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LapBand Surgery: How to Reduce the Risk of Complications

LapBand Surgery: How to Reduce the Risk of Complications

Have you received the approval to undergo LapBand surgery? If so, you are well on your way to having a lighter and healthier body. At first, you will be excited about your upcoming weight loss surgery. At some point in time, you may experience nervousness. The LapBand is considered a safe procedure, but surgery always involves risks. These risks, no matter how small, may cause you some concern.

So, what should you do? Take steps to minimize your risk of LapBand complications. As for how you can do so:

Most importantly, listen to your primary care physician and LapBand surgeon. Most patients mistakenly believe their surgery begins at their surgery date and time. Yes, technically it does, but a lot of preparation is needed for the LapBand system. Diet restrictions are necessary to prepare the body for surgery in the two to three weeks prior. For that reason, follow all professional advice given.

As previously stated, diet restriction is necessary in the weeks leading up to surgery. Physicians will provide patients with a list of pre-approved foods. Despite the possibility of small variances, you should be able to eat lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and yogurt. Protein supplements will be added. These diet restrictions are necessary to reduce complications. They allow for the reduction in fat around the stomach, making surgery easier and safer.

Also at the advice of a LapBand surgeon, patients are asked not to eat or drink after the midnight before their surgery. This is important advice to follow. Not only may you face complications, your doctor may refuse to perform the surgery!

Post surgery, patients have multiple follow-up appointments with their surgeons. At these follow-up appointments or at anytime following surgery, voice concerns. This includes pain and discomfort. Yes, pain and discomfort is a small side effect of surgery, but still mention it. You never know if complications have started or may later arise.

In the 24 hours following the LapBand procedure, patients start moving. By discharge time, patients should be able to walk, get up and down. With that said, it may be uncomfortable and slightly painful to move too much. For that reason, prepare your home for your arrival in advance. It reduces post-surgery LapBand complications by ensuring you have time to fully recover. Stock up on post-surgery liquids, clean your house, and so forth.

Start with a clear liquid diet. This is advised immediately following surgery. A clear liquid diet may include chicken broth, sugar free gelatin, and diluted apple juice. Your surgeon will provide you with a list of approved foods. To reduce complications, slip your drinks slowly. After approval, the next stages include full liquids, pureed foods, soft foods, and full solids. This process can take between one and two months. Always eat slowly, check food thoroughly, and stop eating when full.

Do not return to work without doctor approval. If you work in an office environment and perform easy tasks, such as typing, you are likely to return to work in one week. If heavy lifting is required, such as in the retail or construction industry, extended recovery is recommended.

Finally, attend all follow-up appointments. Unfortunately, many individuals believe they are in the clear if they dont experience LapBand complications right away, but this is not true. Band slippage, stomach erosion, acid reflux, and regurgitation can occur days, weeks, months, or even years after surgery. These all signal complications, which when known can easily be treated with a band adjustment.


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LapBand Surgery: Questions to Ask Your Doctor

If you are interested in undergoing the LapBand surgery, you will need to find a LapBand surgeon. To get started, speak with your primary healthcare professional for a referral or turn to your local phone book or the internet. With that said, you need to do more than just find a LapBand surgeon; you need to choose the best one. For that reason, ask many questions.

So, what questions should you ask your LapBand surgeon?

Am I an ideal candidate? This is the most important question to ask. If you did not receive a direct referral from your primary care physician, do not have your heart set on weight loss surgery. The ideal candidate for surgery is 100 pounds or more overweight, between the ages of 18 and 60, and has the commitment to restrict their diet.

How much does the LapBand surgery cost? On average, the LapBand procedure costs between $15,000 and $20,000. That is quite the average price range. This means that you can find varying rates. Of course, you want to choose a quality surgeon who is Board Certified and who is known to produce results, but why pay more than you have to. In addition to asking about the cost, price compare with other local surgeons.

Do you have a payment plan? Some insurance providers do cover the cost of weight loss surgery, but there are typically many rules and restrictions. If you are uninsured or if coverage is not extended, ask about a payment plan. In this case, it is recommended that you have a good credit rating. If not, at least have enough for a substantial down payment.

Will you perform the LapBand procedure? If you are receiving a consultation at a hospital or large surgical center, you could be speaking to anyone. This is not what you want. You want to have a consultation appointment with the surgeon who will perform your LapBand surgery.

Are you Board Certified? In the United States, a Board Certified Surgeon is recommended. When opting for a certified surgeon, you are given a certain level of peace, comfort, and guarantee. You know the person has undergone strict testing and is qualified to perform the procedure.

How many surgeries have you performed? Not only do you want a Board Certified Surgeon, but you also want one who has experience performing the LapBand procedure. Surgical experience is recommended, but the LapBand is different than other surgeries. So, make sure your surgeon has experience with the LapBand system. Not only is installation experience recommended, but adjustment too.

What is your success ratio? When it comes to success ratio, it is important to ask about complications and weight loss. Your goal of undergoing the LapBand procedure is to lose weight, ensure those before you have done so. Next, examine your risks. How many patient complications or deaths has your surgeon experienced under their care?

Can I see before and after pictures? Before and after pictures will not only give you insight into your weight loss potential, but it may give you comfort and peace of mind. A LapBand surgeon who has before and after pictures of their patients is one who is invested in their long-term success. These are hands you want to place your life in.

Can you speak to past patients? Hearing that a LapBand surgeon has a good rate of no complications and successful weight loss is nice, but best when coming directly from the source. Ask to speak with or meet previous patients. When doing so, ask questions. Did they like the surgeon? Were they pleased with their treatment before, during, and after surgery? Would they extend a recommendation?

