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Raw Food Diet – Healthy or Not?

Raw Food Diet – Healthy or Not?
Deborah Wilson

Raw foodism is a way of eating that has grown in popularity in recent years. Celebrities such as Woody Harrelson, Carol Alt, and Alicia Silverstone have gone raw. So what’s the story? Raw foodists believe that cooking anything over 120 degrees destroys essential food enzymes needed for proper digestion.

So is it myth or fact that raw food is better for you? As with so many things, the jury is still out. Whenever you make drastic changes to your diet, it’s important make sure you’re receiving all the nutrients you need. Those who incorporate more raw food into their diets such as fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh juices, and raw nuts often see a huge improvement in overall health and well-being. It may not be necessary to be so extreme as to eat everything raw in order to reap the benefits.

If you decide to “go raw,” how far you decide to take your raw diet is up to you. Many people choose to eat their morning and afternoon meals raw and then eat a cooked dinner. Forget the fads and do what feels right to you. Adding more raw fruits and vegetables to your diet never hurt anyone.

As for the health benefits, proponents of the raw diet claim it can lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, improve eyesight, heal skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis, and even aid in reversing chronic disease and cancer. While there is no research to back this up, more and more doctors and scientists are becoming interested in what raw food can do.

There are several great online raw food resources:

Health Diaries features blogs on the raw food diet. New raw foodists can read others’ diaries or start their own and track their progress.

Shazzie has been raw for several years. Her site features a blog, raw products, and several great before and after pics.

David Wolfe, the owner of, is a well-known raw foodist. On his site, you can purchase raw food products, books, and just about everything else related to raw food.

Through these sites you’ll discover many more raw resources. There’s a great online community just waiting for those who are looking to improve their health through the raw food diet.

About the Author

Deborah Wilson is a freelance writer specializing in health and wellness topics.

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Patty Avey

Upon retiring to bed each evening for weeks, Mark was repeatedly alarmed as he experienced shortness of breath, heart palpitations, extreme weakness, and pressure in his chest. One evening, he was so concerned that he went to the emergency room of the local hospital where he was diagnosed as having panic attacks. Mark could not understand the diagnosis because he did not sense any anxiety or concerns that would precipitate in panic attacks. He left the hospital continuing to question why he was experiencing these symptoms.

One evening as Mark retired to bed, he noticed the four wick scented candle burning on his night stand as it normally did, he wondered if there might be any connection between the scented candle and his symptoms. At that point, he put his head closer to the candle and inhaled the smoke to see if he would have a reaction and immediately the symptoms manifested very strongly. Mark and his wife immediately proceeded to rid their home of the candle in their bedroom and others around the house. Mark’s alarming physical symptoms disappeared.

As you festively decorate your home during any Season, bring ambiance, tradition and warmth to your family with the natural glow of candles. When choosing candles to burn in your home, carefully take into consideration that not all candles are made the same and some candles may be exposing your family to a toxic and unhealthy environment. According to the American EPA, certain candles when burned release carcinogens (cancer causing agents) such as benzene and toluene into the air and are toxic when inhaled. These toxins will also settle on surfaces in your home. Candles made from paraffin, which is a derivative of petroleum wastes, create both smoke and soot which carry toxic substances. One air quality researcher has stated that soot from paraffin candles contains many of the same toxins produced by burning diesel fuel. Some paraffin candles also have lead core wicks which upon burning emit small particles of lead into the atmosphere.

There is also concern that some scented candles when burned may cause health challenges. Toxic chemicals such as acetone, benzene, carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide and many others have been cited as toxins emitted as some fragrances mix with the burning wax. If you desire to burn scented candles, make sure the candles are authentic aromatherapy candles which are scented with real essential oils.

But be of good cheer, candles can still be enjoyed without concern for toxic elements. Candles made from beeswax or soy provide a healthy alternative to potentially harmful candles made from paraffin. Beeswax does not produce toxins or soot when burned. Soy is a new substance used in the manufacturing of candles with the benefits of clean burning with little soot, made from a renewable resource, and uses no petroleum products. Soy candles are also available in many wonderful scents. Also, look for aromatherapy candles that are scented with real essential oils. Read labels carefully on candles before purchasing or ask the sales clerk for information on the ingredients. Unfortunately, candle manufacturers are not required to list hazardous, toxic or carcinogenic compounds used in their ingredients but you can call the manufacturer with your questions if the label is unclear.


