Green Tea Weight Loss – Does It Work
While some of the details remain sketchy, it is believed that the Chinese first cultivated green tea some 4,000 years ago. To this day, the Chinese are noted for their ability to use herbal and other natural remedies to treat all kinds of medical conditions. Now, that’s not to say they, or other Eastern cultures are addicted to green tea, but they certainly know a good thing when they see it. Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, but is has only recently started to gain any real popularity in the United States.
This is likely due to all of the various medical and scientific studies that have, time and again, pointed to some amazing benefit of green tea. It seems as though there isn’t anything this wonder plant can’t do. Now, it probably comes as no surprise that obesity is a growing problem–literally–in the U.S. So, what does that have to do with green tea? Well, the effects of green tea weight loss are simply astounding, as you will see.
William Rumpler is a noted physiologist who is looking into some of the potential benefits of green tea. To be specific, he is investigating the oxidation of fat and energy expenditure in the body when green tea is present. To put it in more simple terms, he’s looking to see how it burns fat and increases metabolism. As of now, the only component that they are 100% sure of (as far as green tea weight loss goes) is caffeine. Subjects drinking green tea had positive effects on their fat oxidation levels and metabolism. However, those who drank plain, caffeinated water did not experience the same results.
So, what is really going on is anyone’s guess. But one thing is for sure, green tea can help people to lose weight. The good news is that Rumpler’s study is only the beginning. His study has spurred many other researchers to look into how tea helps people get rid of their extra pounds. As of now, it’s safe to say that drinking green tea should be able to help most people lose some weight.
Green tea may also assist in weight loss by inhibiting the absorption of fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates. Therefore, if the body takes in calories, but not all of them are absorbed, then the net effect is to take in fewer calories. Also, green tea helps people to feel more full so they put less food into their mouths in the first place.
As if the weight loss aspect weren’t enough, green tea also has plenty of other health benefits, too. It helps to cleanse the liver, prevents cavities, lowers bad cholesterol, controls high blood pressure, and decreases the risks of several forms of cancer. All it takes to get all of these potential benefits, and the green tea weight loss benefits to is to drink one or two cups of tea each day.
Tags: Benefit Of Green Tea, Benefits Of Green Tea, Beverages, Caffeinated Water, Calories, Chinese Tea, Eastern Cultures, Effects Of Green Tea, Energy Expenditure, Green Tea, Green Tea Weight Loss, Guess, Losing Weight, Medical Conditions, Metabolism, Natural Remedies, obesity;, Oxidation, Physiologist, Popularity, Rumpler, Surprise —

Green Tea And Weight Loss Synonymous
More often, you would see green tea or green tea extracts piled together with other weight loss supplements in the market. The question is, is green tea really effective when it comes to a persons goal to get rid of excess fats and lose some pounds on the weighing scale? Before matching thinking of sipping the meritorious Japanese brew, take a look at the reasons why you should and why you shouldnt consider the green tea and weight loss combo.
There has been a lot of fuss about the benefits of green tea to people who are trying to lose weight. Medical research showed a crowd of advantages of the tea and its components. However, like any other weight loss products, it has its own adverse effects on an individuals general health. Lets start weighing the facts by first looking at the good cut of the said weight loss supplement and then the hazards at the latter end.
Benefits of Green Tea on Metabolism
A powerful antioxidant called catechin polyphenols originate in green tea is known to be responsible for many of the benefits of the tea. The antioxidant can stimulate the bodys process of burning fuel and releasing calories as heat. Research showed that green tea increases energy expenditure or metabolism helping hand. At a 24 hour period, it is recorded that metabolic standard is added to up to 4 %. In short, green tea revs up your metabolism and thus decreases your chances of gaining more weight.
Benefits of Green Tea on Reducing Appetite
If you charge your appetite on your unending or regular inclination for food, then green tea and weight loss may just be what you need. Green tea is known as an appetite suppressant because of its magenta smooch regulating capabilities. According to studies, green teas polyphenols have the ability to depress Leptin, a protein that plays a major rule in increasing cupidity.
Benefits of Green Tea on Fat Absorption
Green tea has three major components which can promote fat loss. These components are catechins, caffeine, and theanine which can inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipase, enzymes that digest and stores fat in a form that is healthy for the body. Drinking green tea after a meal can slow the rise of blood sugar and thus prevents fat storage in the body.
