulty. It is not uncommon for some to overeat. This is not advised. Overeating can cause temporary pain, discomfort, and vomiting. To prevent this from happening, take slow and small bites. Stop eating when full.

As previously stated, your LapBand surgeon will closely monitor your progress and your diet following surgery. This is not only done to examine the risk of complications, but to make adjustments. It is common for the LapBand to be adjusted in the weeks or month following surgery. Different patients have different needs in terms of band size. For that reason, do not be alarmed if an adjustment is required. Lucky, this is done with the use of a thin needle and saline. You will not need to undergo surgery.

So, there you have it. You now know what is expected of you post-surgery. If you do not feel as if you can spend weeks on an all liquid diet, do not give up hope. Meet with a dietician and start making small changes to your diet. Not only will you better prepare your body for the LapBand surgery, but you may also find that you dont need it to lose weight!


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LapBand versus Diet and Exercise

Are you severely obese? If so, you may be an ideal candidate for LapBand surgery. A consultation with a qualified surgeon is recommended. Before scheduling that appointment, take the time to compare your options. To get started, compare the LapBand surgery with diet and exercise. Which weight loss approach is best for you?

Unfortunately, the LapBand system is costly. In some instances, select insurance providers will cover all or a portion of the costs. If not, the surgery averages between $15,000 and $20,000 in the United States. Even if you do not have this money, it is still possible to pay for the LapBand surgery. Many patients opt for personal loads, credit card payments, payment plans, or the traditional method of saving first.

As for the cost of exercise, it can be free. Unfortunately, this is something that many do not realize. Yes, you can pay $25 or more a month for a gym membership, but it isnt required. In fact, you dont even need a treadmill. Those who are obese are urged to start with walking. You can do this outside or in a local shopping mall free of charge. After time, you can upgrade to more strenuous exercises. If you dont have the money for a treadmill or gym membership, invest $10 in a set of weights or an exercise video.

Unlike dieting, exercising isnt free, but it can be affordable. Your two most expensive options are organic foods and diet foods. Instead, just watch your eating. By opting for a small cup of grapes, as opposed to two Little Debbie cake snacks, you will lose weight by reducing calorie intake.

In terms of results, LapBand produces the quickest results. After undergoing surgery, weight loss will happen over time. With that said, patients tend to experience a significant weight loss in the first month. This is due to the all-liquid diet. Weight gain is common when solid foods are reintroduced, but long-term weight loss is still possible with healthy food choices.

Diet and exercise work, but the weight loss will take longer. The initial weight loss with diet and exercise is water. If you have never exercised before, you will start to notice a change in as little as week. You may be surprised what a daily walk can do for your health and weight. By cutting foods that are high in fats and calories, weight loss will occur. Remember, you will lose weight, but the process will take longer, when compared to the LapBand.

The LapBand has increased in popularity in the United States. It was first approved for use in 2001. Due to its success rate and low risk of complications, it is one of the fastest growing procedures. Although there is a lower risk of complications, when compared to other weight loss surgeries, there is always risk involved. These risks can include complications, such as band slippage, stomach erosion, regurgitation, and death. In most cases, if you are at a high risk for complication, medical professionals advise against the LapBand.

In terms of safety and complications, diet and exercise are more natural weight loss methods. As for diet, as long as you consume healthy foods that you are not allergic to, no complications or side effects will be experienced. In term of exercise, those suffering from severe forms of obesity should develop an exercise plan with a medical professional, such as a primary care physician or trainer. This should reduce the risk of exercise related injuries.

The LapBand system isnt right for everyone. Most doctors have strict criteria that must be met before surgery is decided on. For example, most surgeons operate on those between the ages of 18 and 60, those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or more, and those with a clear understanding of the necessary diet restrictions. For that reasons, not everyone is an ideal candidate. This means that just because you want to undergo the LapBand surgery, it does not mean that you can.


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LapBand Surgery: Your Payment Options Reviewed

The LapBand surgery is a popular weight loss surgery in the United States. After all, what is not ideal about a reversible surgery that allows for adjustment without going under the knife? For many, the LapBand is the perfect way to lose weight, until they hear about the costs.

So, how can you pay for the LapBand?

Cash. Due to the cost of LapBand surgery, many believe that cash is the best way to pay. Technically speaking it is, but cash payment come in a number of different formats, including debit cards and checks. On average, the LapBand procedure costs $15,000 to $20,000 in the United States. Actual cash is advised against. That is not money you want to be carrying around town.

Check. A check is recommended as payment for the LapBand surgery. All healthcare professionals should accept checks as a method of payment. They are easy to write and provide you with a second receipt for your payment. Due to the convenience of debit cards, many consumers do not carry checkbooks anymore. If that is the case, be sure to bring yours on the day of your surgery.

Debit card. As previously stated, many consumers now use debit cards to access their checking accounts. This is an easy and relatively safe way to pay for the LapBand surgery. First, check with your financial institution. It is not uncommon for banks to impose daily limits on their debit cards, especially those that will be processed as credit. For that reason, speak to your bank and have this limit temporarily lifted ahead of time.

