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A Guide For Parents On Weight Loss Plan For Teens

A Guide For Parents On Weight Loss Plan For Teens

It is a general knowledge that an obese child will have a greater tendency to become an obese adult. A fat kid may look really cute but a fat teenager usually gets the brunt of fat jokes in school and may also develop inferiority complex and other personality issues.

A lot of parents are very conscious of avoiding making a big fuss about over-weight kids as they feel that their teenagers would feel unloved if they start talking about weight loss plans for teens. It is, however, advisable that weight loss plans for teens are freely discussed in the family to ensure that an over-weight family teenager could learn to accept it easier. Getting involved in a weight loss plans for teens program as a family might even be fun and a perfect venue for family activities.

Here is a weight loss plan for teens that any parent can also enjoy and experience:


Schedule weekend activities with your kids that will promote physical exercises. Try activities like biking, wall climbing, a ball game, or swimming. These will be good for your kid and great for your health too!


You must learn to encourage your kids to eat healthier. A lot of kids nowadays would prefer a trip to a fast food joint than eating vegetables or fruits. Learn to be creative in preparing vegetables as part of the family meal. Experiment on vegetable recipes and encourage your teenager to help you with the preparation. While doing this, talk about the benefits of vegetables and fruits. You may talk about how a certain vegetable can make their skin healthier and avoid common skin problems during puberty. Prepare their lunch when they need to eat in school. You will be surprised at how unhealthy and gross the school canteens may have. Make sure to send him to school with a healthy packed lunch.


Now, not all teenagers are into sports. But sport is a good way to train kids to become team players and leaders. It is also a very effective factor that can help your weight loss plan for teens. Introduce them to simple sports and find out which interests them.. It is important to note though that sports should not be imposed to disguise your weight loss plans for teens in your family. Introduce sports activities to them and see which sports they have interest in and start from there. If your teenager is not into sports, you may want to shift to a different activity that would still encourage them to get some form of exercise. For example, a teenager who has interests in books may not want to engage into a ball game. Make a sport out of it by engaging your teenager to a game of who can walk to the bookstore faster.


There are a lot of books and articles written about weight loss plans for teens. Try to get references and reading materials and encourage the whole family to read about healthier living. You may also want to make it a topic for dinner or just a casual conversation with your teenager. It is very important to know what they think about weight loss plans for teens so that you may be able to help them out with their questions or problems. Open communication is a key to acceptance. Kids must be able to freely discuss apprehensions and concerns. Let them know that you as a parent will be happy to provide guidance.

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Healthy Eating Guidelines For Diabetics

A diabetics life can be hardy on his diet. If a person has diabetes, its important that he or she is aware of the connection between carbohydrate consumption and diabetes management. Once carbohydrates are synthesized by the digestive system, they become sugars, and have a direct effect on blood glucose levels. A diabetics diet must maintain a delicate balance of essential nutrients and minerals. It’s important for diabetics to understand what foods to eat, and which ones to neglect.

Choose High – Fiber Vegetables

Eating fiber – propertied vegetables is good for diabetics, since fiber does not raise or affect magenta sugar levels. The vegetables should be minimally processed, and ideally should be eaten untried. Among the fiber – rich veggies that are great for diabetics include cauliflower, celery, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, artichokes, cabbage, eggplant, peppers, greens and spinach.

Suggested Fruit Variants For Diabetics

Fruits that have high fiber and fructose content are supereminent for diabetics, since these do not affect blood sugar levels. Raw fruits are best for diabetics, since abundantly dried and canned fruits contain high sugar levels. The suggested fruits include apricots, apples, blueberries, grape fruit, guava, Kiwi fruit, mango, pears and pomegranates.

Grub And Protein Substitutes

Getting adequate amounts of protein should be part of any diet, especially for diabetics. Protein helps regulate blood sugar levels and provides energy. While meat products are generally the best sources of protein, diabetics must limit their meat consumption, and instead consume more legumes and fish, which accommodate essential fatty acids and protein. The best meat substitutes for diabetics include veal, lamb, chicken or turkey, oily fish like mackerel and salmon, seafood, eggs, beans, lentils, soybeans, and moderate amounts of milk and dairy products.

Goal Consumption of Unhealthy Fats

Diabetics must also limit their consumption of unhealthy fats like trans fat and saturated fat, as well as reduce their intake of margarine, butter and shortening. Diabetics should instead go for monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are found in canola, olive oil and nuts.

Whole Grains

Whole grains also serve as a appetizing journey for adding good carbohydrates to your diet. Choose whole – grain cereals and breads, bran, barley, buckwheat, millet and galvanize – cut oatmeal.

Just because you have diabetes doesnt mean that you cant have your fill of healthy and sapid food anymore. A healthy eating plan for diabetics should translate into consuming a wide array of foods, in moderate amounts. Diabetics also need to stick to regular meal times, and get a diet which emphasizes on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and mismatched healthy meat substitutes. A diabetes diet should not be restrictive, but instead must offer you foods that are rich in nutrients, and low in fat and calories.