The above mentioned questions are just a few of the many you will want to ask during a LapBand consultation appointment, but they are a good start. In the days leading up to your appointment, record any additional questions you think of.


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LapBand Surgery: How to Find the Support You Need

LapBand Surgery: How to Find the Support You Need

If you suffer from severe to morbid obesity, your physician may recommend the LapBand surgery. If so, you should heed their suggestion. In cases of severe to morbid obesity, the LapBand procedure becomes more than just a weight loss surgery; it becomes a lifesaving device.

Once you receive approval from a LapBand surgeon, the process begins. Even if your surgery isnt scheduled for a month, preparation will begin almost immediately. In the two to three weeks pre-surgery, diet restrictions are a must. Patients are asked to refrain from eating or drinking before midnight. Post-surgery extreme diet restrictions are required. Patients start on a clear liquid diet then make the progression to full liquids, pureed foods, soft solids, and full solid foods. This is a very important, yet stressful procedure.

Since the LapBand system demands a lot from patients, it is not uncommon for patients to experience high stress levels and bouts of depression. To prevent this from happening, it is important to have a strong support system in place. But, where can you turn?

Your LapBand surgeon or surgical center. When choosing a LapBand surgeon, it is important to inquire about care. You want a surgeon who will do more than just operate. You need a surgeon who will properly prepare you for the procedure, educate you on each step of the surgery, and offer assistance for post surgery care. Surgeons know that the LapBand procedure is not just a surgery, but a lifestyle change. That is why many are willing to be your support throughout the entire length of the procedure.

Your primary care physician. If you have concerns about the LapBand surgery, speak directly to your surgeon. With that said, you may find support from your primary care physician. Two months after the LapBand, your surgical visits will decrease. Of course, additional appointments can be scheduled if pain and discomfort is experienced. If you just need medical advice or support, consider contacting your primary care physician.

Friends and family. The ability to receive support from a medical professional is important, but so is your support system at home. On average, home recovery takes about one week. During this time, you will be home from work. Minimal movement is okay, but you may need help from others. Not only will you need physical help, but emotional support. The changes and diet restrictions patients face following surgery can be overwhelming.

Support groups. Obesity has become a major problem in the United States. For that reason, there are many support groups available. These groups will vary. For example, there are groups for those looking to manage obesity and groups for those looking to overcome it. A LapBand support group is your best option. Speak to your LapBand surgeon, as some setup their own in-house support groups for patients.

Online support groups. If given the choice, opt for an in-person support group where you are able to meet face-to-face. This personalization can help give you comfort and reassurance. However, if this is not an option, consider online support groups. These groups can be found with a standard internet search.

Dietary experts. As previously stated, the biggest adjustment LapBand patients need to make is with their diet. For some, this may seem like an impossible task, as many do not know where to start. In that instance, a dietary expert is recommended. Let a professional help you slowly make the transition to a healthier lifestyle. Remember, weight loss is maximized when the LapBand is later combined with healthy eating and exercise.


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LapBand Surgery: Common Risks and Complications

Those who suffer from severe or morbid obesity often opt for the LapBand surgery. With surgery, an adjustable gastric band, known as the LapBand, is used to reduce stomach size. This can assist with weight loss. Although deemed a successful and relatively safe way to lose weight, there are risk and complications.

When researching the LapBand system, you will see safety as an advantage. Yes, this is true. With that said, it is important to remember that the LapBand procedure is a surgery. Although no stomach stapling is involved, like with traditional gastric bypass surgeries, there are still risks. All surgical procedures, no matter how large or small, carry some dangers.

Unfortunately, those who suffer from obesity are more likely to experience surgery related complications. This seems like a lose lose situation. You are obese. After all, that is why you are seeking weight loss surgery. It is important to follow all doctor recommendations and choose a quality and certified surgeon. When you do so, your risks of LapBand complications are drastically reduced.

In terms of complications, most occur in the days or weeks following surgery. One complication or side effect of the LapBand system is regurgitation. This is caused by the blockage of food. Luckily, it is easy to avoid. Take small bites, wait before eating a second bite, eat slowly, chew food, and stop eating when full. These steps can reduce the risk of regurgitation; however, it may be due to surgical complications. If regurgitation occurs, no matter what steps you take, speak to your doctor. Your LapBand may be too tight.

Another complication of LapBand surgery is band slippage. Slippage is rare, but it can occur. In most cases, you will notice pain and discomfort. You may even find it difficult to sallow liquids, let alone eat food. As previously stated, slippage of the LapBand is rare, but contact your doctor immediately if you feel it may be an issue. If not treated, complete obstruction can occur.

Acid reflux is another common side effect of the LapBand system. Acid reflux leads to the production and buildup of acid in the stomach. The most common sign is heartburn. Although many individuals experience bouts of heartburn, including those who havent had surgery, acid reflux should not be ignored. It is a sign that your band may need adjusting.

Although not necessarily considered a dangerous complication, no weight loss is a complication of surgery. It has to do with band positioning. It is common for adjustments to be made following surgery. If you are not experiencing the weight loss anticipated by your surgeon, speak to him or her. An adjustment to the LapBand is needed. Luckily, this should not involve surgery. A thin needed and saline is used for LapBand adjustments.

As previously stated, LapBand adjustments are common. For that reason, they are not technically considered a risk or complication. Each patients weight loss needs vary and changes overtime. For that reason, expect to have your band adjusted. Do not fret when it is suggested.

As a recap, all surgical procedures have some form of risk and complication. With that said, you may take comfort in knowing that many studies have shown the LapBand is a relatively safe weight loss surgery. The risk of morality, minor and major complications is lower than with alternatives.


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