Stomach Liposuction – Your 6 Pack Abs Revealed
Stomach liposuction? Hmmm, I wonder…
So, you worked hard, kept to your routine of diet and exercise and finally made it to your goal weight. Awesome! Good for you! There is just one thing that concerns you, your belly got smaller but it is not nearly as toned as you would like it to be. There is still some fat there and it just will not go away, no matter that you have done what seems like a million crunches.
You have heard that this happens. But you thought you were different or you thought that the people who talked about it just weren’t working out as hard as they said they were. Well, now here you are, right in the same boat. You know how hard you worked every single day and even though it has gotten significantly smaller, you still have that stubborn little paunch that will not go away. What can you do about it?
Consider stomach liposuction. You have done most of the work already and wouldn’t it be the greatest thing in the world to have the rest of it gone? You could get rid of the stubborn fat and have the doctor contour your stomach to show off the six pack hiding underneath.
Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? So, how do you find a doctor you can trust? One word, research. Make sure that whomever you choose is a board-certified plastic surgeon. Make a list of several you think are promising candidates and then call and ask for references. If consultations are free then make appointments with each one and ask to see some of their work. Do not just blindly pick someone out of the phone book. If you know someone who has had some work done ask for a reference but still check the doctor out completely before making any commitments.
Liposuction techniques have changed over the years and have become safer and more effective due to the development and use of lasers to remove stubborn belly fat. The use of the laser requires only a very small incision, melts the fat away and suctions it out. Using the laser is not nearly as invasive as the traditional liposuction technique and results in a smaller scar, less chance of hemorrhage because the laser automatically cauterizes the blood vessels as it goes and less pain associated with the procedure. Which means, and this is the best of all, a much shorter recovery time.
Use of the laser also firms the skin during the procedure so there is no need for a tummy tuck to tighten the skin afterward. No girdle, no elastic bandages and no repositioning of your belly button required.
You probably won’t need a narcotic pain reliever either. Tylenol will probably control your pain quite nicely but be sure to request something more if you think you are going to need it. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, do not suffer needlessly.
Stomach liposuction is a great option for people with stubborn belly fat.
Tags: Appointments, board-certified plastic surgeon, Commitments, Consultations, Contour, Crunches, Goal Weight, Hmmm, Incision, Laser, Lasers, Liposuction, Liposuction Techniques, pain;, Paunch, Phone Book, Plastic Surgeon, Promising Candidates, Single Day, Six Pack, Stomach, Stomach Liposuction, Stubborn Belly Fat, Traditio, Tylenol —

Facial Liposuction – Lose Your Face Fat Rolls
Before considering facial liposuction, or any kind of plastic surgery for that matter, make sure you thoroughly research and find a board-certified plastic surgeon that you are comfortable with. Ask for references and to be shown before and after photos of patients they have performed the surgery you are interested in having on. Your face is the first thing people see and you really do not want any mistakes to be made. Choose your doctor wisely.
For most of us, as we age we put on weight. Some would say it is inevitable. Whether your weight gain is due to overeating, a slower metabolism, menopause, or what have you, it doesn’t matter, fat is fat. You know you should eat healthier and get some exercise but truthfully, in the real world, it is very difficult to stick to a routine because life always gets in the way.
So who do you turn to? How do you get the look you want without killing yourself in a gym? Why not consider the option of facial liposuction?
The use of lasers has become the procedure of choice for many due to the fact that it is much less invasive and there is a shorter recovery time associated with it. Find a surgeon skilled in the use of lasers to fix those saggy jowls, double chins and fat rolls on your neck.
Called SmartLipo, laser-assisted liposuction is a great way to refine the look of your face. No big incisions and no stitches to close them mean way less scarring, bruising, swelling and pain. The laser gets passed over the loose skin, shrinks the fat cells and tightens the targeted areas.
Traditional liposuction for those saggy jowls or double chins is performed by making a tiny incision either under the chin or inside the mouth and then removing the excess fat by inserting a tube, called a cannula, into the incision and suctioning out the fat. The excess skin is then stretched tight, trimmed, and the incision stitched closed.
If liposuction is performed on the face, you may choose to combine it with some neck work, too. Called cervicoplasty, this part of the surgery will take care of that double chin you have.
When the surgery is complete your head will be wrapped in a compression dressing that will need to be worn throughout the recovery process to help keep the healing tissue supported. Your doctor will tell you that you may return to work in about a week but expect a full six weeks to fully recover. Avoid looking at yourself in mirrors during this time. Wait until you are completely healed, no sense in scaring yourself half to death.
Plastic surgery is not for everyone but if you have done all you can by way of diet and exercise and still have areas that need work, like your face, by all means, talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon about facial liposuction. It may just be the self-confidence booster you need.
Tags: board-certified plastic surgeon, Cannula, Double Chins, Excess Skin, Facial Liposuction, Fat Cells, Incision, Incisions, Jowls, Laser, Laser Assisted Liposuction, Lasers, Liposuction, Loose Skin, Menopause, Plastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgery, Recovery Time, Stitches, Suctioning, surgeon, surgery, Tiny Incision, Traditional Liposuction, Weight Gain —