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Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost

If you are one of the millions of people who are morbidly obese and you are desperate to find a way to lose the weight as quickly and safely as possible so that you can help save your own life, you have probably considered having some sort of gastric bypass surgery. When someone gets to the point of considering surgery one of the first questions they ask are what are the gastric bypass surgery cost?

Of course, many people will tell you that you can’t put a price tag on good health, which is true, but you still have to be able to come up with the money to pay for the surgery which can range widely in price based on your physical condition, the exact type of procedure performed and even your location, the cost will generally average between $15,000 and $35,000.

Some people have even traveled to other countries to find doctors who will perform the surgery more cheaply ( one reason is that U.S. doctors have gotten so burned with frivolous lawsuits that they have to pay enormous premiums for their mal- practice insurance and that cost is passed on to the patient for every procedure that is performed).

One thing that you need to look into is whether or not your insurance company will cover the expense of the surgery. Many people mistakenly believe that since this is elective surgery that their insurance won’t cover it, just like many plastic surgery procedures aren’t covered, the truth is though that more and more insurance companies are starting to recognize that obesity almost always leads to other life long health issues and that the cost of the one surgery may actually be less, a lot less, than continuing care for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

If your insurance company does cover the cost of the surgery they will likely have some pretty strict guidelines as to who will be covered and who will not. For example, many companies will only consider people who are at least 100 or more pounds overweight, people who have been overweight for at least the last 5 years, and people who have demonstrated a real commitment to trying to make lifestyle changes in order to control their weight but have been unsuccessful.

Another cost you will have to consider is the significant lifestyle changes you must be willing to make after your surgery. You will have to drastically alter your eating and drinking habits and despite what many people think, you can gain weight after the procedure if you aren’t careful to eat right and get enough exercise. This isn’t a quick fix.

Gastric bypass surgery cost isn’t just about the dollars and cents of the procedure, it’s also about what you can gain if you were to achieve, and maintain, and healthy weight and lifestyle. If you are morbidly overweight and have tried to lose the weight but haven’t had any luck, you may want to seriously consider having this surgery. Just be willing to make the needed changes and you may be on your way to a much healthier lifestyle.

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Gastric Bypass Rny

Gastric bypass rny (Roux-En-Y) is the most frequently performed type of gastric bypass surgery performed today. The operation involves creating a small food pouch in the upper part of your stomach. This pouch can hold a very limited amount of food. The pouch bypasses, hence the name, the rest of your stomach and a little of your small intestine.

The basic principle of this procedure is to sharply curtail the amount of food and drink that you are able to ingest at any given time. Since this procedure has bypassed some of your intestine the amount of nutrients you can absorb from your food intake is also limited, therefore anyone undergoing the procedure will have to make significant, and permanent, lifestyle changes when it comes to the way they eat.

Since the part of the intestine that is being bypassed is one of the main areas that your body can absorb iron and calcium, it will be necessary for anyone undergoing the procedure to supplement certain vitamins and minerals in the form vitamin tablets or shots. You will also need to use protein powders to supplement the lack of protein you can absorb, this will only need to occur for about the first few months after surgery. You will also need to either have a B-12 shot monthly for the rest of your life, or take a B-12 tablet daily since you won’t be able to get enough B-12 with the modifications that have been made to your stomach and intestinal tract.

You will only be able to eat about 2 oz. of food at one time, if you try to eat more than that you will likely make yourself sick and will start vomiting. The same thing can also happen if you eat too quickly. “Dumping” is another possible problem if you eat too much sugar. Dumping can consist of nausea, dizziness, cramping, and sweating. It’s vitally important that you carefully chew all of your food or you could literally get a clog.

The amount of food you can eat at one time isn’t the only thing that will change, you will also only be able to drink a small amount at a time too. For this reason, and to avoid getting dehydrated, you will need to get into the habit of having water with you all day long, and taking small sips all day long.

The most important thing you have to remember is that gastric bypass Rny isn’t a magic bullet or a quick fix. This, like any other type of weight loss, will require commitment and time if it’s going to be effective. If you aren’t willing to follow the rules and make the needed lifestyle changes than you may want to reconsider having the surgery, if, on the other hand, you’re willing to commit to the needed changes so that you can achieve, and maintain, a healthy weight and lifestyle than this may just be the thing you need to get you jump started in the right direction.

