Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way
Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way
Obesity is at record levels, and people are dying because of it! Hopefully that got your attention. It seems as though we are constantly being told just how bad the problem of people being overweight is, and the trend seems to be going up. At the same time, there are people who are interested in exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. Unfortunately, far too many of them don’t lose any weight, and some end up weighing more than when they started. What follows are some ways to keep this from happening to you.
The basic formula for calories is that 3,500 calories equals one pound of body weight. In other words, if you take in that many calories, you will gain a pound; if you burn off that many calories you will lose a pound. There are some slight variations based on the foods you eat and what activities you do, but this simple formula is good to know.
Now, looking at the math, we can see that 3,500 divided by the 7 days in a week works out to 500 calories per day. Therefore, if you can get rid of an extra 500 calories each day, you will lose a pound. You can do this through any combination of taking in fewer or burning more calories. For example, if you would take in 300 fewer calories and burn 200 more calories, then that would add up to 500, or a loss of one pound per week.
Eating healthy so you can lose weight means eating the right kinds of foods and choosing foods that are lower in calories. If you are exercising as part of your effort to lose weight, then you will actually be able to eat a bit more so you can fuel your body for its workout. However, don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever you want. You still need to watch what you eat if you want to get rid of those extra pounds. But burning more calories through exercise will allow you to eat more than if you were sedentary.
Exercise and healthy eating to lose weight go hand-in-hand in another way. How? Well, exercise has been shown to increase metabolism. First, it will increase it while you are working out, and for a short while after you’re done. Second, muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn, even when you are at rest. Having your metabolism boosted means you will be burning the calories you eat at a faster pace. If you have any high-calorie items on your diet menu, then eating them close to your workout will help your body burn it off more quickly.
Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to losing weight though. Resistance exercises, such as weight lifting, are better at building metabolism boosting muscle tissue. The reason is that muscle needs to constantly receive fuel, even when you are resting, but fatty tissue does not. So, as you can see, exercise and healthy eating to lose weight is about attacking the problem from two angles, and making the right choices.
Tags: Bad People, Being Overweight, Calories, Calories Exercise, Calories Per Day, Easy Exercise, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, Eating To Lose Weight, Excuse, Extra 500, Fewer Calories, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating To Lose Weight, Lose Pound, Losing Weight, Math, obesity;, Trend, Variations, Workout —
Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight – Is It
Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight – Is It Really Enough
Gaining a little extra weight is fairly normal, and you may be able to carry a few pounds without too much trouble. But if you start getting too overweight, then it’s time to start thinking about exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. The key word here is ‘and’, as you will soon see.
Fad diets seem to come out every day. They all make bold claims, and one of the most common claims is that the particular weight loss plan is the easiest ever. All you need to do is follow some contrived plan of eating the right food at the right time; and the wackier, the better! You may actually be able to lose weight by following these diets, but it’s not because of the gimmick the plan uses. Allow me to explain.
There is only one way to lose weight: you have to burn more calories than you take in. Every fad diet is nothing more than a clever variation on this very basic fact. They will often go out of their way to disguise it. That way they can suck more people in by tricking them into thinking the fad diet offers something new. Now, that’s not to say all diets are bad; their not. A lot of them really work, and some are even designed for the long term. However, it’s still a case of of taking in fewer calories than you burn.
So, what this all comes down to is that exercise and healthy eating to lose weight is the real key. You may be able to lose some weight by only watching what you eat, and you may be able to lose some through exercise alone. But you will have to work much harder, and it will take a lot longer to see results. This can be discouraging, and you may stop trying to lose weight if you don’t drop enough weight in a decent amount of time.
A simple rule to keep in mind is that 3,500 calories equals 1 pound. Therefore, if you can get rid of an extra 500 calories per day, you will lose 1 pound per week. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up to 52 pounds in year’s time. However, losing that amount per week isn’t very motivating. But if you take in 500 fewer calories per day through proper diet, and burn 500 more calories each day through exercise, then you can lose 2 pounds per week, or just over 100 pounds within a year. Sounding better?
Which particular diets or exercise programs you follow isn’t all that important (as long as they aren’t too crazy). Also, remember to check with your doctor before starting any program of exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. Once you get going, you will be amazed at just how quickly the pounds start to melt off. It’s up to you whether you want to tell your jealous friends about your weight loss secret.
Tags: Amount Of Time, Bold Claims, Burn Calories, Calories, Calories Per Day, Eating Habits, Eating To Lose Weight, Exercise, Extra 500, Fad Diet, Fad Diets, Fewer Calories, Gimmick, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating To Lose Weight, Key Word, Lose Pound, Losing Weight, Lot, Overweight, Right Time, Variation, Weight Calories, Weight Loss Plan —
Quick Weight Loss Tips – Dedication and Perseverance
Want some quick weight loss tips? Who the heck doesn’t? I wish it could be quick, then all I would have to do is snap my fingers and 50 pounds would be gone. The reality of the situation is that if you have a significant amount of weight to lose then it will take some time to get it off and keep it off.
