Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Hair
Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Hair
Charlene J. Nuble
A lot of people actually pay a good deal of money just to make themselves look more attractive and feel better about themselves, but what they dont know is that they can actually achieve this easily by keeping fit and staying healthy. Having lustrous and shiny, full hair is not always due to extremely expensive salon treatments but of impeccable hygiene and a good diet.
Antioxidant vitamins play an important role in achieving healthy hair and scalp. Common antioxidant vitamins that can actually help in having gorgeous hair are Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. While lack of Vitamin C can actually lead to gradual or even excessive hair loss among men and women, it is best to load up on anything citrus so as to ensure a healthy looking mane. Vitamin A serves to help the scalp produce sebum which is essential to the hairs volume and fullness while Vitamin E promotes the healthy circulation that the scalp needs.
The vitamins that make up the B complex are not only important to the many functions of the body and mind it can also be a good beauty tool for you too. In addition to promoting the good circulation that ensures a healthy scalp, these vitamins play a big role in preventing hair loss and also help the hair retain its natural color, including the prevention of premature graying.
There are many minerals that are equally important in order to achieve healthy hair. Among these are silica, iron, iodine, copper and chromium, all of which helps to prevent hair loss. Copper also helps maintain the hairs natural color and is important to the weight and structure of the hair. Iodine also prevents dryness of the hair as does zinc which teams up with Vitamin A for this purpose. Silica also helps to strengthen the hair. Sulfur is one of the prime building blocks of the hair and is essential to its structure. Selenium is important to keeping the scalp elastic and flexible. Potassium helps in the circulation in the scalp, encouraging the healthy growth of hair. Calcium, magnesium and manganese are all essential minerals for hair growth.
However, engaging in a newfound health plan would not automatically alter your looks to superstar proportions, it actually takes some time before these positive effects take place. A great deal of patience is actually required for a person to be able maintain a healthy lifestyle which in the long run will benefit him or her two-fold. Aside from having an overall healthy well-being, it can also result to a gorgeous outward appearance. You can expect that it will take about three or four months before you will actually be able to see the results of your efforts. When using dietary supplements, it is important to follow the recommended dosage for each supplement that you take. In fact, some of the supplements that are specifically good for your hair can actually cause hair loss if they are taken in extremely high dosages. If you are unsure as to what the best supplement dosage levels are for your individual dietary needs and health goals, you should a licensed nutritionist or dermatologist or physician so as to be better guided when it comes to picking out a good health plan for you.
Naturally, paying close attention to the amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that you consume daily and trying to develop good nutritional habits is highly important for keeping your body and mind functioning well. However, it cant hurt that your physical looks may also benefit from this healthy change in lifestyle.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR’S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.
About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to: http://vitamins.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/
Tags: Antioxidant Vitamins, Author, B Complex, Charlene J. Nuble, Circ, Circu, Dietary Supplements, Excessive Hair Loss, Full Hair, good beauty tool, Gorgeous Hair, Hair Vitamins, Healthy Hair, Impeccable Hygiene, Iodine, Keeping Fit, Lack Of Vitamin C, licensed nutritionist, physician, Premature Graying, Preventing Hair Loss, Salon Treatments, Sebum, Silica, Structure Of The Hair, Vitamin A, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals —

Velle Oats helps Healthy Weight Maintenance
Velle Oats helps Healthy Weight Maintenance
Ram Kishore
The world today is facing an alarming health problem with
obesity. Overweight among people is result of bad dietary
habits, lack of exercise and a sedentary life-style. The main
cause though is poor diet. Keeping a low fat, high fibre diet is
one way of countering weight problems. Oats is an excellent
organic food that helps maintain a healthy weight and is
essential in a long-term health diet. More and more people are
becoming health conscious and turning to meatless, low
cholesterol foods, which has led to the recognition of oats a
natural food in the fight against obesity.
By consuming Oats and its ingredient Beta-glucan a person can
maintain a healthy weight.
*B-glucan present in Oats delays the stomach from emptying
contributing to a longer feeling of being full. *The high fibre
in Oats help you feel fuller longer but without providing any
calories. *The presence of B-glucan in the small intestine
slows down the nutrient absorption process leading to a longer
feeling of satiety. *Oats assists weight maintenance and
reduction by increasing the amount of fat discharged in the
faeces. *When consumed with other organic foods the effects of
Oats B-glucan are even stronger.
