The Pros and Cons of LapBand Surgery
If you are between the ages of 18 and 60 and around 100 pounds overweight, you may be the ideal candidate for LapBand surgery. The LapBand is a successful weight loss surgery that has been used in the United States since 2001. Most patients who undergo the procedure see results. With that said, all surgical procedures have their pros and cons.
So, what are the pros and cons of undergoing LapBand surgery?
Weight loss. Weight loss is the most significant advantage to undergoing the procedure. For many patients, the LapBand system is not only used to improve their physical appearance, but their health. In many instances, the LapBand surgery is considered a lifesaving procedure. Weight loss will depend on surgeon preference, band size, healthy eating choices, and exercise.
Improvement in health. As previously stated, many patients who undergo the LapBand surgery are doing so to save their lives. With severe cases of obesity, the early onset of death is likely. When properly inserted, the LapBand should lead to a longer and healthier life. If that wasnt enough, the weight loss associated with LapBand surgery can lead to the disappearance of diabetes and other weight related health problems.
Freedom. In a way, most LapBand patients are provided with a certain level of freedom; freedom they never had before. By following all doctor recommendations, weight loss is all but guaranteed. Whether you lose 50 pounds or 100 pounds over the course of time, you will have more freedom to live your life. It will likely be the simplest things, such as walking up a flight of stairs without losing your breath, that will leave you with the most joy.
Short recovery. The LapBand system involves the insertion of an adjustable gastric band. There is no cutting or stapling of the stomach pouch. This means a shorter recovery time. In fact, most patients spend less than 24 hours in the hospital. Not only is the recovery shorter, but there are less risks of complications. The LapBand surgery is safer than gastric bypass surgery.
Adjustable. The greatest benefit of the LapBand system is that the band is adjustable. Not all bodies react to surgery or the LapBand the same way. For that reason, adjustments are common. Even better is the fact that adjustments can be made without surgery. Adjustments are made with band slippage, regurgitation, acid reflux, and no weight loss.
Reversible. Since stomach pouch cutting and stapling is not involved with the LapBand system, the procedure is 100% reversible. Unlike adjustments, surgery is required for band removal. When removed, your stomach will return to its normal size. Reasons for removal include time where the band is no longer needed to assist in weight loss or complications in which adjustments do not assist.
Eligibility requirements. Unfortunately, the LapBand system tends to come with many eligibility requirements. Qualified surgeons will not operate on just anyone. Even if you are overweight, you may not qualify for the LapBand surgery. In most cases, patients need to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of around 40, be between the ages of 16 and 60, be in good health, and have a clear understanding of the commitment required to lose weight.
Costs. Very few medical procedures are affordable, but you may be shocked with the cost of LapBand surgery. On average, the procedure costs $15,000 to $20,000 in the United States. If you are covered by medical insurance, contact your provider. Some insurance providers cover the cost of bariatric surgery. If not, save money by cutting expenses, look for an affordable surgeon, and inquire about payment plans.
As you can see, the LapBand system has many pros and cons. In most cases, the pros easily outweigh the cons. So, if you are suffering from severe or morbid obesity, schedule a consultation appointment with a LapBand surgeon. If you are deemed an eligible candidate, a healthier lifestyle is just a few months away.
Word Count 654
Tags: Adjustable Gastric Band, affordable surgeon, and inquire about payment plans, Bariatric Surgery, Body Mass, candidate for LapBand surgery, diabetes;, Disappearance, Doctor Recommendations, Flight Of Stairs, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Health Problems, Healthy Eating, Insertion, Instances, Insurance Providers, LapBand surgeon, Lapband Surgery, Loss Weight, Medical Insurance, Morbid Obesity, obesity;, Physical Appearance, Pros And Cons, Recovery Time, Related Health, Simplest Things, Stomach Pouch, surgeon, Surgeon Preference, surgery, Surgical Procedures, United States;, USD;, Weight Loss Surgery —
Fast Weight Loss Tips For Finding A Buddy
Many of the fast weight loss tips you hear from other dieters or on websites are good ones. But sometimes they leave out the biggest obvious tipeat less food and burn more calories. That, in a nutshell, is the only real way to lose weight. But something that can make it easier is going through it with a friend. Find a person whos trying to lose weight, and team up. If youre not going it alone but you have a partner striving for the same thing, youll get the support you need from your weight loss pal.
This is one of the more common fast weight loss tips, and one that can make losing weight easier, and even fun. To make it really work for you, though, be sure the person you choose to be your partner in weight loss is someone who really will be supportive. If you think that your friend who is always starting a diet, becoming discouraged and quitting might stick with it if youre doing it together, you might be surprised to find just how discouraging that person is toward your own efforts.
Find someone wholl likely be positive about it, unless youre set on recruiting this person and youre sure it wont derail you if that person gives up again. Many of the fast weight loss tips youll hear include finding a buddy, but dont talk much about what kind of buddy to find. Thats actually a pretty important thing to leave out, because the type of partner you find in your quest to lose weight will have a lot to do with whether you succeed or fail.
Another of the important fast weight loss tips for finding a weight loss buddy involves finding someone in almost the same situation as you. Unless you dont have very much weight to lose, its probably a good idea to find someone whos pretty much in the same boat as you are as far as how much weight he or she wants to lose. If you need to lose 50 pounds, teaming up with someone who wants to lose 10 might not be a good idea.
The best fast weight loss tips involve ways to stay positive and feel motivated. But if your buddy reaches his or her goal very quickly and you still have months to go, that doesnt do much for your self-esteem. Of course, if youre the type whos motivated by a challenge and that only makes you want to redouble your efforts to catch up with your buddys success, then maybe it can work for you.
