Daniel Diet Biblical Fasting As Described in the Bible
Daniel Diet Biblical Fasting As Described in the Bible
The Daniel Diet is not simply a fad diet to lose weight. Instead, it is a spiritual commitment that may result in a drop in pounds. But, first and foremost, it is designed to improve your relationship with God.
The Daniel diet is based on a verse from the Bible. Daniel 1:18 says, Daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself. At the time, the Hebrews were living in exile in Babylonia. Daniel was an adviser to the Babylonian king.
The Babylonian king ate all kinds of foods restricted to Jews. This included non kosher foods, wine, and foods and drinks that had been offered to idols.
The modern day Daniel diet popularized by author and pastor Rev. Elmer Townes does not require that you follow the same program that the Biblical Daniel did.
The Daniel fast is not a full fast. You are allowed to eat whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and water, fruit juices and vegetable juices.
You must specifically avoid all meat, white flour or white rice, fried foods, caffeine, carbonated beverages (including diet soda), alcohol, foods with any preservatives or additives, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, chemical sugar substitutes like equal, and margarine, shortening or any product with animal fats.
Before you begin the diet part of the Daniel fast, you need to prepare spiritually through prayer. Make a commitment to stay on the diet for a specified period and publicize it by writing it down and telling your family, friends and faith partners what you have promised God you will do.
You will also need to prepare yourself physically for the diet. If you are addicted to caffeine, it is a good idea to wean yourself off of coffee or soda for two weeks before starting the Daniel diet. Also, begin reducing meat consumption ahead of time so that this is not a shock to your system.
The length of time you stay on the Daniel Diet depends on you. Remember, this is not primarily a weight loss plan but a spiritual redemption. Some people make a commitment to stay on the fast for the rest of their lives. Many churches are doing a church-wide Daniel fast for 21 days encompassing 4 Sundays. This stems from a 21 day fast that Daniel recounted in Daniel chapter 10. Other people fast for the entire 40 days of Lent. However, you can do the Daniel fast for as little as 7 days and see results.
Some people report that they do a one day a week complete fast as a sacrifice to the Lord.
Here are some tips to help you be successful on the Daniel Diet.
1.Be specific about the amount of time you will spend on the diet.
2.Use the fasting as a spiritual commitment not a weight loss plan.
3.Use your external discipline to reflect your internal desire.
4.Pray and ask God to show you what sins role is in your physical problems.
5.Use your fast as a testimony to others.
6.Use your fast to learn the effects of the food you eat on your body.
7.Give praise to God for whatever successes you have on the Daniel Diet.
Tags: adviser, Animal Fats, Author, Babylonian King, Carbonated Beverages, chemical sugar substitutes, Daniel Diet Biblical Fasting As, Diet Soda, Diet To Lose Weight, Elmer Townes, Fad Diet, Faith Partners, food;, Fructose Corn Syrup, Fruit Juices, Fruits Vegetables, High Fructose Corn, High Fructose Corn Syrup, king, Kosher Foods, Living In Exile, Meat Consumption, Pastor Rev, Relationship With God, Spiritual Commitment, Vegetable Juices, Whole Grains —

Want Permanent weight loss results? Healthy Eating is the
Want Permanent weight loss results? Healthy Eating is the Key
Dr. Jamie Fettig
The confusion about eating healthy and dieting will now be cleared up, all in one easy sentence. Are you ready? Everyone is different.
What is healthy for one person is not going to be the best diet for everyone else. You are different than everyone else. What food is best for you is not necessarily going to be what is right for everyone else. Some people do well on meat, others dont. Some people are fine with lots of carbs, others not. What food is best for you is really dependent on you and your lifestyle.
I will make it really simple to help you figure out what is good. There are a couple of general rules of thumb that apply to everyone. They are really simple. Are you ready?
It is that simple. All the food you eat, no matter what kind you eat, should be fresh and pure. It is that simple. Then, just listen to your inner knowing, and it will tell you what to eat that is fresh and pure.
If you are craving steak, eat steak. If you want veggies, eat veggies. If you want some fruit, eat fruit. If you want some nuts or seeds, eat nuts and seeds. When your choices of food are always from the fresh and pure categories, you will eat exactly what you need to eat without having to worry about your carbs, calories, fat, cholesterol, or anything. Its so simple.
So what does fresh mean? Fresh generally means not in a can or box. Most things that are put into cans and boxes are old and dead. The life force has been long gone from the food. It is no longer fresh. Now, stuff in a box or can may be fresh, but it usually isnt. Frozen stuff can go either way. Frozen stuff is usually fresher than boxed or canned stuff. It has to be, because it cannot last as long frozen as it can in a box or can.
What does Pure mean? This means nothing artificial and nothing added, including poisons, pesticides or, one of the biggest culprits, refined carbohydrates, commonly called sugar. Sugar is added to almost everything in a regular grocery store. Even many things in a supposed health food store have sugar added. Pure usually includes the food being organic.
It is my position that if a food product meets the categories of both fresh and pure, it is not inherently bad, ever. There is no one food that is right for everyone and there is no food that if fresh and pure, is wrong for everyone either.
Some people are better off not eating late at night, others are. Some people do well skipping breakfast, others dont. Some people do well with three big meals, others do better snacking all day long. Some do better with variety, some do better with the same thing over and over again. It is really different for everyone.
Choose foods that you want to eat, that sound good to you that are fresh and pure. Listen to your inner wisdom and what it is telling you to eat, and you will be just fine. And Coincidentally, eating healthy and resetting your weight-o-stat is the only permanent “weight loss” solution.
About the Author
Go to http://www.bazuji.com/ecourse to sign up for the free e-course. Do you want to be Sexy, Slim, Slender and Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his “non-diet.” He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free
Tags: Author, Boxes, Calories, Calories Fat, Cans, Choices, Cholesterol, Confusion, Culprits, Diet, Dr Jamie, e-course, Food Product, food;, Healthy Dieting, Healthy Eating, Jamie Fettig, Lifestyle, Matter What Kind, Nothing Artificial, Nuts And Seeds, Pesticides, Poisons, Ready 1, Rules Of Thumb, supposed health food store, Weight Loss Results —

