Weight Loss Surgery: Preventing the Health Risks
If you have been watching your weight go up and you are worried about the rising pounds, you may be wondering whether weight loss surgery really works. Is it possible to prevent future weight gain by putting yourself on a well-known weight loss surgical operation?
Today, weight loss surgeries are gradually gaining recognition when it comes to losing weight. Many health experts contend that people who are excessively overweight or has slower metabolism would normally require some surgical operations.
Surgery at Present
The greatest progress in the care of the surgical patient has taken place since the beginning of the present century. An increasing knowledge of disease and disorder as a result of research has permitted the development of many diagnostic aids. Some of these depend upon roentgenograms, laboratory procedures such as chemical, bacteriologic, and pathologic determinations, as well as monitoring devices and computer aids.
Hence, the result is that the diagnosis of disease and disorder is made with more exactness and certainty than was possible from the simple clinical examinations of previous days.
That is why people who wish to undergo weight loss surgery should no longer be afraid of the procedure because high clinical standards are now being implemented in every surgical operation.
The Concept of Weight Loss Surgery
Health experts contend that weight loss surgery is a major surgery. One of the most common reasons why people would like to lose weight is to enhance their physical attributes. However, it should not be the underlying motivation that they should undergo the process of weight loss surgery.
What people do not know is that weight loss surgery is especially generated to help obese people live longer, healthier, and better.
That is why it is important for an individual to meticulously analyze his or her situation, do some research about the process, and analyze if weight loss surgery is the ultimate choice for his or her physiological condition.
Moreover, it is important to gather further information about weight loss surgery by consulting an experienced and knowledgeable bariatric surgeon or even just an expert family physician who knows the ins and outs of weight loss surgery.
In addition, the patient should also consult the other health experts such as the psychiatrist and dietician with regards to some psychological advices on long-term goals after the operation.
Generally, patients who have undergone weight loss surgery are said to be successful if they were able to lose 50% or more of their extra body weight and will be able to maintain that condition for the next five years or so. However, the results of the operation may still vary depending on the clinical information of the patient and the skills of the bariatric surgeon.
Normally, the patient will be able to lose at least 30% to a maximum of 50% during the first six months after surgery; and within the year after the operation, the patient has the potential of losing weight up to a maximum of 77%.
Best of all, people who were able to loss weight through surgical operations can actually maintain a continuous weight loss of up to 50% to 60% in the next 10 to 14 years after surgery.
Factors to Consider
As with the other weight loss management programs, there are many factors to consider before the patient should decide to undergo weight loss surgery.
Consequently, the actual weight that will be lost is reliant on the weight before surgery, surgical procedure, patients age, capability to exercise, total health condition of the patient, dogged determination to maintain the necessary follow-up nurture, and the enthusiasm to succeed with the help of their family, friends, and their colleagues.
If you have just put on a few extra pounds and want to avoid gaining more, these weight loss surgeries for better health may seem convincing. But, in addition to being convinced, you may also have to take some action to ensure that your weight does not creep upward.
Therefore, it can be concluded that losing weight is not just a question of deciding to be strong-willed and determined or upbeat and positive. Lifestyle changes are where it is at for long-term success with your weight especially after weight loss surgery.
Word Count 709
Tags: bariatric surgeon, Clinical Examinations, Computer Aids, Determinations, Diagnosis, Diagnostic Aids, disease, disorder, Exactness, experienced and knowledgeable bariatric surgeon, expert family physician, Health Experts, Health Risks, Laboratory Procedures, Losing Weight, Major Surgery, Metabolism, Motivation, Pathologic, Physical Attributes, psychiatrist and dietician, surgery, Surgical Operations, Surgical Patient, Weight Gain, Weight Loss Surgeries, Weight Loss Surgery —
Weight Loss Plan: The Goal to Go For
Since excess weight puts you at risk for many health problems, you may need to set some weight loss plans to help avoid those risks and prevent disease.
But what should be your long-term goal? And what short-term goals should you set to help you get there? You have a better chance of attaining your goals if you make sure that the weight loss plans that you will use are sensible and reasonable right at the beginning.
Here are some guidelines from the experts in choosing weight loss plans and goals.
1. Be realistic
Most peoples long-term weight loss plans are more ambitious than they have to be.
For example, if you weigh 170 pounds and your long-term plan is to weigh 120, even if you have not weighed 120 since you were 16 and now you are 45, that is not a realistic weight loss goal.
