Spiritual The Voice Within
Everyone is invited to the Master’s table. The voice is calling, unrelenting. Sadly though, not everyone hears, not everyone could get in and have a moment with the One who truly cared for us most. Nonetheless, everyone is an eternal spark in the universe. Once conceived, we are staying for eternity.
In all creation, man alone was created in the image of his Creator, man alone has been bestowed all the graces and the opportunities that would have made the least among us grateful. We are so very special even angels envy us. The same God who created you and I loves with a love that is beyond comprehension, so unselfish that we were bestowed with the freedom to choose to refuse the goodwill of the One who created us. All over the earth, we alone enjoy that privilege. We alone could say no to God.
We are not totally left alone. Throughout centuries of human history we were provided with guides, prophets they call them. These are the men and women who were able to harness and tap energies that prepared them and made them respond to the voice calling from within. Their messages are the foundations from which societies based their civility, morality and laws that have guided us, without which would have made it impossible for humanity to survive.
Often, their lives are the epitome of sacrifices and the world responded many times with ridicule. They plodded on nonetheless and we are what we are now, enjoying what we have now, because they dared to show us the path to a better life and better relationships and to led us to acknowledge powers that are far greater than any of us could imagine. Magnificent powers that could be tapped anytime that never change whether we choose to believe it or not.
Prophets as we know them are not so commonplace now. Modern prophets are for the most part tinged with the stain of commercialism and the taking advantage of the gullible. But man could see through pretenses if not immediately, man ultimately will. The proof of this is that there have been thousands of churches that were established and were defunct over the last three hundred years alone. Modern-day prophets succeeded in throwing people away from churches and better spiritual guidance. Instead of confirmation they sowed confusion.
Yet not everything is lost. Angels guide us. Spiritual beings pray for us. Theirs are the wordless voices that tell us, even compel us to do what is good for us. Theirs is the power that comforts us and which manifests from time to time including moments when we expect it the least. Their voices get louder to those who follow them and hear them. But since we have the choice to reject them, their voices grow fainter every time we say no to them. Then we get lost. Sometimes for the time being, if only to prove to us that the path we insist in choosing leads to suffering.
When we are better prepared, the voices could return. When denied enough, the voices stop. Then we miss the opportunity to sit at the Master’s table.
Tags: Angels, Better Life, Better Relationships, Centuries, Civility, Commercialism, Comprehension, Epitome, Eternity, Foundations, Goodwill, Graces, Human History, Men And Women, Morality, Pretenses, Privilege, Prophets, Ridicule, Sacrifices —

Spiritual Holding Nothing Back
Man’s natural inclination is to believe in something higher than the self. This is true across all cultures, a center of the formation of most traditions, where human interactions and laws are based, and where the core of morality is founded on.
True there are people who deny belief in someone higher than the self, in someone who is far more powerful and far more magnificent. It is ironic that people who do not believe in powers higher than they are go to lengths at proving something that they do not believe in. To fight, to struggle, and argue over something that do not exist without offering compelling truths is madness. After all cultures and nations that believe less in spirits and spiritual aids are nations that has the highest suicide rates.
We have the right to be happy. Our constitution assures that, our elders protected us because of that, all our strengths direct us to achieve that. The “hole” that we sink into as we journey through life is the notion that happiness is promoted by acquiring much more than we require. The higher the tag price, the happier we are supposed to be. A shiny automobile, winning the lottery, a big house in the best location, fame, name it, everything has been tried. Yet even when these have been proven time and again to be the downfall of us, the effort is still to acquire and bank happiness on that which is temporal. As the song goes, ‘when will we ever learn’? To some readers, this is a load of crap. But look deep and this is true.
The contention of people who do not believe in spirituality, higher spirits, and us as eternal beings is that wars, sadness, grief, pathos were due to religious and spiritual conflicts. This is bull. The cause of sadness and wars is greed, not religion, not spirituality. It is the desire to outdo the other to get the upper hand, to dominate, to enforce the will that causes grief and conflicts. More than anything else, it is the love of the self while everything else is secondary, if not dispensable.
Are leaders of wars supposed to be above this? They are, supposedly. Overtime, greed and acquisition creeps in and then the cycle goes if not, it is because conflicts were started on the premise of having more, and of righting a perceived wrong that was done imaginary or not, true or not.
Man’s only purpose is to be. Always, without exemption, to be is to be creative. We are the only creation that is creative and thereby are co-creators. We are not fully alive unless we create positively. To create positively is to go outside of the self. Notice those who served a lot and gave a lot achieved a lot and is remembered best. They are the guideposts of everything that is good and everything we secretly aspire for. The truth is we are created out of good and will never be happy if we do not aspire for what is good.
The best thing is that the same Creator that made you and I, who keeps on providing for you and I, the source of happiness, wants nothing back.
This same God, whether denied or not, believed or not, keeps on loving even while being blasphemed.
Tags: bank happiness, Big House, Contention, Downfall, Elders, Eternal Beings, Greed, Grief, Happiness, Higher Spirits, Holding Nothing, Human Interactions, Morality, Natural Inclination, Pathos, Religious Conflicts, Sadness, Spiritual Aids, Suicide Rates, Tag Price, Winning The Lottery —