For more info please visit: Nutritious diet. The website
is in Russian language so people who know Russian can understand
the goodness of oats and its impact on health.
About the author:
My name is Ram Kishore & I have total exp. of 2 yrs. in article
writing realted to the halth & fitness field.
I prefer giving my thoughts to other people so that they can
enjoy the healthy & fit life.
Tags: Author, Beta Glucan, Dietary Habits, Faeces, Fitness Field, Health Diet, High Fibre Diet, Long Term Health, Losing Weight, Low Cholesterol Foods, Natural Food, Nutrient Absorption, Nutritious Diet, Oats, obesity;, Organic Food, Organic Foods, Poor Diet, Ram Kishore, Realted, Russian Language, Satiety, Sedentary Life Style, Small Intestine, Weight Maintenance —

Variety – your key to a healthy diet
Variety – your key to a healthy diet
Tony Robinson
It has been said that variety is the spice of life, and that is
certainly true when trying to eat a healthy diet. No one likes
to eat the same thing day after day, and boredom is the enemy of
a healthy diet.
Fortunately for those trying to follow a healthy diet, there is
plenty of variety to be had in healthy foods. In addition to the
hundreds of varieties of fruits and vegetables available at the
average grocery store, there is a wide variety of beans,
lentils, nuts, meat, dairy products, fish and poultry. There is
no need for boredom to set in when pursuing a healthier
The key to enjoying a variety of foods while eating healthy is
to plan meals carefully and be sure to use the many varieties of
foods that are available. Using a combination of fresh fruit,
vegetables, meats and whole grains, it is possible to create a
fresh, exciting and healthful meal every day of the week.
Nutritionists often stress the importance of a varied diet, both
for nutritional and psychological reasons. A varied diet is
essential for good health, since different types of foods
contain different types of nutrients. And following a varied
diet is important to your psychological well being as well,
since feeling deprived of your favorite foods can lead you to
give up your healthy lifestyle.
It is much better to continue eating the foods you like, but to
eat them in moderation. Instead of giving up that juicy bacon,
for instance, have it as an occasional treat, perhaps pairing it
with an egg white omelet instead of a plateful of scrambled
eggs. As with everything else in life, good nutrition is a
It is important for everyone to eat foods from the five major
food groups each and every day. The five food groups identified
by the USDA include grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy
and meat and beans. Each of these food groups contains specific
nutrients, so it is important to eat a combination of these
foods to ensure proper levels of nutrition.
Of course simply choosing foods from the five food groups is not
enough. After all a meal from the five food groups could include
cake, candied yams, avocados, ice cream and bacon. Although all
five food groups are represented, no one would try to argue that
this is a healthy day’s menu. Choosing the best foods from
within each group, and eating the less healthy foods in
moderation, is the best way to ensure a healthy and varied diet.
For instance, choosing healthy, lean meats is a great way to get
the protein you need without consuming unnecessary fat and
calories. And removing fat and skin from chicken is a great way
to eliminate extra fat and calories.
When choosing breads and cereals, it is usually best to choose
those that carry the whole grain designation. Whole grains,
those that have not been overly refined, contain greater
nutritional qualities and fewer sugars.
In addition, many grains and cereals are fortified with
additional vitamins and minerals. While this vitamin
fortification is important, it should be seen as a bonus, not as
a substitute for a proper diet. Many foods are supplemented with
important nutrients such as calcium (essential for strong bones
and teeth) and folic acid (important in preventing birth
Substituting healthier foods for less healthy ones is a
cornerstone of a healthy diet. For instance, substituting lean
cuts of meat for fattier ones, and substituting skinless chicken
or turkey breast for less healthy drumsticks, is a great way to
maximize nutrition without sacrificing good taste.
No matter what your reason for following a healthy diet, or what
your ultimate fitness goals may be, you will find that a good
understanding of nutrition will form the basis of your healthy
diet. Understanding how the various food groups work together to
form a healthy diet will go a long way toward helping you meet
your ultimate fitness goals. Whether your goal is to run a
marathon, lose ten pounds or just feel better, knowledge is
power, and nutritional knowledge will power your diet for the
rest of your life.
