Helping Your Child Be Healthy and Fit
Helping Your Child Be Healthy and Fit
Hannah Pendergraph
Helping Your Child Be Healthy and Fit
For The Coming School Year….
Shools In Session:
Long-term good health is less an accident than the result
of good habits and wise choices. To enjoy good health now and
in the future, youngsters must learn how to eat, exercise,
sleep, control stress, and be responsible for personal
cleanliness and reducing the risk of disease. In addition, they
need to be aware of what to do in an emergency and when to say
Habits that include eating nutritious foods and
understanding the relationship between physical and emotional
health will help your child grow up healthy. Your child’s
ability to learn and the chances for a longer and more productive life can be greatly improved by developing and following good health practices.
First of All, Your Child Is Special
The mental and emotional health of your child is just as important as physical health. From the earliest moment, a child needs to feel that he or she is special and cared about by family members and friends.
A child who enjoys good mental and emotional health is able to approach new situations with confidence. When children are comfortable with hemselves, they can express their emotions in a positive way.
As children learn to value themselves and develop confidence in their ability to make responsible decisions, they are building a sense of self-worth or self-esteem.
Parents and teachers share the responsibility for helping children build self-confidence. A child who is confident is more successful in everyday interactions with peers and adults.
Confidence in one’s abilit to learn new and difficult skills can affect future achievement, as well. Developing a trusting relationship with your child, establishing open communication, and recognizing personal achievements are all important. When children know they can do something well, it makes them feel special.
Get Ready, Get Set, Grow Up Healthy
From the time your child is born, there are ways in which you can help your child learn how to grow up healthy. Good nutrition does not mean that your children cannot eat
their favorite foods or that they must eat foods they do not like.
Good nutrition means variety and moderation in a person’s diet. Choosing what foods to eat is important in pursuing a healthy life. Your children may choose to eat certain foods because they taste good or because they are available. Make nutritious foods available and monitor the “sometimes”
foods–sugary snacks and fatty desserts.
Good health is a blend of physical and emotional well-being. Exercises are basic elements of physical fitness
that should be part of play.
Aerobic exercises, such as jogging or jumping, that increase the heartbeat, strengthen the heart and muscles,improve endurance, condition the total body, and help prevent disease. Anaerobic, slow, stretching exercises improve flexibility and muscular fitness. Both types of exercise are important and fun.
We all face stressful situations. With family members, with teachers, with friends, and with strangers problems can arise that make your child feel anxious, nervous, confused, or
Too much stress or the wrong kind of stress can make it difficult for children to learn. Helping your child learn appropriate and healthy ways of handling stress, through exercise, proper sleep, discussing problems with an adult, or breaking down jobs into manageable parts.
Physical fitness is a vital part of being healthy. Forchildren, being and staying physically fit can happen with activities they refer to PLAY! Play that makes them breathe deeply is aerobic exercise.
Aerobic activities such as bicycling, jumping rope, roller skating, running, dancing, and swimming can be beneficial if they are done for 12 to 15 minutes without stopping.
The young child develops an active lifestyle as he or she begins to creep, crawl, and then walk. Young children learn how to move in their environment by playing alone in their own personal space.
As children grow, they hop, march, run, roll, toss,bounce, and kick. Their bodies are changing in terms of height
and weight, and they are beginning to form a self-conceptthrough comparison with others as they move.
School Is Back In Session: Help Your Little Ones Adjust To The Change Mentally and Physically.
Hannah Of Edwards Marketing
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About the Author
Robin Edwards CEO of trafficcoach,Wazoo Maddness,The Marketing Report,The “Ebay Breakthrough and The Naked Truth about Internet Marketing.
