Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Weight Control Through Diet

More and more people are into losing weight because of the physical and emotional hazards too much weight brings. Through the years, dieting has become one of the most popular means of losing weight to almost all overweight people in the world. Although there are seemingly countless testimonies of its effects, many experts agree that there are also side effects when this means of losing weight is not administered properly.


By definition, dieting refers to the practice of eating or drinking in a regulated manner in order to achieve a specific short-term objective of gaining and or losing size or weight. Diet, on the other hand refers to the habit of nutritional consumption and focuses more on a long-term goal.

Studies show that the most common objective of dieting is for a person to lose excess body fat. But, there are also kinds of diet that are prescribed in order to achieve a particular medical objective while some dieting are actually designed and prescribed to increase body fat or add up to muscle weight gain.

Diet is actually categorized into two: the weight-loss diets, which restrict the intake of specific foods or food group in order to reduce body weight and the weight-gain diets, which are usually self-imposed in order to achieve a higher weight class.

Aside from that, special cases also require diets especially when it is related to certain medical conditions. Special diets usually include, exclude, or regulate a set of certain chemicals especially from the foods that contain them.

These special diets are usually given to diabetics to manage the persons blood sugar levels; epileptics who adhere to Ketogenic Diet; celiac disease patients are advised to take gluten-free diet; people who suffer from being lactose-intolerant are advised to veer away from milk products, kidney disease patients are restricted to eat foods that have high-sodium content while people who suffer from mild hypertension are advised to follow a diet low in fat and sodium and rich in fruits and vegetables.

Other specific types of diet to control weight include low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diet or Atkins Diet, natural diets that include Paleolithic Diet and Evolution Diet, vegetarian diet, and very low calorie diet. Experts say that different diets are designed to on weight loss and weight gain depending on the persons need.

They also agree that if the person would want to use dieting in order to control weight, they must be very careful because different types of food affect the bodys total well being.

They should also seek professional help in losing or controlling their weight because fietingespecially extreme food-intake reduction and rapid weight lossmay lead to prolonged hunger, depression, reduced sex drive, fatigue, irritability, fainting, sinus problems, muscle loss, rashes, bloodshot eyes, gallbladder diseases, and loose folds of skin among others.

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Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Physical Body

Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Physical Body
Ronya Banks

Your body is the only vehicle you have been given for this ride called Life. Taking good care of your body will ensure a longer, happier ride. The following tips integrate your Body, Mind, and Spirit, which are all required to maintain a healthy, happy body!

1.Healthy diet and nutrition.

Health care practitioners will tell you that you have to provide your physical body with high quality fuel if you want it to run properly. Eat a healthy, chemical-free diet high in vital nutrients. Take the herbal and vitamin supplements that will support you in your good health.

2.Get adequate rest.

Get the appropriate amount of uninterrupted sleep you need to engage your REM patterns. REM sleep is your nervous systems way of healing and refueling your body. Also, if youre feeling overly sluggish, take a short nap or sit and rest. Chronic sleep and sluggishness problems should be reported to your health care provider.

3.Stay focused in the present moment.

Feelings of regret or worry about a past event, or worry and anxiety about an upcoming future event are not only a waste of your precious life time. They also add stress to the body, which makes you more susceptible to disease. Stay present and focused on the beauty and gifts this moment is offering you!

4.Physical fitness/exercise.

Exercise is known to help you live a longer and healthier life. The body needs to stay in action and movement. Move it, or lose it!

5.Mental exercise and stimulation.

A healthy physical body includes a sound and sharp mind. Keep challenging your mind to expand, grow, learn, experience, decipher, and explore. Use it, or lose it!


Not only is meditation simple and fun, it also has been known to reduce your heart rate, reduce your stress level, help you become present in this moment, increase your feelings of peace, serenity, joy, and spiritual faith. This all does the body good!

7.Surround yourself with a great support system – family, friends.

Keep yourself surrounded from every side with positive-minded, healthy people who are on YOUR team – People who will care for, support, love, respect, and appreciate you.

8.Laugh often.

Recent studies are showing the significance of how laughter, fun, and mirth help keep people healthy, as well as heal sick bodies. Everyone really is a unique, hilarious person. Look for the hilarity in every situation and keep laughing.

9.Keep your thoughts positive.

What you put out does come back. So if you want to feel and look great, monitor your thoughts closely to ensure that you are thinking only positive, forwarding thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, simply turn it around into a positive thought.

10.Deal with your emotions. Do not stifle them.

If you are avoiding dealing with any emotions that have cropped up in your life, what do you think you are doing to your poor body? It has to store this emotional energy somewhere. Face your feelings, express them healthfully, and whatever you do, stop stuffing them down in to an oozing, black hole of ill health!

About the Author

As a Mind Power Leadership coach, trainer, and speaker, Ronya Banks teaching others how to become leaders and business owners since 1992. Frequently featured in radio, magazine and newspaper articles and interviews, Ronya helps people find the great leaders within by accessing the natural power of their minds. Discover more of Ronyas proven leadership success secrets at: or subscribe to her ezine newsletter at:

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