Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Selecting Chlesterol Free Foods

Almost everybody knows the effects of bad cholesterol in the body. By bad cholesterol, it literally has to do with low-density lipoprotein’s molecular transport deposits that thicken in the walls of the arteries hindering the flawless passage of blood affecting the atherogenic status of the arterial walls. While few people do not fully appreciate the importance of cholesterol in the body, this non-soluble waxy substance is essential to aid in building membranes, manufacture of bile, cell walls, nerve sheaths, and produce hormones.

However, exposing the body to high cholesterol supply result to hypertensions and other cardiovascular disorders or lead to atherosclerosis, a disposition of fatty substances, and fibrosis of the inner arteries.

Certain ways to check and reduce high levels of cholesterol are:

– practicing good eating habits accompanied by regular exercise.

– Indulging in a wrong kind of lifestyle or over indulgence enhances the rise in cholesterol levels.

Good Eating Habits include:

1. Pre-arranging a total cholesterol-free daily diet by creating a whole week menu with vegetable-packed recipes, accompanied by good supply of fiber-filled fruits. If you could possibly buy or produce organically produced food types from such sources as organic gardens, so much the better. Chemicals enhance the increase in cholesterol level. Carbohydrates should be of high complex standards.

Some supermarkets abound in the availability of fresh organic vegetables like lettuce. The high fiber-content of vegetables that you eat will reduce the LDL cholesterol, because these foods are very low-cholesterol-content, or non-containing at all. There are of course foods that enhance low-density lipoprotein to develop to be a total risk, and settle in the arteries during the process of the lipoprotein molecules travel to the blood stream.

2. If egg is included in your meals, eat more egg white, never the egg yolk if you’re already an LDC possibility-individual. Concentrate on baked foods that are made from whole wheat, and noodles made from cereals. Use unrefined sugar in your light beverages. Fully refined food preparations are processed thru certain chemicals for fine or whitening effects for marketing ends, but are in fact health hazards.

3. Water is the universal solvent. There is no harm in drinking more water, following the daily water requirements standard to aid in the total digestion process to balance body equilibrium in cleaning the body to improve blood circulation.

4. Eat more root crops than artificially made or baked foods that are prepared with certain additives, coloring, and extenders for commercial purposes.

5. Drink fresh fruit juices, instead of manufactured soft drinks with high sugar content and artificial colorings and additives. Practically, anyone who drinks chocolate beverage, or any chemical drinks and caffeine-filled, like strong coffee risks himself or herself to certain cholesterol levels.

Always remember that trans fats and hydrogenated fats or oils used in the baking or in food processing are even more destructive the saturated fats of some oil origin. Use in preparing your food selected palm oils, especially “olive oil.” It may be costly, but it is the safest oil to use in the kitchen for overall safety of all family members against the ill effect of too much cholesterol.

The best habit to consider is a regular check up of your cholesterol count, so as to safeguard against instant increase that might lead to unaware possible consequence of a fatal hypertension, or stroke due to unprecedented cholesterol rise.

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Tips to prevent heart disease and lead a healthy

Tips to prevent heart disease and lead a healthy life
Mike Spencer

One of the greatest ailments that endanger your healthy life is undoubtedly the heart disease. As per statistics provided by the American Heart Association, 62 million Americans suffer from some form of cardio-vascular diseases like heart attack, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Close to, a million such cases per year turn fatal. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. and about 1/3 of the deaths from heart disease could be prevented by a way of a better dietary habit.

Without analyzing the cause, you cannot prevent the effect. One of the prime catalysts of heart disease is the free radicals. Contrary to the belief, margarine, which you may think is preventing heart disease (thanks to widespread advertisements), is much more harmful than butter. The process of margarine preparation involves heating oils to very high temperatures. Such a high temperature transforms the oils into free radicals.

One of the best foods you can have is the egg.

The egg yolk contains about 250 mg of cysteine, a variety of amino acid. This cysteine is instrumental in the elimination of free radicals.

Another common cause of heart diseases is cholesterol.

However, the interesting fact is that bulk of the cholesterol is synthesized within the body itself and not taken as part of the diet. Cholesterol is a soft buttery substance. It joins hands with calcium and cause hardening of the arteries that results in heart disease.

We consciously avoid some fat-rich food, like butter in order to avoid heart disease. However, this notion is grossly incorrect. The real culprit for poor heart health is sugar rich processed food. For instance, let us observe the dietary habits of the Eskimos. They consume large quantities of blubber – a highly fat-rich food. Yet, the instance of heart disease in them is minimal, unless fizzy drinks and French fries influence their food habits.

Excess weight begets heart disease.

Therefore, you need to check your diet. However, you should remember that being overweight is the problem, not eating fats. Some essential fats like Omega 3 fish oil has healing power.

