Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Atkins Diet, The History And The Basics

One of the pioneers of the diet revolution in the early part of 2000 is the Atkins Diet, a program created by cardiologist Dr. Robert Atkins for the patients of his private clinic. Because it is so very effective, the diet program has since evolved to include famous celebrities as part of its millions of followers.

The diet program is actually based on the book that Atkins published in 1999. Aptly titled, Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution, the book created a world-wide sensation with people taking in pros and cons position. Despite the opinions of his critics, the book became an overnight hit in bookstores nationwide. In fact, Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution topped the New York Times Bestsellers list, which is perhaps the most prestigious bestsellers book list in the country. What is more, it has stayed in the list for seven years. Truly a great fit for a diet book.

Atkins Diet Revolution is made up of seven chapters. It explains the basics of the diet program. It also contains tips on leading a healthy lifestyle in the 21st century as well as different recipes that dieters can whip up at home.

One of the advantages of the Atkins diet program is the fact that people are allowed to choose the food that they will eat and to prepare their meals themselves. This is less expensive than having foods delivered to you. Being able to choose the food that you will eat increases the will and commitment to stay into the program.

The diet is based on the rationale that taking in less carbohydrates in meals can help in the reduction of weight. This is because the water content in the body is flushed off when the body uses it as an alternative source of energy.

The same goes with the fat cells, which are temporarily used for energy in lieu of the missing carbohydrates. As you well know, both fats and carbohydrates are potential sources of energy. The body just prefers the carbohydrates as it can easily be burned as opposed to fats, which has a really complex structure.

Another advantage of the Atkins program is the fact that it is a very good diet for people with diabetes and a whole lot more. In fact, according to many dieticians, the Atkins Diet is the only diet that can prevent the incidence of high blood pressure and high cholesterol as well as obesity, which are all precursors of the Type 2 form of diabetes.

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Aging and the pH miracle diet

When many people hear the word diet they immediately think of weight loss. The focus on thinness in our society has equated this word with shedding a few pounds. However, diet really means any food or drinks you put into your body. The diet that you consume has a profound impact on your overall health. The pH miracle diet is not just a diet for weight loss. In fact, the first volume of this popular series was dedicated to health in general. The original pH miracle diet book focuses on many issues, including aging.

What does aging have to do with pH and acid/alkaline foods? Some experts contend that the reason we age has to do entirely with the amount of acidic foods that we eat. The theory is that we get older because we do not effectively get rid of the wastes and toxins that accumulated through our bodies.

We burn nutrients within our cells to get energy, maintain our body temperatures and get our bodies to function correctly. No matter what type of food you eat, vegetable or meat, acid or alkaline, gourmet food or junk food, they are composed of the same elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.

In order to function correctly, the cells use these nutrients. They oxidize them or burn them up into natural acids: carbonic acids, uric acids, lactic acids and fatty acids. The cells expel these acids as waste into urine and sweat. When the body is functioning properly and in a balanced manner, these waste acids are no problem. The body can get rid of them quickly and easily, and you can maintain a normal pH of around 7.4.

However, the modern way of living has resulted in our bodies not being able to rid themselves of the acids correctly. Lack of sleep, lack of exercise, overwork, stress, smoking, pollution and high acid diets (heavy in meat and dairy products) all prevent our bodies from properly expelling these acids. There is too much acidic production from these lifestyle and diet factors, and the body simply cannot get rid of it.

Even worse, modern farming and food production practices are making foods more acidic than they used to be. Inorganic acid minerals like chlorine, phosphor and sulfur seep into meats, grains and root crops through soil, air quality and farming practices. We are consuming more inorganic acid minerals than ever before. All of this contributes to our bodies inability to rid themselves of acid.

The pH miracle diet is a perfect balance to our over-acidified lives that cause premature aging. Aging occurs because of the build up of acidic elements in the body. Healthy cells naturally have a slightly alkaline pH level, and since acid and alkaline are chemical opposites, high acid levels destroy cells.

