How To Grow Long, Shiny, Healthy Hair
How To Grow Long, Shiny, Healthy Hair
Janice Johnson
Many men and women complain that their hair is not growing. They buy the most popular hair products, which promise more shine and growth. They buy supplements and read magazines looking for the next quick fix. But what many men and women fail to realize it that the way they treat their bodies plays an enormous role in the state of their hair.
Here are some helpful tips to help grow healthier hair:
Consume a diet high in vital nutrients mainly beta carotene, iodine and protein are necessary for shiny healthy hair.
Iodine is necessary for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxin. This hormone promotes hair growth. The foods that contain iodine are seafoods like cod, mussels, seaweed and haddock.
Beta Carotene is actually converted by the body into vitamin A which makes the hair strong. You can find it in green and yellow fruits and vegetables like green peppers and cantaloupes.
Protein can be found in foods like meat, eggs and nuts to name a few.
Also, try to exercise weekly. This helps improve the circulation while getting your body in shape and making your body “work” better.
The hormones and healthy chemical processes taking place in your body during your workout sessions, assist in overall health.
Get out! Well, I’m not saying this rudely. But rather literally. Get out of the house more often and get some sun. If you’re at the office during the day, take a short walk outside on your lunch break. Studies have shown that healthy doses of vitamin D received from the sun actually plays a role in hair growth. But don’t forget to protect your hair and scalp at all times.
Always apply a sunscreen lotion to your skin and wear a hat if you’re outside for long periods of time. If you’re not wearing a hat a great tip is applying some sunscreen lotion to the exposed skin on your scalp. This will keep the area from getting burned.
Remember, take care of your hair and skin. You’ll be thankful in years to come!
About the Author
Janice Johnson is the founder of the www.CurlyHairSalon.com website. An online multi-ethnic curly hair magazine that offers information, tips and advice to care for curly hair.
Tags: Author, Chemical Processes, Enormous Role, Foods That Contain Iodine, Fruits And Vegetables, Green Peppers, Haddock, Hair And Skin, Hair Growth, Hair Products, healthy chemical processes taking place, Healthy Hair, Janice Johnson, Long Periods Of Time, Lunch Break, Many Men, Mussels, online multi-ethnic curly hair magazine, Seaweed, Sunscreen Lotion, Thyroid Hormone, Vital Nutrients, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Workout Sessions, www.CurlyHairSalon.com —