Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Drink Your Way To Weight Loss

Whether you are trying to get rid of an unsightly beer belly or want to look good in a swimsuit, the battle of the bulge can be a tricky one to win. The good news is that it’s entirely possible to drop the pounds in a relatively short amount of time. How to lose weight comes down to one thing: burning more calories than you take in. Therefore, you either have to burn them, or decrease your intake. Here is one way to help you do the latter: Cut out soft drinks. First we’ll cover soda, then we’ll look at some other options.

You may think that drinking just one soda per day doesn’t make that much of a difference. If you’re active, and have your weight under control, then having the occasional soda is fine. But let’s take a look at how that one soda can add up and what the impact on your weight will be when you go with a calorie-free alternative.

Let’s use some simple math to see what a positive difference this one small change can make when trying to lose weight. The first thing to know is that every 3,500 calories you get rid equals one pound. Next, a typical 12 ounce can of soda contains 150 calories. Okay, here’s how it works out…

365 days in a year X 150 calories per 12 oz. = 54,750 total calories.

54,750 calories divided by 3,500 calories = 15.6 pounds!

Talk about a small change that can make add up to significant weight loss. And if you happen to drink soda in larger bottles, it could make a difference of 30 pounds or more. But be careful that you don’t replace those calories with other calories. In other words you have to cut those calories out completely to get the full benefit.

So, what are the options? Most people think juice is a good replacement for soda. Not if you’re counting calories it isn’t. For example, while soda may have 150 calories per 12 ounces, grape juice has closer to 250. Some juices have a higher water content, so you’ll have to check the label to be sure. However, if it’s a choice between soda and fruit juice, go with the juice. At least the juice contains some vital nutrients while soda is nothing but empty calories.

Another thing you may not be aware of is that the sugar in soft drinks can make you thirsty. Putting you into an endless loop of drinking calorie-laden beverages to slake the thirst that the same beverages are causing.

The best way to quench your thirst when trying to lose weight is water. Keep a large bottle within arm’s reach throughout the day, making it easy to take a sip when needed.

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Exercises To Get Flat Abs In 30 Days

The “old spare tire”, “beer belly”, “flabby tummy” or “expanding midsection” are all nice ways of saying you’re getting fat. If you have a gut that is bigger than you like, then there is no reason why you should have to put up with it. With a bit of determination, and a commitment to working up a sweat, you can have flat abs in 30 days or less.

The main thing to keep in mind about an abdominal exercise regimen is that you need to work out all of the ab muscles. You need to aim for doing the exercises that follow at least four times each week, and do that for four weeks. One of the good things about each of the exercises is that they don’t require any kind of special equipment, so you will be able to do them virtually anywhere.

Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #1: Belly Rolls – Sit straight up on the floor with your knees bent, and feet flat. Then put your arms straight out in front of you. As you exhale, slowly roll back until the lower back reaches the floor. Inhale as you roll up. Try to do 30 of these, switching your breathing pattern after the first 15. This exercise works the vertical abdominal muscles.

Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #2: Tummy Curls – Lie down on your back with knees bent. Elevate your feet so they are a bit higher than the knees. Raise your buttocks and roll back until your shoulder blades touch the ground. Then roll back to your tailbone, but don’t let your rear end touch the ground. Do this 20 times. This exercise is effective on toning the horizontal ab muscles.

Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #3: Cross Crunches – This is a great exercise for shaping your waist. You will need a filled one-liter bottle for this one. Lying on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle to the floor. Put your right hand behind your head, and hold the bottle in your left hand. Lift your head until your shoulders come up off the floor and reach the bottle across to the outside of your right knee. Do this 20 times, then reverse hand positions and do 20 more.

Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #4: Inverted Crunches – Lie on the floor on your stomach with your arms outstretched in front of (imagine Superman flying). Lift your left arm and right leg as high as you can while exhaling. Inhale as you lower your limbs. Do 20 of these, then switch sides and do 20 more. This is an excellent ab exercise that targets the lower back.

Don’t kid yourself, this is going to be a tough workout. But you still need to do it at least four times per week for 30 days. It may be hard, especially at first, but you’ll be glad you stuck with it once you see your flat abs when looking in the mirror.

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