Your body mass index or BMI is a good indicator of whether or not you need to shed of pounds. The ideal BMI range, according to the national Institutes of Health, is between 19 and 24.9. If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are considered overweight. Any number above 30 is in the obesity range.
From this point of view, you will need a sensible weight loss plan that will correspond to the required BMI based on your height, because this is the primary factor that will affect your BMI.
2. Set appropriate objectives
Using a weight loss plan just for vanitys sake is psychologically less helpful than losing weight to improve health.
You have made a big step forward if you decide to undergo a weight loss plan that includes exercise and eating right so that you will feel better and have more energy to do something positive in your life.
3. Focus on doing, not losing
Rather than saying that you are going to lose a pound this week, say how much you are going to exercise this week. This would definitely make up of a sensible weight loss plan.
Keep in mind that your weight within a span of a week is not completely in your control, but your behavior is.
4. Build bit by bit
Short-term weight loss plans should not be pie-in-the-sky. This means that when you have never exercised at all, your best weight loss plan for this week should be based on finding three different one-mile routes that you can walk next week.
5. Keep up the self-encouragement
An all-or-nothing attitude only sets you up to fail. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fall short of some goals, just look ahead to next week. You do not need to have a perfect record.
After all, self-encouragement should definitely be a part of your weight loss plans. Otherwise, you will just fail in the end.
6. Use measurable measures
Saying that you are going to be more positive this week or that you are going to really get serious this week is not a goal that you can measure and should not be a part of your weight loss plan.
This is another reason why you should incorporate exercise on your weight loss plan and focus on it. You should be able to count up the minutes of exercise in order to be successful in your plan.
The bottom line is, people should make weight loss plans that will only remain as it is, just a plan. They have to put it into action by incorporating goals that will motivate them to succeed.
Word Count 603
Tags: Attaining Your Goals, Better Chance, Bit By Bit, Bmi, Body Mass Index, disease, Eating Habits, energy;, Excess Weight, Exercise, Health Problems, Long Term Goal, Long Term Weight Loss, Losing Weight, National Institutes Of Health, obesity;, Point Of View, Sake, Sensible Weight Loss, Span, Term Goals, Weight Loss Goal, Weight Loss Plan —
How to Talk to a Loved One about LapBand Surgery
How to Talk to a Loved One about LapBand Surgery
In many aspects, obesity is referred to as a disease. This is because some suffering from obesity cannot change their lifestyle. Some do not have the needed determination, others have tried healthy eating and exercise without the right results. This is when many opt to give up. If you are related to one of those individuals, you may want to help. One approach you should examine is that of LapBand surgery.
LapBand surgery is the fastest growing weight loss surgery in the United States. It was introduced in 2001 and its popularity continues to grow. What makes the LapBand system the most preferred weight loss surgery in the United States? Its advantages. These advantages include a short recovery period and low risk of complications. These advantages are due to the LapBand system. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, an adjustable gastric band is used to reduce the stomach size.
Since the LapBand surgery comes highly rated and recommended, you may want to suggest it to an obese loved one, but how?
First, it is important to learn about the surgery. Not everyone is an ideal candidate. Do not suggest it as an option without first knowing if your loved one will qualify. So will they? Your best option is to start researching. You can do so online. The LapBand surgery is discussed in detail on many medical websites.
Another ideal approach is to speak with your own doctor. Approach your primary care physician and express your concern for your loved one. Your doctor should take the time to discuss the LapBand procedure with you. They will also outline the common criteria that most surgeons use to determine legibility.
Speaking of those requirements, on average, most doctors will only operate on patients between the ages of 18 and 60. Being overweight isnt enough. Many surgeons use LapBand surgery as a last resort; therefore, those with severe to morbid obesity are better candidates. On average, patients have Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or more. Most importantly, is drive and determination. The LapBand itself will not result in weight loss, it is the band combined with diet restrictions.
Once you are sure that your family member will likely qualify as a LapBand patient, it is time to start the conversation. You may opt for a group discussion. This is ideal in cases where the parent is obese. Discussing the LapBand surgery with an obese relative in a group does have risks. Your loved one may feel that everyone is gaining up on them. For that reason, your concerned group should only contain immediate family members.
You also have the option of discussing LapBand surgery as a private matter. For example, if your sister is suffering from severe obesity, approach her one-on-one. Explain your concerns and suggest the LapBand surgery. When doing so, have more than just your word. Documents printed from the internet or LapBand brochures from a medical office are recommended.
