Instant Weight Loss – You Are Kidding Right
Instant weight loss, hmm, really? When I read this, do you know what immediately went through my mind? Things like instant pudding or instant rice. Where all you do is mix it up and in 5 minutes you have pudding or rice that you can serve your family. We all know that weight loss is not like that unless, of course, you are willing to cut off a limb.
If that is the decision you have made, may I make a suggestion that you start at the top and work your way down? This is the only way you will achieve instant weight loss.
Weight loss is a process, and depending on the amount of weight you have to lose, it could even be quite a lengthy process. You must make a commitment to yourself to change the way you eat and live. You have to eat a lot less than you do now and get regular exercise everyday for the rest of your life. I am never one for pulling punches so, listen up. If you do not get up off your lazy butt and get moving, you will die. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but your life expectancy is getting shorter and shorter every minute you sit and veg in that recliner or on that couch.
Losing weight is not rocket science. All you need to do is burn off more calories every day than you take in. Simple. If you haven’t got a clue, and I think if you think that weight loss can be instant you really don’t, here’s what you do. Put on a pair of shoes, tie ’em up, get up, walk to the door, open it, step outside, and go for a walk around the block. Again, simple. The sooner you start, the sooner you will accomplish your goal. People do it all the time. There is no reason you can’t do it, too.
I know you, you are the type of person who will sit there week after week watching The Biggest Loser hoping that if you watch it long enough you will go to bed one night and wake up skinny. If it was that easy no one would be fat now would they? Or you think that by watching every week you will automatically lose weight by osmosis or something, right? Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
Along with the exercise you need to learn how to eat right. Did I just hear you say you think that you do not eat that badly to begin with? Once again, you are wrong. If you ate correctly and in the right amounts you would not be fat, now would you? No, you wouldn’t be. So stop deluding yourself and get with the program. The next time you have a meal, dish up what you normally would then get another plate from the cupboard. Now, remove half of the food from the first plate and put it on the second plate, cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. Save it for your next meal. Then sit down at the table, with the TV off, and enjoy the food that is left on the first plate. Get a big glass of water to wash it all down with.
Yes, I said with the TV off. It has been proven time and time again that if you eat your meals in front of the TV you will subconsciously eat more than you think you do because you are not paying attention to what you are doing. So, start a new practice, clean off the table and before every meal, set the table with a plate, silverware and napkin for everyone in the household. Serve and eat your meal at the table. Have a conversation with your family and chew your food well. Instant weight loss, please…
Tags: Biggest Loser, Calories, Clue, Couch, Exercise, food;, Instant Rice, Instant Weight Loss, Lazy Butt, Life Expectancy, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, Moving, Osmosis, Pair Of Shoes, Pulling Punches, Recliner, Rest Of Your Life, Rocket Science, Suggestion, The Biggest Loser —

Weightloss Reality Shows- At Least Six Different Shows
With so many people in our country struggling with weight loss and other related health issues, it is no wonder that
Weightloss reality shows are so popular. There are at least 6 different shows on various networks that explore the ins and outs of trying to lose weight.
Some of them are game show formats where the contestants compete to see who can lose the most weight, others are more intimate and chronicle the everyday experiences of just one person as they try to lose weight.
Whether you love these types of shows or you hate them, one thing appears clear, it is unlikely that they will be going anywhere anytime soon. They are just too popular and they seem to strike a chord with many viewers.
Even though the main focus was, and still is, entertainment, many people are actually finding that these shows are providing them with some much needed motivation.
It can make achieving permanent lifestyle changes easier in your life when you see some other normal day to day person doing exactly what you want to be doing. It can really help you believe that you can get where you want to be too.
I think that is one of the biggest draws for these types of shows. They can give us hope and allow us to see someone actually succeeding at the very thing we want to accomplish.
There are even “real world” offshoots of many of these shows. The t.v. show “The Biggest Loser” has actually inspired gyms that allow anyone to join and benefit from the same diet and exercise plans they see on the show.
