Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Transition Family

If you’re considering moving to a vegetarian diet as an adult, you probably want to pass on this good nutrition and improved way of eating to your family as well. In fact, it’s your responsibility as a parent to nurture your children and help them develop physically, mentally and spiritually.

But that can be hard to do, especially in a culture where our children are bombarded with messages from fast food restaurants in the media. How do you teach kids to resist the siren song of Ronald McDonald? There isn’t a plate of vegetables on the planet that’s going to look as good to them as a Happy Meal!

You have to start slowly to change not only your own eating patterns, but your family’s as well. Like any other dietary endeavor, it starts at the grocery store. Begin stocking the refrigerator with healthy snacks like apples and carrots. Exchange good, chewy brown rice for white rice and processed side dishes, which are so high in fat and sodium. Make meat portions smaller and smaller and start incorporating more vegetables and grains in your family dinners.

Don’t make changes all at once. If you do give in and stop at a fast food restaurant, get fruit or yogurt in addition to or part of that meal. Make the changes so gradual that they’ll never notice their diets are changing. Kids are usually very sympathetic about animals, and it’s not too early to talk to them about eating in a way that isn’t cruel to animals.

You’ll be doing them a favor that will last them a lifetime. With childhood obesity at epidemic levels in the U.S., you will be setting up your children for lifelong eating habits that will help ensure a long and healthy life.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Diet,Healthy Eating | Comments (0)

Weight Loss Support Is Important for Best Results

Let’s be honest, losing weight isn’t easy. If you are like most people then you have tried to lose weight more than once; probably several times. You meant well, you were motivated, and you found the perfect plan for you, but even if you were able to drop a few pounds you put them all back on. So, why does this happen, and how can you prevent it from happening again? The answer is to have weight loss support to help you.

How you get that support can vary, but it’s important to being able to lose weight and to keep it off. As you know, there are tons of diet programs out there, and more are being released all the time. But that shouldn’t make any sense when you think about it. After all, if a diet really worked, then there wouldn’t be much of a need for any other diet to take its place.

The reason new diets are coming out is that people have a hard time sticking to the old diets. In reality, they will have just as difficult of a time sticking to the new diets too, unless they can find some weight loss support.

Family and friends are usually the first people we think of to give us some help. But be careful! Not all family and friends will be willing to support you. Sure, they care for you, but they may not understand how important losing weight is to you. So, instead of encouraging you, they will tell you that you’re just fine the way you are, and that you don’t really need to lose any weight. Even worse, some of them may tease you and intentionally try to get you to go back to your old habits. That’s not to say everybody will do that, but you should be aware of it if it happens.

Diet and exercise are the two main ways of losing weight. Therefore, if you can work with a professional dietician or nutritionist then that would make an excellent addition to your weight loss support team. The same is true if you have a personal trainer to help you exercise.

One if the most effective ways to get support is to join a group of people who are also trying to lose weight. Overeaters Anonymous (OA), Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) and Weight Watchers are some of the more popular choices. These groups help because they let you be open about your troubles, failures and successes. In other words, you can feel free to share your journey to healthier weight with people who understand.

Don’t underestimate the power of weight loss support, especially if you have tried diet after diet without any lasting success. The more support you get, the better. Almost any diet has the potential to work, but if none of them have worked for you, then it’s not your fault. Perhaps you didn’t realize how much of a difference having a support team could make.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Choice,Weight Loss | Comments (0)

Traditional Meat

How did our family traditions become centered around eating meat? Think about it. When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of turkey. If we eat pork, then New Year’s celebrations often revolve around pork and sauerkraut. At Christian Easter, the traditional meal is ham. And in the summer, we wait for that first hamburger or steak on the grill.

How did that happen to a species that was designed to eat vegetables and fruits, nuts, berries and legumes?

We can imagine that eating meat was initially an opportunistic event, born of the need to survive. The taste of cooked meat, plus the sustained energy that came from eating high-fat meat products made primitive sense even to earliest man.

Initially, finding cooked animal meat, from a forest fire, would have been cause for celebration. It’s something everyone in a clan would have participated in eating together. When man learned to hunt and moved to a hunting orientation, rather than a hunter-gatherer orientation, he would have done this in groups. They would have had to hunt in teams, and killing an animal for food would have been a group effort. Hunting and killing an animal meant food not just for the individual, but for the clan, and would have been cause for celebration when the hunters brought the food home.

If they brought the animal back to the clan, it would have taken a group effort to skin the animal and tear or cut the meat from the carcass. Everyone would have participated in this, and subsequently, shared in the rewards of their work.

It’s easy to see how, once we didn’t have to hunt for meat, but could buy it, the need for gathering and celebration was deeply ingrained in our natures. We celebrate the seasons and life’s events with family and friends, and because those early celebrations involved eating meat, that tradition has continued to modern times.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Diet | Comments (0)


How do you feel spiritually when you eat a meal that contains meat? You’ve probably never given it any thought, but that may because spiritually you feel nothing after eating a meal of meat except tired and sluggish. A diet of meat makes our bodies less functional, and we think of nourishing our bodies in terms of our organs and blood, but we don’t often think about how what we eat can impact the most important organ in our body, the brain.

When you eat a vegetarian diet, you begin to feel physically lighter and fit. When your body is fit, your mind is also lightened. Most cultures that focus more on spirituality and enlightenment are also vegetarian cultures. From the beginning of recorded history we can see that vegetables have been the natural food of human beings. Early Greek and Hebrew myths all spoke of people originally eating fruit. Ancient Egyptian priests never ate meat. Many great Greek philosophers such as Plato, Diogenes, and Socrates all advocated vegetarianism.

In India, Shakyamuni Buddha emphasized the importance of Ahimsa, the principle of not harming any living things. He warned His disciples not to eat meat, or else other living beings would become frightened of them. Buddha made the following observations: “Meat eating is just an acquired habit. In the beginning we were not born with a desire for it.” “Flesh eating people cut off their inner seed of Great Mercy.” “Flesh eating people kill each other and eat each other… this life I eat you, and next life you eat me… and it always continues in this way. How can they ever get out of the Three Realms (of illusion)?”

These are cultures that are considered more enlightened and focused more on spirituality than is Western culture. If we are to evolve into more spiritual beings, then we must begin to manage our physical lives in a way that will enhance our spirituality, and this means taking the path of vegetarianism as a path to enlightenment.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Diet | Comments (0)
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