Credit card. If you are unable to come up with the $15,000 to $20,000 that is required to undergo LapBand surgery, you may opt for credit card payment. Many hospitals and surgical centers accept credit cards as payments. Verify that your card is accepted ahead of time. Then, be sure to make your monthly payments on time. With interest and late fees, it is easy for a $15,000 dollar procedure to double in costs.

Payment plan. If you have a solid credit score, your LapBand surgeon may be willing to work with you. They can do so in the form of a payment plan. Unless a dire situation, payment plans are not usually discussed by the surgeon. So, if you need a payment plan, ask. If a payment plan is not available with the surgeon of your choice, take the time to save money or later approach the surgeon with a significant down payment and then inquire about monthly payment plans.

Personal loan. As previously stated, a good credit score is required to get a payment plan directly through a LapBand surgeon. If you have a solid credit rating, inquire about personal loans at your local financial institutions. A stable job and a good credit rating may qualify you for a personal loan. You will be charged interest, but a financial institution may be willing to extend the term of your loan. You may have more time to make repayment than with setting up a payment plan.

When undergoing the LapBand procedure, the above mentioned payment options are your most common options. To reduce the amount you have to pay for surgery:

Examine your insurance coverage. If are covered by health insurance, speak to a company representative. In some instances, LapBand is covered. This is typically in cases where health related medical conditions, such as diabetes, can be eliminated or in cases of morbid obesity. If LapBand is listed as a procedure covered on occasion, but you are still denied, speak to your surgeon. He or she can work with your insurance provider.

Ask about cash discounts. If you are not insured or if your medical insurance does not cover the LapBand surgery, inquire about cash discounts. They are commonly offered by small or independent healthcare centers. Although small in size, the discount can still reduce the cost of weight loss surgery.

Find a LapBand surgeon with affordable rates. As previously stated, the LapBand surgery averages between $15,000 and $20,000 in the United States. This is not an affordable surgery by any means, but you can look for affordable or reduced rates. Of course, you want to pay as little as possible, but remember quality and safety. Choose a Board Certified Surgeon who has experience inserting the LapBand with success.


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LapBand Surgery: What If Your Doctor Says No

The LapBand is a surgical procedure that has increased in popularity in the United States. It is one of the fastest growing weight loss procedures in the country. Despite its success and popularity, not all individuals are ideal candidates.

While you may find some variances, most surgeons base their decision on common eligibility criteria. This criteria states that those between the ages of 18 and 60 and those 100 pounds overweight are perfect candidates for the LapBand system. Health will also be taken into consideration. Weight exceptions may be made for those with obesity related complications, such as asthma or diabetes.

If you are interested in undergoing the LapBand surgery, your first step is to schedule a consultation appointment with your doctor. This consultation appointment may involve meeting with your family doctor or a referral may lead you to LapBand surgeon. Either way, your consultation appointment will determine whether the LapBand procedure is right for you. But, what if it isnt?

If you arent deemed an ideal candidate for LapBand surgery, you may honestly feel as if you hit a road block. You may feel as if you have exhausted all of your options. Yes, this may be true, but know that you do have many other choices.

Look for another LapBand surgeon. Despite the fact that each LapBand surgeon has eligibility requirements, some are more flexible than others. For example, if you are 85 pounds overweight, but suffer from diabetes, it is possible to find a surgeon who will perform the procedure. This is because most cases of diabetes disappear with weight loss. Some surgeons believe this is worth the risk.

Start eating healthy. Those who suffer from obesity typically have a problem with their diets. This problem tends to involve the consumption of foods that are high in fats and calories. Restricting your diet can result in weight loss. Unfortunately, diet restrictions are not easy. If you opt for this weight loss alternative, it will take a lot of time, trial and error, and patience.

Schedule an appointment with a nutrician. These individuals are knowledgeable on the subjects of food, health, and weight loss. If you have spent years consuming foods that are high in sugar, fat, and calories, you may not know which foods are right for you or how to start the transition to healthy eating. A professional can help you develop the best eating plan to fit your needs.

Start exercising. Diet, when combined with exercise, is the most natural way to lose weight. If you are obese, as opposed to overweight, exercise may be something you want to avoid. You may have unpleasant visions of hours on the treadmill or stares at the gym. The good news is that these visions do not have to become reality. Exercise can be something as simple as parking in the back of the parking lot so that you can walk more. After you start to see a small weight loss and gain confidence, incorporate more extensive workouts into your day.

Examine other weight loss surgeries. The LapBand procedure is just one of the weight loss surgeries performed in the United States. So, you do have other alternatives. Unfortunately, Roux-en Y gastric bypass (RGB) and Biliopancreatic Diversion (extensive gastric bypass) procedures have more risks and complications. This is due to stomach stapling, as opposed to the use of an adjustable LapBand. In most instances, if you are deemed ineligible for the LapBand, you are likely to receive the same response. Of course, it wont hurt to inquire.

Discuss alternatives with your doctor. Once you hear that you are not an ideal candidate for the LapBand system, you may want to run out of the office in frustration. Instead, stay and ask your doctor about alternatives. He or she will likely suggest exercise and diet restrictions, but still ask. Following the recommendations of a professional healthcare provider is the best and safest way to lose weight.


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