Achieving Spiritual Satisfaction
In a world that is governed mainly by materialism and capitalism, it seems as if there is never enough that a person can own. Even if a human being has already achieved so much of which mostly are material things, it seems that these things do not entirely satisfy his needs, but rather his wants. Such a characteristic that primarily describes more than half of the nation, it is therefore important to take action before people destroy one another for the sole benefit of becoming much richer, much more successful or much more beautiful. These people have to realize that all of the possessions and pleasures in life are only temporary which they can never bring with them when they pass away. However, with a thing called spiritual satisfaction, a person can finally say that he does not want any worldly things to satisfy himself but more of a spiritual wealth.
And while attaining spiritual satisfaction is definitely difficult to reach, such a process is actually the same with people called hermits who choose to live in the mountains in pure solitude and peace. However, considering the world like ours, it is much more difficult nowadays to live like hermits especially that our lives are now basically dominated by materialism. It is then wise that a person does not take being a hermit literally, rather take it as a challenge in order for him to live in simplicity and satisfaction.
Disregarding Quantity
Basically, the first things that you have to do are to think with a divine intelligence and disregard the value of quantity. More often than not, people mistake quantity as the basis for richness and value. However, it is exactly the opposite of it.
Living At The Moment
The second thing that you can do is simply live at the moment. Many people are too concerned with their past or perhaps their future that they soon fail to realize that they are in fact living in the present. Thus, they ultimately forget the value of the things that they have today since they are totally blinded by things that have already happened or have not even occurred yet. In order to live with spiritual satisfaction, you need to live right now and right here without exceptions. Enjoy every moment that has been given to you and make sure that every second and every minute counts for something important. As long as you are aware of this need, then you can definitely develop into a much more satisfied individual.
Accepting That You Are Enough
The third and perhaps the most important part that you should know is that by being yourself, you are already enough. The act of belittling one’s self or perhaps saying that he is not enough can totally hinder him from achieving spiritual satisfaction. As long as you see yourself not worthy, then you are limiting yourself to every possible thing that can come about to you. Remember that as long as you do not see your true image of yourself, then it only means that you are slowly getting farther from the one Creator who has made you from His likeness.
Tags: Capitalism, Divine Intelligence, Hermits, Material Things, Materialism, Mistake, Mountains, Peace, Pleasures, Possessions, Richness, Simplicity, Sole Benefit, Solitude, Spiritual Satisfaction, Spiritual Wealth, Worldly Things —
The Importance Of Spiritual Healing
With a world that is primarily governed by materialism and science, it is very difficult for people to fully grasp the concept of spiritual healing. People are too concerned into making themselves the best if not the most affluent. There is a race for time and wealth, and in all aspects of materialism that most of the time they already forget the need to fill in the gaps within their souls.
And with all of the material things and richness that engulf a person, there is still the feeling of dissatisfaction and discontentment for reasons he can vaguely quite point out. It is only on such an event that this person truly realizes his needs for something far beyond the riches or fame; and when he can fully say that he is at peace and truly satisfied with his life.
Opening Your Mind, Body And Soul
Although spiritual healing can seem like an old-fashioned belief for most people, it is still an important aspect that should persist over the generations. A lot of people still believe in it and they cannot totally ignore its effectiveness; especially to those who solicit for it. And in order for any person to be healed in a spiritual sense, you will need to open up not only your mind but also your heart and soul. There is the need to feel connected with God and therefore, the need to accept the fact that God exists among us. Likewise, you need to have total faith in Him so that as soon as you accept Him and His healing, you are then right away saved.
And in instances that you develop some physical illness, it is actually an indication that you have a weak soul. If you remember, your soul is always connected to your body and therefore, when your soul is weakened, your physical body is then vulnerable to all sorts of temptations and negative energy.
Being Aware Of The Laws of The Universe
Accept spiritual healing and everything will be well. Whoever will heal the ill person should be aware of the laws of the universe as well as its governing principles. It is important that the spiritual healer follow such laws of the universe and use pure life energy into restoring the ill fated individual into his normal state. Such king of healing, aside from following the laws of the universe, also includes different conventional medicine healing that can do well not only to the body but also to both mind and spirit.
Clearly now, the concept and an attitude like spirituality is not something to be done only once but it is something to be achieved for a lifetime. It is important that you, being a person with a keen sense of spirituality, do not forget about it and instead practise it as often as possible. That way, you will surely receive the benefits associated with a high spiritual living. Remember, as long as you understand the importance of spiritual healing, you follow your spirituality; at the same time, you obey the laws of the universe, it will definitely be much easier for you to be one with your body and with the whole of the world. Such a connection is very important to make sure that you can truly live in peace and harmony for all of your lifetime.