Benefits of Green Tea on Calorie Count
Start counting calories on your morning brew and guess what you will find. Double cream, double sugar, mocha, frappucinno, etc are causing havoc on your waistline. If you are addicted to a dose of caffeine in the morning but hunger those calories off your diet, then green tea and weight loss brew is right for you.
Health Hazards of Green tea
The hazard of the intake of green tea lies on its caffeine. Caffeine is harmful especially for people who have heart problems and high blood pressure. But as they say, to every problem there is a solution. Green tea and weight loss can still be an option for people who have health concerns when it comes to taking in caffeine. Decaffeinated green tea, usually that which comes in an extract form, is available in the market too.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Absorption, Adverse Effects, Antioxidant, Appetite Suppressant, Benefits Of Green Tea, Burning Fuel, Energy Expenditure, energy;, Excess Fats, food;, General Health, Green Tea, Green Teas, Helping Hand, high blood pressure;, Inclination, Increases Energy, Losing Weight, Major Components, Medical Research, Metabolism, Weighing Scale, weight loss products;, Weight Loss Supplement, Weight Loss Supplements —

Green Tea And Weight Loss Synonymous
More often, you would see green tea or green tea extracts piled together with other weight loss supplements in the market. The question is, is green tea really effective when it comes to a persons goal to get rid of excess fats and lose some pounds on the weighing scale? Before even thinking of sipping the famous Japanese brew, take a look at the reasons why you should and why you shouldnt consider the green tea and weight loss combo.
There has been a lot of fuss about the benefits of green tea to people who are trying to lose weight. Medical research showed a lot of advantages of the tea and its components. However, like any other weight loss products, it has its own adverse effects on an individuals general health. Lets start weighing the facts by first looking at the good side of the said weight loss supplement and then the hazards at the latter end.
Benefits of Green Tea on Metabolism
A powerful antioxidant called catechin polyphenols found in green tea is known to be responsible for many of the benefits of the tea. The antioxidant can stimulate the bodys process of burning fuel and releasing calories as heat. Research showed that green tea increases energy expenditure or metabolism boost. At a 24 hour period, it is recorded that metabolic rate is increased to up to 4%. In short, green tea revs up your metabolism and thus decreases your chances of gaining more weight.
Benefits of Green Tea on Reducing Appetite
If you blame your appetite on your unending or uncontrolled craving for food, then green tea and weight loss may just be what you need. Green tea is known as an appetite suppressant because of its blood sugar regulating capabilities. According to studies, green teas polyphenols have the ability to depress Leptin, a protein that plays a major rule in increasing appetite.
Benefits of Green Tea on Fat Absorption
Green tea has three major components which can promote fat loss. These components are catechins, caffeine, and theanine which can inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipase, enzymes that digest and stores fat in a form that is healthy for the body. Drinking green tea after a meal can slow the rise of blood sugar and thus prevents fat storage in the body.
Benefits of Green Tea on Calorie Count
Start counting calories on your morning brew and guess what you will find. Double cream, double sugar, mocha, frappucinno, etc are causing havoc on your waistline. If you are addicted to a dose of caffeine in the morning but want those calories off your diet, then green tea and weight loss brew is right for you.
Health Hazards of Green tea
The hazard of the intake of green tea lies on its caffeine. Caffeine is harmful especially for people who have heart problems and high blood pressure. But as they say, to every problem there is a solution. Green tea and weight loss can still be an option for people who have health concerns when it comes to taking in caffeine. Decaffeinated green tea, usually that which comes in an extract form, is available in the market too.
Tags: Adverse Effects, Antioxidant, Appetite Suppressant, Benefits Of Green Tea, Blood Sugar, Burning Fuel, Energy Expenditure, energy;, Excess Fats, food;, General Health, Green Tea, Green Teas, high blood pressure;, Increases Energy, Losing Weight, Major Components, Medical Research, Metabolic Rate, Metabolism, Theanine, Weighing Scale, weight loss products;, Weight Loss Supplement, Weight Loss Supplements —

Living a Healthy Life!
Living a Healthy Life!