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3 Day Tuna Diet Theres Nothing Fishy About This

3 Day Tuna Diet Theres Nothing Fishy About This Diet Plan

Your 3 day tuna diet is one of the most popular and most effective quick weight loss plans available, but is it right for you? Well, first of all, you need to be able to stand the taste and smell of tuna. Otherwise it may well end up being the 3 day no food diet instead of the 3 day tuna diet.

Tuna has long been a staple of many diets, and with good reason. Tuna is inexpensive, its easy to carry with you and eat, its good for you and eating a lot of it will make you popular with cats. The last part may not be strictly necessary for weight loss. Because of this, its no surprise that people like the 3 day tuna diet.

Although there are many good reasons to make tuna a regular part of your health and fitness regime, the 3 day tuna diet is a little different. The point of this diet is to lose weight as quickly as possible for three days, and because of this, its usually most useful for people who want to lose a couple of pounds before a big event, or to get bikini ready for the beach.

If you follow the 3 day tuna diet as described, youll probably lose around six pounds and notice your midsection becoming notably tighter. This is because the diet helps you lose water weight, fat weight and cleans your intestines, which means its perfect for looking good.

That said, the 3 day tuna diet is not for everyone. If you are significantly overweight, the diet will still help you get a jump start on weight loss, but it is not intended to be any kind of long term weight loss program. You will need to find something works for the longer term.

There are two basic versions of the 3 day tuna diet, the strict version and the super strict version. The super strict version is as Spartan as it sounds and must not, under any circumstances, be continued for more than three straight days.

On the super strict version, you eat only water packed tuna and drink only water. This is very difficult to do, even for three days, but it will absolutely maximize weight loss. You may drink as much water as you like, and more is better, and you can eat as much tuna as you like, but you may have nothing else.

Your less strict version of the 3 day tuna diet is much easier and ultimately much healthier. For breakfast, you have half a cup of tuna and half of a large grapefruit. For lunch you have another half of cup of tune and a medium salad, greens and veggies only, with virgin olive oil as your dressing. For dinner, you have a whole cup of tuna, and one cup each of two different kinds of vegetables, steamed, and garnished with real butter. Its important to make sure youre getting the right kinds of fats.
Thats the basics of the 3 day tuna diet, and if youre going to try and use it long term, make sure you try and follow a 3 on, 4 off method so you dont experience any metabolic slowdown, and never do the super strict version more than once a month.

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3 Day Heart Diet Can You Find Health And Weightloss

3 Day Heart Diet Can You Find Health And Weightloss In Just 3 Days

The 3 day heart diet is a diet that is said to have been developed specifically for heart patients. There are various versions of where the diet is supposed to have come from, with the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic and the American Heart Association all having been credited at one point or another as being the point of origin.

All three of the organizations mentioned have publicly denied being the place where the 3 day heart diet originated, but that has done little to curb its popularity. Despite the name, the diets name appeal isnt to cardiac patients, but to people trying to lose weight as quickly as possible.

The 3 day heart diet is supposed to have been used to prepare heart patients for surgery, allowing them to lose the bloat and water retention that would put extra stress on the heart. This automatically caused weight loss, so the diet, according to the stories, became very popular.

Regardless of the origin of the 3 day heart diet, it will indeed cause you to lose weight quickly. The average person can expect to lose six pounds over the course of the diet, and people that are larger can lose even more, with up to ten pounds being a possibility.

This kind of weight loss is possible because the low calories nature of the diet means that it is also low carb and low bulk. These two things mean that you will lose a substantial amount of water weight as well as clearing out any excess material from your guts. Combined with a likely pound of two of actual fat loss, this accounts for most of the weight lost on the 3 day heart diet.

Generally speaking, there is a set type and amount of food for each meal of the diet, and this changes from day to day. The variety makes it easier to follow, but this is a very low calorie plan, so staying on it for more than the three days allotted is not recommended.

For breakfast, the 3 day heart diet looks like this

Day One

of a whole grapefruit or 4 ounces of grapefruit juice, unsweetened
1 slice of toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy

Day Two

1 hard-boiled egg
1 slice of toast
1/2 Banana
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy

Day Three

1 hard-boiled egg
1 slice of toast
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy

For lunch youll be eating:

Day One

1/2 cup of water packed tuna
1 slice of toast

Day Two

1 cup of cottage cheese
5 saltine type crackers

Day Three

1 slice of cheddar cheese
5 saltine type crackers
1 small apple

For dinner, the 3 day heart diet menu looks like this:

Day One

A quarter pound of any meat
1 cup of string beans
1 cup of carrots, cooked or raw
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Two

2 hot dogs
1 cup of broccoli
1/2 cup of carrots, cooked or raw.
1/2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Three

1 cup of water packed tuna
1 cup of beets
1 cup green beans
1 cup cantaloupe
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

On the 3 day heart diet, you are not to use any kind of spice or additive except for salt and pepper. It is not recommended because of the low calories that you stay on it for more than three consecutive days. For best results, alternate the 3 day heart diet with four days of higher calories eating to avoid slowing your metabolism.

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