Weight Loss Medications
There are so many supplements and remedies that claim they can help people lose weight that if you try to sort it all out and narrow it down to the one you might like to take, it can make your head spin. You best bet is to enlist the help of your doctor and get him or her to prescribe one of the few FDA-approved weight loss medications available.
Most FDA-approved weight loss medications do require a prescription from your doctor so talk to them first to see what they recommend. There is one medication that is FDA approved that you can get OTC, or over the counter, and that is the medication called Alli.
Alli is intended for people over the age of 18 and contains the fat blocking compound called orlistat. Orlistat prevents the absorption of fats from your diet by stopping the enzyme lipase from breaking the fat down. The fat is then passed directly through your digestive tract and may cause unpleasant side effects like anal leakage, oily spotting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and excess gas.
Due to this fact, Alli should be taken along with a diet low in fat. The lower your fat intake the less you will suffer from these unpleasant side effects. It would stand to reason that if you consume less fat in your diet then you will lose weight.
Orlistat also comes in a prescription medication called Xenical which is twice the strength of Alli with 120 mg of the fat blocker. Therefore, Xenical should only be used if you are extremely overweight and only under your doctor’s supervision. With the dosage being double what it is in Alli you will most likely experience serious digestive side effects and will also most likely need some supplementation because decreased fat absorption will also take with it vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy.
Meridia is another prescription medication used for weight loss that works by affecting the area of the brain that controls satiety. This area of the brain is one of the feel good areas that elevates your mood and decreases your appetite. Side effects of Meridia include and increase in blood pressure so it must be used with extreme caution or not at all if you already have high blood pressure.
Other side effects include restlessness, dizziness, tremors, and insomnia. Meridia is mainly used to decrease the feeling of hunger and should be taken along with a healthy diet and moderate daily exercise.
There are two other weight loss medications available that should only be used in extremely obese people and only for a jumping off point for those who need to see results quickly. They are called Adipex-P and Sanorex and are both highly addictive.
Capable of some serious side effects like hallucinations, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, seizures, tremors and changes in insulin production. Both should be used under very strict supervision by your doctor due to the fact that they can also interact with other prescription or over the counter medications you are already taking.
Tags: Abdominal Cramps, Absorption Of Fats, Alli, Appe, Best Bet, diarrhea;, Digestive Tract, Enzyme Lipase, Excess Gas, Fda Approved Weight Loss, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, Meridia, Orlistat, Otc, Prescription Medication, Satiety, Supplementation, Unpleasant Side Effects, Vitamins And Minerals, Weight Loss Medications, Xenical —