Nettie Mae
People are obsessed with dieting and weight loss! Don’t believe me? Just tune-in to any source of advertising…you’re instantly bombarded with the latest diet schemes and “Hollywood” food fads.
Here in America, we have built a thriving industry trying to control our weight and treat the consequences of over-indulgence. The cost of weight loss and obesity related health care treatments is staggering…Americans alone spend around $114 billion every year! And even with all this interest in losing weight, we continue to pack on the pounds like never before…
– A whopping 64 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese…up about eight percent from earlier estimates.
– Among children and teens ages 6-19, 15 percent or almost nine million are overweight…triple the rate in 1980!
– Nearly one-third of all adults are now classified as obese.
For Americans, modern life may be getting TOO easy. Our cushy lifestyle means we expend less energy and consequently need fewer calories to sustain our normal body weight.
Think about it for a moment…
Entertainment no longer requires energy expenditure. In fact, it’s usually quite the opposite. We now entertain ourselves in the comfort of our own home while watching TV and munching on our favorite snack. Whether it’s television, computers, remote controls, or automobiles, we are moving less and burning fewer calories. Common activities that were once a part of our normal routine have disappeared…activities like climbing stairs, pushing a lawn mower or walking to get somewhere.
And please do not misunderstand me…I appreciate comfortable living just as much as the next person. But, here is the problem…
With all of our modern day conveniences and “cushy” style of living we have not adjusted our caloric intake to compensate for our decreased caloric expenditure. We consume more calorie rich and nutrient deficient foods than ever before. Consider a few of the following examples comparing what we eat “today” vs the 1970’s (U.S. Department of Agriculture survey):
– We are currently eating more grain products, but almost all of them are refined grains (white bread, etc.). Grain consumption has jumped 45 percent since the 1970’s, from 138 pounds of grains per person per year to 200 pounds! Only 2 percent of the wheat flour is consumed as whole wheat.
– Our consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, but only because French fries and potato chips are included as vegetables. Potato products account for almost a third of our “produce” choices.
– We’re drinking less milk, but we’ve more than doubled our cheese intake. Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets.
– We’ve cut back on red meat, but have more than made up for the loss by increasing our intake of chicken (battered and fried), so that overall, we’re eating 13 pounds more meat today than we did back in the 1970’s.
– We’re drinking three times more carbonated soft drinks than milk, compared to the 1970’s, when milk consumption was twice that of pop.
– We use 25 percent less butter, but pour twice as much vegetable oil on our food and salads, so our total added fat intake has increased 32 percent.
– Sugar consumption has been another cause of our expanding waistlines. Sugar intake is simply off the charts. People are consuming roughly twice the amount of sugar they need each day, about 20 teaspoons on a 2000 calorie/day diet. The added sugar is found mostly in junk foods, such as pop, cake, and cookies. In 1978, the government found that sugars constituted only 11 percent of the average person’s calories. Now, this number has ballooned to 16 percent for the average American adult and as much as 20 percent for American teenagers!
Unfortunately, it would seem that the days of wholesome and nutritious family dinners are being replaced by fast food and eating on-the-run. We have gradually come to accept that it’s “OK” to sacrifice healthy foods for the sake of convenience and that larger serving portions equate to better value.
It’s time recognize that we are consuming too many calories and time to start doing something about it! Each of us can decide TODAY that healthy eating and exercise habits WILL become a normal part of our life!
We can begin by exploring our values, thoughts and habits… slowly and deliberately weed-out the unhealthy habits and activities and start living a more productive and rewarding life. And remember, it has taken a long time to develop bad habits, so be patient as you work toward your goal!
About the Author
Sick and tired of being Sick and Tired, Nettie Mae quit her 3rd shift factory job. To see what keeps her going, visit http://www.frutavida4u.com/nettiemae/.
Tags: America, Author, Automobiles, Caloric Expenditure, Caloric Intake, Consequences, Conveniences, Energy Expenditure, energy;, Fewer Calories, Food Fads, food;, foods, grain products;, Health Care Treatments, Indulgence, Lawn Mower, less energy, Losing Weight, Mae, Nettie Mae, Normal Body Weight, obesity;, Potato Chips, Potato products, Related Health, Remote Controls, Snack, Stairs, U.S. Department of Agriculture, United States;, USD;, vegetable oil, Watching Tv —