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Your Kidney And Gastric Bypass

The number of people suffering from obesity every year is increasing, it is mainly about the lifestyle and how people eat. To avoid the risks of obesity, more and more people are looking for other options for rapid weight-loss. About 140,000 people annually are finding gastric bypass surgeries an option for weight-loss and reducing obesity and its health complications.

Roux-en Y is the most common gastric bypass. In this procedure, a small and upper section of the stomach is separated by staples or bands to create a small pouch. This would limit the amount of food the patient could consume. It could hold about an ounce of food but can expand to about 4 to 8 ounces of food after a few months. A Y-shaped section of the small intestines is attached to the stomach. This would allow the food to bypass the upper portion of the intestines.

There are many benefits brought by gastric bypass surgery. Individuals who have undergone the procedure are said to reduce their weight with an average of 50 to 60%. Some would lose about 80% of their body weight two years after the sugery. Diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels and even cancer risks can be reduced by the procedure. However, there are also downsides with this surgery.

Gastric bypass surgery is an effective way of losing weight an obesity related health risks. However, there are studies showing concern about nephrolithiasis or the formation of kidney stones among those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery. According to paper presented in the 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition of American Society of Nephrology, gastric bypass surgery increased the possibility of kidney stones.

Actually, this was not the first time that this kind of risk is identified with almost similar operations. In 1979, the Food and Drug administration had the jejunal ileal bypass under moratorium. This was because patients who had the procedure developed kidney stones five years after surgery.

Currently, there are studies showing that those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery would experience changes in the chemical composition of their urine. These changes eventually can lead into formation of kidney stones. After the gastric bypass surgery, the level of oxalate increased. This chemical when bound with calcium can cause the increase of kidney stones.

Another cause could be the production of low levels of citrate. Citrate dissolves crystals which can cause kidney stones. Low citrate levels and high levels, a combination that leads to an increase of calcium oxalate supersaturation. This increases or a strong factor or risk for having kidney stones. Other chemicals which also contribute to kidney stone formation like uric acid and potassium remains unchanged before and after the surgery.

A study conducted by Mayo Clinic showed that those who have underwent the procedure for the last six months have not developed this kind of chemical change. This condition could be avoided or the risk be reduced by undergoing some dietary changes. Doctors would recommend an increase on the intake of fluids, low-protein and low-salt diet, and normal calcium diet.

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The Benefits Of Gastric Bypass

Gastric surgery is one of the most common weight-loss surgeries, in the United States alone about 140,000 procedures are conducted yearly. There are people who have undergone surgery would report about 60% of improvement in their body weight. There are others, who would report as much as 80% of weight loss.

The effects of the surgery would be most felt after a year, where most patients would report to be at their lowest weight. However, there could still be tendencies that the lost weight may be regained especially if the dietary and exercise recommendations are not followed. After all, reducing your food intake is not the only way to lose weight and maintain it.

Gastric bypass is a procedure done to address issues of severe obesity. There are associated conditions with obesity like diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnea and the gastroesophageal reflux disease. There are about 80% of patients with hypertension will be off medication significant time after the surgery. The same goes for 90% of diabetic patients who will not be dependent on insulin.

It could even reduce the patients risk of having heart disease and cancer. Because of the weight loss, gastric bypass surgery could help a person improve mobility and flexibility. Gastric bypass surgery could lessen asthma attacks and reducing dependence to medication or inhaler. Arthritis, fatigue, joint pain and shortness of breath due to physical movements are also reduced by weight loss brought by surgery.

Being extremely overweight could have significant effect on the bladder and other organs of the body. They get too much pressure increasing stress incontinence. It could also cause hormonal problems which could lead to infertility. There are studies showing that after undergoing the bypass, 90% of infertility is restored.

Because of the weight-loss, there are patients who claimed that they increased their confidence and well-being is improved. There are studies showing that those who have undergone surgery would usually experience depression and anxiety. Counselling and support would help the individual to recover and the psychological effects could be lessened or could disappear.

The National Institute of Health, said that patients who have undergone bypass showed dramatic and sustained improvements in how they live their lives. They were able to go beyond the results of weight loss and improve their over-all life. They have higher self- esteem and higher energy levels after the surgery.

For example, gastric bypass surgeries that have been performed to obese teens were able to improve the quality of life within six months, some studies say. Aside from weight loss, their health improves and starts to become appropriate for their age. They were also able to socialize better and deal with peer pressure.

However, it is important to understand that aside from the numerous benefits you can get from gastric bypass surgeries, there are also risks just like any other medical intervention or surgery. Morbidly obese patients have higher risks in surgeries compared with those who are not morbidly obese. It is important to weigh our options before we proceed to any procedure.

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How Gastric Bypass Works

Gastric bypass surgeries and other weight loss medical procedures being performed in the United States are increasing for the last few years. This may be in response for the increase in the number of people suffering from obesity. According to the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, there are about 140,000 gastric bypass being performed every year.

Those who have undergone weight loss surgeries, lose about 50 to 60% of their body weight, a year after the surgery. Along with the weight loss, they would also be losing ailments associated with obesity like high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart diseases and even cancer.

The Procedure

The most common gastric bypass performed is called the Roux-en Y gastric bypass. In this procedure, a small pouch is created on the top of the stomach. It is stapled, to seal it off from the rest of the stomach. This small pouch will no longer digest any food. The upper part of the small intestine, the duodenum, is attached to this small pouch.

When eating, the food would bypass the small pouch in the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine. The food would go directly to the middle section of the intestine called the jejunum. Since it is the small intestine that does the absorption of minerals, vitamins and calories, the body will absorb limited calories only. A Y formation is formed just below the stomach.

Incisions are made in the abdomen to perform the procedure. Surgeons will be using the laparoscope or a small, tubular instrument with a camera. This will enable the surgeon to see the abdomen and perform the surgery. The laparoscopic gastric bypass actually makes the stay in the hospital and the recovery period shorter and quicker.

There are still open gastric bypass performed, however, there could be wound-related problems with this kind of procedure. The laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. The procedure lasts for about four hours. Patients who have undergone the procedure stay in the hospital for about two to six days to be monitored for any complications.

After the Surgery

Having a smaller stomach has effects on how much food the patient can eat. There are special diets that a patient recovering from gastric bypass surgery follows. Every food that the patient would eat will be important for his nutrition. There are times that they are also recommended nutritional supplements to avoid deficiencies like anemia or vitamin deficiency.

There are patients reporting weight loss of as much as 50 to 60 percent a year after the surgery. There are even some who would report an astounding 80% weight loss. However, it is still possible for patients to stretch their stomachs and have that large size again. There is still a possibility of getting back those lost pounds. That is why doctors would recommend dietary restrictions and exercise plant that would keep the pounds away.

There are also tendencies that gastric bypass patients would develop gallstones, stomach ulcers, hernia or nutritional deficiencies. The part of the stomach which was bypassed can get enlarged, it could cause bloating and hiccups. There is also the Dumping syndrome which happens when the food moves quickly to the small intestine. This can happen after eating foods high in sugar or fat.

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