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Hannah and Robin Edwards Of Edwards Marketing has both revitalized the company with new productions, and renewed their reputation as one of the world’s great Marketing treasures
Tags: Author, Ceo, Control Stress, disease, Ebay, Everyday Interactions, Good Habits, Good Health, Hannah Of Edwards, Health Practices, http, Internet Marketing, Mental And Emotional Health, Nutritious Foods, Open Communication, Parents And Teachers, Pendergraph, Personal Achievements, Personal Cleanliness, Physical Health, Productive Life, Responsible Decisions, Robin Edwards, Robin Edwards Of Edwards, Self Confidence, Shools, Trusting Relationship, Understanding The Relationship, Wise Choices —

Healthy Weight Loss
Healthy Weight Loss
David McCormick
I am Mr. Weightless, and though I may be a superhero, and I may be immune to heart disease and cancer, still Mr. Weightless can catch a cold. Being fit means that it is very rare that I get sick, but a virus is a virus, and I caught a cold. Although I felt miserable, there came some good of it, because I came to a realization that will simplify how you can think about good health and weight loss: Take the advice for the sick, even while you’re well.
Why Is This Advice for the Ill?
All of the things we tell sick people so that they recover more quickly are exactly the things that we should be doing every day. Following that advice will not only ward off disease, but also lead to greater energy and vitality, and best of all, weight loss. How we came to ignore these positive factors in our daily lives, I don’t know.
In our society, we have a tendency to put off what is most healthy because we think it is inconvenient. When we get sick and can’t perform our “more important” jobs, then we make the decision to do what is best for the body. If we took these simple pieces of advice in our regular routines, we would be sick fewer days. So for those who think their work is more important than their health… if you take care of your health first, you’ll be able to work longer and take fewer sick days, so you’ll accomplish more work!
Prevent Disease and Lose Weight with the Best Diet for Men
Fluid Intake
“Drink plenty of fluids” is the thing everybody says whenever someone says they have a cold. Drinking water and natural fruit juices is so easy, yet most people don’t do it. There are a myriad of benefits to drinking water all day, which you can find in my article on Water. Drink a lot of water all day. The improvements to your digestion, energy balance, joint health, skin health and the function of virtually every organ will astonish you. You will start losing weight right away when you drink at least your quota of 8 glasses of water per day. And there is no danger of drinking too much water, so you don’t need to keep track or count glasses, just keep drinking it.
Natural fruit juices are also great for you. They contain sugars to give you energy, but won’t dehydrate you like caffeine will. They also contain all of the other vitamins and nutrients from the fruits themselves. In the case of citrus fruits, like oranges, vitamin C comes in high concentrations. We’ll get to the vitamins in the next section. Other juices are good for different reasons, but remember that there is no such thing as a “bad” natural fruit juice. Many natural juices are also fortified with calcium, which is another excellent nutrient that will not only strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis when you grow older, but it is also related to fat loss.
No matter how good the label looks, do not drink artificial fruit-flavoured juice, because those only contain sugar, water and flavouring.
Vitamins and Herbs
Many people suggest high doses of vitamin C to cure the common cold. It is such a good nutrient, it should be taken daily, whether you’re sick or not. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is known to boost the immune system, which is why it is recommended for treatment of the common cold. But a good immune system is always beneficial; it is better to prevent getting a cold by having a strong immune system than to treat it once you’re sick. Vitamin C is also a most powerful antioxident, which means that it prevents all sorts of cellular decay and counteracts cancer-causing carcinogens. Finally, vitamin C boosts the production of adrenaline, which will boost your feeling of wakefulness, energy and speed your metabolism, supporting weight loss.
Vitamin C is not the only supplement that sick people are told to take. My mother is particularly fond of echinacea. This is an herb that also boosts the immune system. It has proven effective in treating the common cold, but unlike vitamin C, it does not show a significant effect on healthy people.
Taking a multivitamin everyday that contains high doses of vitamin C, as well as a full complement of other vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients is a positive step for anyone. It is virtually impossible to get every nutrient that you should every day unless you take a multivitamin. For those attempting to lose body fat by reducing their food intake, it becomes essential. Not only will you replace the nutrients you’re not getting from your restricted diet, you’re also packing in those nutrients that can speed up your weight loss.