Since many people can be intimidated by going to gyms, having a gym that screams “every man” might make it easier for people to find the motivation and go workout on a regular basis.
With a lot of gym franchises the commercials always show only the perfect hard bodies that go to that gym. Of course they do this to illustrate what you can accomplish for yourself if you too join their gym.
But sometimes I think it has the opposite affect. I think people who are overweight will look at that and think that everyone at the gym is a perfect specimen and they will be too intimidated to join.
When you have a gym franchise based on a popular t.v. show about average overweight people getting in shape, I believe that sends a very different message and I think a lot of overweight people would be more likely to join and workout and not let the intimidation factor get to them so much.
If you are struggling to lose weight and get into shape, you may find that watching one or more of these t.v. shows will actually help inspire you and keep you motivated.
Making permanent lifestyle changes can be a little intimidating so it’s a good idea to find anything that will help you stay the course. If watching Weightloss reality shows helps, than by all means, go for it. Make it as easy as possible on yourself to accomplish your weight loss goals!
Tags: Biggest Loser, Commercials, Diet And Exercise Plans, Everyday Experiences, Franchises, Game Show, Gyms, Hard Bodies, Health Issues, Healthy Diet, Ins And Outs, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Motivation, Offshoots, Real World, Reality Shows, Related Health, Weight Loss, Weightloss, Workout —

Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol
Reality shows are one of the biggest things people watch on television. This is because the events that happen are not scripted and naturally unfold in front of the viewer. One show that is helping people want to become healthy again is the biggest loser.
The contestants are a bunch of overweight men and women who work out and go on a diet and at the end of the week; one of these players will be eliminated. The person who loses the biggest number of pounds after a three-month campaign will win $250,000 and have a second chance of living a healthy life.
The individual doesnt have to fight for money in order to make some lifestyle changes. As the saying goes. health is wealth and this is something more precious than any sheet of paper with a dollar sign has to offer.
People are able to burn more calories while exercising. This means the body will burn the food eaten and this has to be replaced so there is energy after to do other functions. The individual should get a meal that has the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats so this can repair damaged tissue, refuel and lower the bodys cholesterol.
Here are some examples of food that should be eaten after a workout.
Eating bread has been known to replenish the energy lost after a workout. Since this has certain ingredients that are high in bad cholesterol, this can be substituted for wheat bread that is much healthier. Nuts can also help lower the cholesterol and getting some low fat peanut butter will surely make a great sandwich.
Having a fruit is also good to lower the cholesterol. It is advisable to eat as a whole instead of taking away the skin or turning this into a juice. Studies have shown that eating it the way it is keeps the natural fibers that are good for the person. An apple is just one of many fruits that can be eaten once it has been washed.
If the person wants to save some money after going to the gym, it is best to pack some snacks that can be consumed after a workout. Cutting some carrot sticks or slicing a few tomatoes then packing it in a plastic container will come in handy after taking a shower and reporting for work or when going home.
When the person comes home, it is time to prepare something that can provide better sustenance. An example could be having some fish or chicken thrown into the microwave or having it steam. Studies have shown that frying using cooking oil also increases the persons cholesterol level so cooking it in another manner can reduce this.
Having some vegetables along will help make this a healthy meal. Some garlic and onions can be prepared since studies have shown this to lower the livers production of cholesterol. The serving for tonight can end with some yogurt for dessert leaving the individual satisfied and light.
Lowering the cholesterol will not happen overnight. By observing a proper diet with exercise, the individual will be able to lose weight and cuts down the cholesterol levels that puts the person in potential danger of high blood pressure, a stroke or a heart attack.
Tags: Bad Cholesterol, Biggest Loser, Calories, Cholesterol, Dollar Sign, Eating Habits, Fats, Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol, Fruits And Vegetables, Great Sandwich, Healthy Diet, High Cholesterol, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Natural Fibers, Nuts, Overweight Men, Peanut Butter, Proteins, Reality Shows, Second Chance, Snacks, Wheat Bread, Workout —