Quick Weight Loss Tips – Dedication and Perseverance
Want some quick weight loss tips? Who the heck doesn’t? I wish it could be quick, then all I would have to do is snap my fingers and 50 pounds would be gone. The reality of the situation is that if you have a significant amount of weight to lose then it will take some time to get it off and keep it off.
Dedication, perseverance and learning to change the way you live your life. If you are over weight then you undoubtedly do not get enough exercise and do not eat right. Here is where you need to start. Either take in fewer calories over the course of the day or get up and get moving. Even just a little bit. Get off your duff and take a walk around the block. The first one may be a little tough but the more you do it the better it will be.
You probably will not be able to go for a thirty minute walk right off the bat so you will have to work up to that. Ask a friend to go with you so you do not have to do this all by yourself. Most likely your friend can use a little more exercise herself so you will be killing two birds with one stone.
The other side of the equation is to eat healthier and watch portion sizes. I know someone who lost 25 pounds in 6 months just by cutting her portion sizes in half. Another way to lose weight kinda fast is to cut out the pop you drink. Did you know if you stop drinking pop you can lose 38 pounds in a year without doing anything else? That’s right no extra exercise or futzing with your diet, just 38 pounds gone by just quitting the pop. Find yourself a good sparkling mineral water (without all the flavorings and artificial sweeteners, that’s a whole other article.)
Once you start losing the weight the best way to keep it off is to get yourself into a maintenance mode of working out. By this time you should have your routine down to a science and know what it takes to get a good work out. You know the level of intensity you need. You know what you need to do and you are doing it day in and day out. The old way of eating is a thing of the past and you look better than you have in years.
There are so many recipes out there you do not have to try to come up with anything new to cook. If you want to stay away from carbs, go to the library and take out a book about reducing the amount of carbs you take in in a day. It really is not that hard to do. The experts say to stay away from all the white stuff, white sugar, white flour, white rice. So what do you do if your recipe calls for white rice? either use the brown rice or substitute mashed up seasoned cauliflower, looks just like white rice and is much better for you.
Try all these quick weight loss tips and see if they do not work for you.
Tags: Artificial Sweeteners, Calories, Dedication, Eating Habits, Exercise, Fewer Calories, Fingers, Flavorings, Futzing, Healthy Diet, Heck, Intensity, Little Bit, Losing Weight, Maintenance Mode, Perseverance, Portion Sizes, Quick Weight Loss, Quick Weight Loss Tips, Right Off The Bat, Sparkling Mineral Water, Two Birds, Weight Loss Tips, Will Take Some Time —
Quick Belly Fat Loss With Exercis
Want quick belly fat loss with exercis? Have you ever tried boxing?
Boxing is a great exercise to lose fat, including the belly fat; especially the tummy fat. A great cardiovascular workout, boxing will definitely make you feel like you have done something. Your whole body will know you have had a great workout the next day.
I joined a boxing class years ago and in the first thirty days I lost an entire inch around my belly. I do not recall why I had to quit the class but it was probably because of my job, I work nights as a nurse and probably just could not manage the nighttime classes.
There are a lot of ways to get quick belly fat loss with exercise. If you are really out of shape and are struggling to get up off the couch, the way you should start is by walking. You wouldn’t think that walking would be a difficult thing to accomplish but if you are in bad shape you will know you have worked after your first walk. You may even have some soreness the next day.
The best way to combat the soreness is to just get back out there and do the same thing that made you sore to begin with. Oh man, I remember back in high school, after a nice long summer, we had to get back to volleyball practice. Our coach was brutal. She would work us so hard that we could not hardly move the next day, then we would all show up again and do it again the next day. Pretty soon the soreness and stiffness would go away and we all realized that if you keep doing what you need to do then you do not get sore anymore and you do get much stronger for your efforts. We won state that year thanks to our coach.
Anyway, soreness is a good thing. If you feel sore you know one thing, you are still alive and that that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. So, work through the soreness and stiffness and soon you will be stronger, faster and able to get through your work outs with no problem. At this point you may need to increase the intensity at which you work out because you will be too strong to stay at the level you started at.
At this point you may want to consider hiring a personal trainer to put you through the paces and teach you different ways of doing things. Maybe incorporate running or jogging and free weights in to your daily routine.
You will want to do what is called improving your core. Your core is the middle part of your body and includes your abdominal muscles, obliques and lower to mid-back muscles.
These muscles help you maintain good posture and balance. a good core workout can be done on an exercise ball. They are available at your local department store. To get quick belly fat loss with exercis you need to concentrate on your core workouts the most.
Tags: Bad Shape, Cardiovascular Workout, Coach, Couch, Exercise, Fat Belly, Fat Loss, Intensity, Job, Lose Fat, Nurse, Personal Trainer, Stiffness, Thirty Days, Volleyball Practice, Work Outs —