The best multivitamins and nutritional supplements can be found on the Diet Products page.
Chicken Noodle Soup and Other Good Food
When you’re sick, you may have a friend who offers to take care of you and make you some chicken noodle soup. There are a lot of theories about why chicken soup may be good for you when you have a cold. Some say that it’s just the steam and hot liquid that opens up the airways; others claim that it inhibits neutrophils, white blood cells responsible for inflammation. My theory is simpler: chicken noodle and chicken vegetable soups are just good food, and should be consumed regularly. In a tasty meal, you’ve got protein from the chicken, carbs from the noodles and/or vegetables, spices and seasoning that have herbal benefits, and the chicken fat as well. A good rule of thumb is to eat simple, good food that has these properties.
An easier, faster way to get such a balanced meal (more complete than even chicken soup) is to have a meal replacement for two meals a day. These can be found on the Products page, click here.
The final and most important ingredient to beating a cold is rest. Of everything discussed in this article, it is also the element that most modern men disregard. Even when sick, we tend to get up and do some work, rather than concentrating on getting well. Sleep is the time your body and mind recuperate from the day’s activities. Without sufficient sleep, your body cannot heal properly, and your mind cannot function properly. There have been some studies that show that sleep deprivation can lead to overeating and obesity, due to the elevation of certain hormones.
Sleep recommendations have varied tremendously in all the studies done. Most people today believe that 8 hours is the optimum duration of sleep. However, some adults can’t bring themselves to sleep longer than 6 hours, and many will sleep for 10 if not awoken by an alarm. The need for sleep steadily declines throughout your life. A baby can sleep as much as 18 hours a day, but it will come at odd times until their rhythms match their parents. So, it seems like they never sleep because they’re always crying in the middle of the night, but they’re sleeping a lot of the rest of the time. In contrast, the elderly awake early and frequently cannot fall asleep until very late. Some may nap frequently, but in all, they are awake far longer than most adults.
The amount of sleep any person needs seems to be quite individualistic. To find your perfect sleep duration, try waking up at the same time every day for work, but go to bed one half-hour earlier each night. You may not feel comfortable right away, but you’ll probably fall asleep within 10 minutes. Eventually, you will find a time that is ideal in that you will fall asleep easily and wake up feeling really energetic. On a weekend, you can test your theory by going to bed when you feel tired, and not set an alarm to wake you. When you wake up, write a note of the time you first woke up (in case you want to sleep in further). Then it is a simple matter to figure out how long your body wants to sleep.
Sleep is not the only component of rest. People will actually tell you to “take it easy” to help you recover. This is also a good idea for everyday life, not only when you’re ill. Learn to take time every day to relax. There have been many books and studies on the benefits of meditation. None that I know of relate meditation to weight loss, but it is related to a reduction of stress. Lower stress levels will reduce your risk of heart disease, and if you’re an “emotional eater”, then reducing your stress through meditation can be a big step towards weight loss.
Feeling Under the Weather?
Until you become weightless, like me, you’ll be “under the weather” because the clouds are above you. So, every day behave as if you’re under the weather: drink plenty of fluids, especially water and natural fruit juices; take a multivitamin and the proven herbal health boosters; eat natural food in good proportions; and get adequate sleep, including meditation or some form of relaxation.
Article Originally Posted: Healthy Weight Loss
About the Author
David “Mr. Weightless” McCormick is the founder of Weightless Products, the best weight loss program for men. All articles are available in full for FREE, with no banners, no pop-ups and no registration. Wait Less for Weight Loss, visit the Fast Weight Loss Diet for Men
Tags: Author, cancer;, Cold Drinking Water, common cold, David Mccormick, disease, Energy And Vitality, Energy Balance, energy;, food intake;, food;, founder, Glasses Of Water Per Day, Good Health, greater energy, Health Skin, Healthy Weight Loss, heart disease;, inflammation, Joint Health, Losing Weight, Lot Of Water, McCormick, Meditation, Myriad, Natural Food, Natural Fruit Juices, obesity;, osteoporosis;, Quota, Realization, Relaxation, Sick Days, Skin Health, sleep deprivation, Superhero, Weightless, Weightless Products —

Healthy Diet Tips
Healthy Diet Tips
Alan LeStourgeon
These healthy diet tips will keep you on the right path.