– candles made with beeswax or wax with vegetable derivatives, with no animal products

– candles that burn with zinc-core or cotton wicks – NOT LEAD

– check to see if candles are authentically aromatic


– Always keep a burning candle within sight
– Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire.
– Keep candles out of reach of children and pets.
– Trim wicks to inch prior to each use
– Keep candles away from drafts and vents.
– Always use an appropriate candleholder placed on a stable, heat resistant surface
– Never touch or move a votive or container candle when the wax is liquid


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Is eating a raw food diet actually healthy for

Is eating a raw food diet actually healthy for you?
Glen Jansen

Whatever diet you choose to live by, the food you eat has to provide your body with the nourishment to properly balance your body’s chemistry. If you have health challenges, are overweight or obese, chances are you are not in balance at all. The typical North American diet is woefully out of balance. Even what are commonly considered as healthy diets, such as low fat, vegetarien and vegan diets can be improperly balanced.

The good news is you can forget counting … cholesterol, calories, fat grams, carbohydrates, etc, if you eat a properly balanced diet. But, just what does a properly balanced diet consist of?

At this time, it is important to remember a quick lesson in chemistry. Many people know about acids. We used to often hear about acid rain and almost everyone knows that acids are dangerous. The opposite of acids are bases, or alkaloids. These alkaline substances will neutralize acids. In fact, if you mix an acid and a base of equal strength, you will get a new liquid that is close to being neutral. The way of measuring how acidic or alkaline a substance is a scale called pH.

It turns out that the body has a set level of pH that it likes to function in. Just as we all have a normal body temperature, we also have a normal pH for our tissues. Different tissues have different pH levels. One of the most important ones is the pH of your blood. The pH of your blood is slightly alkaline. The body will go to great lengths to keep that pH level fixed. It will do this at the expense of other tissues or systems.

The goal of any healthy eating regimen is to provide the body with the necessary building blocks in the proper pH such that the pH balance can be maintained easily. When this happens, the body will detoxify itself naturally. In addition, weight loss is a side effect of being properly balanced. When one is out of balance, or overly acidic, weight gain, chronic illness, allergies, cancer, heart disease and even diabetes can result. This chronic overacidity of the blood corrodes the tissues of the body. It can also be said that the main cause of all sickness and disease is the disruption of the balance in the body.

With that in mind, how does one get in balance?

In order to get in balance, one needs to consume about 80 percent of your diet as alkaline foods. Green leafy vegetables are a great example of alkaline foods. So are sprouts, broccoli and many other green vegetables. A great way to get started on this new way of life is to pick up a copy of [The pH Miracle] from your local or online bookstore. Inside you will learn how to jumpstart your way into a lifestyle of balanced eating that promotes long term health. In addition you will discover all the foods you should avoid and the ones that you can eat as much as you like. This book is written by Dr. Robert O. Young and his wife Shelley provides recipes in the book too. All in all, an alkaline way of life is both healthy and safe when done properly.
About the Author

A raw food diet that is rich in alkaline foods is the fastest way to health. We help spread the word of this amazing way of life at our Raw Food Diet web site. There you will find many items related to eating a raw food diet, getting enough antioxidants and even how to pick the best

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How Healthy Is Your Lifestyle

How Healthy Is Your Lifestyle
Loring A. Windblad

Copyright 2004 by and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspellings and typos.

