Hoodia Side Effects – No One Knows For Sure
Hoodia gordonii is a plant that is grown in South Africa. This plant has a centuries old reputation for suppressing hunger and thirst and was used by bushmen as a way to keep them from getting hungry and thirsty before they set off on long dessert trek. The bushman not only didn’t show any ill effects from ingesting the plant they also spoke of increased vitality and energy. Drug companies have spent decades trying to isolate the compound that gives hoodia gordonii it’s seemingly miraculous powers.
P57 is the compound in hoodia that is credited with helping to suppress appetite and thirst by tricking the brain into thinking it is full and satisfied thus decreasing the desire to eat and drink. While scientists have been unable to incorporate the compound into a diet supplement, they have used the hoodia plant as a whole to create beneficial appetite suppressants. The hoodia side effects have been shown to not exist at all.
There haven’t really been too many documented studies to verify how safe the supplement is to use as a diet aid, but evidence suggests that it has no ill effects and that actually the health benefits of weight loss would seem to outweigh any potential negative side effects of the hoodia gordonii.
One note, since hoodia gordonii can suppress thirst as well as appetite you do need to be careful to drink enough water throughout your day. It’s very easy to get dehydrated if you wait until you feel thirst before drinking, since you won’t feel thirsty while taking the supplement. And, obviously, since hoodia suppresses the appetite it’s important that you are careful to eat enough high nutrient foods to keep your body healthy.
As with most drugs, it’s important to use caution if you are nursing or pregnant and you should always consult your doctor before you start taking a supplement, especially if you are taking other medications, to avoid dangerous interactions. Many people mistakenly believe that as long as the product is all natural they don’t have to worry about taking it, that is not always the case and it’s better to be safe than sorry, talk to your doctor.
Another thing to keep in mind when using, or considering using, any weight loss supplements is to not expect miracles. There is nothing wrong with getting some extra help but you have to be willing to eat properly (enough of the right kinds of food) and get plenty of exercise. A supplement is exactly that: a supplement. It shouldn’t be the do all end all of your weight loss plan, be willing to make the needed lifestyle changes so your weight loss can be permanent.
Hoodia gordonii is an all natural plant that can help you accomplish your weight loss goals (when combined with a proper nutrition plan and plenty of exercise) which has gained in popularity in recent years in large part due to the lack of hoodia side effects. As long as you talk to your doctor first and carefully following the dosing instructions, there is no evidence to suggest that you will have any negative side effects using this supplement. Good luck on your weight loss goals.
Tags: Appetite Suppressants, Bushman, Bushmen, Caution, Dangerous Interactions, Decades, Dessert, Diet Aid, Diet Supplement, energy;, food;, Health Benefits, Healthy Diet, Hoodia Gordonii, Hoodia Plant, Hoodia Side Effects, Hunger And Thirst, Ill Effects, Losing Weight, Medications, Miraculous Powers, Natura, pence, South Africa, Vitality —

Resveratrol And Weight Loss – Is It Right For You
Resveratrol And Weight Loss – Is It Right For You
You have probably heard all the hype about Resveratol and all that it has to offer when it comes to health benefits. One of the great benefits of Resveratol, is the fact that it can act just like a natural aid; to anyones weight loss. At least these are the advertising claims. But you and I both know, that we need to read between the lines and the cute print, of the advertising claims to get at the truth.
It is true that it does help naturally aid in weight loss, as shown through several different studies. It was found through these studies that Resveratol produced several different health benefits including anti cancer, reducing swelling, and cardiovascular among others. So as you can see this is a legitimate product when it comes to providing these various health benefits. However aside from the various health benefits we still need to discover how it can aid in your weight loss.
There are actually a variety of different ways the Resveratrol aides in your weight loss. some of these are listed below.
1. Increased Metabolism – One way that Resveratrol can help you lose the weight is by speeding up your metabolism. Metabolism plays a huge part in your overall weight loss program. When you have a faster metabolism it element your body is burning fat and calories at a very fast speed.
2. Increased Functioning Levels – This is the aid way that Resveratrol will aide you in your weight loss program. When you take this you will be left feeling more energized and able to do more then you normally would. This will aide in bringing you a healthier lifestyle and wanting to exercise more.
3. Appetite Suppressant – It has a great appetite suppressant which causes you to eat less and as a by-product you will lose weight. These appetite suppressants have been around for years and have been quite avowed in the weight loss world. You will be eating less therefore consuming fewer calories.
So since you can see there are many benefits to use Resveratol as a weight loss technique. There are few others on the bazaar today that provide because many health benefits as this product does. In order to tenure this product you need to find a reliable guide that will aide you in purchasing this product. There are plenty of sites that are available out there but only some of them are legitimate. There are some sites out there that are just a plain outright scam. You need to research the sites carefully before you purchase.
Resveratol is great for not only weight loss and as well it supposedly carries a lot of distant prodigious health benefits as well. However, you should consult your personal physician prior to trying Resveratol or for that matter fragment product for weight loss.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: advertising claims, aide, Aides, anti cancer, Appetite Suppressant, Appetite Suppressants, Burning Calories, by-product, cancer;, Different Ways, Element, Fat Calories, Fewer Calories, Health Benefits, Healthier Lifestyle, Hype, Increased Metabolism, Legitimate Product, Lose Weight, matter fragment product, Personal Physician, Resveratol, Resveratrol, Speed 2, Speeding Up Your Metabolism, Weight Loss Program, will aide —

Healthy supplements make diet pills obsolete!
