Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Weight Loss And Better Clothing Options Go Hand In Hand

Weight Loss And Better Clothing Options Go Hand In Hand

Anyone who has ever been overweight, whether it’s a few extra pounds post pregnancy or injury or morbidly obese, knows the challenge associated with trying to find flattering clothing styles for their body type and size. To get the most choices in the styles you can wear well, never underestimate weight loss and better clothing options.

I have a friend who was overweight, about 100lbs overweight. She had a great marriage to a loving guy and when she finally got serious about losing weight she asked him a very loaded question (she knew it was a loaded question but was curious about how he would respond).

She asked her husband if he would still find her attractive physically when she lost her weight. I mean he obviously found her attractive when she was heavy but would he still when she was thinner? Of course, he said yes so she questioned him further: “how can you find me attractive when I’m thin and when I’m fat, it should be one or the other, shouldn’t it”?

I thought his answer was perfect. He said “honey, I love the way you look now, but weight loss and better clothing options go hand in hand so you will be able to wear some styles that may be a little sexier, and I will like that too” Wow, the guy got himself out of a pickle with that answer!

But it is true, when you are overweight and you have rolls no clothes fit you the way they are supposed to. You don’t have to be a stick figure but whenever you have excess fat and skin it just throws off the line of your clothes.

I’m not even talking about some of the ‘fashions’ that people will wear in a misguided attempt to camouflage their rolls. I’m just talking about the way clothes were made to fit and hang on the body can get completely distorted when that body has a lot of excess rolls and skin.

Until you get to the point where you have lost all your weight, there are some choices you can make that will help you look better during the process. Gone are the days of the muumuu and stretch pants, thank goodness. Today there are fashionable styles for anyone who has extra body fat.

The biggest rule to follow is to find clothes that are well fitted without being too baggy or too tight. A good fit is the most important thing to strive for. Don’t try to camouflage your rolls, you really won’t be fooling anyone. If you wear clothes that are too tight it will be like shining a spotlight on your least desirable features.

So, you know that the better shape you’re in the better you will look (not only in clothes but out of them as well) and that weight loss and better clothing options go hand in hand, but make sure that you also find clothes that are as flattering as possible to your shape while you are in the process of losing weight.

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The Spiritual Power Of Gratitude

In a world filled with materialistic possessions, it is an often scene to see people showing some displays of ungratefulness for things that other people do to them. Especially today that people are so focused only on thinking about their own selves, the spiritual power of gratitude has finally been lost. Gratitude is an indispensable part of living life to the fullest since it is when we become truly humble of ourselves and acknowledge the good deeds which other people do unto us that we can only be happy, satisfied and contented.

Requires No Money And Effort

Gratitude is indeed very easy despite what others may think. With a simple thank you or a pat on the shoulder, the other person can already feel that indeed you appreciated something that he has done for you. In addition, not only is gratitude an easy thing to do, but it also requires no money and no effort at all. However, even if it requires minimal of these things, it can definitely make people feel rich — in a much deeper sense that can reach the soul.

The Essence Of Practicing Gratitude In Our Lives

Indeed, gratitude is a necessity in our everyday lives. It is an essential part of life that has already been forgotten by many of us. Most people have already lost the ability to simply sit and contemplate on their lives. They are too busy worrying about their finances, their work and even their future that they fail to realize the simple pleasures which make up their life.

Restoring A Sense Of Positivism

In addition, most people are always getting the feeling that life is unfair to them and that they absolutely do not deserve the kind of life they are given. They feel that everything upon them is all negative and that there is much more to come their way. If a person feels this way, then perhaps it is time that he acknowledges the spiritual power of gratitude and lays it upon other people in order to restore the positivism around his surroundings.

Valuing People Around You

And another important aspect of gratitude is valuing that or showing appreciation to all those people who surround you and support you through thick and thin; through all your ups and downs. Remember that gratitude is always an action; you must exert all efforts to show it and do it. Otherwise, it can never be felt by the other people whom you want to express such feeling to.

And therefore, as soon as a person acknowledges that he has spiritual power of gratitude in him, then he can say that indeed, the world is a great place to live in; that it is actually bearable and that he is part of it all. As long as he is sincere with his gratitude, he will realize that most of the important parts of his life are those things that he should actually feel thankful for. It is necessary that people feel that they are truly blessed for having such abundance in their lives for only then can they truly be happy and satisfied with themselves.

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Lose 9 Pounds In Three Days With The Hospital Three

Lose 9 Pounds In Three Days With The Hospital Three Day Diet Plan

I know you arent going to believe this but I lost 9 pounds in 3 days, by using the hospital three day diet plan. Not only did I come out of the hospital feeling better, I even looked better. It was safe and fast! You can do the same thing with this amazing little diet and frankly it doesnt taste that bad. Read on to find out about it.

Have you ever had to spend more than a day in the hospital? If you have, or if you know someone who has, you probably have seen the food they serve. Hospitals have been somewhat notorious for serving bad food i.e., food that tastes yucky, bland, or boring.

Of course, most folks probably think that because the hospital tends to be more interested in serving healthy foods, and they have to produce them en masse. Even still, the meals being served from those little plastic trays are getting tastier and more nutritious all the time. Not only has medical care improved over time, so have nutritional guidelines and food preparation techniques.

The Hospital Three Day Diet is pretty tasty, and it is true that it is a diet you might find in the typical hospital setting, but that doesnt really automatically mean it is going to taste terrible.

The Hospital Three Day Diet is based on the chemical components in the food, so it is a very strict diet that does not allow you to do any substituting. The idea behind the Hospital Three Day Diet is that the foods work in combination to help you lose weight. You are supposed to follow the exact plan for three days, then stop. It is supposed to be used as a motivational jump start to boost your weight loss plan. If you find yourself wanting an additional boost, it is acceptable to follow the hospital three day diet, eat sensibly and reasonably (dont pig out) for four days, and then follow the plan again.

Here is what you get to eat on the Hospital Three Day Diet:


First Day: A cup of plain black coffee or tea, of a grapefruit, 1 slice of toast with nothing on it, and a tablespoonful of peanut butter.

Second Day:A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1 egg, 1 slice of toast with nothing on it, and a banana

Third Day:A cup of plain black coffee or tea, a small apple, 1 ounce of cheddar cheese (sharp or mild doesnt matter), and 5 regular saltine crackers with nothing on them


First Day:A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1 ounce of cheddar or 1 slice of toast with nothing on it, and cup of tuna (plain, packed in water)

Second Day:A cup of plain black coffee or tea, cup of tuna or 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese, and 5 regular saltines.

Third Day:A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1 hard-boiled egg, and 1 slice of toast with nothing on it

First Day:3 ounces of lean meat (chicken), 1 cup green beans, 1 cup of carrots, 1 small apple, and get this now 1 cup of vanilla ice cream (woohoo!)

Second Day:2 beef hot dogs (sans buns), 1 cup of broccoli, cup of carrots or turnip greens, banana, and cup vanilla ice cream

Third Day:1 cup plain tuna again, 1 cup cauliflower or 1 cup kidney beans, 1 cup carrots or beets, 1 cup of watermelon or cantaloupe, and cup vanilla ice cream.

See why it gets its name? Cant you just picture the hospital orderly handing you these exact things to eat during your brief stay? There must be a reason for that, and trust me, this diet works. In three days, I lost nine pounds, which was just enough to look better in that little black dress I bought on Tuesday for Saturday.

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