Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Belly Fat Loss

Odds are if you need belly fat loss you also need to lose weight other places as well.
To me, belly fat is the most embarrassing and unsightly fat you can have. What happens when you put your favorite jeans on? Your belly fat gets pushed up and spills over the top of the jeans. This is called muffin top. How cute, right? Wrong!

I hate it and belly fat loss is also the most difficult to achieve, second only to arm fat. You have to lose weight all over to lose weight in your belly and the best way to do that is to take in less calories than you burn in one day.

I want you to do something, not for me, but for yourself. Start this all off by taking a thirty minute walk everyday. If you cannot go for thirty minutes the first week then work up to it. Walking is the best thing you can do for yourself. Walking will improve lung and muscle function. Your heart will love you for it. Carry a water bottle to stay hydrated especially if it is warm outside. You can sweat out a considerable amount of water and nutrients in thirty minutes if you are not careful.

Losing weight takes commitment to yourself but staying motivated can be a challenge sometimes. If motivation to lose weight was easy to come by, no one would be overweight in our country. We would all be our ideal weights and pictures of fitness.

It’s up to you to figure out what things will help you get and stay motivated. Everyone knows the consequences associated with having too much body fat and living a sedentary lifestyle. It’s one of those things though that until it happens to you or someone you love, you just stay complacent and think that it will never happen.

Of course, it can and will if you don’t take control now. There are a few aspects to losing weight, such as eating better foods, less junk, and getting a lot of exercise. Believe it or not, for many people the motivation to lose weight will often start with finding a work out you can live with. That is why I suggest starting with walking for thirty minutes a day. It is easy to stick to. You can always incorporate more into a work out, but it pays to start simple.

Another great way to get and keep your motivation is to find a like minded friend to exercise with. It can be as simple as the two of you taking a class together, joining a gym, or just going for walks, having a buddy can make all the difference.

One thing you don’t want to do is put yourself under a lot of pressure by setting up an unrealistic time frame. Don’t wait until a few weeks before a wedding, or vacation. If you do, you’ll just be setting yourself up for failure. It will be virtually impossible for you to achieve your belly fat loss and once the event comes and goes you’ll probably be done working out. Instead just make a commitment to yourself to get healthy, that is the best motivation to lose weight.

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Dieting and Fitness to Lose Weight

Looking in the mirror will not make the person lose the extra weight. It involves two things to turn that into a reality and that is namely diet and exercise.

Dieting doesnt always mean giving on some of those favorite meals but simply cutting down on some and getting the much needed energy for the body from something else. A good example is the Atkins diet. This type of program focuses on taking in less carbohydrates and more of proteins.

There are more than five diet programs that focus on less carbs. The reason is because one carbohydrate focuses on four water molecules. People that are able to stick to the plan are capable of losing more than 10 pounds in less than a months time.

Why cant the person just give up eating foods that contain carbohydrates? This is because people need this source of energy for brain activity and muscle function.

A good way to maintain a good amount in the system is to eat food such as whole wheat or gain and staying away from products such as pasta, bread or rice that are color white. Brown bread or red rice can be consumed.

The best way to maintain this is by making sure that carbohydrate intake should not exceed 65% in the food being eaten.

Fat is also something that the individual has to watch out for since this also contributes to weight gain. One way to maintain it will be to make sure that the person only consumes 30% calorie intake from these products. A few examples of these are non-fat milk, nuts, vegetables, fruits and other fat free products available in the grocery store.

Eating less will reduce the calories. Now, in order to burn the existing ones causing flabs to appear in the body, the person has to exercise. Cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, running, aerobics and cycling are some of the best ways to lose weight. This is because the individual will use muscle glycogen and fatty acids as an energy source through out the entire exercise.

The American Council for Sports Medicine believe that a cardiovascular workout should last for a minimum of 20 minutes and done at least three times a week. In order to lose weight, the individual should at least do it for half an hour for five days weekly.

It takes hard work and discipline to lose the excess weight and it is never too late to get up from bed and do whatever it takes.

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CO-Q10 for a Healthy Heart

CO-Q10 for a Healthy Heart
D & D @ True Healthy Living

Coenzyme Q10 (also known as Co-Q10, Vitamin Q or ubiquinone) is
a compound that is made naturally in the body. It is also found
in all living organisms and most foods contain traces of it as
well. The highest amounts are found in the heart, liver,
kidneys, and pancreas, with the lowest amounts found in the
lungs. It is needed for the proper functioning of enzymes (thus
the reason for the name “coenzyme”) that are necessary for
chemical reactions throughout the body. Coenzymes are a sort of
energy sparking catalyst for the cells of the body.

Our bodies could not survive without energy producing Co-Q10.
It’s a necessary nutrient needed for the proper functioning of
every cell. Without it we would not have enough cellular energy
to fuel the physiological reactions we need to survive. As a
powerful antioxidant, it also protects the body from free
radical damage that can damage important parts of the cell.
Several small studies have even shown a benefit for some
cancers, possibly because of its immune enhancing effects.

The heart requires the most Co-Q10, calling for a constant
supply of energy to pump blood throughout the body. Numerous
studies have shown that Co-Q10 can support the cardiovascular
system when dealing with such issues as mitral valve prolapse,
hypertension, cardiomyopathy, irregular heartbeat, angina and
high blood pressure.

Since Coenzyme Q10 assists the body on a cellular level,
sufficient stores of this nutrient are needed to fight off
illnesses such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and Parkinson’s
disease. Having enough Co-Q10 ensures that you can retain proper
muscle function and overall stamina.

This important nutrient is easily depleted by stress, age,
illness, exercise, and some drugs. Along with blocking the liver
mechanism that manufactures cholesterol, cholesterol-lowering
drugs, like Lipitor, Zocor and Pravachol (also known as statins)
block the production of Coenzyme Q10. Other drugs such as
antidepressants and beta blockers also deplete this important

Co-Q10 is essential for the functioning of every cell in our
bodies. Again, without it we could not survive. When it drops,
so does our cardiovascular health, our immunity and general
health. When Co-Q10 levels are boosted, so is our immune systems
response. Therefore, taking a look at Co-Q10, may assist you in
reversing cardiovascular disease, symptoms of fatigue or
generally in enhancing the immune system and fending off

Coenzyme Q10 is a boost to overall health. An aid for…TRUE

About the author:

Due to personal health issues we have been researching health &
fitness for the last five years. The information we have
obtained has helped us and our family members get off
pharmaceutical drugs and regain a level of health we had never
known. Please visit us at

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