Surprisingly 150 years ago, heart diseases were almost unheard of. Some vested interests have made heart disease proliferate. The people, who manufacture drugs for heart disease, stand to gain enormously when a detected patient has to consume drugs for the rest of his/her life. What is worse, your doctor is also befooled by the drug manufacturers in the name of educating them.

Prescribing drugs is rooted to faulty medical education of the doctors. It is a pity that less than 2% time of a Harvard Medical school student is spent in learning preventive medicine and a minor slice is devoted to nutrition.

One of the well-known surgeries in this heart disease field is the bypass surgery. Contrary to what you know, bypass surgeries fail to lengthen your life span than those who go without it. Unfortunately, 2% to 4% of the cases of bypass surgery turn fatal on the operation table itself.

Respectable medical journals have started stating the truth – bypass surgery does not result in increase of life expectancy. Bypass surgeries do not attack the cause of the problem, merely attempting to repair damage. It leaves chances for falling pray to heart disease again. Only about 2 inches of the blood vessels are repaired without addressing the problem of hardening of the arteries.

Much to your horror, another bigger fraud exists than the bypass surgery. It is the heart drugs. Cholesterol drugs reduce the cholesterol to some extent, but it never prolongs your life. The most important adage in this context is prevention is better than cure. In order to prevent heart disease, be vigilant on your diet. Avoid fizzy drinks and calorie-rich fried food (but that doesnt mean fat).

Consumption of cholesterol drugs in order to prevent heart disease has ugly side effects. Instead of prolonging life, these drugs aid in shortening your life span. A study in Finland on heart disease shows that the probability of people suffering a heart attack is 46% higher for those who are regular consumers of cholesterol drugs.

The mantra is to go for a heart-friendly diet, prevent being obese and exercise regularly. Lend your heart a helping hand in combating heart disease.

For more detailed information on preventing heart disease and recommended products visit:

Mike has been helping people protect their health for several years – through exercise and nutrition. The heart and circulation system is the most important, and all good health programs need to start here. Let Mike guide you in getting started.

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Expert Tips For Smooth, Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Expert Tips For Smooth, Healthy and Beautiful Skin
Alex FIr

Beauty of the skin starts from inside your body! Your skin needs fresh air, exercise, a proper diet, minerals and vitamins and it needs protection from the sun.

Many people just put skin cream on their skin, thinking it is going to make it soft and smooth. Skin cream on the skin feels soft and smooth, but if you want your skin to benefit from that cream, you need to dampen your skin first then add the cream. The cream will help retain the moisture in the skin.

Start walking and building up your muscle tone. Muscle tone will keep your skin from looking so saggy.

Keep your skin clean. Do not scrub your face. The face does not need scrubbing. And, neither does your back. In fact, the more you scrub on it, the more acne you can get and more trauma to your skin.

A warm face cloth with a non-chemical soap, patted. Then a good gentle rinse. You next dry your face by patting with a soft clean towel. You can actually not use soap on your face at all, especially if you have dry skin.

USE Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) as a perfect exfoliate for your face. A good cream should last a long time and not be expensive. Use it at night when you wash your face before going to bed.

It is derived from fruit, milk and sugar cane and when used on the skin it helps remove the dead skin cells, which will give your face a much younger, fresher look.

Easy, effective and cheap ways to do a mask are:
Use an egg yolk and honey mask. Just mix one egg yolk with a little honey and spread it on your face and neck. When it dries, rinse it off. It makes your skin feel very soft.

Another one:
Use plain egg yolk. It is good for acne, too. Mix it up. Spread it on your face for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse it off.

Another one:
Take plain egg white, beat up the egg white, and then spread it on your face until dry about 20 minutes, rinse off with water. This leaves your face refreshed and helps clean the pores. You can make masks of many things that are right in your kitchen, such as oatmeal. Grind it up. Mix it with some skimmed milk and let it dry. Rinse well. Milk can attract bacteria so you dont want to leave it on your face.

Ancient Chinese Secrets from Ning Hua: Wrinkles Reduction
Two tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice and same amount of egg white (about one egg), stir well, and then apply on wrinkles every night after cleansing. In the morning, rinse off thoroughly using warm water. Keep using for a month, your skin will be firmed, your wrinkles will disappear.

Pigment Fading:
5 teaspoons fresh tomato juice with 1 teaspoon honey, apply on the pigment, rinse off thoroughly. Keep using for 10-15 days; your pigment will fade away.

Fruit Mask:
Juice apple, cucumber and pear, mixed with flour, add a teaspoon of water, and stir thoroughly. Apply after cleansing, avoiding eye and mouth areas, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off thoroughly.

About the Author

Do you want to have beautiful skin every day for the rest of your life? Visit Skin Care Center for the latest news and information on how to get beautiful skin.

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