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Gastric Bypass Recovery

With ever increasing numbers of obese or morbidly obese people in the world today, it’s somewhat comforting to know that there are solutions that can speed up the process of weight loss. While diet and exercise are efficient methods of improving your health, for many people who are suffering from the serious medical complications of being overweight, it simply takes too long, they need help and they need it fast. Gastric bypass surgery can be the answer for many people. If you are considering this type of surgery, you’ll likely want to know more about it, such as learning more about gastric bypass recovery.

The actual time you spend in the hospital after the surgery can vary greatly from one person to the next and what type of procedure you had performed. For example, for someone who has the minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure the average post op hospital stay will be between 3 – 5 days assuming you don’t have any complications.

If, on the other hand, you have the somewhat more involved open gastric bypass procedure you will have a larger incision and will require a slightly longer hospital stay, generally between 5 – 7 days, again, assuming you have no complications. Your surgeon will be able to provide you with more specifics based on your situation and your overall health and the exact type of procedure you are having.

As to recovery after the surgery, there will also be a fairly involved process which will include significant lifestyle changes, in particular the types and amounts of food that you eat. It’s important to understand that this procedure will make your stomach about the size of a walnut, and that will greatly reduce the amount of food and drink you will be able to consume at one time. That change will be permanent so the days of having a huge feast are over, or at least you’ll have to spread the meal out over several hours.

Most people will continue to lose weight up to 2 years after the procedure, and weight loss of up to 80% of your excess body weight is not uncommon. It’s not likely that you’ll lose 100% of your excess weight but losing the majority of it is still a great start for most people.

Losing weight at such a rapid pace can have virtually immediate impact on other obesity related issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Another benefit, after your recovery period, should be an overall lessening of many aches and pains and increased mobility. Just being able to move around more comfortably can have a dramatic effect on your health as well as your overall disposition.

For many people, gastric surgery really is a matter of life and death. While it is possible to lose weight the ‘old fashioned’ way, for people with serious and potentially life threatening health issues time is of the essence and this surgery can help them lose weight much faster than they would normally be able to do. Just make sure that when you’re considering surgery, you pay close attention to the gastric bypass recovery time and carefully follow all of your doctors advice.

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Gastric Bypass Post Op Lifestyle

Losing weight really can be a life or death situation, particularly for those people who are morbidly obese. Time is of the essence and the longer it takes to lose the weight the greater the risk to their health. For this reason gastric bypass surgery may be the best option. If you are considering this procedure but would like to know more about the recovery process, this article on gastric bypass post op can help.

This procedure has been available for decades and though there are some risks, as with all surgeries, they are minimal and rare. The most common issue faced by someone is the lifestyle changes they will need to make. These changes can be challenging which is why most patients are given a lot of pre-op counseling so that they fully understand what they will need to commit themselves to.

Most people understand the basic concept of gastric bypass, your stomach is made smaller so that you can only eat small amounts of food at one sitting. So, obviously, one of the most drastic changes will be a dramatically reduced food intake at each meal.

Other post op lifestyle changes may not seem so obvious such as the fact that you can no longer eat a lot of high sugar and high fat foods. Eating too much of this type of food can lead to fainting since it will be absorbed much more quickly than it would have been before the surgery when your stomach literally had more room.

When you are eating less, you are also drinking less which means that you will need to drink water, in small amounts, throughout your day to avoid dehydration.

While everyone is different and each individuals results will vary, on average many patients will lose up to 50 % of their extra weight within the first six months after surgery. From six months to two years the amount of weight loss will generally be as high as 70%. After two years post op the average weight loss tends to level off at about 80%. It’s very uncommon for someone to lose 100% of their excess fat so some people will claim that this type of surgery isn’t successful.

Only the individual can judge the success for themselves, but my guess would be that if someone is morbidly obese and weighs in excess of 300 lbs, they would be thrilled to lose 60 – 80% of their excess weight!

If you are extremely overweight and you are anxious to get yourself to a more healthy weight you may want to look into gastric bypass surgery. This is a viable way for you to take control of your weight more quickly than just diet and exercise. Your gastric bypass post op lifestyle will be considerably different and if you’re not willing to make significant changes to your lifestyle the process will not work for you. This article has given you a brief overview and now you have an idea of what’s involved, your doctor will answer the rest of your questions.

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