The Healthy Secret Behind a Rich Spinach Diet
The Healthy Secret Behind a Rich Spinach Diet
Barbara Camie
Spinach is a rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin E and has folic acid in plenty. It contains an abundance of antioxidants including carotenoids. Lets have a look at the healthy secrets that Spinach contains
Spinach is high in Vitamins C and K. It has lots of iron, niacin, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, copper and manganese
It helps us fight cancer
It is a natural blood cleanser
It can keep your blood vessels healthy and slow down aging
Spinach contains little fat
Great greens and Spinach
Green salads are a must in your daily diet. If you can manage great greens in your meals, you can supplement most of the nutrients our body requires through it. Say no to health tabs and vitamin supplements. Your body will prefer a natural source of vitamins and nutrients for keeping you fit. Heres one healthy salad you can have a lifetime.
Sweet and Sour Leafy Green Salad
5 cups lightly packed torn romaine lettuce leaves
3 cups lightly packed spinach leaves
2 cups sliced mushrooms
2 oranges, peeled and sliced
1 cup pitted prunes, halved
1/2 cup sliced red onion
1/2 cup commercial nonfat honey-mustard dressing
1/4 to 1/2 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
Try adding fruits to your salads. Its tasty. It makes your salad colorful and you will get some vitamins, essential minerals and fiber. Pineapple chunks, raisins, melon balls, berries and grapes are nice compliments to any green salad.
Barbara Camie
Agriculture Organic Food Specialist
Phentermine Weight Loss Managment Group
About the Author
Barbara Camie
Agriculture Organic Food Specialist
Phentermine Weight Loss Managment Group
Tags: Agriculture Organic Food Specialist, Author, Barbara Camie, Black Pepper, Blood Cleanser, Camie, cancer;, Carotenoids, Essential Minerals, folic acid, Food Specialist, Green Salad, Green Salads, Health Tabs, Honey Mustard, Melon Balls, Natural Source, Niacin, Nice Compliments, Organic Food, Phentermine Weight Loss Managment Group, Pineapple Chunks, Prunes, Red Onion, Rich Source, Spinach, Vitamin A, Vitamin Supplements —