How To Lose Your Belly Fat
You may be wondering how you are going to lose your belly fat. One of the surest ways to have a smaller belly is to diet and exercise. That’s right good old fashion hard work. And consistency is the key.
Think about it, if you want to direct your daily life and your life in the future, you must take control of your consistent actions. It’s what we do consistently that shapes our lives. Have you ever heard that saying “Daily decisions determine destiny”? It’s so true.
Have you dieted more times than you care to count? Or spent a fortune on exercise equipment, only to let it collect dust. If so, you are not alone. Familiar with yo-yo dieting or are you convinced there is a quick fix? No, unfortunately not.
Making daily healthy lifestyle changes is key. It is better to lose weight slowly. Or start exercise regimens you can build upon rather than putting yourself through major deprivation that you know you want be able to sustain for a lifetime.
To lose belly fat or any fat cut back on calories and fat grams. Calorie intake needs to be less than calories burned. It is very easy to over eat. Most people are unaware of what a true serving size is. Be sure to look at the nutritional labels. And keep a food diary.
One way to cut back on calories is to cut out sodas. Can’t live without soda? Try to switch to diet soda at least. But plain fact is your body needs water. Drink at least 64 oz of water a day. Your body needs this for hydration and to flush out toxins.
Not a morning person? Find it hard to make yourself eat breakfast? A cup of coffee will do? It is a fact that those who start their day with a low fat high protein breakfast, their metabolism burns faster. That’s what you want, a faster metabolism.
Help your body work for you. Give it the right fuel it needs. And that is low fat, high protein foods. Your body will thank you. It is true that high protein foods create more of a sense of satiety than other foods.
Let’s not forget the exercise. Are you really out of shape at this point? Not quite sure how you are going to be able to start an exercise regimen, much less stick to it? Well, you got to start somewhere. Get moving, even if it is 10 minutes here or there. It is a start.
Walking is always a safe way to get started. Going to buy groceries? Park at the end of the lot instead of circling around and around trying to find a spot close to the front. Those extra steps are a starter. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Climbing stairs is an excellent cardio workout.
Once you get a good cardio workout established. Try adding some weight lifting to your regimen. This will help you tighten up. Whereas the cardio will help raise your metabolism and burn fat.
This whole process is a journey, its a long winding road that can go all the way to the top. That way when you look down at where you came from; you can sit back and smile
Tags: burn, Burns, Calorie Intake, Calories, Calories And Fat Grams, Cup Of Coffee, Diet Soda, exercise equipment;, Exercise Regimens, Food Diary, Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, High Protein Foods, How To Lose Your Belly Fat, Life In The Future, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Low Fat High Protein Foods, Morning Person, Nutritional Labels, Old Fashion, Plain Fact, Right Fuel, Satiety, Sodas —

Ultimate Exercises For Your Weight Loss
So you’re out to lose weight. You want to lose it fast, so you diet, and you diet some more. Well, diet isn’t enough. The only way to lose the weight fast is to add exercise to your diet regimen. Cardiovascular workouts trim the fat and strengthen the heart. Here are some ultimate exercises that will get you started easily.
Cardiovascular workouts you can try at home without a gym:
Bicycling: It’s that simple. Just hop on a bike and head out around town. Start with a mostly flat ride to get acclimated to the exercise, and as you get better at it, work your way up to more hilly terrain. If you don’t have a bicycle or don’t have a good place to ride, you can simulate a good ride on a stationary bike. Just don’t forget to adjust the tension on the wheel so you actually get a good workout.
Walking, Power Walking, or Running: Running? Me? Well, maybe not right away. Do these ultimate exercises in order of increasing impact; the purpose is to ease yourself into them. If you have a lot of extra weight, start by walking. If you are used to never exercising and you just start running one day, you can injure your knees, shins, feet, and even your back. Take it easy, and one day you’ll be able to run like all those people you see at the park: yeah, you know the type.
Playing with your kids or a family pet: So many people overlook the healthy benefits of good old fashion playtime that it almost never would occur to us to reap those benefits. Kids love active games. Tag, hide-and-seek, or any game with a ball can be made into a fun way to get exercise as well as get kids started exercising as well.
Cardio training is an exceptionally effective way to trim the fat from your physique. Just remember to ease yourself into it by starting small and adding higher impact exercises as your body acclimates itself to the increased activity. Cardio exercises only work if your heart rate is elevated for an extended period of time, so keep an eye on your heart rate. Don’t forget about safety, either.
If you start feeling lightheaded or shaky, stop immediately and take a rest. See a doctor before you start any exercise program. Just remember that exercise can and should be fun as well as effective. Work hard at it, be patient, and dont give up. You CAN achieve your goal with these simple ultimate exercises.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and should not be used or intereperted as such. You should always consult a medical professional before making drastic changes to your diet and physical exercise.
Tags: Active Games, Bicycle, Cardio Exercises, Cardiovascular Workouts, Diet Regimen, Family Pet, Healthy Diet, Heart Rate, Hilly Terrain, Knees, Losing Weight, Old Fashion, Period Of Time, Physique, Playing With Your Kids, Playtime, Running One, Shins, Stationary Bike, Tension, Weight Loss, Workout —