The Advantages of LapBand Surgery
Are you obese? If so, you may be concerned with your health. Obesity can lead to other health complications, including the early onset of death. For that reason, you may be ready to make the change. If so, you may turn to the internet to research your options. In just a few minutes, you will find the LapBand surgery.
The LapBand surgery is a popular procedure that has been performed in the United States since 2001. Although many Americans opt for this procedure and see success, you may be looking for more proof. What is it that makes the LapBand system better than other gastric bypass surgeries?
1 The LapBand System is Adjustable
Unlike many other forms of bariatric surgery, the LapBand is adjustable. This is very important for tailoring to patient needs. In fact, adjustments are common.
So, what does this mean for you? It means that you and your doctor will work together to decide on the appropriate measurements. This will give you the best chance of weight loss success. With that said, adjustments can be made at anytime. Are you not losing enough weight? Have you lost too much? If so, your band can easily be adjusted to fit your needs.
If that wasnt enough, the LapBand system can be adjusted without surgery. Adjustment is performed with the use of saline and a thin needle. In most cases, adjustments are included in the overall cost of LapBand surgery.
2 The LapBand System is Safe
According to the official website for the LapBand procedure, it is the safest obesity surgery currently available in the United States. It has the lowest mortality rate, as well as the lowest complication rate. This, alone, may give you comfort and peace of mind.
As for why the LapBand is the safest surgery option for those suffering from obesity, it involves the procedure. With the LapBand, there is so stomach pouch cutting and stapling. This reduces the risk of complications, including infection and scarring. Instead, an adjustable gastric band, known as the LapBand, is used to reduce stomach size.
While the LapBand procedure is considered safe and effective, further reduce the risk of complications by opting for a Board Certified Surgeon and by following all doctor recommendations.
3 The LapBand System is Reversible
As previously stated, the LapBand system is adjustable. Not only that, but it is removable. Those suffering from obesity, often find it hard to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. With time, knowledge, and a LapBand procedure, weight loss is not only achievable, but it can turn into positive lifestyle change. In a few as five years or more, you may no longer need the band to help your maintain a healthy weight. In that event, it can be removed and your stomach will return to normal.
The LapBand system is a successful and proven way to lose weight. With that said, not everyone is the perfect match. Following surgery, if serious complications arise, the band may be removed. In this instance, the stomach and body return to normal.
4 The LapBand System is Convenient
Of course, no surgical procedure is truly convenient, but you will be pleased with the LapBand surgery. Since an adjustable gastric banding, known as the LapBand, is positioned around the stomach pouch, recovery time is short. You would spend more time in the hospital with a traditional gastric bypass surgery.
Since the recovery time is short, minor disruptions will interfere with your lifestyle. You will need to take a few days off from work. If your job duties include heavy lifting, first speak with your LapBand surgeon. Generally speaking, you will find yourself back at work and performing your day-to-day tasks in no time at all.
So, there you have it. Above four great reasons why the LapBand surgery is the best weight loss surgery available in the United States were highlighted. So, what are you waiting for? Speak to your primary care physician or contact a LapBand surgeon to see if you are eligible for this safe and potentially lifesaving procedure.
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Tags: Adjustable Gastric Band, Bariatric Surgery, Board Certified Surgeon, Bypass Surgeries, Care Physician, Complication Rate, Few Minutes, gastric banding, Gastric Bypass, Gastric bypass surgeries, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Health Complications, infection, Lapband Procedure, LapBand surgeon, Lapband Surgery, Measurements, Mortality Rate, Obesity Surgery, obesity;, Patient Needs, Peace Of Mind, Proof, Risk, safest obesity, Saline, Stomach Pouch, Suffering From, surgery, Thin Needle, United States;, Weight Loss Success, Weight Loss Surgery —

Weight Loss Chart
If you are considering losing some weight, the best way to document your progress is to create your own personalized weight loss chart. Charting your progress will show you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis the positive changes you are making and continue to make.
It is always easier to see what you are doing and compare it to where you started and even give you a good idea as to where you are headed. This is called visualization. People who learn to visualize what they want and then map out and keep track of how they are doing are exponentially more successful than those who do not.
If you want to start this for yourself, go out and get a dry erase board with a couple of different colored dry erase markers. Some may even come with the blank calendar on them. You could have a whole month planned out in advance if you get one like this. First, in one color, write the name of the month and fill in the dates. Next, document your beginning weight on the first day of the month. You will be able to compare the difference when you weigh yourself at the end of the month.
Have someone help you measure your chest, waist, hips, thighs and right upper arm. Write these measurements down on a blank space on the calendar. If you are really self conscious then keep this weight loss chart where only you have access to it. Measure every month or so to track inches lost as well as your weight loss.
Another good way to track progress is to take before, during, and after pictures of yourself. Tack them up alongside your dry erase board and that way all your information is in one place. You will be able to tell at a glance how much progress you are making. This will help the motivation factor stay at a high level and encourage you to keep on going.
You could even use this board to plan your menus for the week or even month. This may take a while but just like they do for your kids at school Map out what your diet will consist of. I don’t care if it is just what you will make for dinner each day. To make it even more involved then plan out each meal and your snacks, too, for that matter. Track your water consumption as well. If you just make a little check mark at the bottom of the calendar for every glass of water you drink then that should be just fine.
Take this load off of yourself and this way all you have to do is look at what you have planned for dinner and just make it. Be sure to have all the ingredients on hand though. Make your grocery list for the week by what your recipes call for. Your weight loss chart can have all of this information and more on it. All to help you stay on track and lose all the weight you want. Use a different color marker for each entry or category so you can keep them straight and make it easier to tell what’s what.
Tags: Blank Calendar, Blank Space, Charting, Diet, Dry Erase Board, Dry Erase Markers, Glance, Healthy Diet, Hips Thighs, Losing Weight, Measurements, Menus, Motivation Factor, Positive Changes, School Map, Track Progress, Upper Arm, Visualization, Waist Hips, Weight Chart, Weight Loss Chart —