Tags: All Sorts, Belief, Body And Soul, Discontentment, Dissatisfaction, Gaps, Generations, Heart And Soul, Ill Person, Instances, king, Laws Of The Universe, Material Things, Materialism, Mind Body And Soul, Negative Energy, Physical Illness, pure life energy, Richness, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Sense, Temptations —
The Importance of Achieving Spiritual Growth
Among anything else, spiritual growth is very important for people to truly feel satisfied and happy in life. Not only should people content themselves with the worldly and material things that they can find around them, but they should also fill the holes that bear such emptiness inside. Therefore, it is very important that people find both the time and means for growing spiritually wherein they make themselves attuned with their spiritual and mental capacities. What is more, contentment and lack of desire for worldly possessions is the true meaning of spiritual growth. When your perception of life transcends the need for material possessions to quantify your being, then you can proudly claim that you are liberated and that you have spiritually grown.
On the whole, spiritual growth is the process where a person develops his consciousness. In fact, there are scores of ways to achieve such a thing but first, it is important that the person should recognize the world in a truly different light that of seeing the world as something changing for the better and not for the worse.
Seeing Light In Everything
Yes, you can say it is very much easy for us to blame the world for everything bad that happens to us. We point fingers to the people who are around when something negative happens. However, such a state of mind can definitely be a hindrance from achieving spiritual growth. But on the other hand, a person who has successfully become spiritually developed can easily make sound actions regarding previous negative experiences. And what is more, he will later on be able to turn them into positive events as well. Really, it is important that a person finds the light in everything that he does and everything that happens to him for him to achieve spiritual growth.
Seeing The World In A New Way
In the same manner, as a person achieves growth in a spiritual sense, he can then better understand the concepts he could not comprehend that time when he has not dealt with developing his spiritual growth. And so, as a person progresses into his journey for spiritual growth, he will surely see a new meaning to every little thing that happens to him and what is more, he will definitely be more appreciative of the world he lives in.
Sharing Your Spiritual Growth With Others
Last of all, it is exceedingly essential to do an extra mile of being a steward for spirituality wherein you will share your spiritual relationship with other people to guide them into achieving the same level of spirituality. Yes, it is true that every person in the world is connected to one another and therefore, it becomes vital that you share a part of yourself to other people at the same time, make them see the world in your perspective.
As you act more of a mentor for them, they will soon realize the value of spiritual growth; learning that they too, can cultivate a much better worlda beautiful world that draws closer to spiritual growth.
Tags: Consciousness, Contentment, Different Light, Emptiness, Fingers, Hindrance, Holes, Lack Of Desire, Material Possessions, Material Things, Mental Capacities, Negative Experiences, People Find, Perception Of Life, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Sense, True Meaning, Worldly Possessions —
Cultivating A Spiritual Relationship
It has been said that every person in the world is connected to one another in so many ways. Even with a single activity that one person does, it can totally change the lives of other people, even those he does not know personally. Such a thing is called relationship. There are different kinds of relationships which people share with one another and one kind is the spiritual relationship. This kind of relationship basically aims for the greatest good for every person involved. It totally transcends every tangible being and matter in the earth and envelops people with the sole purpose of achieving higher things in life.
Disregarding The Physical State
There are many ways by which people may cultivate a spiritual relationship with another being or with other people. Generally, you need to understand that as a human being, you are not only created with a physical body. So, instead of concerning yourself mainly with your physical being, you should remember that your spirituality is much more important. And in order to see your life in a very different perspective wherein you can truly say that you are capable of cultivating a spiritual relationship with another human being, simply take into account making your spirit and your mind much healthier and richer instead of satisfying your physical body into the worldly and material things,
Having Free Will
The second thing which you need to understand is by being a human person; you are entitled to your own free will. This means that you have total control of your life. However, such a thing is not so simple as it may seem; you will have to have control of your mind and consciousness at all times. Having such free will means that in every situation we are in, it is vital that we find some choices on how we should respond to such a situation. We can therefore have either a positive or a negative response; it totally depends on how we react to circumstances. It is when you believe in the spiritual relationship that you are in, that you will know what your choice will be.
Avoid Judging Other
The third thing that you should keep in mind in order to cultivate a healthy spiritual relationship with other people is to avoid judging others. It is definitely important that you do not judge others as if they are much lower than you are for the fact that every human being is created with the same image and likeness as God. Bear in mind that the moment you judge, you will automatically develop an egoistic mind that will absolutely produce negative thoughts inside your head and therefore, lead you to negative actions and pursuits.
Accepting Others For Who They Are
The fourth thing which you have to do in order to fulfill a spiritual relationship with other human beings is to be able to accept not only yourself but other people for who they truly are. It is imperative that we accept one another for growth to truly come about to each and every person involved in the relationship.
Tags: Choices, Circumstances, Consciousness, Different Kinds, Different Perspective, Earth, Human Person, Material Things, Negative Response, People, Relationships, Sole Purpose, Spirit, Spiritual Relationship, Spirituality —