Although healthy people are generally at a natural weight, this
is not about dieting and losing weigh, its about lifestyle. The
mainstream seesaw of dieting is a moneymaker that doesn’t
address real health issues and concerns.
One of the best things you can do for your body is eat at least
twelve servings of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables every
single day. These foods are packed with the things that our
bodies need; natural, non-synthetic source of Vitamins A,B, C,
and E, disease fighting antioxidants, minerals like potassium,
calcium, phosphorous, and copper.
These days too many Americans get their vitamins from synthetic
sources that are isolated and chemically induced. The best way
to get this nutrition is from the good earth, directly from the
source, from fruits and vegetables. If eating that many
vegetables seems overwhelming, just think about the colors. Get
your blue and purples like blueberries and plums to reduce the
risk of cancer and protect your urinary tract. Eat green
vegetables like broccoli and celery to protect your bones, teeth
and eyes. Consume your whites like mushrooms and onions for
healthy heart function. Eat foods like oranges and carrots to
boost your immune system from the yellow and orange fruits and
vegetables. Finally, get your reds from foods like apples and
beets for memory function and heart health.
All of these fruits and vegetables have healing qualities and
you’ll feel the difference. If you can’t eat this much or don’t
have the time, drink juices made from a vegetable juicer, a
great way to get the nutrients you need.
In addition to eating fruits and vegetables, cut down on
saturated fats from processed foods and switch to unsaturated
fats from nuts like almonds and vegetables including avocado. In
general however, cut down on fat in your life and your heart and
body will thank you for it. Speaking of processed food, begin to
rid yourself of any processed foods. And of course, drink water
so that you are flushing the toxins out your system and staying
Use these healthy diet tips as a general guide to healthy
eating, not fad dieting.
About the author:
Alan LeStourgeon along with his wife Jean run the web site www.ezHealthyDiet.com
where they explore what it means to eat a healthy diet, have a
home and live a healthier life.
Tags: Alan LeStourgeon, Author, cancer;, Diet Tips, disease, Drink Juices, Eating Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Earth, Green Vegetables, Health Issues And Concerns, Healthy Diet, Healthy Heart, Heart Function, Heart Health, Jean, Memory Function, Organic Fruits And Vegetables, Processed Food, Real Health, Saturated Fats, Seesaw, Time Drink, Unsaturated Fats, Vegetable Juicer, www.ezHealthyDiet.com —

Health Plan: A ‘Healthy Business’ Plan
Health Plan: A ‘Healthy Business’ Plan
Marjorie Geiser
In business, owners create business plans and marketing plans
for the New Year to help set their course for success. This
becomes their template to make their dreams and business goals
come true. They can then track their progress and make
adjustments when necessary to keep themselves on track.
But, why not do the same thing if your goal is improved health?
Just imagine setting up a real action plan to address what you
want to achieve and how you will go about making those goals
happen. Let’s look at some of the parts of a business plan and
see how they can be adjusted into a ‘health plan’.
Mission statement
According to Stephen Covey, all individuals should have a
personal mission statement. Do you have one? Ok, so you probably
don’t. But what about creating a personal health mission
statement? What would you want that statement to say? It should
include what your health would ideally look like and why you
would want it to look that way. You may want to include what
your primary goal is for creating a health statement, too.
