Losing Weight Rapidly
Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just a snap or skipping one night’s dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.
Fast-track diets are one of these rapid weight loss practices which may not be very inviting as they seem according to research. Fast-track diet programs, as scientific research shows, are only good while they last. Rapid weight loss often results ironically, to rapid weight gain. people who undergo low carbohydrate or low calorie diets normally revert back to old eating habits simply because human beings can not actually live on with this type of diet scheme for the rest of their lives.
Now there is also scientific research showing that rapid weight loss does not imply an individual is losing unwanted excess fat; it is commonly water that is lost with following rapid weight loss practices. This could cause certain alarm but actually, water lost is regained very quickly. So there is actually zero net weight lost after all. So one should not be foolish enough to be so gullible with the advertising of certain diet pills out there in the market; especially those which claim to aid lose a whopping amount of fat in a short time. They will only dehydrate the body. And just so it is clear, the body can only lose two pounds of fat per week, one could be exceptionally lucky if he can lose three, but normally, it’s just two.
Another rapid weight loss product out in the market is the slimming soap. Claiming that these soaps are made from a unique concoction of rare chinese herbs and seaweed, they assert to help people using them to shed off body fats by emulsifying them upon application while taking a bath. Some are even specialized like those which promise to give the user “beautiful thighs”. The ingredients may prove to improve the quality of the skin but no research has ever come up yet which aids to prove the efficacy of these ingredients in emulsifying excess body fats.
One more rapid weight loss product out there in the market promises to suppress hunger and at the same time help increase the body’s metabolic rate. It also claims to be able to accelerate the healing process and reduce certain body pains, all these plus its being a very chic fashion accent. Well they are actually called magnetic weight loss earrings.
The secret of this set of earrings is in the magnet, so it says. Wearing them near the ears balances the magnetism in the body therefore one will experience all the above mentioned effects. Though press releases say that there are actually “studies” to back these assertions up, nothing yet is found in medical journals. Though buying a set may not kill a person, it’s probably not a wise investment. One might as well wear a horse shoe earring for a more exquisite fashion statement.
Bottom line is “no pain, no gain”. If one wants a beautiful body, one must sweat it out. And as for those rapid weight loss products coming out on the market, if they are too good to be true, they probably are not.
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Tags: Atkins, Bod, Chinese Herbs, Concoction, Diet Pills, Diet Programs, Eating Habits, Fast Track, Healthy Diet, Human Beings, Lofty Ambition, Losing Weight, Low Calorie Diets, Low Carbohydrate, Net Weight, Physiques, Rapid Weight Gain, Rapid Weight Loss, rapid weight loss product, rapid weight loss products, Seaweed, Short Time, Time And Money, Two Pounds —

Gastric Bypass Surgery And Depression
There are numerous studies showing us how gastric bypass surgeries have improved the lives of those who suffer morbid or severe obesity. Patients who have underwent the procedure were able to lose about 50 to 60 percent of their weight a year after a surgery. Some would even report an astounding 80 percent weight loss after two years.
About 140,000 gastric bypass surgeries are conducted every year. Obese teens could also undergo the medical procedure as long as they are within the guidelines set. Those who are qualified to undertake the surgery should at least be 100 pounds overweight and failed to reduce weight in the last six months through monitored weight loss programs. But every coin has two sides. Gastric bypass surgery also has its downside.
Some patients would often report depression after the gastric bypass operation. Some of the patients would often pinpoint the procedure itself as depressing. While others think that it is the low-calorie diets triggering this depression. Gastric bypass patients are recommended to follow a special diet that would ensure them the best and sustained results. This special diet is about low-calorie, low-sugar and low-fat foods.
The Thinner Times website, stated that about 5 to 10 percent of deaths occurred to patients after the gastric bypass surgery. This happens just within a month or two since the procedure and the primary cause would be psychological challenges. To address this, experts recommend that adequate supplies of calories should be ingested daily.
There are studies showing that those who suffer depression and anxiety after the gastric bypass surgery is less likely to lose weight compared with mentally healthy people. There are many methods on how doctors and experts would know if their patients are mentally prepared for the surgery. There are medical centers who would employ or require their patients to undergo rigorous metal health evaluation.
A patient candidate for weight loss surgery is to undergo psychological evaluation to ensure that they are prepared mentally for the operation and the lifestyle changes that will follow after the surgery. If a person is found out to be suffering from depression prior to the surgery, they will not be automatically disqualified. Those who have history of drug and alcohol abuse are the ones who are disqualified.
Some medical centers would require patients with depression go through treatment before gastric bypass surgery. Treatment could include taking of antidepressants, psychotherapy, and help from their family, friends and support groups.
It is not uncommon to find weight loss surgery candidates to suffer from depression, since they would have to deal with being ostracized because of their weight. Candidates for weight loss surgery would oftentimes suffer from a history of depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress or panic/anxiety attacks.
Having mental health problems are not preventing people from getting the treatment that they need to improve their lives and their health. Just like in any other surgery, it is important to gain support from friends and family to recover well and to get the desired results. Gastric bypass surgery would require a lot of change in lifestyle, it could be difficult but having loved ones will help a patient get through with it.
Tags: Adequate Supplies, Alcohol Abuse, bipolar disorder, Bypass Surgery, Calories, Depression And Anxiety, Depression Anxiety, depression;, Downside, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Operation, Gastric bypass surgeries, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Health Evaluation, Low Calorie Diets, Low Fat Foods, Medical Centers, Medical Procedure, Metal Health, obesity;, Overweight, post-traumatic stress, Psychological Challenges, psychotherapy, rigorous metal health evaluation, severe obesity, Six Months, Special Diet, surgery, Thinner Times, Weight Loss Surgery —

