Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Easy Ways To Lose Weight

Looking for easy ways to lose weight? Want to do it with a minimum of hassle or sacrifice? Want to do it pretty quickly too? If so, keep reading. I may have just the weight loss plan for you.. .and if you do it the way you are supposed to, it is totally healthy too.

Now, it’s time for my disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or nutritionist so I can’t advise you medically. So you need to talk to your doctor before you start any weight loss or diet plan. He can tell you what you can do, what you can’t do and what you should do.

Make sure your weight loss is done safely, there really isn’t any other way.

Now, I will tell you about the “diet” plan I used and I lost almost a pound a day.. in was a healthy plan too. And, in case you are wondering the word diet is in quotes because that word can really conjure up the wrong ideas.

For the purpose of this article I use the word diet to mean what I eat and how much and how often. I don’t mean diet in the terms of starving myself or hardly eating anything at all and feeling hungry and deprived (which is a dumb method and doesn’t work for the long term anyway).

So, here is the easy ways to lose weight that I used and I lose 6 pounds in one week:

1. First, I ate more food during my day! Weird huh? But I didn’t just fill up on high calorie low nutritional value food. I ate food that fueled my body. Food that kept my metabolism burning hot.

That means that no matter what I was doing; watching t.v., sleeping, etc. I was burning more fat. My metabolic “furnace” was just going and going and going.

2. I ate between 5 and 6 times a day. Most of my meals and snacks consisted of the same types of food: some lean protein such as chicken, fish or seafood, some fresh vegetables such as spinach or a salad, and some small amount of carbs such as a little rice or small portion of pasta.

I would also have fruit during the day. Mostly I concentrated on what I was putting into my body. I tried to concentrate of foods that were going to provide my body with needed nutrients, not just useless calories.

3. During the first week I love 6 pounds and at that time I wasn’t doing anything different except eating these small, nutritious meals throughout the day. I hadn’t increased my exercise at all. I did make sure to drink more water too.

I’ve never been a big fan of all the weight loss pills, potions and gadgets. I think easy ways to lose weight are really just about giving your body what it needs, in the right quantities and at the right times. That is what my “diet” is all about.

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