An example may be, “I am committed to becoming a healthy example
for my family so that they learn healthy habits and never have
to suffer from disease caused by lifestyle. I will do this by
avoiding unfavorable health habits and eat a healthy, whole diet
most of the time and stay active on a regular basis.” So, here
are the questions to ask yourself in order to create your health
mission statement: 1. What do you want your health to look like?
2. Why do you want this health result? 3. How will you
accomplish this goal?
Vision statement
What do you want your health to look like in 10 years? What will
you feel and look like? How will you know if you have succeeded
in your goal?
Answer each of these questions to create your ultimate vision
for your health. Perhaps you have been struggling with great
amounts of weight for years. You have tried every diet known to
man, with limited success and then ultimate failure. So, your 10
year vision may be to weigh your ideal body weight, feel great,
look fantastic and be off all medications.
Do not allow doubts or limiting beliefs voice their opinion. If
you allow yourself to believe this can happen, you can make it
Now it’s time to break down that big vision; what will you have
accomplished in one year, three years and five years?
You have an ultimate 10-year vision, above. That is your
ultimate destination. Now is the time to create the rough plan
for how you will get there. Again, never mind what the limiting
thoughts say. What would you like to accomplish in these
milestone time frames? Examples may be that in one year you will
be walking every day, five to six days a week, for a total of at
least 60 minutes. Or maybe in a year you will be ready for a 5 K
walk/run race. Another example may be that in 1 year you will
have lost 10 pounds or are off your diabetic medication. Then
for three years and five years, allow yourself to open up and
Strategies and Tactics
What will your biggest challenges be? Determine these first,
then brainstorm how you can overcome these challenges. Then list
what it will take from you to make overcoming these challenges a
reality. What techniques will you use? List seven – these are
your strategies and the tactics you’ll use while using these
Examples of challenges may be; not enough time in your day, too
tired, can’t find anything you like to do, hate vegetables or
cooking from scratch. But, as you consider your challenges,
there are always strategies you can use to determine how to
overcome these challenges. A few examples are to find
pre-packaged foods that are low in fat and sodium but healthy
and tasty and add a salad or vegetable to it, join a health club
such as Curves, where you can run in and run out and fit in a
workout in just 30 minutes. Find a buddy to walk with at
lunchtime. Buy a stationary bike and put it in front of the TV.
Set up a vegetable challenge at work, where everyone can keep
track of how many veggies they eat each day, with a prize at the
end of the month for the person who is eating the most. What
else can you think of?
Next you have to address what tactics you will use to make these
strategies actually a reality. Come up with at least five for
each strategy, because there will always be times that the
situation will call for a different tactic to overcome the
challenge. A few examples are to tell your friends and family
that you are now walking every day after work, set up a back-up
plan when you can’t walk, or each time you go food shopping you
buy a new fresh, frozen or canned vegetable to try, not limiting
yourself to just one form of the food. Or buy a new cookbook and
commit to yourself to prepare one new, healthy meal per week, or
spend some time on websites such as http://allrecipes.com/ to
research something new and healthy for the family. Again, I’m
sure you can come up with some tactics that sound good to you.
Values and Beliefs
Although your health may not be what you would like, this does
not mean you do not value health. You may value other things
more, though, or feel other things in life have taken priority
over health, and, before you know it, your health has suffered
as a result. What is meant by health values? To clarify, what
value do you put on health; yours or the health of others? If
you are reading this article, you probably do value health as
something to attain or maintain. If you are concerned with
maintaining your health, chances are it has held a high priority
for you through your life. Everyone has a different value of
health; for some, it may be the absence of disease, for others
it may reflect an inner calm and serenity. Some people may
consider health as physical or mental capacity or the weight
they are at. The belief may come from what you believe a
particular health condition (good or bad) represents. For
instance, some people may consider an ideal body weight as
health and something that represents inner strength or the lack
of health a weakness. For others, a sign of good health is a
healthy attitude towards life and others and themselves. None of
these values or beliefs are right or wrong; they are just how
you feel and what you believe.