Discover The Truth About A 500 Calorie Diet
Are you a bit of a risk taker when you want to lose weight? If you are the 500 calorie diet may be just what youre looking for. The truth about this diet is it is considered an extreme form of dieting; but is highly popular. Low calorie diets are common and 500 calories is at the lower end of the scale.
A diet is considered low calorie if it involves ingesting no more than 1200 calories per day. The idea of a low calorie diet is to lose weight quickly. If not administered correctly they can be dangerous and as such it is important to plan your 500 calorie diet with a professional dietician or nutritionist before starting. This article will help you to decide if the 500 calorie diet is right for you.
It is well known that the way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. However a very low calorie diet can actually do more harm than good. When your body is craving more calories (energy) it can affect your metabolic rate. This means your body actually starts to eat away at your muscle mass.
It is doing this for the purpose of converting the muscle mass to energy, since there are no food reserves to take from. Because gaining muscle is the path to losing fat, this can have a highly detrimental effect on your body.
500 calories per day may be sufficient for some people depending on their:
– Gender
– Activity level
– Height
– Body type
– Overall health and well being
For other people though, particularly overweight people, consuming only 500 calories a day is almost like starving yourself. Your body is more than likely used to taking in over 2000 calories per day and up to 5000 or more. If you all of a sudden drop to 500 calories or less your body moves into starvation mode. Your metabolism then slows down to conserve energy.
While you are on the 500 calorie diet your body will learn to live with fewer calories. That means if you go back to your old high calorie habits (as all too many people do) you will have a sudden gain in weight, which is more than what would have occurred, had you not gone on your low cal diet.
The only real way to determine your ideal daily calorie intake is by using a bmr/amr calculator. You will then know how many calories you need to be healthy and to support your lifestyle. If you take 500 calories away from this, then you have the ideal number of calories, to take in per day to help you get your weight down.
As men and women are obviously different their ideal calorie intake is also different. This of course means while the average woman may need only 1200 to 1300 calories a day to survive, her male counterpart may need from 1500 to 1600. Again this is why it is so important for you to consult with your physician before starting any diet.
In conclusion a 500 calorie diet can be dangerous. However, if proper precautions are taken, such as a physical, to determine your overall health fitness, you can lose weight quickly.
Tags: 500 Calorie Diet, Body Moves, Calories Per Day, Detrimental Effect, Dietician, energy;, Fewer Calories, Food Reserves, food;, Gaining Muscle, Low Calorie Diet, Low Calorie Diets, Many People, Metabolic Rate, Metabolism, Muscle Mass, Nutritionist, Overweight People, physician, Popular Diets, professional dietician, Risk Taker, Starvation Mode, starvation;, Truth About —

True Tips About The 3 Day Tuna Diet
Are you desperately looking for the fastest way you can find to knock off a quick 10 to 15 pounds or more? You have that fancy dance just around the corner and you just have to fit into that slinky size 6 black dress; you just bought. You have heard about the 3 day tuna diet and believe its just what youre looking for. Hold on there are some things you need to know before jumping on that diet.
Its very true the three day tuna diet has fast become one of todays favorite crash diets. Many people think that because the time frame of the diet is short there is no health risk. The truth is that when people use this type of low calorie diets they are adversely affecting their metabolism. Essentially this means that by using this diet you are setting yourself up for later weight gain and very possibly more weight than you lost.
One of the primary reasons that this diet isnt healthy is because it is essentially a starvation diet. If you add up all the calories allotted for a days meal you only get 978. Eating this few calories will put you in starvation mood within the first day.
You will know when your body begins starvation mood soon after beginning the three day tuna diet. You will begin to feel sluggish and not want to do activities you normally would. You will begin to feel cold no matter how many blankets you use. In some cases people have reported dreaming about food and having food dancing in front of them when awake. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms your body is probably in starvation mood.
In addition the 3 day tuna diet has such a low calorie count that it is close to being a VLCD, or very low calorie diet. This diet gives the illusion of lasting for three days. The truth is you are on and off the diet for a full month.
For the most part the foods that you eat on the three day tuna diet arent balanced and therefore will most likely not help you lose any permanent weight. You are allowed some small amounts of fish and chicken, some peanut butter, a few vegetables and an apple for dinner. If you consider that, you then end your day with ice-cream; you can clearly see this is not a healthy diet choice.
You need to be aware the refined carbohydrates, which make up a large portion of the three day tuna diet have very little if any nutritional value. Food cravings are increased when you have so few calories but have breads and sugars. The reason for this is that there is a hike in the production of insulin when we eat these carbs.
When you decide to use low calorie diets like this diet you are setting yourself up for food cravings. Even if you do make it through the three days every week, you are likely to consume unhealthy foods during the four day period, in which you are free to eat what you want. Studies done as far back as the 1970s, show that the average dieter will ultimately gain up to eight pounds in the weeks after the diet.
There are various diets that are geared towards weight loss. Some of these diets can be good ways to lose weight while others focus on eliminating healthy foods and calories. The 3 day tuna diet may drop pounds in the beginning but in the end you will most likely gain the weight back you lost and more.
Tags: Black Dress, Blankets, Calorie Count, Calories, Crash Diets, Diet Healthy, Fancy Dance, Food Cravings, food dancing, food;, Health Risk, Illusion, Losing Weight, Lost One, Low Calorie Diet, Low Calorie Diets, Metabolism, Size 6, Starvation Diet, starvation;, Time Frame, True Tips, Tuna Diet, Vlcd, Weight Gain —