Helping Your Child Be Healthy and Fit
Helping Your Child Be Healthy and Fit
Hannah Pendergraph
Helping Your Child Be Healthy and Fit
For The Coming School Year….
Shools In Session:
Long-term good health is less an accident than the result
of good habits and wise choices. To enjoy good health now and
in the future, youngsters must learn how to eat, exercise,
sleep, control stress, and be responsible for personal
cleanliness and reducing the risk of disease. In addition, they
need to be aware of what to do in an emergency and when to say
Habits that include eating nutritious foods and
understanding the relationship between physical and emotional
health will help your child grow up healthy. Your child’s
ability to learn and the chances for a longer and more productive life can be greatly improved by developing and following good health practices.
First of All, Your Child Is Special
The mental and emotional health of your child is just as important as physical health. From the earliest moment, a child needs to feel that he or she is special and cared about by family members and friends.
A child who enjoys good mental and emotional health is able to approach new situations with confidence. When children are comfortable with hemselves, they can express their emotions in a positive way.
As children learn to value themselves and develop confidence in their ability to make responsible decisions, they are building a sense of self-worth or self-esteem.
Parents and teachers share the responsibility for helping children build self-confidence. A child who is confident is more successful in everyday interactions with peers and adults.
Confidence in one’s abilit to learn new and difficult skills can affect future achievement, as well. Developing a trusting relationship with your child, establishing open communication, and recognizing personal achievements are all important. When children know they can do something well, it makes them feel special.
Get Ready, Get Set, Grow Up Healthy
From the time your child is born, there are ways in which you can help your child learn how to grow up healthy. Good nutrition does not mean that your children cannot eat
their favorite foods or that they must eat foods they do not like.
Good nutrition means variety and moderation in a person’s diet. Choosing what foods to eat is important in pursuing a healthy life. Your children may choose to eat certain foods because they taste good or because they are available. Make nutritious foods available and monitor the “sometimes”
foods–sugary snacks and fatty desserts.
Good health is a blend of physical and emotional well-being. Exercises are basic elements of physical fitness
that should be part of play.
Aerobic exercises, such as jogging or jumping, that increase the heartbeat, strengthen the heart and muscles,improve endurance, condition the total body, and help prevent disease. Anaerobic, slow, stretching exercises improve flexibility and muscular fitness. Both types of exercise are important and fun.
We all face stressful situations. With family members, with teachers, with friends, and with strangers problems can arise that make your child feel anxious, nervous, confused, or
Too much stress or the wrong kind of stress can make it difficult for children to learn. Helping your child learn appropriate and healthy ways of handling stress, through exercise, proper sleep, discussing problems with an adult, or breaking down jobs into manageable parts.
Physical fitness is a vital part of being healthy. Forchildren, being and staying physically fit can happen with activities they refer to PLAY! Play that makes them breathe deeply is aerobic exercise.
Aerobic activities such as bicycling, jumping rope, roller skating, running, dancing, and swimming can be beneficial if they are done for 12 to 15 minutes without stopping.
The young child develops an active lifestyle as he or she begins to creep, crawl, and then walk. Young children learn how to move in their environment by playing alone in their own personal space.
As children grow, they hop, march, run, roll, toss,bounce, and kick. Their bodies are changing in terms of height
and weight, and they are beginning to form a self-conceptthrough comparison with others as they move.
School Is Back In Session: Help Your Little Ones Adjust To The Change Mentally and Physically.
Hannah Of Edwards Marketing
About the Author
Robin Edwards CEO of trafficcoach,Wazoo Maddness,The Marketing Report,The “Ebay Breakthrough and The Naked Truth about Internet Marketing.
Now With his his visions on Public Domain Riches.
Hannah and Robin Edwards Of Edwards Marketing has both revitalized the company with new productions, and renewed their reputation as one of the world’s great Marketing treasures
Tags: Author, Ceo, Control Stress, disease, Ebay, Everyday Interactions, Good Habits, Good Health, Hannah Of Edwards, Health Practices, http, Internet Marketing, Mental And Emotional Health, Nutritious Foods, Open Communication, Parents And Teachers, Pendergraph, Personal Achievements, Personal Cleanliness, Physical Health, Productive Life, Responsible Decisions, Robin Edwards, Robin Edwards Of Edwards, Self Confidence, Shools, Trusting Relationship, Understanding The Relationship, Wise Choices —
How To Keep Your Child From Becoming Obese – Work
How To Keep Your Child From Becoming Obese – Work At It
If you want to know how to keep your child from becoming obese, the best thing you can do is to lead by example. Teach them from an early age the importance of eating right and getting plenty of daily physical activity.
We are creatures that can be taught many things. Many of the things we like or dislike are actually just habits. If you teach your kids to like fruits, vegetables and to lead a healthy active lifestyle, they will. Of course, they will make their own decisions as they get older but that early training will set the stage for life long good habits.
One of the worst things you can do is to be a hypocrite. This is true not only with diet and exercise issues but with your overall lifestyle too. For example, if you are a smoker, it is ok to tell your kids they shouldn’t smoke, but if you don’t want to seem like a hypocrite you shouldn’t just ‘order’ them not to smoke (which doesn’t work anyway) it’s much better to talk to them honestly about the dangers of cigarettes and how you wish you had never started, etc.
lead by example, always. It’s also helpful to workout with your kids. From a young age include them in the activities that lead to a healthy lifestyle. Go to the gym together, take a workout or fitness class together, take martial arts or boxing classes together, go for a swim or play basketball together. Just get in the habit of spending time getting some exercise together.
You can also include them in the food planning. When they are old enough go through cook books with them and ask them to help you find new recipes to try. Let them come with you to the grocery store and teach them how to buy fruits and vegetables.
Go to farmers markets or health food and organic stores with your kids. The earlier you start these habits with your kids the more ingrained it will become (it’s also a wonderful way for you all to spend time together).
Many of these ideas can help you set your kids on a path that will be the foundation for a life time of better lifestyle choices… and it can be fun too.
Always encourage your kids to try new things, to try things that are healthy and good for them. Sometimes parents inadvertently blow off their kids and their ideas without really meaning too. For example, if your kid is kind of a clutz and they come to you and tell you they want to take martial arts lesson, don’t laugh and remind them that they are a clutz, instead encourage them to give it a try.
You may think that you are protecting them from being hurt emotional, but you can’t go through life that way. You won’t always be there and they may just be good at it. Even if they’re not, you can still help them find something that will work for them.
It’s easy to learn how to keep your child from becoming obese, the best way to do that is to be proactive and teach them good habits from the start.
Tags: Boxing Classes, Cigarettes, Cook Books, Eating Habits, Farmers Markets, Fitness Class, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Good Habits, Grocery Store, Habit, Health Food, Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, Hypocrite, Many Things, Martial Arts, Physical Activity, Smoker, Spending Time, Wonderful Way, Workout —