Why We Need Spiritual Science In The Changing Times
The word spirit and science are two words that are contrary with each other, as the amount of divisiveness the advocates of each can attest throughout the decades in human history. Spirit is an allusion about the soul, while science is something that one can make a hypothesis and conclusions out of after applying the different methodologies of human observation. But if we are going to make an attempt to make an integrated approach to these two fields of study, then one can draw out the term “Spiritual Science”.
Spiritual Science can be viewed as both a science and religion, or as an act of mediation – a philosophy. It is based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner (27 February 1861 30 March 1925), a philosopher, social genius, and architect. He founded the movement of Anthroposopy, and postulated a belief system that integrates the material world to the spiritual world. This integration is focused on spiritual sustenance that an individual can achieve in interacting with the physical plane through the gaining of wisdom and knowledge, with the conscious effort of being an advocate of love, humanism and the general well being of mankind. In this approach, one can reach the state of being divine, and be in harmony with the entity of God. In Rudolf’s early work on Anthroposophy, he penned the terms “Philosophy of Freedom”, which relates to man’s freedom to create his own view about mankind and the universe in light of his own unique belief systems that resulted from independent thought and interactions with the outside world.
It’s inevitable that we encounter the word ‘God’ in this discourse, and that is contradicting since it’s impossible to find a connection between Science and the idea of an all-encompassing Creator. Creationism is in direct conflict with Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory (I’ll leave you to decide for yourself whether it’s still a theory), making the debate far from coming into a conclusion. In contrast, Spiritual Science is not adamant in regards to the teachings of different religions.
Rather than contradict religion, it utilizes the universal wisdom and knowledge that one can attain in its study. Spiritual Science couldn’t care less about the pervading conflict between the two, because even though it places emphasis on the importance of observation and critical thinking, it still accepts the notion of mystery and phenomena that current scientific processes are unable to explain.
One of the compelling facts of Spiritual Science is that it utilizes many schools of thought that have a foothold on both spiritual and scientific discourse, and the combination thereof, such as metaphysics, chemistry, the social sciences, arts, literature and many others. Its practicality in the ever-changing world and emphasis on progress to a multitude of human endeavors, make it all the more beneficial to humankind. It prevents divisiveness between several demographics because of its universal stance on every facet of all human concerns.
Even if the original organizations that advocate Anthroposophy have dissipated or sunk beneath social awareness, the teachings of Spiritual Science still permeate human consciousness, and are very much applied as a consequence of the changing times and mankind’s natural instinct to rise above himself and make the world a better place for everyone.
Tags: 1861, Allusion, Anthroposophy, architect, Belief System, Belief Systems, Charles Darwin, Conscious Effort, Creationism, Divisiveness, Human History, Human Observation, Humanism, Material World, Physical Plane, Rudolf Steiner, Science And Religion, Spiritual Science, Spiritual Sustenance, Spiritual World, Word God —

Spiritual Creating Wealth
A famous billionaire once said that even ordinary streets are paved with gold if only one will spend the time to see why. Everyone could make wealth but the problem often is that a person is too preoccupied with negativity that the eye fails to see.
The following are misplaced belief systems that are firmly established in the human psyche that blinds the eye hindering the possibility of creating wealth.
The creation of wealth is directly proportional to the amount of hard work that a person is willing to take.
At the start yes, there is no substitute for that. After all, the person that desires to create more wealth will have to conceptualize, experiment, study and will, on many occasions be willing to make mistakes to learn more. Once the hard part is over, (for the most part it takes only a while) the person could hire hands to do the working for him. There is no one person on earth who is a depository of all knowledge after all. When that happens all that the entrepreneur has to do is provide directions based on lessons learned.
To amass wealth, you have to be in the right business.
But truly, what is right business and what is not? This principle drives people crazy. When the internet caf for example was just starting, everyone scrambled to dip their fingers to have one. The result is to slice the pie thinner every time that ultimately results into weakened earning potentials for everyone concerned. Instead, start a business from things that you love most doing. The interest will be sustained that will be needed when encountering rough times. Even when a craze is started because of that, no one will do it better than the person who started it.
You cannot start a business without enough capital.
Again what is enough capital? There are businesses, lots of them that started from nothing. Capital is needed whenever available but when the idea is there, the enthusiasm and the energy is capital enough. No successful businessman today started with large capital. In fact most of them started with almost nothing. Big businesses are mostly inherited but they too started from almost nothing.
The idea has to be right.
Agreed, but if someone keeps on looking for it, a good idea will start somehow somewhere. The best person to be looking for ideas is the self. The things that the person loved doing or the make believe that the person enjoys when still a child is sufficient material for an idea.
Education is needed to start a business.
Wrong. Education is needed when seeking employment. When starting a business, goodwill is good enough. All successful businessmen for the last two hundred years were dropouts, have little education, or are simple sturdy people who refused to be satisfied with whatever chance and fortune came their way.
I am too old is again another fallacy.
Many businesses have been established and made successful from retirement money. Age though has obvious limitations. The person may not be able to enjoy most of the fruits of the labor but who cares. When there is the desire to succeed, success it will be.
More than any of these, there should be a desire to do well. Successful businesses that lasted are anchored on that. It is the desire to make a change for the better. To spot a need and to fill that need is easy; to create wealth from filling the need is easier too. To maintain goodwill that aligns us all with every ideal that is best in us is not.
Tags: Belief Systems, Billionaire, Blinds, businessman, businessmen, Create Wealth, Creating Wealth, Depository, Earth, energy;, Entrepreneur, Fingers, Fruits And Vegetables, Gold, Human Psyche, Internet Caf, Negativity, Occasions, Principle, Rough Times, Successful Businessman, Wealth Creation —