In order to stop aging and reverse the affects of acidic damage on the cells, you must start alkalizing your diet according to the principles set out in the pH miracle diet. You must help you body develop a better system to rid itself of the acid wastes. Then you must facilitate it in pulling old wastes out of your body.

The first step requires that you drink plenty of water, especially acid free alkaline water. Just 4 glasses of alkaline water is more effective than 8 glasses of regular water. Water ionizers are available to help you create alkaline water in the comfort of your home. This water will help flush out your system and get rid of the build up acidity within it.

The pH miracle diet also encourages people to eat a higher percentage of alkaline foods in their diet. The alkalizing foods will help restore balance to the body and push the remaining acid waste build up out of the body. According to pH miracle diet fans, the results are a more youthful glow, more energy and a relief from some of the symptoms of aging, like arthritis.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Diet,Healthy Foods | Comments Off on Aging and the pH miracle diet

Aging and the pH miracle diet

When bounteous people hear the word diet they immediately think of weight loss. The target on thinness in our society has equated this word with shedding a few pounds. However, diet thoroughly means any food or drinks you put into your body. The diet that you consume has a profound impact on your overall health. The pH miracle diet is not just a diet for weight loss. In fact, the first house of this popular categorization was dedicated to health in general. The first-hand pH miracle diet book focuses on many issues, including aging.

What does aging have to do with pH and acid / alkaline foods? Some experts contend that the reason we age has to do entirely with the amount of acidic foods that we eat. The theory is that we get older because we do not effectively get rid of the wastes and toxins that accumulated through our bodies.

We burn nutrients within our cells to get energy, maintain our body temperatures and get our bodies to function correctly. No matter what type of feed you eat, vegetable or feed, acid or alkaline, gourmet food or junk eatable, they are composed of the same elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.

In harmony to function correctly, the cells use these nutrients. They oxidize them or burn them up into natural acids: carbonic acids, uric acids, lactic acids and fatty acids. The cells expel these acids as waste into urine and sweat. When the body is functioning properly and in a balanced practice, these waste acids are no problem. The body can get rid of them hastily and easily, and you can maintain a normal pH of around 7. 4.

However, the modern way of vital has resulted in our persons not for able to rid themselves of the acids correctly. Lack of moor, lack of exercise, overwork, stress, smoking, pollution and high acid diets ( heavy in meat and dairy products ) all prevent our bodies from properly expelling these acids. There is too much acidic production from these lifestyle and diet factors, and the body simply cannot get rid of legitimate.

Even worse, modern farming and food production practices are making foods more acidic than they used to be. Inorganic acid minerals like chlorine, phosphor and sulfur seep into meats, grains and spring crops through soil, air quality and farming practices. We are full more inorganic acid minerals than ever before. All of this contributes to our bodies inability to rid themselves of acid.

The pH miracle diet is a finished balance to our over – acidified lives that cause premature aging. Aging occurs because of the build up of acidic elements in the body. Healthy cells naturally have a slightly alkaline pH level, and since acid and alkaline are chemical opposites, high acid levels destroy cells.

In order to stop aging and unconnected the affects of acidic damage on the cells, you exigency start alkalizing your diet according to the principles allow out in the pH miracle diet. You must help you body develop a better system to rid itself of the acid wastes. Then you must facilitate it in pulling old wastes over of your body.

The first step requires that you drink markedly of water, especially acid unpaid alkaline water. Just 4 glasses of alkaline water is more effective than 8 glasses of regular water. Water ionizers are available to help you create alkaline water in the comfort of your internal. This water will corrective flush out your design and amuse rid of the build up acidity within it.

The pH miracle diet again encourages people to eat a higher percentage of alkaline foods in their diet. The alkalizing foods will help restore balance to the body and push the remaining acid waste build up out of the body. According to pH miracle diet fans, the results are a more youthful glow, more energy and a relief from some of the symptoms of aging, like arthritis.

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