Want Healthy glowing skin?
Want Healthy glowing skin?
Kenia Morales
Are you struggling with skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis etc.? Various factors such as toxins, vitamin, mineral, protein deficiencies, long-term exposure to sun light, dehydration etc. might be the cause of your skins unhealthy state. Would you like to have beautiful glowing skin again? Luckily there are several options that can help you restore your skins healthy glow.
Stay hydrated- drink 8-12 glasses of water a day.
Avoid direct sun light- by wearing protective clothing, staying on the shade and applying sunscreen daily.
Avoid or limit your toxins intake this includes alcohol, coffee, spicy food, drugs, limit sugar intake etc.
Get rid off dead skin cells; exfoliate regularly at least once a week.
Maintain a cleansing routine- remove makeup daily (do not wash more than two times a day), and get a facial every 7-10 days.
Exercise regularly, to reduce stress and brings more oxygen to your skin resulting in firmer and nourished skin.
Maintain a healthy diet, eat foods rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B this include fruits, vegetables, fish, liver. Take supplements if necessary.
About the Author
Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine http://kpatra.com “For Every Aspect of Today’s Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics”.
Tags: acne;, Author, C Vitamin, Dead Skin Cells, dehydration;, Eczema, Essential Fatty Acids, Fish Liver, Fruits Vegetables, Glowing Skin, Healthy Diet, Healthy Glow, Kenia Morales, Protective Clothing, Protein Deficiencies, psoriasis, Skin Problems, Spicy Food, Sugar Intake, Sun Light, Term Exposure, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin Mineral —

Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Reproductive System
Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Reproductive System
Charlene J. Nuble
Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are essential to the development and proper performance of the reproductive system. Nutrition plays a vital role in the development and maturity of the reproductive system through childhood and adolescence and can even affect the endocrine system which regulates the hormones that rule the functions of the reproductive system. Nutrition can affect fertility and fetal development as well. Striving each day to consume the standard recommended daily intake levels of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that the body needs is an important part of the good health and proper functioning of the reproductive system.
The nutrients that a child consumes while growing up can greatly affect the developing reproductive system. Zinc for example is essential to the development of the reproductive organs themselves. A deficiency in zinc can result in significantly delayed sexual maturity. Zinc also serves in the regulation of male hormones and has a role in prostate functions and sperm production. Iodine helps to regulate thyroid function which in turn helps to regulate growth and body weight. Body weight has to do with the onset of puberty which will not begin until the appropriate threshold of body weight and fat has been crossed.
The endocrine glands secrete hormones and hormones are essential to the ptoper functioning of the reproductive system. Thus the wellness of the endocrine gland is a precursor to mature reproductive functioning and health. While several nutrients are directly associated with the production of hormones like manganese which serves to maintain the production of sex hormones many other vitamins and nutrients act as cofactors to a variety of complicated chemical reactions that carry out the tasks for the benefit of the reproductive system.
Proper nutrition is essential in fetal development as well. Folic acid for example can serve as a way to prevent serious birth defects by reducing the incidence of neural tube defects such as the type that causes spinal bifida. However, this defect occurs so early in fetal development that at the point at which it occurs when the woman has yet to find out that she is actually pregnant. Therefore it is best for any woman of childbearing age to be especially careful to get enough folic acid each day.
The vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex have a primary role in red blood cell production. The developing fetus gets all nourishment and oxygen via the mother’s blood stream. Therefore, making sure to keep red blood cell production up to par is important to the reproductive system, particularly during pregnancy. The nutrients received by the developing fetus will affect every aspect of his or her being.
Proper nutrition is essential to each part and every stage of the reproductive system from development to maturation to the creation and nurturing of new life. It can be difficult particularly at the rapid pace of life today to get the full amount of each and every vitamin, mineral and other nutrient that serves to support the reproductive system. However, nutritional supplements can offer a safe and reliable way to achieve your dietary needs for you to be able to meet your dietary goals, when used with care and attention to standard dosage amounts. It is important to take note that moderation is key to everything.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR’S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.
About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to:
Tags: Author, Charlene J. Nuble, Chemical Reactions, Childhood And Adolescence, Cofactors, complicated chemical reactions, deficiency, Endocrine Gland, Endocrine Glands, Endocrine System, Fetal Development, folic acid, Functions Of The Reproductive System, Good Health, Iodine, Male Hormones, neural tube defects, Proper Nutrition, Proper Performance, Recommended Daily Intake, Reproductive Organs, serious birth defects, Sex Hormones, Sexual Maturity, Thyroid Function, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals —