Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Low Carb Diet Menu In A Nuthell

How does a bacon and egg omelet sound for breakfast? For dinner, 8 oz T-bone steak with a yummy Greek salad. I will show you how to lose weight using a low carb menu.

First, I will begin with the basics of how a low carb diet works. Any food substance you put in your body is used for fuel. Either fuel for now or fuel that is saved for later. The “fuel” that is saved for later, is stored as fat.

Your body is going to use the easiest fuel first. If you eat a diet high in carbs your body will choose to burn the carbs first. Eat a diet that is low in carbs, the body has no other choice but to use what is left. And that my friend is the fat stored in those good ole love handles, thunder thighs and of coarse, lets not forget that bubble butt.

You may ask, “How do I make a low carb menu”. A little bit of advice before you go grocery shopping, get rid of those high carb snacks! They will be nothing but temptation once you start a low carb diet.

Your grocery list may include: Fish, shellfish, poultry, pork, red meat, etc… Stay away from anything breaded. That’s right no more breaded chicken tenders or fish fillets.

You can eat up to 3-4 ounces of cheese a day. Such as: cheddar, mozzarella, goat cheese. Be sure to buy salad vegetables. Most of the green vegetables are lower in carbs.

Don’t forget the eggs. Lots of dishes you can make with eggs. Most spices and herbs are no carb to low carb. Stay away from sugar; try some of the artificial sweeteners that are available in the stores.

Here are some easy low carb diet menus made from the above list. Breakfast- sausage and egg omelet with sharp cheddar cheese. Coffee with tsp of real cream. Lunch: tuna salad made with real mayonnaise, tsp of diced pickles placed on top of fresh green salad.

Dinner- Grilled pork chops, cooked greens seasoned with bacon and a cup of mixed vegetables. Anyone can make meals that are lower in carbs. It just takes some time looking at the nutritional labels.

So, there is the low carb diet menu in a nutshell. All it takes is a little willpower and a little research. Give your body the advantage it needs, eat low carb.

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Healthy Eating The Perks Of A High – Fiber

Healthy Eating The Perks Of A High – Fiber Diet

Fiber is one of the main ingredients of healthy eating. If the body isnt getting the required amounts of natural fiber, the person may be prone to disorders such as constipation, for grins pain, and worse colon cancer. For those who are looking to have a healthy eating plan, fiber is one of the key elements to that plan. The sad thing is that many individuals still dont take fiber too seriously. Heres a look at the many benefits of consuming high – fiber foods.

Fiber Fights Diseases, And Can Help Stop Overeating

A diet thats easy in fiber can help prevent a number of diseases, from constipation to colon cancer. Eating a high – fiber diet actually helps the body reduce or eradicate bad cholesterol, by binding fat and cholesterol in the digestive tract. Natural fiber can also help stop overeating. High – fiber foods take longer to chew and digest, making the person feel satisfied and extensive longer.

Rarefied Foods Dont Have Adequate Fiber Content

These days, grocery shelves are often filled with lots of processed meats, snacks and other food items. They also contain large amounts of artificial sweeteners, flavorings and preservatives. If you love eating processed foods, you may need to increase your fiber intake, because most processed foods lack adequate fiber content.

Fruits, Vegetables And Whole Grains Are Great Sources of Fiber

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of dietary fiber, which is actually plant principle. Fiber is largely composed of cellulose, which aids the body in digestion. Integral grains are also excellent dietary fiber sources. When cooking fruits and vegetables, you need not worry about cooking the fiber, because it stays there. The fiber found in most fruits and veggies are not just located on the legal tender or peel, but deep within.

Whats The Recommended Fiber Intake?

According to nutritionists, getting the right amount of fiber is quite wieldy. All you need to do is eat the right foods, and youll be on your way to getting adequate amounts of dietary fiber. However, if you consume more than 50 grams of fiber each day, you may stir up diarrhea or abdominal bloating, and it may also hinder the bodys absorption of other essential minerals. Children who are two years and major also need to have their daily fiber intake, from fruits, vegetables and plane fortified breakfast cereals.

Among the best sources of dietary fiber include dried beans and legumes, bran cereals, dried fruit, sweet corn, raspberries and strawberries, whole wheat, broccoli, plums, pears, apples, potatoes, raisins and prunes, dark green lettuce, spinach, kale, nuts, cherries, carrots, bananas, coconut and Brussels sprouts and more. Its not hard to see the benefits of incorporating fiber into your daily eating plan. Undocked you need to ensure is that you add these delightful foods into your regular diet.

24 Hour Fitness

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Healthy Eating Summed Up

Healthy Eating Summed Up
Dr. Jamie Fettig

Eat food that is:
1. Fresh
2. Pure.

The benefits of junk food are not worth the hidden price you have to pay.

Remind yourself “why” you are eating healthy daily

These Myths are NOT true:
Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels
Salt does NOT cause High Blood Pressure
Eating Fat does NOT make you fat
All refined carbohydrates are hazardous to you
Artificial sweeteners of all kinds are not good for you
All vitamins and supplements are NOT created equal

Diet Food really does taste bad. True Healthy food is good.

Healthy food is easier in the long run.

Junk food really is bad for you

About the Author

share all of these in more detail in my free e-course. Go to to get the full e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you Permanent Results with his “non-diet.” He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to:

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Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed

Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed
Dr. Jamie Fettig

Some of the things you think you know that just aint so (these myths are not true):
Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels
Salt does NOT cause High Blood Pressure
Eating Fat does NOT make you fat
All refined carbohydrates are hazardous to you
Artificial sweeteners of all kinds are not good for you
All vitamins and supplements are NOT created equal

Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels

The Medical professions current way of thinking about cholesterol.
They look and see lots of cholesterol in the blood. So they scratch their head and say, well, dont eat so much cholesterol then. If you eat less cholesterol, you will not have as much in your blood. Now, on the surface, it sounds good. But there are two major flaws with their theory. The first one. It doesnt work. I dare you to try and find someone whose cholesterol significantly went down by eating less cholesterol. You will be hard pressed to find someone. Even with medication.

That brings in my favorite definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. This is what the medical profession has been doing for Years. Telling people to do the same thing, with out really getting results, expecting to get different results. It just doesnt work that way.

The Second flaw in their theory is this. The cholesterol in your blood is not the same cholesterol in the food you eat. Your body actually has to break down the cholesterol in the food you eat, and then absorb the pieces of the cholesterol. Then your body, if it wants to, has to reassemble the pieces back into the cholesterol you find in your blood. And your body does not make cholesterol, unless you need it.

The question is then why would you need cholesterol in your blood?

Cholesterols primary job is to carry glucose (sugar) around the blood stream. You need an equal number of cholesterol units as you have sugar molecules in your blood. So if you have 3000 sugar molecules in your blood, you need 3,000 cholesterol molecules to carry them. The actual numbers are much, much higher than this, but you get the point.

The more glucose or sugar molecules you have in your blood, the more cholesterol you need to carry them.

So what affects your blood sugar levels? Mostly what you eat. Refined Carbohydrates. When you eat refined carbohydrates, the get digested and absorbed into the blood stream very quickly. Your body then very quickly converts the refined carbohydrates into glucose. This causes a spike in your blood glucose levels. And if you have a high amount of glucose in the blood, what do you need again? That is right; you need lots of cholesterol to carry those glucose guys around.

Your body is smart. It learns from the past. If you are constantly having high amounts of glucose because of the food you eat. Your body prepares for the next time that you eat refined carbohydrates. It prepares by having lots of cholesterol on reserves to deal with the certain increase in glucose levels that are inevitably going to happen.

So if you eat refined carbohydrates often (daily) your body prepares by keeping lots of cholesterol on reserve to deal with this. This is one of the biggest reasons why so many people have high cholesterol levels. Your body is smart, and it is preparing for the inevitability of your blood glucose levels going way up from eating refined carbohydrates.

Like I said, your body is smart. It is a very quick learner. If you quit eating food that makes your blood sugar levels high, your body will get rid of the excess of cholesterol levels in your blood. That is why, often with in weeks, your cholesterol levels drop significantly, often 50 or 100 or more points, when you quit eating refined carbohydrates.

Now, the trick comes with, what is refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are things that are mostly calories from carbohydrates that have been refined from how they are found in nature including most sugars. Great, what does that mean? Things like breads, crackers, pastas, sugar (in most forms), and grains are refined carbohydrates.

To safely, significantly lower your cholesterol level with in weeks, quit eating refined carbohydrates. It is that simple. And again, dont take my word for it. Do it yourself, and measure your cholesterol levels before and after, and you will see for yourself. If you cut refined carbohydrates out completely, you will often notice the 50-100 point drops within weeks. If you still eat refined carbohydrates, you will notice a decrease, but not as quickly. And the amount your cholesterol drops will be in direct proportion to how much refined carbohydrates you quit eating. The less you eat, the more it will drop. It really is that simple.

About the Author

The truth about salt causing high Blood pressure. I share this with you in my free e-course. Go to for the e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to give you Permanent Results with his “non-diet.” He is giving you free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to:

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