List at least five personal values you have around your health
and life and the beliefs that go along with each value. Spend
some time on this, because many times people who are struggling
with health issues don’t want to address the true beliefs or
values around their health, which can be the biggest reason they
are unable to overcome conditions that limit achievement of a
particular health goal, such as losing weight.
Then answer these questions to see what areas need attention:
How do these values relate to your health? How are these values
reflected in the way you live currently? Are your values and
beliefs in sync with your lifestyle? Spend some time with these
questions and write down what you come up with.
Branding and Imaging
When friends and family think of you, how would you like them to
describe you and your health?When you consider what you would
like others to say about you when talking about health, are you
currently living up to that vision you have? If not, what needs
to change to become that person? How will you feel when you are
that person you imagine them talking about? How will you feel if
you do not become that person? List five things you would like
people to say about you and your health and lifestyle.
Action Plan
Now it’s time to create a real plan to make all of this happen –
your action plan. For those of you in business reading this, you
already knew what was coming. Do you see the parallels? Look at
your goals, and then ask yourself how you will plan to
accomplish those goals. Use your strategies and tactics as the
templates for your action plan. I have business clients create a
calendar from their strategies and tactics, setting up a
specific plan from month to month. You can do the same thing for
health goals. Set small goals on your calendar; maybe a goal of
walking five minutes every day, or avoid that morning doughnut
at least three days a week. You may have a goal that by the end
of the first month you are eating four servings of fruits and
vegetables a day; you can start by setting a goal of two
servings per day the first week, three servings per day the
second and third week, and then four servings by the 4th week.
Look at where you would like to be in a year, but then break
that year into more manageable chunks by looking at just one
month at a time and what you would like to have accomplished by
the end of that month. The purpose of an action plan is to make
what you need to do more real; to put legs on the ideas and
intentions you came up with earlier in the process. In other
words, how can you change from just thinking about what you
want, in the abstract, and make it something that really happens?
Budget and financing
All business plans must have a budget plan. What is necessary to
fund your new health plan? Can you do this on a small budget or
will it take a big financial commitment? How will you cover the
expenses your health plan will require? For some people,
bypassing certain expenditures, such as eliminating the morning
muffin at work can pay for the extra fruits and vegetables at
the market. Or avoiding an afternoon snack can add up to enough
to buy a new pair of walking shoes. Everyone can decide where
they want to prioritize how they will make health a priority and
how to make it fit not only their lifestyle, but also their
Many people envision a healthier day, someday. For those who
create a plan, and then develop strategies to stick to their
plan, tend to see success. As an example, read from participants
in the National Weight Control Registry, a group of over 5,000
people who have lost at least 30 pounds and have successfully
kept that weight off for at least one year,
http://www.nwcr.ws/stories.htm. Reading some of these examples
proves that even if you have over 100 pounds to lose, it is
possible; you have to have the desire, the awareness that it
will take dedication and determination, and that you have to
create the strategies and plan to make it happen. Just as with
business, failure to plan results in planning for failure. Make
that plan and enjoy success this year!
About the author:
Marjorie Geiser is a nutritionist, registered dietitian,
certified personal trainer and life coach. Marjorie has been the
owner of a successful small business, MEG Fitness, since 1996,
and now helps other health professionals start up their own
private practice. To learn more about the coaching services
Margie offers, go to her website www.marjoriegeiser.com or email
her at [email protected].
Tags: 10 Years, Author, Business Goals, Business Owners, Business Plans, Dietitian, disease, food;, Geiser, Health Habits, Health Mission, Health Plan, Healthy Diet, Healthy Habits, Marjorie, Marjorie Geiser, Marketing Plans, National Weight Control Registry, New Year, New Year's Day, Nutritionist, Parts Of A Business Plan, Personal Health, Personal Mission Statement, personal trainer and life coach, Plan Health, Statement 1, Stephen Covey, Vision Statement, www.marjoriegeiser.com —