3 Easy Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy
3 Easy Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy
Amie Gerlowski
There are plenty of articles out there about what to do to make your skin look young again. But what if you still have it? How do young women keep their skin looking the way it is now well into the future? The following five easy tips can help you keep your youthful glow.
1. Use Sunscreen, Never Tan. It’s hard for young women to resist the warm glow that a few hours of tanning can bring. But the damage that it does beneath the surface accumulates over time–ultimately leaving the skin dull and thin. By the time premature aging becomes evident, significant amounts of damage has taken place below the surface. Rather than a week of beauty, think of long-term beauty. If you really want to give your skin an added glow, try shimmering lotions and makeups. Or, for a darker look, try artificial tanners (but be careful, they can sometimes leave you looking more orange than tan). Don’t forget that you can experience the damaging effects of the sun even if you aren’t deliberately trying to tan. Make applying sunscreen part of your daily routine. Purchasing moisturizers with sunscreen already in them can help. Remember, only 15 minutes of sun exposure each day provides you with the vitamin D you need to stay healthy.
2. Eat the Right Foods. You’ve always heard the phrase “You are what you eat” and that is exactly right when talking about your skin! What you eat is not just relevant to your weight. It also affects the health of your skin. Clinical studies have shown that eating diets rich in fatty acids and antioxidants can help skin retain its youthful appearance. Foods good for your skin include fish, vegetables, whole grains and fruits including all kinds of berries. Antioxidants in the diet may help reduce the appearance of age spots. Fatty acids are one of the components of metabolic processes within the body that are also integral to the maintenance of healthy skin. Making these foods a part of your daily diet can benefit you for years to come.
3. Clean and Moisturize! Don’t neglect your skin. For normal skin, a gentle daily cleanser is all you need. Using a washcloth needlessly pulls and tears at the skin. Cleanse your skin with your fingers using gentle, circular motions, paying particular attention not to stretch the delicate eye area. Moisturizing the skin is also important to protect it from the effects of the elements including wind, pollution, and sun (if it is a sunscreen moisturizure). Not only does it protect the skin from the outside, but also helps it to retain its natural moisture from the inside. Keep in mind that spending a lot of money is not necessary. If your skin is oily or you have a problem with acne, use products designed specifically for your skin type. You may want to consult a dermatologist to seek prescription treatments. Never attempt to pop your pimples. This will increase the size of your pores and possibly cause scaring.
Essentially, if your skin is young, value it! Taking simple precautionary steps can help keep it that way. Think of the benefits of having healthy skin in the future. Use sunscreen, eat healthy, and following a daily skin regimine. You don’t need alot of money to keep your skin healthy. All it takes is common sense and good lifestyles choices.
About the Author
Amie Gerlowski writes about skin care topics such as skin doctors and tanning. Learn more at http://www.feelconfident.co.uk .
Tags: acne;, Age Spots, Amie, Amie Gerlowski, Antioxidants, Author, Berries, Fatty Acids, Healthy Diet, Healthy Skin, Leaving The Skin, Losing Weight, Lotions, Makeups, Metabolic Processes, Moisturizers, Premature Aging, Sun Exposure, Tanners, Vitamin D, Warm Glow, Whole Grains, Young Women, Youthful Appearance, Youthful Glow —

You Can Have Healthy Skin
You Can Have Healthy Skin
Jay Harris
With new research, new products and new skin protection advice
popping up all the time, it is hard to figure out the best things
to do to improve and protect your skin.
A skin care program is the combination of skin care products and
a routine that will be most beneficial to the skin. You will
first need to consider your diet and type of life-style since
these two factors play an important role in the health of a
person’s skin.
These days we seem to be living in the fast-food age and the
condition of your skin is often neglected. You still can’t beat
the old fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and
a good complexion.
Remember to feed and nourish your skin by eating the proper foods.
Give your skin a drink too. Those eight glasses of water a day
your mom always told you to be sure to drink are essential to
maintaining your skin’s elasticity and suppleness, say experts.
And don’t count coffee or any of the caffeinated sodas as part
of the eight glasses because caffeine is dehydrating. The water
you choose can be sparkling water, mineral or straight from the
tap. Another suggestion is that you keep a liter-size bottle
close at hand, or simply drink a glass or two with your meals,
and a few in between.
You need to give some thought and consideration to the type of
makeup you sue. And be sure to clean your tools regularly.
Things such as cosmetic brushes get dirty and can carry bacteria
and germs and may cause skin irritations and breaking out. One
of the leading cosmetic authorities suggests that cosmetic brushes
be thoroughly cleaned at least twice a month. A good way is to
soak brushes for about 10 minutes in a dish of warm, soapy water
using mild liquid detergent or baby shampoo. Rinse and blot excess
moisture with a towel and stand the brushes, handle end down, in a
tall glass until they are thoroughly dry.
Keep environmental pollutants from being absorbed into the skin
with a good moisturizer that also acts as a skin barrier. Check
the labels for those with added Vitamin A, C and E, which help
block the penetration of pollutants.
A good exercise program such as aerobics can activate and
rejuvenate the skin and improve circulation and blood flow. Also,
body sweat triggers production of sebum, which is the skin’s own
natural moisturizer.
One skin care expert has come up with a do-it-yourself version of
a treatment you may like to try. Stir the juice of half a lemon
into one cup of plain yogurt. Keep it in the refrigerator and
apply it as you would a cream every night before bed. You can
even apply a thin coat of moisturizer over it is you like, after
waiting about five minutes for the yogurt mixture to penetrate.
With consistent use, you should see more even pigmentation and
smoother skin in three to four weeks.
Get serious about stress reduction. Skin conditions such as acne
appear on many people who are stressed out, and chronic skin
conditions then to get worse. Set aside quiet time to meditate
or daydream. Be sure to get enough sleep. To avoid morning eye
or facial puffiness, sleep on your back so fluid doesn’t collect
there. And, you can keep the oil from your hair away from your
face by wearing a head covering or a soft headband when you go to
bed. And keep in mind that too much stress can affect your
overall health as well as your complexion.sk to get down to the
essential things.
About the Author
Article by Jay Harris of IMI Concepts. Visit his website http://www.home-job-alert.com
Tags: acne;, Author, Baby Shampoo, chronic skin, Close At Hand, Cosmetic Brushes, Environmental Pollutants, Excess Moisture, food;, Fruit And Vegetable Diet, Good Complexion, Healthy Skin, Jay Harris, Liquid Detergent, New Skin, oil;, Protection Advice, Skin Care Products, Skin Care Program, Skin Irritations, Sodas, Sparkling Water, Suppleness, Tall Glass, Vitamin A, Warm Soapy Water —