Medical Tourism: The Procedure
Before you go to another country to receive treatment, it is important that you understand all the details of the trip first. The information you obtain should entail all the procedures to be done, as well as all the institutions and medical experts included in your care. This will ensure that you only get the highest quality treatment and that you stay protected against possible scams and other errors. Here is the typical process of medical tourism.
The Process
A provider of medical tourism should be consulted initially by patients looking for medical attention overseas. The patient should give complete medical reports, such as the local doctor’s diagnosis and recommendations, current condition, current ailment, medical background and other pertinent data. Certified consultants and medical experts will then advise the patient on which medical treatment is right for the problem.
The patient should also be informed about the details of the trip, such as the tourist destinations, estimated costs of care, hospitals and medical institutions included and the duration of the stay. The patient will be provided with recommendation letters to obtain a medical visa. After the patient signs agreements and consent bonds, the embassy will procure the documents and finalize the visa and passport for travel.
The provider will appoint a case executive to handle the patient once he reaches the country abroad. The provider will manage items like accommodations, transportation, tours and treatment. The patient can choose to stay longer abroad or immediately return home after treatment, depending on the doctor’s recommendations.
Finding the Organizations
The Trent International Accreditation Scheme is the main body handling standards of care in the United Kingdom and Hongkong, while the Joint Commission International (JCI) is responsible for monitoring health care standards and providers in the United States. It is important that the patient is informed about the involved medical institutions handling his case. The type of scheme may differ in terms of size, cost and intensity of marketing. Dual accreditation is also available in some very competent agencies.
Laws and Regulations
The patient should be informed about the various laws and regulations regarding his care and the procedure to be done. For example, fertility clinics or in-vitro fertilization are not allowed or are strictly regulated in some countries. The patient may choose to travel abroad to take advantage of some lenient policies. He should also be informed about other related stipulations once he returns to the United States or the UK. Patients should also be informed about current epidemics and other high risk nations that still harbour infectious diseases, such as malaria, TB and HIV.
Patients in the end have the final say as to the type of care they wish to receive, as well as the institution they choose to deal with. The patient has the right to refuse treatment. Patients can also stay longer if they want to extend their vacation. These individuals should be informed about the different risks and possible complications involved in the medical procedure to be done. Follow-up treatment can be done back in their home country.
Tags: Accreditation Scheme, Care Hospitals, case executive, Current Condition, epidemics, Health Care Standards, HIV, Hongkong, Infectious Diseases, International Accreditation, Jci, Local Doctor, Malaria, Medical Background, Medical Experts, Medical Institutions, Medical Reports, Medical Tourism, Medical Visa, Monitoring Health Care, Patient Signs, Pertinent Data, Quality Treatment, Recommendation Letters, TB, transportation, United Kingdom, United States;, Visa And Passport, Visa Passport —

Fats and carbohydrates – their place in your healthy
Fats and carbohydrates – their place in your healthy diet
Zaak OConan
Lately it would seem that fats and carbohydrates have both gotten a bad rap. First it was fat that was the culprit in all dietary ills, and low fat diets were all the rage. Then the two switched places, with carbohydrates being the bad guys and fat reigning supreme.
As with most extremes, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. There is no such thing as a bad food, only bad dietary choices. While some foods are naturally better for you than others, there is no reason that all foods cannot be enjoyed in moderation. After all, the most successful diet is not one that you can follow for a day, a week or even a year. On the contrary, the only successful diet and nutrition program is one that you will be able to follow for a lifetime.
Both fats and carbohydrates play an important role in nutrition, and both are important to a healthy diet. It would be impossible and unwise to eliminate all fat from the diet, since fat is important for the production of energy, and for carrying valuable fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K, throughout the body. In addition, fat plays a vital role in regulating various bodily functions.
Even though some fat is essential to a healthy body, too much fat can be harmful. Excessive levels of dietary fats have been implicated in heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol levels and even some cancers. Most nutritionists recommend limiting daily fat intake to less than 20% of calories, although taking that level lower than 10% is not recommended.
Of course not all fats are created equal, and some fats are more harmful than others. Saturated fats and trans fats are generally understood to be more harmful in the diet than polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These lighter fats, like canola oil and olive oil, should form the basis of cooking a healthier diet.
Keeping saturated fats and trans fats to a minimum is important to a healthy diet. Trans fats, which are solid at room temperature, are most often found in highly processed foods like cookies, cakes and other baked goods. In addition, trans fats are often found in fried foods and in salty snacks like potato chips. While these foods are fine in moderation, it is best to avoid large quantities of such snacks.
One additional word here about good fats – yes there are such things, and one of the most powerful of these are the so called omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are most often found in fish, and they have shown great promise in preventing and even reversing heart disease and high cholesterol levels.
When limiting your daily intake of fat and cholesterol, it is good to have an understanding of nutritional labels. These government mandated labels can be a huge help to those who take the time to read and understand them. Not only do nutritional labels provide valuable information on calories, fat content and sodium, but they provide valuable information about the most important vitamins and minerals as well.
Like fats, carbohydrates are found in a variety of different foods, some healthier than other. For instance, both Twinkies and whole wheat bread are sources of carbohydrates, but while one can form the basis of a healthy diet, the other is best used as an occasional snack.
In addition to cereals and breads, carbohydrates are also present in fruits and vegetables and in milk and other dairy products. Carbohydrates and fats are both important to a healthy, varied diet.
As with many products, less is often more when it comes to choosing foods rich in carbohydrates. For instance, less refined whole grain bread is generally more nutritious than white bread which has gone through a greater amount of refining. That is because the refining process tends to reduce nutrient content over time.
Of course, there are some elements in the diet that should be limited. Two of these elements are sugar and salt. Most Americans consume too much salt and sugar, and this has led to epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other ills. Limiting sugar and salt, while choosing good fats and unrefined carbohydrates, is a great way to maximize the nutritional value of the foods you eat.
About the Author
Zaak O’Conan discovers and presents useful information on how to enhance and/or repair your life, body and relationships. You’ll find his other articles on eating better and other ways how to improve your life at http://your-health-center.com
Tags: All The Rage, Author, bad food, Bad Rap, Bodily Functions, cancers;, Canola Oil, D Vitamin, Daily Fat Intake, dairy products;, diabetes;, Diet And Nutrition, Dietary Choices, Dietary Fats, energy;, epidemics, Excessive Levels, Fat Soluble Vitamins, Healthy Diet, heart disease;, High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol Levels, Low Fat Diets, Monounsaturated Fats, Nutrition Program, obesity;, olive oil;, Polyunsaturated Fats, Potato Chips, Saturated Fats, Stroke, Trans Fats, Vitamin D, Vitamin K —