Dedication, perseverance and learning to change the way you live your life. If you are over weight then you undoubtedly do not get enough exercise and do not eat right. Here is where you need to start. Either take in fewer calories over the course of the day or get up and get moving. Even just a little bit. Get off your duff and take a walk around the block. The first one may be a little tough but the more you do it the better it will be.
You probably will not be able to go for a thirty minute walk right off the bat so you will have to work up to that. Ask a friend to go with you so you do not have to do this all by yourself. Most likely your friend can use a little more exercise herself so you will be killing two birds with one stone.
The other side of the equation is to eat healthier and watch portion sizes. I know someone who lost 25 pounds in 6 months just by cutting her portion sizes in half. Another way to lose weight kinda fast is to cut out the pop you drink. Did you know if you stop drinking pop you can lose 38 pounds in a year without doing anything else? That’s right no extra exercise or futzing with your diet, just 38 pounds gone by just quitting the pop. Find yourself a good sparkling mineral water (without all the flavorings and artificial sweeteners, that’s a whole other article.)
Once you start losing the weight the best way to keep it off is to get yourself into a maintenance mode of working out. By this time you should have your routine down to a science and know what it takes to get a good work out. You know the level of intensity you need. You know what you need to do and you are doing it day in and day out. The old way of eating is a thing of the past and you look better than you have in years.
There are so many recipes out there you do not have to try to come up with anything new to cook. If you want to stay away from carbs, go to the library and take out a book about reducing the amount of carbs you take in in a day. It really is not that hard to do. The experts say to stay away from all the white stuff, white sugar, white flour, white rice. So what do you do if your recipe calls for white rice? either use the brown rice or substitute mashed up seasoned cauliflower, looks just like white rice and is much better for you.
Try all these quick weight loss tips and see if they do not work for you.
Tags: Artificial Sweeteners, Calories, Dedication, Eating Habits, Exercise, Fewer Calories, Fingers, Flavorings, Futzing, Healthy Diet, Heck, Intensity, Little Bit, Losing Weight, Maintenance Mode, Perseverance, Portion Sizes, Quick Weight Loss, Quick Weight Loss Tips, Right Off The Bat, Sparkling Mineral Water, Two Birds, Weight Loss Tips, Will Take Some Time —
Healthy Eating Facts You Should Know
It’s truly amazing there is anything anybody can agree on when it comes to what we eat. It seems as though we are bombarded with new scientific findings and new diet plans on a daily basis. To make matters worse, it often seems as though this information is contradictory. What’s a person to do? Well, you can rest easy, because there are some basic principles of eating that haven’t changed, and aren’t likely to change.
Let’s start with calories. A lot of fad diets do what they can to confuse the issue. They talk of “negative calorie” foods, or how special foods can burn fat. However, it all comes down to this: calories are energy. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, then you have to take in fewer calories than you burn.
If you want to gain weight, then you do the opposite. Also, if you restrict your caloric intake too much, your body will go into starvation mode, and will burn off calories much more slowly, making it harder to lose weight (if that’s your goal). So, that means you shouldn’t go too low in how much you eat, but rather take a sensible approach to your diet.
The other important aspect of calories is that all of them should count. That doesn’t mean you should count your calories and become obsessed with them. What it does mean, however, is that all of the calories you take in should have some nutritional value, or that they should count for something. That means getting rid of any empty calories. One of the biggest culprits here are sweetened soft drinks. these often are loaded with sugar and have zero nutritional value.
Now let’s turn to the fat in our diets. It wasn’t all that long ago that food manufacturers decided to roll out low-fat versions of many different products. This was in the hopes of capturing a share of the health-conscious market. While it is a fact that fat has 9 calories per gram (protein and carbohydrates only have 4), not all fats are the same.
For example, it is widely accepted that there is no healthy amount of trans fats; therefore you should do your best to completely eliminate them from your diet. Saturated fats are the next worst, but you can have some in your diet without too much worry, though you should limit them. Then there are the two categories of healthy fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. You can’t necessarily eat as many of these as you want, but if you are going to be eating fats (and you should get some), then these are the better choices.
All eating really comes down to these two basic things: calories and fat. What diet plan you follow doesn’t matter as much as how you eat. So, when choosing an eating plan, be sure to look it over and that it also takes a sensible approach. When you do this, you will not only feel better about being on a healthy plan, you will also be much more likely to stick to it.
Tags: Atkins, Caloric Intake, Calories, Conscious Market, Count Calories, Culprits, Daily Basis, Diet Plans, Different Products, Eating Habits, Empty Calories, Fad Diets, Fats, Fewer Calories, Food Manufacturers, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Negative Calorie Foods, Nutritional Value, Protein, Sensible Approach, Soft Drinks, Starvation Mode —