Compelling evidence shows that certain lifestyle behaviours can improve health, prevent premature death and may even prolong life. The problem is that people often drift along, continuing their unhealthy ways – maybe vowing to stop smoking or drink less “some day soon” – until a disease or health problem strikes and it may be too late to reverse the damage. Assessing your lifestyle and how it affects health before illness occurs is a wise precaution. (However, changing one’s lifestyle even after illness can sometimes improve health – for instance giving up cigarettes and exercising more after a heart attack.)
Why assess lifestyle risks?
Accumulating scientific evidence shows that a few simple lifestyle habits can directly improve health and decrease disease risks. Much disability and premature death from today’s foremost killers – heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, suicide and unintentional injuries – stem from everyday habits. Over half the premature deaths in North America are blamed on unhealthy behaviours such as cigarette smoking, insufficient exercise, excessive alcohol intake and a fat-laden diet. Only six per cent of premature deaths are considered avoidable through better medical care.
A California study has demonstrated that disease risks can be reduced by not smoking cigarettes, moderating alcohol use, eating breakfast, having regular physical activity, maintaining desirable weight, getting enough (7-8 hours) nightly sleep and having close social networks. The effect is cumulative: the greater the number of good lifestyle habits, the greater the chance of better health and a longer life. A recent Canadian study confirmed a lower chance of premature death by avoiding cigarette smoking, high blood pressure (related to obesity and insufficient exercise), adult-onset diabetes (due to obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise) and excess alcohol consumption. (However, some everyday influences are an unavoidable part of the environment, over which individuals have little control – such as air pollution or traffic noise.)
To evaluate your lifestyle, ask yourself a few key questions about everyday activities such as the amount of fat you eat, smoking and drinking habits – see checklist below – and evaluate which might be improving your health or perhaps damaging it. Consider seeking advice from a health professional about habits you wish to change.
Quick, easy computer programs help rate your lifestyle
To help people assess the health impact of various lifestyle activities, a new Computerized Lifestyle Assessment (CLA) program, developed by the Addiction Research Foundation and the University of Toronto, provides a practical, quick, confidential and easy method of evaluating lifestyle strengths and weaknesses. The computer program, which takes 20 minutes to run, asks detailed questions about 16 lifestyle activities, with graphic feedback along the way and a printed report at the end. Identification and feedback about risk activities that undermine health often lead people to improve their lifestyle and seek advice from a health professional. For details about the CLA program, call (416) 978-8989 or contact the publisher, Multi-Health Systems, at 1-800-268-6011.
The computer program asks questions about.
* substance abuse;
* health maintenance;
* preventive activities;
* social and intimate relationships;
* mental and emotional wellbeing.
The program feeds back information about:
* lifestyle strengths or activities to keep up
* areas of concern or factors that can threaten health
* risk areas requiring action to prevent disease
The final printout pinpoints health-harming behaviours, some of which may come as a surprise, others that may be known to the person who might be “thinking about” changing them. For example, a woman who thinks she leads a healthy life – doesn’t smoke, drink or take other drugs, eats a low-fat vegetarian diet and exercises three times a week – may have emotional problems stemming from poor social relationships and a perfectionist attitude. Or, a man who doesn’t smoke, drinks little alcohol and has good work and personal relationships may endanger his health by being overweight with the beginnings of diabetes, hypertension and a potential heart problem.
Curiously, computers sometimes elicit more personal information about sensitive lifestyle areas than a doctors interview. For instance, many people find it easier to report excess alcohol consumption to a computer than to a physician. Women, especially, seem more likely to confide alcohol, sexual and other problems to a computer than to a doctor. Computerized psychiatric histories sometimes spot problems missed by clinicians – such as suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression or phobias.
Adolescent and student lifestyles especially poor. One recent study found that seven out of 10 people questioned were particularly worried about nutrition and half were also concerned about physical inactivity. A study of Queen’s University students found that over 80 per cent fail to get regular medical/dental care, and over half consume excess alcohol and have poor management of work-leisure time.
Study results show student health problems with:
* Alcohol:
* Cannabis:
* Cigarettes:
* Stress:
* Inactivity:
* Weight:
* Sex:
* Condom use:
Adolescent eating habits can endanger health. Many adolescents receive inadequate nutrition due to poor diets, irregular eating habits and eating disorders that stem from the wish to conform to society’s idealization of thinness. “Weight control” techniques such as self-induced vomiting and diarrhea are widespread. A recent U.S. National Adolescent Health Survey found 61 per cent of adolescent females and 28 per cent of adolescent males were dieting, 51 per cent often fasted, 16 per cent used diet pills and 12 per cent practiced vomiting.
Teens had poor dietary practices because of:
* Excessive preoccupation with physical appearance;
* Western society’s obsession with thinness;
* Eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia.
Lifestyle habits can improve health:
* not smoking tobacco;
* maintaining desirable weight (avoiding obesity);
* good nutrition (following Canada’s Food Guide);
* exercising regularly and sufficiently (at least 30 minutes three times a week);
* getting enough sound nightly sleep (7-8 hours);
* avoiding accidental injuries by taking safety measures (such as seatbelts and helmets);
* practicing motor vehicle safety;
* moderating alcohol use;
* avoiding other recreational drugs;
* getting regular dental care and medical check-ups as advised;
* fostering family, work and social networks;
* having safe and satisfying sexual relationships;
* avoiding or learning how to cope with excess stress;
* enjoining sufficient leisure-time activities and relaxation;
* getting any needed therapy for mental problems.
Lifestyle changes occur in five stages
Stage 1: Pre-contemplation – the health risk of a particular life-style activity is (largely) unrecognized, denied or trivialized.
Stage 2: Contemplation – admitting to a health risk and thinking about making a change “some day.
Stage 3: Preparation – motivated and ready for change “soon”, planning how and what to do, often setting an actual date.
Stage 4: Action – active steps to change behaviour – e.g., giving up cigarettes, walking to work instead of driving, drinking less – setting a specific schedule and definite goals.
Stage 5: Maintenance – long-term change achieved and kept up.
Just asking can make a difference. Surveys show that many people expect physicians or nurses to ask about and give advice or information regarding health. Given the chance, many people would like to discuss lifestyle concerns such as nutrition, obesity, alcohol,other drug use, family conflicts, elderly relatives, sexual problems and chronic pain – but often hesitate to do so unless asked.

About the Author

Loring Windblad has studied nutrition and exercise for more than 40 years, is a published author and freelance writer. Junes and Lorings latest business endeavors are at

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