As previously stated, LapBand is often used as a last resort. If your loved one is suffering from morbid obesity, they may have come to terms with their health. Certain guidelines may be in place. For example, they may have a will or already assigned a power of attorney. If that person is you, speak to your loved ones physician. In most cases, doctor patient confidently prevents too much information from being disclosed, but no harm can come from making an inquiry.
Regardless of which approach you take, use extreme caution. Be kind and gentle. The wrong approach can lead to serious consequences, including a hurtful family dispute.
Word Count 597
Tags: Adjustable Gastric Band, attorney, Being Overweight, Bypass Surgery, Care Physician, Common Criteria, disease, Doctor Approach, Doctors, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Healthy Eating, Lapband Procedure, Lapband Surgery, Last Resort, Legibility, loved ones physician, Medical Websites, Morbid Obesity, obesity;, Popularity, Primary Care, Recovery Period, severe obesity, Stomach, Suffering From, surgery, United States;, Weight Loss Surgery —
Why Go for Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Over 72 million adults in the United States are obese. Besides this disturbing figure lies a bigger problem: the life-threatening diseases that are linked to obesity. These obesity-related health problems include hypertension, hyperthyroidism, sleep apnea, and diabetes. For many obese people, gastric bypass or weight loss surgery is the best and fastest solution to their weight problem.
The many benefits of weight loss surgery outweigh its risks. Most patients lose 75 to 80 percent of their excess weight after the surgery. In a number of cases, the weight loss can be as much as 90 percent. Aside from weight loss, the following are the nine common advantages of weight loss surgery:
1. Lower chance of developing diabetes
Most obese or overweight people have blood sugar imbalances, which are difficult to deal with unless they lose weight. Studies have shown that diabetic patients who went through weight loss surgery had their blood sugar levels return to normal after the operation. About 90 percent of patients with type 2 diabetes are expected to live well without medications after going through weight loss surgery.
2. Reduced risk of hypertension and heart disease
Hypertension and heart disease are among the health problems linked to obesity. According to experts, weight loss surgery can help improve cardiovascular diseases and lessen their symptoms. Also, majority of weight loss surgery patients with hypertension may no longer need medications to treat their disease.
3. Lower chance of getting sleep apnea
A study has proved that sleep disorders associated with obesity can be easily treated with significant weight loss, and surgery plays a major role in improving a persons quality of sleep. Poor sleep, which is usually caused by discomfort and breathing troubles, can cause anxiety, fatigue, and stress during the day.
4. Better joint function
With substantial weight loss comes reduction of stress on the joints, which is caused by obesity or excess weight. The surgery, which leads to weight loss, lowers the risk of damage to the joints and bones.
5. Improvement of other health problems
Aside from the health problems mentioned above, the surgery can also help improve the following conditions: arthritis, asthma, breathing problems, reflux, and fatigue.
6. Continuous weight loss
The most noticeable effect of the surgery is, of course, immediate and substantial weight loss. With proper diet and lifestyle adjustments, the surgery can lead to long-term weight loss and improved quality of life.
7. Improved mobility and physical abilities
Life after weight loss surgery is much better because it makes movements much easier and helps a person perform better when it comes to physical abilities.
8. Longer life
Because weight loss surgery helps reduce a patients risk of developing deadly diseases, it is able to extend a persons lifespan. A study conducted in 2002 found that people who lost weight after undergoing the surgery have increased lifespan of up to three years.
9. Increased self-esteem
Weight loss surgery leads to not only health benefits, but also to a positive image of oneself. Losing excess weight definitely improves ones appearance as well as the confidence to pursue what a person wants in his life. And with a self-esteem boost, one can have an improved quality of life and interaction with other people.
Gastric bypass surgery, with the many benefits it offers, is undoubtedly one of the best recourse to solve obesity problems.
Tags: arthritis;, asthma;, Blood Sugar Levels, Bypass Surgery, Cardiovascular Diseases, diabetes;, Diabetic Patients, disease, Diseases, Excess Weight, fatigue;, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Health Problems, heart disease Hypertension, heart disease;, hypertension;, Hyperthyroidism, Life Threatening Diseases, obesity;, Patients With Hypertension, Patients With Type, Related Health, Sleep Apnea, sleep apnea A, Sleep Disorders, Substantial Weight Loss, surgery, Surgery Patients, Type 2 Diabetes, United States;, Weight Loss Surgery —