If you can find a buddy you can exercise with or talk to you in person from time to time, youre more likely to stick with your plan. But even a virtual buddy can help by letting you email or chat with someone online whos dieting, too. Of all the fast weight loss tips out there, finding a buddy is one that can work for almost anyone.
Tags: Calories, Diet, Dieters, Find A Person, Find Person, Friend Find, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, Lot, Nutshell, obvious tipeat less food, Pal, Partner, Person Whos, Weight Lose, Weight Loss Tips —
Introduce A Weight Loss Video To Your Weight Loss Plan
Introduce A Weight Loss Video To Your Weight Loss Plan
Some people feel self conscious when they work out at a gym–or simply do not enjoy running, walking or bicycling in their neighborhoods. If you would prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own home and not have an audience, then a weight loss video is for you.
In choosing a weight loss video that is appropriate for you, consider how much weight you need to lose, how many pounds you want to lose per week, and how much time you have to devote to exercise. Be realistic and honest with yourself!
You then need to choose the weight loss video or DVD that is right for you. Be aware that there are plenty of videos that say that they are suitable for beginners when in fact they are too complicated. If you are not a beginner, then the search for the right video is simple, but if you aren’t, then it can be more difficult.
Of course, you will need to do your research. One option is to check fitness websites to find out what their recommendations are for novices. Another option is to read reviews in a variety of fitness magazines.
Fitness magazines are a wealth of information. Read the reviews from fitness pros. These individuals know what they are talking about. They review workouts on a regular basis and assess them based on their level of safety and also based on skill levels.
The Internet also has lots of reviews on weight loss videos for you to peruse. Search around to read as many reviews as possible. Did the people who used the videos love it or not? Did they lose weight or not? How much weight did they lose? How long did it take for them to lose the weight?
The longer customer reviews are, the more beneficial they will be to you. Be aware however that not every review may be 100% accurate. The more you read the better all around idea you will get about the videos or DVDs in question.
It is extremely important that you are honest about your present fitness and skill level. If you have been living a sedentary life for quite some time, then you run the risk of hurting yourself if you jump right into working out to an advanced video.
On the other hand, do not assume that because you are skilled at one form of exercise that this automatically means that you will be skilled at another. For example, just because you have been running for many years does not mean that you will be as equally proficient at aerobics or yoga.
It is always best to start with an introductory video that matches where you are in your fitness level today. It is also wise to heed the warnings that all weight loss videos mention on the book and at the start of the video. The guideline states “Check with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program.” Being safe is always better than being sorry.
Even if you are a healthy person this is important advice! Those who have a history of health problems or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetics; should never start to work out to a weight loss video before checking with their doctor first.
Tags: Audience, Customer Reviews, Dvds, Exercise, Fitness Information, Fitness Magazines, Fitness Websites, high blood pressure;, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, Magazines Fitness, People, Skill Level, Skill Levels, Variety, Video Dvd, Videos, Weight Lose, Weight Loss Plan, Workouts —
The Truth About Water Help To Loss Weight
You need all the help you can get to shed all those extra pounds, right? Have you heard about water help to loss weight? Some people believe it can, so let’s take a look at this theory to see if it holds any merit.
Weight loss is all about consuming fewer calories each day than what you burn up. This sounds simple enough doesn’t it? So where does water come into play?
Water contains zero calories so you can literally drink as much water as you like without putting on weight. However, you should realize you can drink more water than is good for you. If you should happen to have a water retention problem; it is best to check with your Doctor before going overboard with your water drinking.
But in contrast to any other beverage, you do not need to think twice before drinking water. In fact it should become a regular part of your day as drinking lots of water assists in overall health and well being too.
Water flushes out your system and is simply the best liquid you can drink. If you are trying to lose weight, then ultimately you should totally eliminate any sugar based drinks from your diet. A good example of these types of drinks would be carbonated soft drinks.
These drinks contain nothing of substance and are full of artificial ingredients, not to mention sugar and calories. If you drink two cans of soda per day, it could be just those extra calories that are causing your weight gain. So substituting these with water can eliminate the cause of your weight gain. How simple is that!
Some people dont like the taste of water. Water lovers cant understand this, but its a fact. In all likelihood, people who say they don’t like water probably have only tried plain unfiltered tap water. Tap water also tastes different depending on where you live and even on a house by house basis. If youre a person who dislikes the taste of water based on what comes out of your tap, then try buying spring water.
The taste of spring water even differs by brand, so keep trying them all until you find one you like. Spring water, in some cases, is more pure than tap water and doesn’t contain any harmful bacteria. Some of the best quality spring water tastes absolutely delicious, so make sure you find one to your liking.
Back to water help to loss weight; keep in mind that water is never a substitute for food, but it should simply complement your healthy diet. Instead of a soda or sugar fruit juice at dinner, have a glass or two of water. It is also recommended to start the day off with a refreshing glass of water as it gets your brain active.
Drinking water throughout the day also enhances brain function and keeps you alert. You may start noticing that if you don’t drink water, for most of the day, you’ll suffer from headaches and tiredness.
Water is a wondrous natural substance that all humans need. Water help to loss weight may be the best help you can get, when you are shedding all those extra pounds.
Tags: Artificial Ingredients, Assists, beverage, Cans, Carbonated Soft Drinks, Diet, Drinking Water, Fewer Calories, food;, headaches;, Likelihood, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, Putting On Weight, Retention Problem, Soda, Spring Water, Tiredness, Water Lovers, Water Retention, Water Tap, Water Water, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Zero Calories —