How To Fight Stress Through Healthy Eating
Stress is a condition that makes us jittery, unrefreshed, and unable to sleep at night. Stress also tends to allow us to make necessitous, unhealthy food choices. However, healthy eating can actually reduce stress, and make you feel so much more fitting. Here are a number of helpful hints for fighting stress, through healthy eating.
Skip The Coffee And Other Caffeinated Drinks
Coffee, caffeinated drinks and beverages can exacerbate your stress levels. While some only provide brief relief, these disturb your body in the long run, because too much sugar and caffeine increases your blood sugar levels, and also heightens your stress levels. Instead of coffee, drink green tea, since green tea contains high levels of antioxidants, and and soothes the senses.
Carry Healthy Snacks At All Times
Replace chips and other unhealthy, sodium – filled snacks with natural snack food items, and go for sunflower seeds, celery sticks and carrot sticks instead. Also bring along with you protein – rich snacks in your bag or car, to reduce fatigue and to help avoid mood swings or anxiety attacks.
Eat Breakfast, And Bring your Lunch To Work
Never go to obligation or school on an empty stomach. Calm if you estimate you’re not hungry, you’ll need to eat something later on. Eating a healthy breakfast helps to maintain the proper blood sugar levels during the rest of the day. Authentic would also be nice if you bring your lunch to work or school. You’ll actually save a lot of money by bringing your lunch to work, and you’ll again be able to eat healthier food, instead of munch on the usual fried stuff found at the swiftly food joint or cafeteria.
Eat Lots of Fruits And Vegetables
Eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables can help fight stress. Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of antioxidants and minerals that help ward off base free radical damage, which is believed to increase during stress or panic attacks. Keep forever to choose brightly – colored fruits and veggies.
Drink More Water
To reduce stress, drink at least eight glasses of water each day. Drinking more fluids helps flush right now stress – producing toxins from the body, and also helps to keep you energized. If you drink less water, your figure gets thrown out of balance, and you may suffer unexplained ropes gain, fluid retention, or loss of thirst, which can exacerbate any stressful situation.
Diet plays a major role in the fight against stress, so it’s important that you take everything you eat into consideration. Always father sure that you eat a balanced and healthy diet, and stay away from cholesterol – rich foods and saturated fats, since these tend to block the arteries with plaque. Regular exercise also helps to relieve stress. Exertion actually releases endorphins that raise the mood, and provides an instant energy boost. Exercise also allows the body, and the mind, to relax and repair itself.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Anxiety Attacks, Blood Sugar Levels, Caffeinated Drinks, Carrot Sticks, Celery Sticks, Coffee Drink, Colored Fruits, Empty Stomach, fatigue;, food choices;, food joint, Free Radical Damage, Fruits And Vegetables, healthier food, Healthy Breakfast, Healthy Snacks, Healthy Snacks At All Times Replace chips, instant energy boost, Mood Swings, Natural Snack, natural snack food items, Panic Attacks, Proper Blood Sugar, Snack Food, Stress Levels, Sunflower Seeds, Unhealthy Food, unhealthy food choices —

Top 10 Tips for Success after Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is a weight loss procedure that results in major changes not only in the body, but also in ones lifestyle. To be able to adapt well to those changes, a patient needs to bear in mind these guidelines that ensure success after the surgery. Success means maintaining a healthy weight and preventing the possibility of regaining weight.
1. Avoid foods that are not nutritious. The culprits for weight gain are foods and liquids that are rich in calories, fat, and sugar. These include soda, milk shakes, alcohol, and sugar-rich desserts. These foods do not provide nutrients; instead, they cause hunger pangs and vomiting. Avoid them so that you do not out your weight loss effort to waste. Make sure that your diet is rich in protein, and include lots of fruits and vegetables.
2. Avoid foods that cause discomfort. Sticky, dry, and fibrous foods such as pasta, rice, bread, and meat are usually a no-no for bypass surgery patients. Soda is also not allowed because it causes bloating, gas pain, and even pressure in the stomach.
3. Avoid snacking between meals. This will only hurt your chances of keeping a healthy weight.
4. Avoid drinking liquids immediately before, during, or after meals. Filling your stomach with liquids instead of foods will deprive you of your much-needed nutrients for healing and recovery. Be sure to drink fluids at least 30 minutes before and after your meals. And of course, avoid drinking fluids while eating meals.
5. Refrain from drinking alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Alcohol does more harm than good for people who have gone through weight loss surgery. Devoid of calories, alcohol can cause stomach ulcers. Caffeine have the same effect, aside from working against hydration in the body.
6. Contact your surgeon if problems arise. If you experience one or more of the following problems, call your surgeon immediately: extreme pain in the legs, shortness or difficulty of breathing, fever, bleeding of the incisions, and dark stools.
7. Maintain your follow-up visits after the surgery. This will make it easier for you and your surgeon to monitor and assess your progress. Also, this will result in early detection of problems such as surgical complications and nutritional deficiencies.
8. Keep yourself from getting pregnant for two years following surgery. Because your body is undergoing weight months after the surgery, it may not be able to support a baby. This will be unhealthy for both of you and the fetus. Ask your surgeon for advice in case you plan on getting pregnant.
9. Join a support group. Coping with the aftermath of the surgery may be much easier if you do it with the help of other people. There are many support groups formed to provide emotional support and advice for people who have undergone weight loss surgery. Search for these groups on the Internet; for sure, you can find one within or near your locality.
10. Find ways to cope with stress. Stress usually leads to comfort eating, which is not good for people who have had weight loss surgery. Listen to your favorite music, read books, meet up with friends, and do whatever you can to effectively deal with stress.
You will get the best results from gastric bypass surgery if you follow the guidelines mentioned above.
Tags: bloating;, Bread And Meat, Bypass Surgery, Caffeinated Drinks, Cause Discomfort, Culprits, Extreme Pain, Fever, Fibrous Foods, Fruits And Vegetables, gas pain, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Hunger Pangs, Hydration, Inci, Incisions, Liquids, Maintaining A Healthy Weight, Nutrients, Nutritional Deficiencies, Pain In The Legs, pain;, Rice Bread, Stomach Ulcers, surgeon, surgery, Surgery Patients, vomiting, Weight Gain, Weight Loss Surgery —