Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Hair
Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Hair
Charlene J. Nuble
A lot of people actually pay a good deal of money just to make themselves look more attractive and feel better about themselves, but what they dont know is that they can actually achieve this easily by keeping fit and staying healthy. Having lustrous and shiny, full hair is not always due to extremely expensive salon treatments but of impeccable hygiene and a good diet.
Antioxidant vitamins play an important role in achieving healthy hair and scalp. Common antioxidant vitamins that can actually help in having gorgeous hair are Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. While lack of Vitamin C can actually lead to gradual or even excessive hair loss among men and women, it is best to load up on anything citrus so as to ensure a healthy looking mane. Vitamin A serves to help the scalp produce sebum which is essential to the hairs volume and fullness while Vitamin E promotes the healthy circulation that the scalp needs.
The vitamins that make up the B complex are not only important to the many functions of the body and mind it can also be a good beauty tool for you too. In addition to promoting the good circulation that ensures a healthy scalp, these vitamins play a big role in preventing hair loss and also help the hair retain its natural color, including the prevention of premature graying.
There are many minerals that are equally important in order to achieve healthy hair. Among these are silica, iron, iodine, copper and chromium, all of which helps to prevent hair loss. Copper also helps maintain the hairs natural color and is important to the weight and structure of the hair. Iodine also prevents dryness of the hair as does zinc which teams up with Vitamin A for this purpose. Silica also helps to strengthen the hair. Sulfur is one of the prime building blocks of the hair and is essential to its structure. Selenium is important to keeping the scalp elastic and flexible. Potassium helps in the circulation in the scalp, encouraging the healthy growth of hair. Calcium, magnesium and manganese are all essential minerals for hair growth.
However, engaging in a newfound health plan would not automatically alter your looks to superstar proportions, it actually takes some time before these positive effects take place. A great deal of patience is actually required for a person to be able maintain a healthy lifestyle which in the long run will benefit him or her two-fold. Aside from having an overall healthy well-being, it can also result to a gorgeous outward appearance. You can expect that it will take about three or four months before you will actually be able to see the results of your efforts. When using dietary supplements, it is important to follow the recommended dosage for each supplement that you take. In fact, some of the supplements that are specifically good for your hair can actually cause hair loss if they are taken in extremely high dosages. If you are unsure as to what the best supplement dosage levels are for your individual dietary needs and health goals, you should a licensed nutritionist or dermatologist or physician so as to be better guided when it comes to picking out a good health plan for you.
Naturally, paying close attention to the amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that you consume daily and trying to develop good nutritional habits is highly important for keeping your body and mind functioning well. However, it cant hurt that your physical looks may also benefit from this healthy change in lifestyle.
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About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to: http://vitamins.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/
Tags: Antioxidant Vitamins, Author, B Complex, Charlene J. Nuble, Circ, Circu, Dietary Supplements, Excessive Hair Loss, Full Hair, good beauty tool, Gorgeous Hair, Hair Vitamins, Healthy Hair, Impeccable Hygiene, Iodine, Keeping Fit, Lack Of Vitamin C, licensed nutritionist, physician, Premature Graying, Preventing Hair Loss, Salon Treatments, Sebum, Silica, Structure Of The Hair, Vitamin A, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals —

Simple Tips For A Diabetic Diet And Losing Weight
When you go into your doctors office and you hear the words, Diabetic Diet you may tend to freak out, but you don’t have to. There are no actual Diabetic Diets out there for you to take part in. However, a licensed nutritionist and your doctor can give you support and guidance in the right direction. This article will provide you with some tips and give you some ideas for to discuss with your doctor and the nutritionist.
After you have some time to adjust to the idea of having diabetes, call your doctor and get some information on how to eat properly to control your diabetes. Since there are no exact diets to use for diabetes you can create one that will specifically fit your needs. The first thing to take into consideration is that when you have diabetes you don’t have to quit eating everything you normally eat you just need to eat them differently.
A few things you can change in your eating habits are:
1. How much you eat
2. When you eat
3. How you prepare your food
4. Decrease sugar and sweets
5. Watch how and when you eat carbohydrates
6.Increase the following:
Whole wheat grains
7.Reduce fat intake
8.Moderation in alcohol
When you are trying to adjust to a Diabetic Diet Plan keep track of how much you normally eat at each meal and if you have snacks throughout the day. If you don’t eat regular meals, then its important for you to create an eating schedule. You need to see to it that you are eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with small snacks in between meals. It is important to maintain at least a 1600 calorie diet on a daily basis.
If you are used to eating a large amount of food then you will need to cut back a little bit at each meal. Adding small snacks during the day will help fill the void in your stomach. This will do positive things for you. It will help keep your sugar level. Keep your appetite under control. And keep you from pigging out when you sit down to eat a regularly scheduled meal.
A really good positive thing about eating like this, along with exercise, it will help you to lose weight. Not only will it help in the short term, but once you get used to it, you will find you can keep the weight off. In addition you may well see an overall increase in your physical health.
Make sure you eat breakfast every morning and try to include some fruit. Fruit not only taste good, but it is good for giving you energy and it can be a great snack. Its also important that you eat lunch every day to help you maintain a steady amount of energy throughout your day no matter what you are doing. If you are a person that normally skips lunch try starting out by having some crackers or a salad for lunch so you will be eating something and it will be a light meal.
The next important meal you need to eat is dinner. When you eat dinner try to eat a well balanced meal so that your body won’t feel over full or bulky. It is also important to eat at regular set times every day so that your body can adjust and process the food before you go to bed. Be careful not to eat too early. If you eat too early in the evening then you may become hungry again and want to eat before you go to bed.
There is one last tip to pass on about your diabetic meals. And this is how you prepare your meals. You should broil or bake your meats. In addition if you have to cook on the top of the stove use Virgin Olive Oil in lieu of butter and other Trans fat laden foods.
As you can see a diabetic diet is not the end of the world. If fact if it is followed, you will delay the worsening of your diabetes, lose weight and improve your health overall.
Tags: Appetite Control, Breakfast Lunch, Calorie Diet, Daily Basis, diabetes;, Diabetic Diet, Diabetic Diet Plan, Diabetic Diets, Doctors Office, Eating Habits, energy;, food;, Freak, Fruits Vegetables, licensed nutritionist, Losing Weight, Moderation, Nutritionist, Right Direction, Snacks, Sugar Level, Support And Guidance, Sweets, Wheat Grains, Whole Wheat —