About the author:
Tony Robinson is a Company CEO, webmaster husband and dad. In
his busy lifestyle he has placed importance on health and
fitness. Visit http://www.eat-healthily.com for good eating tips
and techniques to assist you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Tags: Author, Birth Defects, Company CEO, cuts, dairy products;, Different Types Of Nutrients, Egg White Omelet, Favorite Foods, Five Food Groups, folic acid, Food Groups, Fruit Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Nutrition, Healthful Meal, Healthy Diet, Healthy Foods, Healthy Lifestyle, Lentils, Psychological Reasons, Scrambled Eggs, Spice Of Life, Tony Robinson, Tradeoff, Turkey;, Types Of Nutrients, USDA;, Variety Is The Spice Of Life, webmaster, webmaster husband and dad, Whole Grains —

Variety the spice of life & your key to
Variety the spice of life & your key to a healthy diet!
Zaak OConan
It has been said that variety is the spice of life, and that is certainly true when trying to eat a healthy diet. No one likes to eat the same thing day after day, and boredom is the enemy of a healthy diet.
Fortunately for those trying to follow a healthy diet, there is plenty of variety to be had in healthy foods. In addition to the hundreds of varieties of fruits and vegetables available at the average grocery store, there is a wide variety of beans, lentils, nuts, meat, dairy products, fish and poultry. There is no need for boredom to set in when pursuing a healthier lifestyle.’
The key to enjoying a variety of foods while eating healthy is to plan meals carefully and be sure to use the many varieties of foods that are available. Using a combination of fresh fruit, vegetables, meats and whole grains, it is possible to create a fresh, exciting and healthful meal every day of the week.
Nutritionists often stress the importance of a varied diet, both for nutritional and psychological reasons. A varied diet is essential for good health, since different types of foods contain different types of nutrients. And following a varied diet is important to your psychological well being as well, since feeling deprived of your favorite foods can lead you to give up your healthy lifestyle.
It is much better to continue eating the foods you like, but to eat them in moderation. Instead of giving up that juicy bacon, for instance, have it as an occasional treat, perhaps pairing it with an egg white omelet instead of a plateful of scrambled eggs. As with everything else in life, good nutrition is a tradeoff.
It is important for everyone to eat foods from the five major food groups each and every day. The five food groups identified by the USDA include grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy and meat and beans. Each of these food groups contains specific nutrients, so it is important to eat a combination of these foods to ensure proper levels of nutrition.
Of course simply choosing foods from the five food groups is not enough. After all a meal from the five food groups could include cake, candied yams, avocados, ice cream and bacon. Although all five food groups are represented, no one would try to argue that this is a healthy day’s menu. Choosing the best foods from within each group, and eating the less healthy foods in moderation, is the best way to ensure a healthy and varied diet.
For instance, choosing healthy, lean meats is a great way to get the protein you need without consuming unnecessary fat and calories. And removing fat and skin from chicken is a great way to eliminate extra fat and calories.
When choosing breads and cereals, it is usually best to choose those that carry the whole grain designation. Whole grains, those that have not been overly refined, contain greater nutritional qualities and fewer sugars.
In addition, many grains and cereals are fortified with additional vitamins and minerals. While this vitamin fortification is important, it should be seen as a bonus, not as a substitute for a proper diet. Many foods are supplemented with important nutrients such as calcium (essential for strong bones and teeth) and folic acid (important in preventing birth defects).
Substituting healthier foods for less healthy ones is a cornerstone of a healthy diet. For instance, substituting lean cuts of meat for fattier ones, and substituting skinless chicken or turkey breast for less healthy drumsticks, is a great way to maximize nutrition without sacrificing good taste.
No matter what your reason for following a healthy diet, or what your ultimate fitness goals may be, you will find that a good understanding of nutrition will form the basis of your healthy diet. Understanding how the various food groups work together to form a healthy diet will go a long way toward helping you meet your ultimate fitness goals. Whether your goal is to run a marathon, lose ten pounds or just feel better, knowledge is power, and nutritional knowledge will power your diet for the rest of your life.
About the Author
Zaak O’Conan discovers and presents useful information on how to enhance and/or repair your life, body and relationships. You’ll find his other articles on eating better and other ways how to improve your life at http://your-health-center.com
Tags: Author, Birth Defects, cuts, dairy products;, Different Types Of Nutrients, Egg White Omelet, Favorite Foods, Five Food Groups, folic acid, Food Groups, Fruit Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Good Nutrition, Healthful Meal, Healthy Diet, Healthy Foods, Healthy Lifestyle, Lentils, Psychological Reasons, Scrambled Eggs, Spice Of Life, Tradeoff, Turkey;, Types Of Nutrients, USDA;, Variety Is The Spice Of Life, Whole Grains —