Healthy supplements make diet pills obsolete!
Armand Dupuis
Diet Pills
Taking diet pills is definitely not an effective weight loss strategy, because as soon as you stop taking them, all the weight you lost will return with a vengeance, because…
Most diet pills are nothing more than drugs which act as appetite suppressants, and the side effects can be devastating or even deadly so it’s not a good way to lose fat.
Most of them will usually act as effective appetite suppressants, which means that you won’t be hungry and will stop eating. Of course you are going to lose some weight, but…
When you are not eating, you are on a starvation diet, and your body responds by slowing down your metabolism, because it is being deprived of essential nutrients which it needs to survive.
Eventually, you have to stop taking the pills or you’ll die. When you do stop, your hunger will return with a vengeance, because your body is trying to replace the nutrients it’s been lacking, and just look at the…
Side Effects of Diet Pills
Many of these diet pills are addictive and some of the side effects are high blood pressure, liver irritation, headaches, dizziness, sexual difficulties, increased heart rate, diarrhea, and even death, plus…
Guaranteed, you’ll regain all the weight you lost and then some, because now your metabolism is much slower than before, so in other words…
Diet pills make you gain weight in the long run, and also, just look at the harm to your body from both the starvation and the side effects.
That’s too high a price to pay for temporary weight loss. Instead…
Replace Diet Pills with Supplements
For healthy weight loss!
Healthy supplements are much better than diet pills for healthy weight loss. Also, supplements make a safe appetite suppressant without slowing down your metabolism, and… Make Diet Pills Obsolete!
People take diet pills in order to stop eating, but eating is required for survival. The reality is that you need to stop eating the junk foods, however…
That’s a lot easier said than done, as you are craving food because your body is asking you for nutrients which is not in the food you’re eating. The reality is that…
You can never satisfy your cravings, without giving your body “what it is craving”.
Healthy Supplements Satisfies Your Cravings
When you take the right kind of supplements, your body becomes more nutritionally satisfied, which greatly decreases your cravings, so you’ll lose some fat, without slowing down your metabolism, and you won’t regain all the weight you’ve lost.
But here’s the problem…
Not all Supplements are Created Equal
In order for your supplements to be an effective appetite suppressant, you need to take only “Quality Supplements” that your body can actually absorb, because…
When you take most vitamin and mineral supplements for example, it’s common knowledge that your body will only absorb about 4 to 5% of the nutrients in them.
It doesn’t seem to matter if you buy your supplements from a drugstore, a health food store, or if they are prescribed by a doctor.
What’s the point in spending money for supplements, if your body can’t absorb them, or if the nutrients you body is lacking is not in them to begin with?
Most people take lots of supplements, but they are still craving food all the time, and that means…
The supplements which you are taking are not making you nutritionally satisfied; otherwise you wouldn’t have all those cravings and keep gaining fat.
Breakthrough Super Supplements
In the Slim and America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend supplements which are absorbed by the body, otherwise what’s the use?
Over the years we’ve come across a variety of different supplements which will affect different body functions, and just recently, we’ve come across a line of super supplements which act as effective appetite suppressants, because…
They are being fully absorbed by the body, and therefore making the body more nutritionally satisfied, otherwise, the cravings would remain.
Not only are our students who are taking these supplements eating a lot less, but they are also reporting a lot more energy, and a lot more stamina to get through the day.
The net result is…
Faster weight loss
Faster and safer weight-loss results are now possible without slowing down your metabolism, so that more effective fat burning takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Weight loss that stays off!
Everybody is different, so the trick is for you to find the supplements which will give you the best results. Today there are many supplement manufacturers who have top quality products, however…
There are many others, who make misleading claims for products that are not only totally useless, but some can also be very dangerous to your health, so how can you know for sure what’s best for you?
The answer is simple: if the products solve your problem, “Great”, if not, they’re a waste of money and you should get your money back.
If you take a good comprehensive general supplement and are eating at least reasonably healthy, you’ll become more nutritionally satisfied and it should take a lot of your food cravings away, otherwise you are not absorbing them and they are a waste of your hard earned money.
Becoming more nutritionally satisfied is the only way to get rid of food cravings in order to lose weight permanently.
Diet pills on the other hand, work exactly the opposite and slows down your metabolism 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so…
Only a natural weight loss system together with healthy and effective diet supplements is the answer to staying permanently slim, fit, and healthy.
Isn’t your health your greatest asset?
Not only is losing weight in a healthy way, “real easy” once you know how, but more importantly…
The weight stays off!!!
What’s the point in losing and regaining the same 20 or 30 lbs. over and over again? That’s what happens when you slow down your metabolism by taking diet pills, instead of losing the fat the right way to begin with,.
Why Not Lose It 4 Life
Only by following a safe and easy system like the Slim America weight-loss program, will you be able to burn the fat much faster, and lose the weight for the rest of your life, so diet pills are just not an option.
About the Author
Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades.
Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and “free” Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site.
Tags: Appetite Suppressant, Appetite Suppressants, Armand Dupuis, Author, diarrhea;, Diet Pills, Diet Supplements, Dizziness, Effective Weight Loss, energy;, Essential Nutrients, Food Cravings, food;, headaches;, health food store, Healthy Diet, Healthy Weight Loss, Heart Rate, high blood pressure;, Hunger, lecturer, Liver, liver irritation, Metabolism Diet, Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, Personal Trainer, quality products, Serious Researcher, Sexual Difficulties, Starvation Diet, starvation;, still craving food, Taking The Pills, Teacher, Vengeance —